Even debate a Voting Rights bill leaving democrats trying to plot a new way forward. Plus, breaking overnight, results from the heated New York City mayoral race, and a socialist pulls off a stunning surprise, an upset, in another primary. President biden set to address crime in a speech as it becomes a growing problem for his presidency. And Britney Spears goes to court as we learn new details about the conservativeship she has been under for years. All right. Good morning to our viewers here in the United States and all around the world. It is wednesday, june 23rd. As the dangerous new covid variant surges across the United States, a disturbing rise in younger people dying of covid. And the victims disproportionately africanamerican. Thats according to a new cnn analysis moments ago. Deaths have fallen dramatically across the United States but nearly 300 people are still dying a day covid and the victims seem to be younger and the Racial Disparity is growing. Dr. Anthony fauci says americans who are still dying from covid are overwhelmingly unvaccinated. Vaccines are the tools to crush coronavirus and this message is echoed by the director of the cdc. Nearly every death due to covid19 is tragic because nearly every death especially among adults due to covid19 is, at this point, entirely preventable. Elizabeth cohen is with us now. That is heartbreaking to hear her say that. What does cnns analysis say about the coronavirus deaths . Brianna, in many ways it shows vaccination works. It works so well and that people who are not taking advantage of it are, unfortunately, suffering. So lets take a look at what our data shows about Racial Disparity. So this analysis of cdc data, if we start off with black people in the United States are about 12. 5 of the population, we know that covid has disproportionately affected people of color throughout the pandemic. Black people have accounted for more than 15 of deaths from covid from the beginning of the pandemic. But in may things got even worse and black people accounted for 19 of deaths. Now part of this is a continuation of the same terrible trend that weve seen of racial disparities, but part of it is also that black people are vaccinated at a lower rate than white people are, and theres a lot of work now to try to change that. