In these 136 apartments in this 12story building in north miami. It collapsed at 1 30 a. M. While people were sleeping. Moments ago, Governor Desantis was on the scene. Watch this. Tragic day. Some of those folks that were able to go for safety, we thank the fire and rescue for what they did to put themselves on the line to help other folks. Theyre still hard at work. We still have hope to identify additional survivors. Martha this is a video. Watch this. You can see the Cloud Of Dust in the back as this comes down. They have no idea what caused this collapse. Watch to the right. That part of the building also collapses and gives way. Heres the reaction and the heroic work underway at this moment. The building is gone. Its the craziest things ive ever heard of. I could hear somebody yelling. As i decided to get closer, i could tell it was a young boy. He was screaming and saying, can you see me . He was sticking his arm out. Women, children crying. One of the worst experiences ive witnessed in my life. Look at that presence on the ground. The boy was yelling can you please help me. We have two people with us that are very close to the situation. They have firsthand accounts. First to one person that saw the building that came down. He knows many people in the building and a friend that is still missing. Were praying and hoping your friend is okay. You have any updates on that . Right now theres not many updates that are happening. This is a tragedy that is happening right now. We heard that there are people that are yelling through the rubble, through the debris. And really just all of our prayers are going out to all of the families and friends that are trapped under and have been affected by this. Martha the news that some theyre still hearing voices in the rubble is good news to some extent. We hope theres people that can be saved in the building. We expect the reality will be that the numbers will rise and we sincerely hope that some people can be saved. You were out walking with your brothers. What did you see last night . It was pretty late. I was coming back from a party. My younger brothers and i, we just went out, happened to be walking. We were a minute walk, two minute walk from this building. You can see it from our house, from the street. You can see it all around. And we heard a loud crash. First we thought it was maybe a car or something. People are going fast at 1 00 a. M. , you know. No one is on the streets. It happens. Then we heard and saw the second part of the building just completely fall. It was ive never seen anything like this before. Dust was coming everywhere. The entire neighborhood is covered in dust, smoke. Debris is everywhere. Its a hard scene to watch. Martha im sure. I cant imagine. The fbi has been called in as well. We dont know the cause of this collapse yet. So theres a lot of work to be done. You have a friend in the building. Does he live there with his family . Is he does he live in the section that fell . I believe right now him and his wife are still missing. And we havent heard anything from them. Theyre on the list of missing people. I believe that they were not really sure and i dont want to confirm it. I hope that they werent on that side. But that its 2 3s of the building. So it wouldnt be a surprise if they were on that side, it would be extremely tragic. It wouldnt surprise me. And we havent heard back from them. Thank you for talking with us, mich. Just awful. Devastating and shocking what happened in your neighborhood. Were going to pray for your friends and Everybody Else right now. We thank you for talking with us today. We wish you well through all of this. I want to bring in michael ruiz who lives nearby. He heard the sirens and went to the scene. Thank you, michael. Its been a very tough not yet 24 hours even. What are you hearing now . Well, from what were glued to the tv right now. I keep hearing things about they have one survivor. Again, we know that theres 12 floors that came crashing down. Its all pancaked. Were hearing theres 55 people or so still missing. So were not sure. What can you think . Were hoping for the best obviously. The reality is you have 12 stories that just literally went boom boom boom straight down in a matter of three seconds, if that. Martha we dont know yet as i mentioned. Theres questions about the structual part of the building, whether or not the rest of it is secure. Theyve been evacuating people. A lot of concerns. You drove down there as soon as you heard about this. What was it like when you arrived . It was chaos. I started hearing the fire trucks around 1 30 a. M. Its not uncommon for us to hear an ambulance or a Fire Truck Go by every once in a while. It was ongoing over and over. Over 30 minutes, my wife and i are waking up seeing the big fire trucks, not just the little fire rescues. Got to the point in our building here, we have a small boutique condo where we have all of the neighbors communicate through whats app, the entire building. We started chatting, whats going on . Something mentioned something that something is going over with the building over there. I got curious. I kid you not, about 50 fire trucks going by, police. Theyre still going by behind me through you can probably still hearing them come by. So i took off over there. It was