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Overnight that grounded flights and triggered delays nationwide. Good morning to our viewers here in the United States and around the world, its tuesday, june 15th. On the eve of this historic summit with Vladimir Putin, President Biden stands on The World Stage this morning with americas closest eu allies. He started out this morning by meeting with the president and Prime Minister of belgium. This gathering with eu nations follows nato talks and for the first time china is a big focus. The 30 nato members singling out beijings rising Military Power as a top challenge. Later today, the president Travels To Geneva for his highly anticipated meeting face to face meeting with Vladimir Putin. President biden said the United States snot looking for a confrontation. Jeff zeleny traveling with the president. Jeff joins us now live from brussels. Another big day before i think the most anticipated moment of this trip, jeff. Reporter good morning, john. President biden is holding that final series of meetings with european leaders here in brussels before he makes his way to geneva, but at every stop along this tour, tomorrows summit with Vladimir Putin loomed large. The president last night pushed back on the criticism that he is elevating Vladimir Putin by having a summit with him. He said every world leader thanked him for holding that high stakes meeting. Hes bright. Hes tough. And i have found that he is, as they say, when you used to play ball, a worthy adversary. Reporter President Biden sizing up Vladimir Putin before their high stakes meeting in switzerland tomorrow. I am going to make clear to President Putin there are areas where we can cooperate if he chooses. And if he chooses not to cooperate and acts in a way that he has in the past relative to Cyber Security and some other activities, then we will respond. Reporter stopping in brussels for a daylong meeting with nato allies where russian aggression was a critical subject of talks. Biden said he does not seek a confrontation with putin when they come face to face in geneva. I shared with our allies what i will convey to President Putin, that im not looking for conflict with russia, but that we will respond if russia continues its harmful activities. Reporter tensions between the two countries are rising and nearing a boiling point. Not seen since the cold war. From a rise in cyberattacks to Election Meddling and more, the possibility of finding any Common Ground is very much an open question. We should decide where its in our mutual interest and in the interest of the world to cooperate. And see if we can do that. And the areas where we dont agree, make it clear what the red lines are. Reporter i asked biden about putin dismissing his reference to the russian leader as a killer. In a weekend interview Vladimir Putin laughed at the suggestion that you had called him a killer. Is that still your belief, sir, that he is a killer . Im laughing, too. But look, when i was asked that question on air, i answered it honestly. But its not much of i dont think it matters a whole lot in terms of this next meeting were about to have. Reporter the president has prepared for weeks in anticipation of wednesdays meeting, practicing to fight some of putins tactics, raising questions about whats happening in the u. S. Rather than talking about russias own bad acts. And biden has asked his nato allies for their input ahead of the meeting. Every world leader here as a member of nato that spoke today and most of them mentioned it, thanked me for meeting with putin now. Reporter despite seeking putins cooperation, biden emphasized its up to the russian leader to decide whether he wants to end his bad practices to rebuild the broken relationship. Do you believe if he does agree to cooperate then what kind of a challenge do you find yourself in . How would you ever trust him . Im hoping that President Putin concludes that there is some interest in terms of his own interest in changing the perception the world has of him in terms of whether or not he will engage in behavior that is more consistent with what is considered to be appropriate behavior for head of state. Reporter now, President Biden is the fifthstraight American President to hold a oneonone meeting with russian president Vladimir Putin. He says that he will be different because of his experience in the Foreign Sector and of course he has met with him before when mr. Biden was vice president. But one thing is clear, i also asked him yesterday how he would ever potentially take his word, and he said he would verify before trust. Of course, a turn on Ronald Reagans old famous phrase, trust but verify. John and brianna . Jeff zeleny, first of all, Terrific Job Yesterday at the news conference. You elicited significant, meaningful interaction with the president there on russia. Im wondering what the vibe is with the traveling white house team, how they feel about heading into this meeting with putin and on the issue of whether there will actually be a joint Press Conference . Is it a solid, definitive, no, no way at this point . Reporter it does seem like its a solid, definitive no there will not be a joint Press Conference and this is why. The image of helsinki, of President Trump and Vladimir Putin on the same stage. Of course, President Biden would act in an entirely different way but they do not want to sort of have that level of equality there with both the leaders speaking at the same time. So every white house official were talking to said theyre absolutely not going to do a joint Press Conference. Something