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From House Democrats. Its such a body blow to our democracy. Just how far reaching was this effort by the Justice Department . Hello, im dana bash in washington where the state of our union is trying to mend fences and build bridges. As President Biden is welcomed back to the club at the g7 summit in europe, he is also preparing for a closelywatched summit with russian president Vladimir Putin as tensions between the two countries continue to rise. The president will take questions from reporters this hour. We will bring that Press Conference to you live when it happens. In the meantime, the president s priorities here at home from infrastructure to Voting Rights have run smack into the reality of a 50 50 senate. And late this week, a stunning new revelation prompted an uproar on capitol hill and beyond. We learned the trump Justice Department seized Cell Phone Data from the former president s political enemies including members of congress. And joining me now exclusively is the House Speaker nancy pelosi. Thank you so much. Its nice to see you inperson as we come out of the pandemic. I want to start where i just left off, the news about the Justice Department during the trump administration, subpoenaed apple for data from democratic members of the house intelligence committee, their staff, some of their families. So, do you know how many members had their data subpoenaed, any subpoenaed for you or from you or your staff . Well, good morning. Congratulations to you on the show. Thank you. Before i answer that, i just want to say im wearing orange because this is the color of gun violence prevention. Last night while we were having a moment much silence for those 49 people who were victims of the pulse assault, other Mass Shootings were happening across the country. So, as we talk about all these issues, about infrastructure and about commission and about data mining and the rest, every day, every morning, every night we are not forgetting these victims. When i visit the pulse at the time of the shooting, the families came together and said, stop this from happening. When they visited washington following that horrible thing, they said, stop this from happening for other peoples families to go through what were going. That was from the families. And then some of the victims who survived that. So, again, for us, we are not going away until we can get legislation passed. We have in the house, hopefully in the senate. Its bipartisan in the nation that we would have background checks to prevent guns from getting in the hands of those who should not have them. Now, will that Cover Everything . No, but it goes a very long way, and it prevented millions of Gun Purchases not to happen up until now. Now we have to spexpand it to include Internet Sales and gun shows and the rest. Youve done your job on that in the house. The question is the senate this is like our prayer morning and night and our actions all day. So i cant go even to talk about anything else without saying that death in these families must stop. So, in terms of the data mining, what the republicans what the administration did, the Justice Department, the leadership of the former president goes even beyond richard nixon. Richard nixon had an enemys list. This is about undermining the rule of law. And for this Attorneys General Barr and sessions to say they didnt know anything about it is beyond belief. So, we will have to have them come under oath to testify about that. Now, how could it be that undermining the rule of law, undermining the separation of power of the Executive Branch and the legislative branch, and having these just data mining is something new in terms of where technology has taken us, but not new in terms of something that should never have happened. Do you think its limited just to the members we dont know. Of course, inspector generals report is very important, but it is not a substitute for what we must do in the congress. I know that the senate has called for some review. We will certainly have that in the house of representatives. So, you said that both the former Attorney General Barr and sessions, they have said they didnt know anything about this. So has rod rosenstein. Rod rosenstein as well. Who was the Deputy Attorney general. If you dont see them voluntarily on capitol hill, will you subpoena them . Well, lets hope they will want to honor the rule of law. This is the Justice Department has been rogue under president trump, understand that, in so many respects. This is just another manifestation of their rogue activity. The others were perpetrated by the Attorneys General, but this is one that they claim no knowledge of. How could it be that there could be an investigation of members of the other branch of government and the press and the rest, too, and the Attorneys General did not know. So who are these people . And are they still in the Justice Department . And, again, this is just out of the question no matter who is president , whatever party, this cannot be the way it goes. Lets turn to infrastructure. Yes. A group of five democrats, five republican senators, they have a deal that they say is 1. 2 trillion, about 600 billion in new spending. Thats more than republicans were offering, but thats, of course, less than President Biden wanted. I know a lot of the details are still being worked out, but theyre also saying no new taxes. So a combination of no new taxes to pay for it and 1. 