a sea of fire trucks and lights and police. It was just overwhelming. I was able to go in through the back roads because we have an ally road. I drove up to ground zero where Everybody Else was not allowed to go through. I got lucky doing that. Once i got down, i started walking and looking. The building looked normal, fine from the outside from collins avenue. So fire people are standing by. Theyre not letting them in either. But somehow i was able to go in through the right side of the building to a newer building. Nobody saw me. So i went through. I crossed overhead. I was curious. As im going through in between those buildings, the first thing i see to my left, theres firemen bringing down some elderly people from a balcony, which i took some video of that and i sent it to you guys. I was like wow. But i still didnt see until i kept going towards the beach. When i went towards the beach and kept looking, it was like it was just in awe. The pictures and the videos that im seeing on tv do not do it justice from seeing it closely. Martha when you get down here, you cant believe this devastation. Its a huge tragedy that is unfolding right now in florida. Were waiting for an update. Michael, thanks so much for sharing what you saw with us. Youre welcome. Martha well stay on this throughout the hour. Thanks, michael. Thanks to mich as well. So heres a question for today as well. Was there a coveredup Super Spreader event in wuhan china in the early stages of covid19 that has not been reported before . Why the investigation into china and what were now learning has entered us to a new phase of this story. Brand new details coming up on that. The stunning story of An American Pro Basketball Player held against his will in isolation in china in a small room for eight months. He dropped 40 points on a diet of buginfested rice. Hes now home and sharing his story with us. Dont miss it. My Psoriatic Arthritis pain . I had enough its not getting in my way. Joint pain, swelling, tenderness. Much better. My psoriasis, clearer. Cosentyx works on all of this. Four years and counting. So watch out. I got this watch me. Real people with active Psoriatic Arthritis look and feel better with cosentyx. Cosentyx works fast for results that can last. 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Mike gallagher wrote a letter to defense secretary lloyd austin and general mark milley writing given Unanswered Questions surrounding the origins of the pandemic, information involving the health of Service Members that participated in the 2019 games could provide key evidence in understanding when covid19 first emerged. Joining me now, the author of that letter, congressman Mike Gallagher and Steve Scalise who you saw there. He led the gop press Conference Today on the origins of the pandemic. Great to have you with us, gentlemen. I want to start with this, Mike Gallagher. This is a sound bite from the then secretary of defense, mark esper that was asked about this. I want to remind everybody that the games happened in the early farther of 2019, september, october of 2019. This was a crucial moment in history. Watch, this. Okay. Thank you very much. [question inaudible] yeah, im not in november they had a team in wuhan . You see how that went. Congressman gallagher, do we think that any of our athletes that attended have tested for covid antibodies . Do we know if any of them got sick then . We dont. Thats why we need answers from the pentagon. What we know is that athletes from france, italy, germany have reported having covidlike symptoms. So all im asking Secretary Austin and chairman millie to do is review the 284 americans that went to those games and asked simple questions. Were they sick, do we have antibody tests. Its too late for some testing. We need a better understanding of the origin of this pandemic to understand all of the things that the Chinese Communist party did to cover up the disease, thereby costing us precious time and potentially millions of lives. Martha are you suggesting, Congressman Gallagher, that the pentagon knows something that theyre not sharing . Im suggesting it would be a good idea to talk to all of the athletes that went to the wuhan games and get an assessment as to whether they think they were exposed. Right . We know thanks to declassified information from the outgoing Trump Administration that lab workers at the Wuhan Institute were infected in november, some points earlier. Imagine if the Chinese Communist party knew that they had an outbreak but still allowed the games to happen. What we would have is the first Super Spreader event where 9,000 athletes go back to their country expediting the pandemic. Martha what about you, congressman scalise. You think the pentagon knows more than theyre letting on . Any reason to think that . What were finding out every day theres a mountain of evidence, scientists here in america that knew the likelihood started in the wuhan lab and werent sharing it with others. Those of us a year and longer ago were suggesting, not claiming, suggesting it started in the lab were called conspiracy theorists. Those posts were blocked on social media. Now most of the medical community and most people around the world recognizes it started in a lab but not a single hearing been Speaker Pelosi on this. Its