can always change of course during the course of the summit. Theyll meet in a Smaller Group and larger group but, john, the mood here is one of anticipation and preparation. And interestingly, President Biden was the last world leader to leave nato headquarters last evening. The sun had gone down. It was after 10 00 p. M. Local time he had met with virtually every world leader talking about putin. Really picking the brains of other the baltic leaders, german chancellor angela merkel. Hes about as prepared as you can get. We heard the first lady say a few days ago hes overprepared. Of course the stakes are certainly high, but the expectations actually quite low of what tangible effects will come out of this summit. Hell make his way there really surrounded by every top adviser he has, Briefing Books and everything else, but by tonight hell be in geneva and the big meeting tomorrow. John . Jeff zeleny, thank you for your reporting. Terrific work. Joining us now Susan Glasser. Great to see you. Look, you write or have written that when it comes to putin, biden smells a trap. What is that trap and how should he handle it . Well, look, as jeff said, this is his fifthstraight American President , so Vladimir Putin is under no illusions and has a clear sense, i think, of what it takes to pin down americans. Putin is expert, i would say, at this point in showing up american hypocrisy and he tends to meet all criticisms right out of the soviet play book really with criticisms of russia with some sort of False Equivalency when it comes to the United States. So i wouldnt be surprised if you hear reference from putin to january 6th, for example. The Idea Parodying The trump line that these were just innocent protesters expressing their Freedom Of Speech in the United States, for example. So, who knows. But i wouldnt i would definitely expect some kind of disruptive move by putin to unsettle joe biden in their meetings and to put him off his game. I thought it was a really interesting response from biden when jeff zeleny pressed him in that Press Conference. He was talking about putin being bright, tough, a worthy adversary and on the issue of his putin being a killer, mark, he said i dont think it matters a lot in terms of this meeting were about to have. What do you think . You know, i dont think that Vladimir Putin is, you know, going be weeping over insults from the American President. This is sort of theatrical public thing. You know, the russian state tv has said all that and much worse about joe biden and essentially been parodying the notion that hes practically sort of senile, driveling idiot. The insults have flowed both way in advance of this meeting. I dont think either one of them is as sentimental or going to care that much when they sit down in private. And remember, that putin actually has a certain interest in both being seen as a statesman on the international stage, the idea of this meeting obviously is something the russians welcome. Theyve tended for that reason to welcome things like Arms Control Discussion so you might see maybe some renewal of a strategic conversation that comes out of this meeting because its not all just disruption from putin. He also wants to elevate russias position on The World Stage and to distract from his problems at home, which exist even though hes an authoritarian. They have politics too. Being there is in and of itself for Vladimir Putin. Let me quote the famous Susan Glasser on this. Whether or not putin likes being called a killer, you write, he surely likes being ignored even less. Explain that. Well, thats exactly right. You know, again, russias tendency and definitely for the two decades of putins rule, he when it comes to foreign policy, he has seen the elevation on The World Stage russia still values very much being one of the Security Council powers of the united nations. It uses its veto all the time to block american and other western priorities. Putin needs this outward looking focus and he needs an enemy in some ways frankly like joe biden and an adversary in order to magnify his own power and to justify some of the repressions at home. So, you know, ignoring him would in some ways be the biggest insult of all. Zeleny reported in this latest summit, susan, that biden has picked everyones brain that hes talked to all of the World Leaders about putin. What do you think about how he is preparing for this meeting . Yeah. I do think that, you know, hes again in many ways the untrump and this is another example. Remember, trump famously said i dont need to prepare for summits. Ill just show up. I think he said that before his first meeting with kim jongun. Now, as far as putin goes, biden has talked with Those Including Fiona Hill who was in the room the last time an American President met with putin that was in, of course, helsinki in 2018. And, you know, fiona i spoke with her the other day, she said to me, Vladimir Putin and the russians when it comes to summits, theyre like the nasty boys in the school room, they insist on sitting next to the girls and spend the entire time kicking them under the table at the meeting. And i think thats a powerful image. And i wouldnt imagine that joe biden will be fully prepared for some kicking under the table. We will see. Whatever happens i think its going to be very dramatic meeting that we get to see there. Susan, great to see you. Thank you. Thank you. So today the u. S. Could hit the grim milestone of 600,000 coronavirus deaths. Details on a new study highlighting the urgency of getting more people vaccinated. Plus a Computer Glitch delaying flights