2 trillion, is that something in the ballpark you would agree with . Im very pleased they came to their agreement, of course. President of the United States is a major factor in this, and he has said he would not support any taxes on people making under 400,000 a year, and that includes increasing the gas tax, which i think may be part of their arrangement. Well, we havent seen it, but that was what was thought to be in the plan for a source of funds. We certainly know that theres money to be had by at least making people pay their taxes. Im not even talking about those who abuse the system. Im just talking about those who illegally do not pay their taxes specifically. Lets see. I havent seen it. Youre announcing this. I do think that it is predicated on an infrastructure that is of the last century. We have to be thinking in a more forward way. We must build back better. So, if this is something that can be agreed upon, i dont know how we can possibly sell it excuse me to our caucus unless we know there is more to come. Yeah. And the more to come and Building Back better means having more people participate in the prosperity of our country. While you take a drink, ill ask you this question. What i hear you saying, this would be something you could agree to as long as you get some kind of promise for a second bite at the apple. Well, as Congress Works its will, well just see what the possibilities are. This is one step. I have heard the president say im proud of him, a unifier, and so proud of him overseas now saying were back. But ive heard him say with republicans in the room, lets figure out what we can agree on on infrastructure. Lets see if we can come to a reasonable amount of money to get that work done. But i have no intention of abandoning the rest of my vision about the better Building Back better. What is being talked about in this is something that could have been talked about 50 years ago. Were talking about the future. So, do you have faith in republicans . Oh that they are negotiating in good faith . I assume that the democrats who are negotiating with them have faith in them. I think we always have to believe i think we have a responsibility let me say it a different way to find Common Ground if we can. But if we cant, we have to stand our ground, but we have to understand that if we can come to terms in a bipartisan way, that would be i think the public wants to see that. Not only do the republican not want to come together, they want to push back further, hr 1 and other issues we may talk about. Infrastructure has always been bipartisan. I mean, its always been lets see how we can Work Together for our communities. Lets find agreement in the communities as to what is important. Some republicans, a lot of republicans say when it comes to bricks and mortar, roads and bridges thats fine. But when you talk about new Government Programs for child care, for elderly care, thats where they say no. Well, you know, i think, on the other hand, in different settings they talk about Child Care Being important, and it is, and it is. And we have a very strong commitment. And our womens caucus especially wants us to go as big as we can on child care. And home health care. And family and medical leave. All of these things that enable, not just women, but people dads and moms and care givers to be able to participate in a work force. And to honor the work that is done by care givers, to respect what they do, to adequately train for it, and to pay for it. So, lets talk about you mentioned hr 1. Yes. That is what we call hr 1, it is rewriting a major rewrite of the election law. Its now in the senate. West virginia democrat joe manchin says, point blank, he doesnt support it. I want to read part of an oped he wrote last week. He wrote, i believe that partisan voting legislation will destroy the already weakening binds of our democracy, and for that reason i will vote against the for the people act, which is hr 1. So when democrats literally dont have one vote to spare and you read that from joe manchin, how are you going to get it passed . I dont give up on joe manchin. When he was governor and Secretary Of State in West Virginia, he initiated many of the ideas that are in the hr 1, s1 for the people act. For the people. Its not necessarily a rewriting. Its stopping. The first 300 pages of s1, the for the people act, hr 1, were written by john lewis, to stop the Voter Suppression. It is an initiative that is there to stop partisan gerrymandering and redistricting. Its really essential for the health of our country. Democrats shouldnt be gerrymandering and republicans shouldnt. The Commission Piece in there is very important, and that would be new. The stopping the big dark special interest money from suffocating the airwaves, why do you think we cannot have climate language that is easy to why do you think we do not have Gun Violence Protection . Its because of that big dark money, and the public knows, it knows that that money stands in the way of good policy. And, again, to give voice to small donors and the grassroots. So a lot of that is the part that senator manschin says he doesnt support doing now. I read the oped, and you read part of it. I think he left the door open. I think its ajar. Im not giving up. Archipelago i wanted to ask you about that because youre not just reading an oped. You have a relationship with him. Umhmm. Is there something you know that we dont know . Or a lot of people in your caucus that are upset dont know about joe manchin and the possibility of getting this election reform through the senate . I dont know anything specific about this, but i do know he has certain concerns about the legislation that we may be able to come to terms on. So its bridgeable . I think as i said to him, i read the oped. You left the door open. Oh, you talked to him about it . Of course, yeah. But we were actually our conversation was more about the commission and in the course of that conversation. But in any case, lets just put this in its proper place. Our democracy is at stake. What the republicans are doing across the country, even since we wrote weve had this in the election of 2018. 