like theyre trying to cover up for china instead of getting basic answers that we want to find the trust about. Martha understood. To go back to my question quickly. Do you think the pentagon has been forthcoming about what they know about whether or not any of the athletes in the military, more than 200 in the fall of 201 nip got covid . We dont know that, martha. Like Congressman Gallagher said, we should be trying to get the answers to this. Were trying to get those answers. If they dont avenue lou hearings, its hard to get the answers. The officials dont come in. Thats why well have our hearing next week and called a lot of witnesses to come forward. Good respected scientific medical experts that can shed more light on this. Speaker pelosi, they have the subpoena powers. They should bring in everybody that had communication with the scientists at the wuhan lab. China is not being forthright. The communist party is probably destroying evidence. Lets see what we can while we can get answers. Martha this is what i heard dr. Marty makary bring up earlier in another interview on fox. He said its great that congress is looking into this, but theyre not likely to find anything. So much has been destroyed. The Chinese Government has a vested interest in making sure that none of this ever gets out. And there are not any samples from those Early Covid Genetic Dna Samples that theyre not youre not going to find them. Is this effort going i dont necessarily agree with that assessment. Were learning more today in the last few weeks. Look at the email trove that came out a few weeks ago. Theres more reports that gain of function research, whether directly or indirectly funded had a role to play in this, the way they genetically modified the mice in the wuhan lab. All of these things are things that we can find out more. American people know more. Lets get the answers on the table. Martha i think the coordinated pressure on china to tell us what they know is even if we dont get it, we have to do that and certainly in conjunction with many other countries in the world. Thanks very much, congressman scalise. Good to see you today. Congressman gallagher, thanks very much. Thanks, martha. Martha a professional United States Basketball Player held in isolation in a tiny room in china for eight months. No tv, no computer. No pen, no paper no, radio. He was alone with his thoughts in a very unappealing environment locked in his room wondering if he was ever going to make it home. He joins us to tell us what it was like to be in isolation in china in a sort of Prison Situation that is unique to china. Its an exclusive youll see only here after this. If you have risk factors like heart disease, diabetes and raised triglycerides,. Vascepa can give you something to celebrate. Vascepa, when added to your statin,. Is clinically proven to provide 25 lower risk from heart attack and stroke. Vascepa is clearly different. First and only fda approved. Celebrate less risk. Even for those with Family History. Dont take vascepa if you are. Or become allergic to Icosapent Ethyl or any inactive ingredient in vascepa. Serious side effects may occur like Heart Rhythm Problems and bleeding. Heart rhythm problems may occur in more people. With persistent cardiovascular risk or who have had them in the past. Tell your doctor if you experience an Irregular Heartbeat or other Heart Rhythm Problems. Possible side effects include muscle and joint pain. Celebrate less risk. 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He was never shown any evidence that that actually happened. He was taken to what is known in china as a residential surveillance area. He was guarded around the clock for eight months. He shored a hole in the ground toilet with his captors and fed chicken feet and white rice. He lost 40 pounds. He was permitted Brother Phone Calls until one day they opened the door and said he could go. Jeff harper joins us now. We have Victoria Villareal who is here with us who helped bring him home. Jeff, you say you cant believe you survived this nightmare. What was it like in this holding room that you were in . It was depressing. You think are they going to poison me, am i going home. You never know whats going to happen. They can do anything they want to at any moment. Martha were you abused or beaten or interrogated . No, maam. I was never physically harmed. You say you watched the plane flying buy outside your window. You prayed that one day one day they did give you a bible at the end. There are thousands according to human rights workers, thousands of people that china is holding the way youre being held. When they marched you in this place and they questioned you or you went to the police precinct, what did you think when you went through the door. What went through your mind . It was more so that they told me i had to be there a few months for the familys sake. I didnt understand what was going on. I didnt have any activities to participate in. I couldnt watch tv or read any books. I didnt have any writing utensils. So that day i just watched the planes fly by and hoping that i could one day be on the plane. Victoria, so youre back at home. You get word of what happened to him. They assigned him a lawyer. In a net shell, what did you learn about china through this