and grounding one airplane as more people pack on to planes. And Marjorie Taylor greenes halfhearted apology for comparing mask rules to Concentration Camps and democrats to nazis. What happens when we Welcome Change . We can make Emergency Medicine possible at 40,000 feet. Instead of burning our past for power, we can harness the energy of the tiny electron. We can create new ways to connect. Rethinking how we communicate to be more inclusive than ever. With app, cloud and anywhere workspace solutions, vmware helps Companies Navigate change. Faster. Vmware. Welcome change. Needles. Essential for sewing, but maybe not for people with certain inflammatory conditions. Because there are options. Like an unjection. xeljanz. The first and only pill of its kind that treats moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis when other medicines have not helped enough. 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Exactly why we need the for the people acth. R. 1. To finally ban dark money. Ensure fair congressional districts. And protect our freedom to vote. Because the real power is you. Im looking forward to talking with you all about what im about to do. And anxious to be here. Very warm welcome. Excited to have you here. What an honor to have you here. So the fact that youre coming so early undermines your personal attachment and we really appreciate that. And the last four years have not been easy. The world has dramatically changed. Europe has changed, but we wanted to reassure you, were friends and allies and very much looking forward to working together. So very warm welcome. Well, we have great opportunities to take advantage. Thank you. Mr. President , did you agree on did you agree on turkish presence in afghanistan after you met with president erdogan. Did you discuss or agree on any turkish presence in afghanistan . We had long discussions and i feel very good about our meeting. Ill let turkey tell you about that. Mr. President , you have an agreement on airbus and boeing . President biden there photo op with the leaders of the European Union. This is sort of step three on his tour through europe prior to meeting with Vladimir Putin. First it was the g7. Then it was nato. Now its the European Union. And brianna, theyre all a little bit different, but its the same basic theme, which is the United States back in the Global Community with a new focus out wards to china and also russia. And right there we saw President Biden trying to once again galvanize with these european leaders and make the point that we are here and we are moving forward. Hes really trying to turn the page or even write a new book from the trump years and how the United States relates to its allies in the region there and also i think the moment were going to see of contrast is actually maybe a moment were not going to see. Were not going to see this Press Conference side by side with Vladimir Putin tomorrow, but he is going to have this meeting and a lot of this has been preparation leading up to that meeting with Vladimir Putin as hes been talking. We heard our jeff zeleny report with so many World Leaders doing his homework as he gets ready to speak with Vladimir Putin ahead here. Well keep our eye on this throughout the morning. In the meantime, promising new developments on the vaccine front. New york is now the 14th state to have at least 70 of its Adult Population vaccinated. Overall, more than 174 Million People or 53 of the total u. S. Population has received at least one dose. And nearly 145 Million People or 44 of the u. S. Population now fully vaccinated. I want to bring in harry enten, analyst. Harry, the thing youre looking at this morning is that at last youre seeing these vaccinated people behave differently. Thats exactly right. So, you know, lets look at one of these things right here. When you leave your home, are you always wearing a mask . If you look back in early may, the vaccinated folks, 65 said, considerably more than the 46 of the nonvaccinated folks. Now in early june, look at this, the percentage of those leaving the home always wearing a mask among the vaccinated just 37 . Nearly 30 percentage point drop and its basically caught up to the nonvaccinated with 36 . So two groups always wearing a mask when you go home. Obviously unvaccinated folks should be wearing mask 100 of the time pretty much. Thats comforting that people are listening to the cdc, if youre vaccinated you dont always have to wear a mask. Interesting in twice as many people are Wearing Masks as are now. People are beginning to spread their wings and understand what they can do, like maybe go out to eat. Maybe go out to eat. Thats exactly right. Okay. Here we go here. Have you gone out to eat in the last week. Early may, 53 of the unvaccinated. Up 10 points 63 . What is so interesting, comparing to the nonvaccinated group, back in early may the nonvaccinated group is slightly more likely go out and eat and now its the vaccinated group thats slightly more likely to go out and eat. No movement, big Movement Among the vaccinated group, 10 point jump from early may to early june. What about traveling . So traveling. Look at here. Airline passengers, we know there are more Airline Passengers last sunday, 2. 1 million compared to a month ago 1. 