100 candidates wrote and said, make for the people hr 1 the first order of business. And now we see under the administration further work, the former administration and the republicans across the country are undermining our democracy, suppressing the vote, ignoring the sanctity of the vote, which is the basis for our democracy. And so we cannot let that stand. We have to make this fight for our democracy. It isnt about democrats or republicans. Its not about partisanship. Forget that. Its about patriotism. We must pass this. Speaking of democracy, i always wanted to ask you this question. Youre the speaker of the house. I know you like to stay in your lane and not cross over to the senate, but, you know, a lot of people in your caucus say the entire democratic agenda is being held up because of the filibuster. Do you think the filibuster should go away . You know what, as you know, i dont talk about senate rules and i dont want them messing with our rules. Just wanted to give it a try. But i do think instead of talking about the filibuster, as i say to our members, lets talk about the issues. Gun violence prevention. Climate initiatives. Issues that relate to the equality act in this month of pride, ending discrimination against the lgbtq community. What are the issues that we care about . Thats really the discussion. Why do we not have them . Well, thats more of interest to people. There are Kitchen Table issues about the cost of prescription drugs. We want to give the secretary the power to negotiate for lower prices. If that needs 60 votes, it might not happen. So lets talk about january 6th and getting to the bottom of what happened there. As you well know, Senate Republicans blocked your proposal for a commission, Bipartisan Commission to investigate. You have vowed to get answers no matter what. Are you at the point where you are going to appoint a select committee to do so . A week ago i was asked to give it another week, so ill see by monday if the senate believes that they could those who are working the bipartisan way can get three more votes. It would have been 57 voting. Three more. I have yielded on every point except scope, except scope, number of people on the committee, subpoena power, timetable, you name it. Weve yielded because of the value of the bipartisan ship that would spring from that. They want to say, well, were going to investigate that, we shouldnt investigate and people turned out after george employed was shot. This is about an assault on our democracy, on our capitol of the United States. The American People deserve and must have answers. We will seek the truth. We will find the truth. But we hope that we can do it with passing the commission. Assuming the commission doesnt pass, are you saying by monday, which is tomorrow . Umhmm. Archipel youll announce a select committee . Well see what their response is. It sounds like youre getting closer to it. Its an option, and Everybody Knows the power of the speaker to do that. So i would hope that that would motivate them to say, lets go a different place. But the question arises, what the republicans in the senate are so afraid of the truth. Why are they so afraid of the truth . They themselves were under assault. This capitol, our democracy was under assault. The director of the fbi, even before in september, testified that White Supremacy and antisemitism, et cetera why do you think theyre afraid of the truth . Youd have to ask them. They know where the roads might lead in terms of some of them individually. And, of course, the former president of the United States who incited an insurrection. We had a peaceful ceremony, which made the case, a number of republicans agreed. Still, i think its cowardice and i think its cowardice just to oppose a former president. But its also concern about what it says about them. I want to ask you about congresswoman ilhan omar. Yes. You and other top House Democrats released a pretty rare statement rebuking her for appearing to, quote, draw false equivalencies between the United States and israel and terrorist organizations, hamas and taliban. She clarified, she said that she was in no way equating them, but since all of that happened, she and others dont seem to be letting this go. Rashida talib, one of her close friends, member of your caucus tweeted the following. Freedom of speech dont exist for muslim women in congress. It doesnt exist for muslim women in congress. House Democratic Leadership should be ashamed let me just say this. We did not rebuke her. We acknowledged that she made a clarification. So before we go too far down that path these arent my words. These are your Caucus Members its a member. A caucus member. I wanted to get your response. Im responding that we, the congresswoman omar is a valued member of our caucus. She asked her questions of the Secretary Of State. Nobody criticized those, how people will be held accountable if were not going to the International Court of justice. That was a very legitimate question. That was not of concern. Members did become concerned when the tweet that was put out equated the United States with the taliban. And hamas. Rashida talib and, and then she clarified it. And we thanked her for clarification. So do you want people to let it go . They can say whatever they want. What im saying is end of subject, she clarified, we thanked her, end of subject. Whatever people go out and say is up to them, but what happened is a reflection of the respect we have for our member. When she made her questions at the