experience . Very difficult, the language barrier. I was surprised at the language barrier, how very few people spoke english. He was actually not assigned a later. Had to find him a lawyer. That was difficult, very difficult. So i just learned that you got to be on top of things and you have to constantly every day there was a 15hour time difference. So you know, im in my town at 6 00 p. M. After doing my regular job full time, i know that the phone will start ringing and i have to make phone calls, be on the phone at 6 00 p. M. Through the night. You have to stay on top of things. The language barrier. They can do they want to you. Its not like the u. S. Law whatsoever. People would compare it to that but its not. Martha you know, i know you were terrified after they let you out. Must have been quite a feeling when they said okay, youre free. They said its going to take another month and you have to stay there before you get a visa. What was that like . Were you afraid they would put you back in there . They initially told me that i was free, i couldnt believe it. I was ecstatic. I didnt want to get my hopes up. They said my visa would be prepared the next day. It was not ready. They informed me it could take up to 12 business days. Martha did you lose it when they said that . How do you contain yourself . You get out and they say its going to be 12 days and turns into a month. You have eight months of containment. So i built up a lot of patience at that point. 12 days is not going to break me. Martha what did they feed you, jeff . A handful of rice. Sometimes it had bugs in the rice. Chicken ankles, knees, anus, raw chicken. Didnt looks like it was baked. It was depressing. Martha i can imagine. An understatement. Why did you wait till now . You got back in september. Why are you sharing your story now . My story has been out but so much with the president ial election, covid, it got buried. Martha jeff, were glad that your nightmare is over, that you made it out of there safely and were grateful to victoria for who is your fiance now you and me both. Martha that she worked so hard with the lawyers and everybody. You talked to a congressman in california. Thanks very much. Thanks for sharing your story. Wish you well. Thanks for having us. Martha you bet. So coming up, the lapd officer that says that the president s crime plan, he wrote this about it, this officer, not one word against holding criminals accountable. I fear its going to be a bloody summer. He joins us with his powerful statement next. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats Plaque Psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. 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Giving you a Once In A Lifetime chance to turn the equity in your home into cash in your hand. The Newday 100 Va Cash Out loan lets you take out 50,000 or more, by letting you borrow up to 100 of your homes value. Make the call while rates are still near alltime lows martha at this hour a man hunt is underway for this susrespect that shot an officer in the head. The officer is in critical condition. Happened last night in daytona beach, florida. Police say the policeman was investigating a suspicious incident. Body cam video shows what happened when he questioned a man that was sitting in a car. Watch this. Do you live here . Whats going on . Sit, sit, sit. You sit, ill talk to you. Come on. Dont do this. Sit down. Whats going on . Do you live here . Back up. Stop, stop. Stop. Stop. Martha our fox station in atlanta reports the suspect, the 29yearold, could be in georgia. Investigators say he should be considered armed and dangerous. Theres a 100,000 reward for anyone that has information that would help catch this person that they believe shot this officer in the head. So data shows that homicides are up roughly 18 nationally since last year. Theres human beings behind those numbers. The victims are overwhelmingly Black Americans. The president talked about his priorities in this fight yesterday focused on more money for Police Officers and also taking certain kinds of guns off the street, crackdown on gun dealers. Watch this. We know if theres a strict enforcement of background checks, they have a less chance hoff getting into the hands of centimeters. Background checks have kept guns out of Three Million from those prohibited from purchasing a gun. Martha lapd officer dion joseph was talking about this. Who did you think of his solutions . Well, a lot of the solutions i agreed with. Im not here to engage in attacks about the president or anything like that. But i did agree with the programs for, you know, trying to keep kids off the street and away from violence. Youre talking to a Police Officer where i created programs to mentor kids. Im a firm believer. But you can create all the programs in the world but if you dont deal with the predatory element, the programs will go in vein because their influence will be stronger. Its disappointed there was no mention about dealing with those causing the pain and suffering that many families are feeling from Street Violence. Its climbing and its not going to get any better in my assessment. Martha a lot of this from what weve reported is gang oriented. There wasnt any discussion yesterday about gangs. You Say Something that is, you