7 million. Why might that be the case . Part of the reason why is air travel is a large risk. Back in early may among the vaccinated group, 32 said it was a large risk. That has dropped, nearly dropped in half, 17 now. And again, back in early may, the nonvaccinated group were less likely to say that air travel was a large risk at 26 , but that number really hasnt changed. Now at 25 , again, the vaccinated group much more likely to say that air travel is, in fact, not a risk or at least not a large risk and nonvaccinated group hasnt moved. The message is getting through to folks who have taken a vaccine and what theyre hearing is if youre vaccinated you can do a lot more which is actually a good thing a reason to get a vaccine. What about summer plans . People getting ready to do more things this summer, yes . Thats exactly right. Again, its this same trend that were seeing. Make summer plans, book a trip, kids plans et cetera. Back in early may, look, just 31 said that they had made summer plans in the last week among the vaccinated. Thats now up to 39 among that vaccinated group. Again, around that 10point jump. 8 points in this particular case. Among the nonvaccinated group, in fact theres been a drop. It was 31 back in early may. Now 25 . The message is getting through, vaccinated folks are feeling a lot more comfortable getting out which is exactly what they should be doing insofar as if you get a vaccine, its your secret to success to go a normalish type of life. If youre vaccinated your world is changed and should change. If youre not vaccinated, nothing has changed. Exactly. If you want to get your life back to normal, go out and get a vaccine and people are hearing that message and hopefully some of those folks in that nonvaccinated group, still around 35 of all adults will hear that message, too. Go out and get a vaccine. Makes you safer and allows you to enjoy your life like john and i. Areas of unvaccinated people, cases are going up. Shouldnt be a big surprise. In the hospitals what theyre saying large percentage of folks who theyre seeing now are in this nonvaccinated group. Very few in the vaccinated group are being seen in the hospital. It saves your life and allows you to enjoy your life. Thank you very much, harry enten. Vaccinated people should feel safer, they are safer. Unvaccinated people have something to worry about. Well talk about that. As we see the optimism in the u. S. , there are Health Officials warning of the danger of a particular variant. The uk is delaying the reopening of the spread of the socalled Delta Variant discovered in india. We have seen what happened in india, right . The new variant leads to double the number of hospitalizations. So lets look at this now with the codirector of the center for Vaccine Development at texas Childrens Hospital and the dean of the National School of tropical medicine at Baylor College of medicine, dr. Peter hotez. Dr. Hotez, it is great to see you this morning. Its been a while. I love chatting with you and getting your perspective on this because were concerned. Were looking at this Delta Variant. The trend is not great. How worried are you about it . Yeah. Brianna, im extremely worried because the Delta Variant is so aggressive in terms of transmission. If we remember when we first talked about the uk variant the b. 1. 1. 7 variant across the British Isles that started out of southeast england, we were horrified about how aggressive it was in infecting people, much higher level of transmission. This one the delta is higher than that. And so essentially whats happening is anyone who is unvaccinated is at very high risk now of getting this Delta Variant. And now its accounting for the majority of Virus Isolates from the united kingdom. Mother nature is saying this is going to happen in the United States as well. This one is going to dominate and essentially i think anyone who Sun Vaccinated right now is at very, very high risk, especially in the south this summer. Especially in the south. Just real quick, if youre vaccinated youre good here . Is that the take away . If youve been fully vaccinated with two doses of the moderna or pfizerbiontech vaccine, looks like its functioning really well at protecting a single dose unfortunately does not only about 33 protection. So this is why this is the crunch time now because if you remember this time last year we saw this massive surge across the south starting around after july 4th holiday. So we looked really good in may and june and then it really accelerated and caused that horrible wave in july and august. I have to believe this with this new Delta Variant, the same thing is going to happen again with anyone who is unvaccinated or a single dose of vaccine. So this is the time for everyone to get vaccinated because even if you want to get yourself vaccinated tomorrow or your adolescent child tomorrow, its still going to take five to six weeks to get both of those doses of vaccine and another week after that. Lets look at the states were talking about here that are especially concerning you right now. Alabama, louisiana, mississippi. They are the states, of course, with the high instances of vaccine hesitancy. So youre worried. Youre worried youre going to see an increase. Are you worried that you would see a fullblown surge in those states . Thats correct. A surge, maybe not quite as dramatic as last year because you do have Older Americans in those states getting vaccinated. But if you look at the young adults or look at the adolescents, Vaccination Rates are really low. I mean, especially the adolescents in those states you just mentioned, under 10 are vaccinated. And so, were seeing a lot of young people in the uk get hospitalized with this Delta Variant while the same thing is going to happen this summer in the United States. And this is why its so important to talk about it now because we still have an opportunity to vaccinate all those adolescents and