hearing, but the disagreement that we have to equate the United States of america with hamas and the taliban. Before i let you go, i want to look overseas, look ahead to this week. President biden has a big meeting with Vladimir Putin. What do you want to see out of that meeting, and specifically, i want to go back to something that happened on this show last week. The Energy Secretary granholm said you had the capability to shutdown the power grid. You have tremendous expertise in intelligence. How worried are you about this and should President Biden bring it up . Well, im very proud of the fact that the president is in europe saying were back. Were back for climate. Were back for open society. Were open for the relationship that weve had in nato in terms of security, security, security, which is so important. And i can tell you in my meetings with all these people, most of it precovid, but much of it by zoom since then, that they are so happy that america is back and look forward to this visit by the president. In terms of his meeting with putin, i think that he should meet with him. They should have a line of communication. And issues like Cyber Security and energy, of course, are not necessarily on the table in that meeting, but are the reality that we have to deal with. And energy and Cyber Security are probably two items that may come up at that meeting, but that we have to be prepared for whether they do or not. Now, lets just make a contrast. The president former president of the United States, for whatever reason, whether the russians had personal, political or Financial Leverage over him, kowtowed catered to putin in a way that was humiliating to the United States of america. And when, when putin hears about some of the violations of the rights of his own people, he laughs. This is a thug. This is a thug. But he is head of an important state in terms of the issues you raise. President should meet with him, and i think hes going to meet a very different president than one who was at the mercy of putin. Madam speaker, i so appreciate you coming in. Again, nice to see you inperson as we come out of the pandemic. Thank you. I appreciate it. Stay safe, everyone. And we are awaiting a Press Conference by President Biden as he wraps up the g7 summit. Were going to bring you that live when it happens. And the president s busy week continues later he will meet with Queen Elizabeth before flying to brussels for a nato summit, and his foreign trip will be capped off as we were just talking about wednesday, with a meeting with Vladimir Putin. Joining me now is the u. S. Secretary of state tony blinken. Thank you for joining me. Let me ask about one of President Bidens key goals in this summit, uniting western democracies around countering chinas influence, especially around the goal of Building Infrastructure around the world. So, the white house has not said yet that the u. S. Allies are on board for financial support. So, do you have a deal on that . Is there money behind it . And if so, how much . Well, first, i want to take a step back. The president came into this meeting at the g7 showing that democracies can deliver. Deliver for people and people around the world. Thats what weve done the last couple days. And ill come to the specific point in a second. A commitment to a billion vaccines, to put shots in arms around the world, thats a powerful demonstration of democracy delivering. A commitment to deal with and stop financing coalfired plants around the world, the single largest contributor to Emission Ands global warming. 50 minimum Global Corporate tax, making sure countries around the world have a strong tax base to provide for their citizens, provide new markets for us as well, and avoid a race to the bottom. And, yes, this project to pool our resources, to invest in lower middle Income Countries to get the private sector to do the same so that we can help them buildup their infrastructure, their health care systems, education, and do it in a more positive way than china is doing it with its beltandRoad Initiative. Our experts are going to come together over 9 coming months and look at the resources necessary to do that. Individually our countries can only do so much when we put all of these resources together. And when we leverage the private sector, its a very powerful force. And weve got an agreement to move forward on that. Lets look ahead to President Bidens meeting with russian president Vladimir Putin thats going to be on wednesday in geneva. I know the president plans to confront him on human rights, on ukraine, on recent cyber attacks. How do you define success out of this meeting . Dana, this is not going to be a flip the light switch moment. What the president is going to make clear to Vladimir Putin is that we seek a more stable, predictable relationship with russia. And if so, there are areas where our interests overlap. We may find ways to Work Together. But if russia continues reckless and aggressive actions, well respond forcefully as the president has already demonstrated that he would when it comes to Election Interference or the solar wind cyberattack or the attempt to murder mr. Navalny with a chemical weapon. This is the beginning of testing the proposition, the question of whether russias interested in a more stable and predictable relationship and finding areas to Work Together. Were not going to get the answer out of one meeting. Well have to see what comes from that meeting. But let me say one other thing i think is really important. This meeting is not happening in a vacuum. Were coming off the g7. Were coming off a nato summit. Well be coming off an eu summit as well. Our leadership and our engagement is a very powerful force. There was a major poll done across these countries, across these democracies. 