know, very interesting and sad. You say theres gas lighting in the black community where theyve been guided to ignore the mass blood shed in their own communities and focus on the rare occasions when the ones that kill them are different than them in some way, shape or form. Were at the level in this country right now where sadly a black life is only as valuable as the skin color or the uniform or the person that kills them. We completely ignore the high level of death that is going on just in the street with citizen on citizen. I compare it to being in your kitchen and having a leaky faucet underneath your sink or a leaky pipe. That needs to be addressed. It will Cast Problems over time. Youre standing in two feet of water because your water main broke and youre completely ignoring it. And if the Community Fought against Street Violence as hard as they come against the negative exsen exception of Law Enforcement in the need of the moment, there would be no moment. Until that happens, well be talking about this 10, 15, 20 years from now. Its been a 40year problem. The only thing we havent done is what ive suggested, and that is holding the people in our Community Accountable for their actions. Martha there have to be ramifications, there has to be consequences. That sends a big message across a lot of people when theres a crackdown in that capacity. Thanks, officer joseph. Thanks so much for your message and being here today. Thank you. Thank you. Take care. Martha you too. So this is getting a lot of attention. Britney spears pleading with a california judge to let him give her control over her own life. Shes almost 40 years old, made a fortune. So we are talking about what is next for her father, jamie spears. Martha no one should ever be held against their will or ever have to ask permission to access everything that they have worked so hard for. That is what Justin Timberlake tweeted after his exgirlfriend, Britney Spears who said her father had enslaved her in an abusive conservatorship controlling her money and her life. She reveals stunning details in court that shes not allowed to get married, shes not allowed to have a baby or even change her kitchen cabinets. Shes asking a judge to please once and for all set her free after 13 years of this. Jonathan hunt reporting live from los angeles. Hi, jonathan. Martha, it was an extraordinary day in court with Britney Spears saying she wants her life back. Venting what appeared to be 13 years of anger and frustration over the Conservatorship Led in large part by her father that has controlled almost every aspect of her life for so long. With her vocal support, Britney Spears addressed the judge via a phone saying her father and others wont allow her to marry again, forcing her to use a contraception that she doesnt want, forced her to rehearsals against her will and when she argued with them, they had the doctor change the medication to lithium, which she says made her feel drunk. She said not only did my family not do a bleep thing, my dad was all for it. Anything that happened to me had to be approved by my dad. She said her father, jamie spears, forced her to go to a rehab facility, breaking the news in a phone call. Spears said i cried on the phone for an hour and he loved every minute of it. The control he had over someone as powerful as me, he loved the control to hurt his own daughter 100,000 . And pointing out that shes made albums and Performed A Vegas Show while the conservatorship is in place. She said if i can work and provide money and work for myself and pay other people, it makes no sense. We shouldnt point out that this was a statement to the court by Britney Spears, not a formal legal request to end the conservatorship. Spears will have to file a petition with the court to request that. She said she wasnt aware she had the right to do so. She certainly knows now and we wait to see if she does indeed file that formal petition. Martha . Martha quite a story. Thanks, jonathan. Maureen callahan wrote a very interesting piece on this called Britney Spears reveres a horror film that is her life. Always good to have you with us, maureen. You heard what jonathan said about the fact that she didnt know that she could request to be removed from this. The point that you make in your piece is that shes been performing, doing her show in las vegas. Its tough to understand why shes under so much scrutiny, under so much control. Yeah, this is a watershed moment. Weve never heard britney speak about the conservatorship ever. You have these people scouring her Instagram Account for little crews or easter eggs that she might have been leaving. And to hear her tell the judge that she wanted everything she was saying in court to be made public. She wanted the public and the press, which whom shes had a contentious relationship to hear it. She said this was really a heartbreaking plea for freedom is martha you know, with regard to her father, he put out a statement on this today or his attorney, i should say, put out a statement. Hes sorry to see his daughter suffering and in so much pain. Mr. Spears loves his daughter and misses her very much. So thats their spin on what must have been a tough day for him, i would imagine, to listen to all of that and the family, too. I wonder what happens next with him. Its hard to say. Really brittany has been voiceless for so long. Shes been so muffled. It was interesting when she said my father clearly drives pleasure from taking power away from someone as powerful as i am. When you listen to her statement in total, you see a fighter and you see a survivor. You see someone saying that i have been drugged and medicated to submission. So hopefully what happens next is, you know, this entire conservatorship is reevaluated and britney files that formal request. Martha shocking that she stayed silent for so long given this. Thanks, maureen. Coming up, florida officials are about to give us an update. We expect theres new developments here on the numbers in this situation. Nearly 100 people are still unaccounted for after the collapse of the building. As soon as this gets underway, well bring it to you after this. W veterans because i know theres so many of you who have served our country honorably. Whether its 2 years, 4 years, or 32 years like myself. 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The world was out of wonka bars. Relax. You just need digital workflows. They help keep everyone supplied and happy, proactively. Lets workflow it. Then you can stop having those nightmares. No, i would miss them too much. Whatever you business is facing. Lets workflow it. Servicenow. Martha history will be made right, a 99yearold veteran now a purple heart recipient 77 years later. Ozzie was injured when a missile hit his vehicle in 1944 in the battle of normandy. The army said he was overlooked because of racial inequalities. So his daughter contacted the military to make it right. On friday here in new york city, the former army private and nypd sergeant got the medal that he so long deserved and earned. I was honored to speak with army private ozzie fletcher. Sir, its really an honor to meet you. I thank you for being with us today. How did it feel on friday after all of those years to received the purple heart that you earned back in 1944 . Quite exhilarating. I didnt think i should be angry. But there was great relief in knowing that people were sensitive to these things happening to soldiers. Martha there were 2,000 Black Americans that fought alongside you in the battle of normandy. Over all of these years, you saw all of these other members of the service who were wounds as you were and got purple hearts. That feels wrong all around. One of your relatives speak out. Tell about how this came to be. Well, i dont know really what those 2,000 other soldiers, black soldiers if they got medals. I dont know about it. If they were honored, i dont know about it. In fact, i doubt that they were honored. There were probably many of us that did not get honored and i lasted longer. However, the guys of other complexions did get medals. They showed it in the neighborhoods and i found out about it other ways. Many other ways. The soldiers that got purple hearts are those people that werent there in the very, very beginning. It seems maybe my officers got purple hearts. Many were white. But i dont know about any other soldiers, you might say, getting honored in any way. You know, after fighting and after working, which is what mainly we were doing. I was an expert, emptied vessels that were bringing in materials. We had to stay there to make sure on the coast that everything needed by those guys going by and going in to the roads and the forests and whatever place that they had to chase the nazis. Martha ozzie, you and your Group Performed an integral function. Because it was an enormous undertaking. So many ships, so many men to be moved. And the role that you and those that you worked with and served was so crucial to the success that was garnered against hitler and his forces. We wish that you had received your purple heart on time as so many others did. We think its a wrong that has been righted. Were so glad that you are still with us to receive this honor and were so grateful to you for the role that you played in the heroic role that you and the others played in world war ii. Ozzie, great to talk to you today. Thanks very much. Thank you. I enjoyed talking with you. I appreciate the chance to say what i had to say. Martha thank you so much. Its our honor, sir. Many thanks to you and your family. Be well. Right back at you. Martha right back at you. Ozzie fletcher, a good man. The latest untold story podcast, i sit down with military and Security Experts and we talk about the future of warfare. Its a fascinating discussion. We talked about Hypersonic Weapons and directed energy warfare. Its really interesting. Well get you up to speed where that stands. Its available on foxnewspodcast. Com. Thats the story of june 24, 2021. The story continues. Ill be back here tomorrow at 3 00. We thank you for tuning in. Neil cavuto gets started right now. Have a great day, everybody. Be well. They were on the side that collapsed. You havent heard anything . No. You havent seen them in the hospital or anything . They sent me here. Theyre all missing . Theyre all missing. Only god is the one that saved them. So you never lose hope. Im not losing my hope. Neil a loved one that continues waiting. Were still waiting for an update on that miamiflorida condo collapse he

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