young adults. School reopenings because by the time we get to the beginning of school, youll have a lot of kids who still are not cant be vaccinated. Will this jeopardize School Reopenings . I hope not. Its certainly in the northeast the new england states, mid atlantic and california where Vaccination Rates are really high, im really optimistic about the school year not only the Middle School and high schools for both the students, teachers and staff are transmitted but transmission will be so far down i think in the northeast that the little kids will do really fine the elementary schools. But now were facing the prospect of two covid nations where things will look great in the northeast and california but down here in the south it will be a very rocky, bumpy road in school this fall unless we can figure this out. Youre there. Youre living it. Well keep checking in with you, dr. Hotez. Thank you so much for being with us. Still ahead thank you, brianna. A Grocery Store cashier gunned down after a dispute over masks turned deadly. Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell planning to block another Supreme Court nominee. How should democrats respond . Theres interest you accrue, and interests you pursue. Plans for the lo term, and plans for a long weekend. Asts you allocate, at thrivent, we believe money is a tool, not a goal. And with the right guidance, you can get the financial clarity you need, and live a life rich in meaning, and gratitude. To learn more, text thrive to 444555, or visit thrivent. Com. This is the greatest idea youll ever hear. Okay, its an app that compares Hundreds Of Travel Sites for hotels and cars and Vacation Rentals like kayak does for flights. So its kayak. Yeah, like kayak. Why dont you just call it kayak. Im calling it. Canoe. Compare Hundreds Of Travel Sites for thousands of trips. Kayak. Search one and done. New projects means new project managers. Compare Hundreds Of Travel Sites you need to hire. Trips. I need indeed. Indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database. Claim your Seventy Five Dollar credit, when you post your first job at indeed. Com home. Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell making clear how far he will go to control the u. S. Supreme court. Remember, mcconnell blocked the nomination of Merrick Garland with nearly a year left in the Obama Administration. Now he says he would do it all over again and maybe then some. I think its highly unlikely, in fact, no, i dont think either party if it controlled if it were different from the president would confirm a Supreme Court nominee the middle of an election. What was different in 2020 was we were of the same party as the president. Correct. So he says he would do the Merrick Garland thing all over again and even goes further than that saying that if the republicans take back the u. S. Senate in 2023, basically a year and a half from now, he doesnt know. He would have to wait and see whether he would confirm a u. S. Supreme court nominee. Joining us is a democratic congressman from california a member of the House Oversight committee. Congressman, you hear Mitch Mcconnell promise basically if the republicans take back the senate not to confirm in 2024 and basically more or less tell us he would not confirm in 2023. What are you going to do about it . Yeah. First of all, its just rank hypocrisy, as everyone knows, he rushed through Justice Amy Barrett with seven, eight days before the election. And now hes saying that even two years before the next president ial election hes not going to confirm someone . This is why the Senate Control in the midterms matter. I think youre going to see record turnout from democrats across the country. Its also why we need term limits for Supreme Court justices. I have a bill which others are supporting which says every president ought to get two appointees to the Supreme Court and limit it to an 18year term. Justice steven briar, of course nominated by president clinton, hes over 80 years old at this point. Now that this statement has been made definitively by Mitch Mcconnell, would you like to see Justice Briar retire now, soon so that joe biden with nominate go ahead. Thats not my place. Justice briar is one of the great Supreme Court justice. He is one of the great jurists of our generation. Its not the place in my view for any member of congress to be telling Justice Briar what to do. Hes not telling me to retire. I dont think thats appropriate. You have said you want term limits. So in a way youre saying you would like him to retire, even if youre not saying by name. You think this is worth losing potentially a seat on the Supreme Court. When i say losing, more liberal judges. Well, i think each justice will know the politics and will make a responsible decision. But i dont think we ought to be making determinations based on peoples age. I do think every Supreme Court justice should have up to an 18year term. And we need more generally Supreme Court term limits. And we need every president to get two appointees. That would be a fair process. It would depoliticize the Supreme Court in some ways. But, its unfair in my view to just say someone is older and were going to target them and tell them what to do. I think Many Americans who are older would resent that. We have a president who is older. I dont think thats appropriate. I want to ask you about this man in New Hampshire whose name is jason riddle. He was arrested during the capitol riot. He was the guy seen Drinking Wine that he found in one of the offices there. He now says hes considering running for congress in New Hampshire, and he says even more than that. Listen. In the long run if youre running for office, i guess, will help me despite my on going legal problems im supposed to live my life how i want to do it and something i want to do so why not do it. He thinks the insurrection will help him. Is he wrong when youre talking about republican primaries . Its unbelievable. This is why, john, people have such a low opinion of those of us serving in congress and why Congress Continues to poll so poorly. Its remarkable that someone like this is even being considered for public office. And its why todays hearing which im on with the Oversight Committee with Christopher Wray is going to matter. And one of the questions that people will be asking him is do you have any intelligence on these Militia Groups . Why was there no action to prevent it . I dont think he will prevail. I hope for our country he doesnt prevail. He will get Media Attention over it. Talk to me about this hearing today. You will get to ask questions of Christopher Wray. What more do you want to hear from him and also charles flynn, the brother of michael flynn. Hes before you because he was the deputy army Chief Of Staff at the time of the insurrection. What do you expect from him . Well, Christopher Wray is an honorable Public Servant but he went to the Judiciary Committee and said we have to do better. Im going to take a hard look at it. 49ers coach were to say that after a season, that wouldnt cut it. He needs to be more specific. What were the failures . Why did it go wrong . And what specifically is he going to do . In terms of the deputy Chief Of Staff to the army, there has to be an explanation to the American People on the time line. Why is it that people called for help almost four hours before the National Guard went in even though it took them 12 minutes to get there . This was an attack on our country, on our democracy. And it shows weakness. We have to show the world that we will never let it happen again. Congressman ro khanna. John, you have a great memory. Im impressed. You interview so many people. Im impressed. Youre the only one who snuck in a 49ers reference a year and a half later. Thank you for that. Conspiracy congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene visiting a Holocaust Museum after her offensive remarks. Wait until you hear what happened. Plus, President Biden takes on republicans directly overseas. Right . Beyond our borders. Across the ocean. He takes on their, quote, phony populism. And the Computer Glitch causing big headaches for Air Travelers this morning. Ive lost count of how many Asthma Attacks ive had. But my nunormal with nucala . Fewer Asthma Attacks. Nucala is a oncemonthly addon injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. Not for sudden breathing problems. Allergic reactions can occur. Get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. Infections that can cause shingles have occurred. Dont stop steroids unless told by your doctor. 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So lets see what is happening there. Chad myers, what are we keeping our eye on here . Really some heat across the southwest, bill and maybe claudeette, tropics are really getting going here, brianna. This is a storm, though that will stay out into the ocean, maybe making a run at newfoundland. This weather is brought to you by carvana. The new way to buy a car. So yes, st. Johns, newfoundland may see 40 Miles Per Hour storm later in the week but this is the storm were watching. Doesnt have a name yet. It could be claudette. The storm will move into the gulf of mexico. And it will move over an area that doesnt need any more rain. New orleans, louisiana back into parts of mississippi and alabama could pick up 5 to 7 inches of additional rain on places that are already flooding and the heat continues out west. Vegas yesterday was over 100, in fact, over 110. Today another one, look at phoenix 117. Take care of the pets. You have to take care of the pets and the elderly. That is darn hot for this time of year. 117. I dont care if its dry heat, chad myers. Thats crazy hot. Chad, thank you so much. Youre welcome. Breaking overnight, three major u. S. Airlines experiencing Computer Issues that are affecting flights at airports across the country. Cnn chief Business Correspondent Christine Romans here with me. Check ahead before you head to the airport if you need to. Planes grounded, travel delayed across the u. S. A nationwide ground stop for southwest more than 1,400 flights delayed. The flight crews couldnt take off without critical Weather Information of course that left Air Travelers waiting hours for flights, missing their connections or stuck on planes. Passengers took to social media to express their frustration and demand answers. This morning, southwest gradually returning to normal operations and good luck booking a new flight on delta or alaska airlines. Customers there couldnt book new flights monday because of a completely different Computer Glitch. Delta told cnn it is working to fix that issue. Alaska did not respond for comment. John, the world is returning to prepandemic air travel. People are moving. Airport Security Check points are seeing a Record Number of passengers. That also means more issues. The faa says there have been nearly 3,000 unruly passengers so far this year. Far and away above what we usually see. We usually see 100 to 150. 3,000. Many jerks flying. No questions about that. As for the computers, people want to get back in the air. These Airlines Want to be next to perfect right now if they can be. Got to fix it. Keep those passengers happy. Thank you so much. So just in, new emails show how donald trump and his allies pressured the Justice Department to investigate ridiculous conspiracy theories. Plus, a Surprising Development ahead of the biden putin summit, an american judge suggesting the two countries swap prisoners including the russian known as the merchant of death. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro [sfx] typing [music starts] [sfx] baby crying [sfx] foot strikes ball [teacher, in asl] two whales swimming together. [sfx] whale sounds [sfx] woman shrieking with joy. [sfx] lock click [sfx] happy screaming [music ends] im here and suddenly. My migraine takes me somewhere else. Where theres pain, and nausea. But excedrin pulls me back in a way others dont. And it relieves my symptoms fast for real migraine relief. 76 of 23andme Health Customers surveyed reported taking healthier actions. Because they know health isnt just a future state. Health happens now. This fathers day, get 50 off Health Ancestry kits. Its moving day. And while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. It only takes about a minute. Wait, a minute . But what have you been doing for the last two hours . Delegating . Oh, good one. Move your Xfinity Services without breaking a sweat. Xfinity makes moving easy. Go online to transfer your services in about a minute. Get started today. The house Judiciary Committee will investigate the subpoenas issued by President Trumps Justice Department for the records of members of congress and reporters. And this is developing as Attorney General Merrick Garland vows to investigate and directs the Justice Department to strengthen its policies for seeking congressional records. Lets talk about this now with cnn Political Analyst David Gregory. Youre seeing this increasing call among democrats in leadership to say, hey, we need to hear from Attorneys General Former Barr and sessions. What do you think about this kind of mounting pressure . And if were actually going to be seeing any accountability in the form of congressional hearings . We have not seen Trump Officials exceed to the Subpoena Requests by the house Judiciary Committee going back to the russian investigation. Im hard pressed to believe that youre going to see bill barr sessions now especially if some of these orders predated when barr was there. Senate Minority Leader mcconnell already said, look, let the Inspector General do this. This is now a politicallymotivated investigation. Its a valid investigation. These sorts of Leak Investigations are going go on. You know, by even an Attorney General, a democratic administration, but when you have what appears to be a blatant abuse of power, a president using a Justice Department to investigate political perceived political enemies and the media, men you have to look at how you go about all this and the Justice Department has to pull way back and thats what the Attorney General is doing now. Lisa monaco will do now to try to figure out what are the new Rules Of The Road here, ho are we going to deal with news media or investigating members of congress. The Obama Administration was aggressive about investigating journalists. Right. Do you see based on the announce frmd from the Biden Administration what it is and is not going to do that the Biden Administration is dialing this back even further beyond what the Obama Administration was doing . Well, i think the Obama Administration decided to pull back after they got pretty aggressive and the Attorney General eric holder got aggressive and they decided to pull back then. So, yeah, i see the Biden Administration pulling back more now. This administration says, look, you have to have good investigative journalism. We shouldnt lose sight of the fact that the current Attorney General, sensitive investigations, is still going to try to stop what they would consider to be the illegal leaking of Classified Information or information that they would like to keep secret otherwise. So its not like this goes away, but the problem with using it to target your perceived enemies is that this becomes a separation of powers argument. Thats why congress has to do its job not only to protect their members but to protect journalistings because thats what you saw in the Trump Administration is that attempt to weaponize a Justice Department, to use it in a way that weve seen in the past. So, yesterday congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene, republican of georgia, apologized sort of for her comments that she had made where she was talking about House Mask Mandates Being and vaccination passports likening them to the holocaust. This is what she said after touring the Holocaust Museum in d. C. And i have made a mistake. Its really bothered me for a couple of weeks now. And so, i definitely want to own it. The horrors of the holocaust are something that some people dont even believe happened. And some people deny, but there is no comparison to the holocaust. And there are words that i have said and remarks that i have made that i know are offensive. And for that i want to apologize. Now, this comes after she said over and over again that she stood by her remarks, even compounding her remarks in how bad they were. And she also in the same breath as that refused to walk back comparing democrats to the nazi party. What do you make of this . Well, its just unfortunate that you have such smallminded people who are actually federal representatives. You know, there can be a Learning Curve with people who are new to politics who may misspeak and all the rest, but this is beyond that. This is obviously an ignorant person who continues to spew her ignorance. You know, the problem in our public life is that we should stop using labels to apply them to other situations. And really theres almost no call to use hitler, the nazis or the holocaust to apply to any other situation except hitler, nazis and the holocaust. It exists in its own space. Its such a Conversation Stopper if youre trying to make a serious point that it just renders you what she is, which is a totally unserious person. And how many times do we have to go through with this certain members of congress who keep making these similar mistakes who arent really learning anything. Its a waste of everybodys time, that this is what passes for congressional representation. Strong words. I agree with them. David gregory, thank you so much. If you can stand by for us. Were actually getting more information about tomorrows face to face meeting between President Biden and Vladimir Putin and what is on the line here for both countries. Were going to have a live report from geneva coming up. New emails how former President Trump and his allies pressured the Justice Department in an effort to overturn the 2020 election. With cuttingedge tech, worldclass interiors, and peerless design. Their only competition is each other. The incomparable mercedesbenz suvs. Extraordinary runs in the family. Visit your local mercedesbenz dealer for exceptional financing offers on select suvs. Its an important time to save. With priceline, you can get up to 60 off amazing hotels. And when you get a bigeal. You feel like a big deal. Priceline. Evertrip is a big deal. Theres interest you accrue, and interests you pursue. Plans for the long term, and plans for a long weekend. At thrivent, we believe money is a tool, not a goal. To learn more, text thrive to 444555, or visit thrivent. Com. With armor all, a little bit of this. Protects you. From a lot of that. Keep your car cleaner longer. Armor all extreme shield plus ceramic. As we speak, this is the third stop for President Biden on his international trip. First was the g7 then nato, this morning the European Union and tomorrow the big meeting with Vladimir Putin. Back to discuss what the goals are here, cnn Political Analyst David Gregory and joining us in this discussion, former spokeswoman for the u. S. Mission to the u. N. And former u. S. Treasury Department Spokeswoman mali. Great to see you. Like wise. Thanks. Even though what the president is doing today is hugely important, i want to look to tomorrow because i think this is the most anticipated moment of the trip. What are you looking for in this meeting with Vladimir Putin . First of all, i agree with you. The whole trip was strategically created in order to run up to this this meeting at the end. The g7 and the nato meeting were happening but trips like this take months in the planning having been on the other side. For them, for the biden team to schedule a meeting in neutral grounds in switzerland with putin, who President Biden said was a, quote, killer a few months ago is a big deal, but to allow bide on the go in there after having these summits, this love fest with these democratic nations for the most part where he can go and explains what type of activity he doesnt tolerate, putin will know he has all these countries behind him. I dont expect putins behavior to change overnight. But one step setting the stage for the next four years. Do you feel the Biden Administration is getting what it wants to so far out of is this trip in advance of the Putin Meeting . How have they done . An a mie kwus or maybe an a. For all of us the bar is low because the past four years have not really had have not produced successful or productive g7 meetings, nato summits and so on and a lot is lack of American Leadership the last four years. President trump didnt value reenforcing our alliances, didnt see the enormous benefit we would arrive from thatch many the first trip former President Trump took was to saudi arabia, not to uk and belgium for these types of summits. So the bar is low. But even for something where the bar is low, had this been before the last four years, i would have ranked this as very successful. The reason for that is because the statements have been really strong. Especially when youre talking about china. The g7 has historically shied away from saying anything about china. President macron of france said he doesnt want the g7 to be considered a club against china. But the fact is that the statement was quite strong, calling out their unfair Trade Practices and their human rights abuses in xinjiang and hong kong. The larger goal is, in fact, china and the russia meeting is about china. Absolutely, 100 . You saw the theme through the nato summit, european leaders are red accident to call china out. We have close economic ties but we have to learn and this is President Bidens theme, we have to learn how to deal with adver adversaries, how to deal with countries and leaders who are difficult, who work against us and still find ways to agree on certain things or to negotiate. And we cant be weak in the face of them but that doesnt mean we cant talk to them also. And so, when nato came out to say that china was, a quote, systemic challenge. That is strong for nato. They tried to say that china is not in the north atlantic hemisphere. It was still a strong step and when you have a group of countries like that, thats the message china needs to hear. Brianna . And certainly he is there talking to allies of america and

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