75 of the people on average have confidence in american leadership. Thats up from 17 a year ago. That means were in a much stronger position to Work Together with these countries militarily, diplomatically, politically, economically even when it comes to challenges posed by russia or china. So, the white house says President Biden is not going to have a joint Press Conference with Vladimir Putin after the summit. Is that because President Biden and Vladimir Putin are, you know, at least President Biden is worried that there is concern that this meeting simply will not go well . No, i think, dana, for the president , the most effective way to be able to share with the free press what he and President Putin talked about is to do it in this way. It is also an opportunity, by the way, to sum up the entire week, the entire trip, the g7, the nato summit, the eu summit. This is the best opportunity, i have to make sure the food press of the world gets in their questions and the president can share what was discussed. Im sorry, so are you saying that youre not having a joint Press Conference because youre worried about the Russian Press being there . We think that having the Press Conference by the way, the president maybe even as we speak is doing a solo Press Conference after the g7. This is not exactly a rare occurrence, but we think its the most effective way to be able to share with the free press what they talked about and what were focused on, and to make sure that you all get a chance to ask as many questions as possible. Before i let you go, the u. S. Military withdrawal from afghanistan is proceeding rapidly. There are growing calls from congress and other forces to evacuate afghans who helped the u. S. During this very long war. Yes or no, is the Administration Planning an evacuation of these people . Evacuation is the wrong word. We plan to help those who put their lives on the line, their families on the line in working with military diplomats. There is a program, special Immigrant Visas that gives them a dedicated channel to apply to the come to the United States. We have put in significant resources into making sure that that program can work fast and work effectively so that we can process any request that we get for these socalled special Immigrant Visas. Weve added 50 people here in washington, the State Department to help do that. We want to make sure anyone who has helped us, we are making good on obligation to help them. U. S. Secretary of state tony blinken, thank you so much for joining me. Appreciate it. Thanks very much. Good to be with you. President biden will take questions from reporters live this hour. We will bring that to you when it happens. One topic he could be asked about is his priorities here at home, which joining me now to discuss that is it alexandria ocasiocortez, democrat from new york. Thank you so much, congresswoman, for joining me. So, a group of five republican, five Democratic Senators is proposing 1. 2 trillion in an infrastructure compromise deal, 600 billion of that is new spending, they say, no tax hikes to pay for it. Would you vote yes or no on that package if it comes before you in the house . You know, i think from what weve seen so far, particularly the lack of Climate Action as well, i think adding to the severe lowering of our scope and scale in what were seeing, i doubt it frankly in the current state of that proposal. And i think one of the things thats really important to communicate is this isnt just 1. 7 trillion. This is about an Overall Investment spread out anywhere between 8 and 10 years, which is a very, very low amount of money. Its not going to create the millions of union jobs that we need in this country, particularly to recover from the pandemic. And its not going to get us closer to meeting our Climate Goals which are crucially important at this point in time. As you well know, democrats have three votes to spare in the house. So if the white house comes to you, if Democratic Leaders come to you and say, this is the best youre going to get right now, would you and fellow progressives still say no to this . Well, i think the thing is that this isnt the best that we can get. And i do think that we need to talk about the elephant in the room, which is Senate Democrats which are blocking crucial items in a democratic agenda for very, i think, for reasons that i dont think hold a lot of water. And for folks saying, where are you going to get these 50 votes . I think we really need to start asking some of these Democratic Senators where they plan on getting 60 votes. These ten republican senators that there is a theory that were going to get support for that out there i think is a claim that doesnt really hold water, particularly when we cant even get ten senators to support a january 6 commission. Its an argument but on this particular bill they have five and, you know, my understanding is it is possible if everything comes together, they could get ten. So just on infrastructure. Yeah, i think then the question we have to make is there is a fork in the road, which is do we settle for much less and an Infrastructure Package that has been largely designed by republicans in order to get 60 votes . Or can we really transform this country, create millions of union jobs, revamp our power grid, get peoples bridges fixed and schools rebuilt with 51 or 50 democratic votes . I think the argument we need to make here is its worth going it alone if we can do more for working people in this country. You know, with 50 votes we have the potential to lower the age of medicare eligibility, so that more people can be covered and guaranteed to their right to health care as opposed to, you know, 60 votes where we do very, very little, and the scope of that is defined by a republican minority that has not been elected to lead. So, lets talk about one of the specific issues that is blocked in the senate right now, and that is Voting Rights. The house, including you, passed expansive Voting Rights legislation. That was back in march. Senate democrats cant force a vote on it because West Virginia senator joe manchin doesnt support that particular bill. He also doesnt support what youre suggesting, which is gutting the filibuster. I want our viewers to listen to something that you said about all that this past week. Hr1 stands up against lobbyists and dark money. And i would reckon to think that this is probably just as much a part of joe manchins calculus as anything else because when it comes to this bipartisan argument, i got to tell you, i dont buy it. What exactly did you mean by that . Are you saying joe manchins opposition is because he wants to keep political donations flowing . Well, you know, i think that, i think that when we talk about opposition to hr1 to be just about Voting Rights, were not telling the whole story. Hr1 has sweeping voting reforms. We have the influence of big money that impacts not just one party, but both parties in the United States congress. And i do believe that that old way of politics has absolutely an influence in joe manchins thinking and the way he navigates the body. I mean, the things that he cites, like this romanticism about bipartisan ship is an era that doesnt exist any more. I also believe that the opposition too big money and dark money, you know, you have the Koch Brothers and associated organizations from the Koch Brothers really doing victory laps about joe manchins opposition to the filibuster. I think that its pretty open that these groups exert a lot of influence and as much influence as they can on members of congress. I think that the older school way of accepting the role of lobbyists in washington absolutely has a role in joe manchins thinking. I want to ask about whats going on at the Justice Department. The attorney general, merrick garland, gave a speech on friday about protecting Voting Rights. The Justice Department again, the biden Justice Department is under fire, gag orders against companies and journalists that are continuing defending antilgbtq laws, shielding russia information from public. What do you make of all that . Yeah, you know, in addition to all of the suits that you had just mentioned, the biden d. O. J. Also decided they were going to pursue action on arguing in court for u. S. Citizens who reside in puerto rico to have lower eligibility for Social Security than their counterparts, u. S. Citizens in the continental United States. Essentially, Advancing Second Class Citizenship And Continuing second class citizenship for Puerto Ricans on the island. And so i think the actions of bidens d. O. J. Has been extremely concerning and its not just on the actions on gag orders, which is also extremely concerning, but across the board, i dont believe that while i believe that the emphasis on Voting Rights is appreciated, we arent seeing a transformational d. O. J. That i think people had been looking forward to. And that is something that deserves a lot more questions. I want to ask about top Democratic House leaders and a dozen of your Jewish Democratic colleagues issued a statement criticizing your friend be and colleague ilhan omar, congresswoman from minnesota, for what some democrats said was a, quote, offensive and misguided remark that they say equated the u. S. And israel with hamas and taliban, terrorist organizations. She later clarified saying she was not doing that. But i want you our viewers to read what you tweeted in response. You said, pretty sick and tired of the Constant Vilification Intentional Mischaracterization and public targeting of ilhan omar coming from our caucus. They have no concept for the danger they put her in by skipping private conversations and leaping to fueling targeted new cycles around her. First question is, what exactly did your fellow Democrats Mischaracterize . And are you saying that they are to blame for some threats against her . Well, you know, i think i believe that her comments were absolutely mischaracterized. She was very clearly speaking about the icc investigations which name these four actors in two suits. And they named them in Context Events that happened in afghanistan with the United States and with taliban and in palestine with hamas and the government of israel. And, you know, i think that to say that i believe that to assert that she was equating these two entities when she was speaking about the icc investigations in which all four parties are being investigated for instances of war crimes, you know, i believe to assert that this was equating these two i believe was not a generous interpretation whatsoever. And we know that, you know, these variants tend to be cycles, this whole hubbub started with right wing news outlets taken out of context. It feeds legitimacy to this right wing vitriol. It absolutely increases that target. And as someone who has experienced that, you know, its very difficult to communicate the scale and how dangerous that is. And so i think as Speaker Pelosi said, we are putting this behind us and i believe that we will ultimately come together as a caucus. Before i let you go, i want to ask about the Supreme Court. They are poised to hear several block buster cases in the next term Voting Rights, gun control, abortion. Your fellow democrat Mondair Jones says a justice should retire so President Biden can fill his seat with a younger liberal judge. Do you think Justice Bryer should step down . I believe representative jones has a point. We have had very difficult experiences with making, i believe, the opposite mistake. And especially if Senate Democrats are not going to pass reforms on hr1, we cannot rely solely on a wish of winning elections, particularly in the senate when Voting Rights are under attack in georgia, arizona and texas, across the country. And if were not going to pass hr1 with the preemptive clauses that can roll some of that Voter Suppression text back, yeah, i believe we should protect our Supreme Court and that should absolutely be a consideration. So, just to be clear, you do think that Justice Steven breyer should retire at the end of this term . You know, its something i think about, but i would probably lean towards yes, but yes, youre asking me this question. I would give more thought to it, but im inclined to say yes. Okay. After you give more thought to it, give me a call. Well make sure to get that on the air. Thank you so much for joining me this morning. I appreciate it. Thank you so much, of course. Thank you, dana. And were going to squeeze in a quick break as we wait for President Biden to take questions. We will bring that to you live as soon as it happens and well be right back. Stay with us. Hi sabrina hi jen hi. So youre the scientist here. 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There was a remarkable moment this week with President Biden, the french president Emanuel Macron, where macron said that biden is, quote, part of the club, and america is, quote, definitely back after four years of president trump. You did some of those International Trips with president trump. When you hear that, what goes through your mind . Yeah, theres no question that this trip has a different tone. Its far less awkward. Theres much more camaraderie, and Emanuel Macron had been prepared to pivot, basically preparing with europe to pivot away from the United States just a couple of years ago. And now hes saying, welcome back. I think the question is, can biden resume a place not just in the club, but leading the club. That is the big question coming out of this. And by some of the indications we have a g7 communique that is largely what the United States wanted on a number of different fronts, particularly on china. It seems to suggest the good will isnt just in terms of rhetoric. There have been some results to come out of it and that would be a pretty significant turn around from where weve been for the last four years. Lets pickup on that. Fareed, i want to bring you in, fareed zakaria. It seems theyre not part of the g7, but were there very much in spirit and discussion. Cnn is reporting that there were serious differences among member nations about just how to confront chinas rising. And President Biden is pushing probably one of the hardest lines. What does that say to you . Well, if you listen carefully to what President Biden is trying to get the g7 and the europeans and the world to do more generally, it is to think about the chinese challenge as a competition and a spur to action, so the most important thing hes done is say, look, we, the richest democracies in the world have to provide the world with the kind of assistance and the good will and the dollars and the vaccines that will suggest that we can compete with the world. So he put out this extraordinarily bold offer, 500 million vaccines. And what he said is, dont let the russians and the chinese win this war of vaccine diplomacy. Lo and behold, the europeans came back and essentially matched the offer. There will now be a billion vaccines offered by the rich democracies of the world. Many places what biden is doing is using china frankly to get the western democracies to do the kinds of things that he wants them to do anyway. When you get to the more difficult issues about, you know, what should you do or should you ban huawei, yes, your right. There are differences [ no audio ] that could provide the world with the great public world they need right now which is vaccines. Susan, we have to look ahead to Vladimir Putin and the summit coming between the two men. What do you expect to see . Well, it is not going to be a love fest. Lets just say that merely by showing up and saying his goal was to talk tough, i think youre seeing President Biden hoping to exercise the ghost of helsinki and if you could forget that memorable Press Conference where donald trump seemed to take the side of the russian leader over his own intelligence agencies. So i think that biden made a kind of unconventional decision and i think there was controversy inside of the Administration Whether now is a good time to meet President Putin given the provocative actions from russia recently but the goal here is to first of all look putin in the eye and say knock it off, buddy, im sure the word malarkey might be thrown around by President Biden. But, look, there are very low expectations and nothing much more concrete than that. What you say a minimum at what were looking for is some stability in the relationship, that is diplomatic code word for saying things are not in a good place and were hoping to minimize the problems, really. A frank and productive conversation. My bet is on those words coming out of the read out from this. Abby, you have again covered president trump. You covered the whole helsinki fiasco, i think we could fairly call it that. What are you hearing from sources inside of the Biden Administration about how theyre approaching this. Excuse me, im so sorry to interrupt you. We see President Biden hes coming up. No. Yep, there he is. Lets listen. Good afternoon. Let me start by thanking Prime Minister johnson for incredible hospitality and welcome that he provided for all of us at the g7. Id like to take thank Gale Limb Pert from the Embassy Flewing in for the ambassador. Well have one soon. But she did a great job supporting the entire team and gale is vital to keeping the u. S. U. K. Partnership going and weve just wrapped up what has been an extraordinary collaborate and productive meeting in the the g7. Everyone at the table understand and understood both the seriousness and the challenges that we are up against and the responsibility of our proud democracies to step up and deliver for the rest of the world. That is what the g7 is all about. And rallying the worlds democracies to meet the challenges that the world faces and deliver to our people and for people quite frankly everywhere. And during a pandemic and remaining robust support for economic recovery are the Top Priorities of our nations as we got together. We know we can achieve cant achieve one without the other. That is we have to deal with the pandemic and in order to be able to deal with economic recovery which is what were doing in the states. But we committed to do more for the rest of the world as well. The fact is that the u. S. Contribution is the foundation, the foundation to work out how were going to deal with the hundred nations that are poorer and having Trouble Finding vaccines and dealing with reviving their economies if they were in the first place in good shape. And i committed that we would provide half a billion half a billion down to 80 million half a billion doses of Pfizer Vaccine which we contracted and paid for. In addition to money we put into the covid project which is that covid and i know you all know and people may not know what covid is, it is a system whereby theyll provide funding for tates to get their own vaccine as well. But that generated a commitment by the rest of our colleagues at the g7, that they would provide another half billion. So were going to have a billion doses of vaccine. And in our case, this includes sharing more than not just 1 billion doses overall but were going to provide for 200 million of the doses by the end of the year and another 300 million by the first half of next year. So it is greeted with some enthusiasm. And weve agreed to Work Together so the world is better prepared to detect and deal with future pandemics. Because there will be future pandemics. We have, im sure you have seen it, if you havent youll get it, a joint statement that we put out of the g7. Youve seen it, im sure. And we are committed to following on to do some significant work including not only how we deal with the distribution and help and getting shots in arms for the rest of the world, but how were going to deal with putting together a mechanism to anticipate the next pandemic when it comes along. And there will be othersm and we also agreed to take important steps to support Global Economic recovery by laying the foundation for an equitable global economy. Critically g7 leaders endorsed a global minimum tax of 15 . Too many corporations have been engaged in what are essentially tax savings, deciding that they would pay considerably less in other environments around the world. But this is going to make sure there is a minimum tax and im going to move on this at home as well. Minimum tax for corporations to pay for the profits they make anywhere in the world. And this agreement is going to help arrest the race to the bottom that has been going on among nations tracting Corporate Investment at the expense of priorities like protecting our workers and investing in infrastructure. And we made a commitment to help meet more than 40 trillion need that exists for infrastructure in the developing world. I put forward an idea that was called we named the build back better world partnership, which is were calling it the b3w and china has the belt and Road Initiative and we think there is a better way to provide for needs of the countries around the world. So it is been it is a values driven highstandard transparent mechanism were going to provide and support project in four key air areas, climate, health and Digital Technology and Gender Equity and we believe that is good for the countries but good for the entire world and represent values that our democracies represent and not autocratic lack of values. By harassing the full potential of those who were harassing, were going to have to try to change things. That is the whole idea. But here is the deal. Were going to make sure that were able to pull together the ability to use the Development Financing institutions and other Development Tools to expect the bold new Infrastructure Investment in low and middle Income Countries over the coming years. Much of it coming from the private sector which will generate a significantly more capital from the private sector. We made a commitm to permanently eliminate the use of our Public Finance to produce unabated Coal Products around the world and to end them by this year. The g7 agreed to that. And those who were not members but visiting members who were participating in the g7 who have coal fired facilities have also agreed they will work in that direction as well. So transition to Clean Energy Sources is urgent, it is essential. If were going to beat the climate, and there is some things said to me when i was there was, well, the United States is leading [ no audio ] [ no audio ] and suggested that well maybe you shouldnt get the quad, Marining India and japan and the United States working together and maybe you shouldnt be pushing on strengthening the European Union to deal with the west not just to have and so on. And i said for an american president to

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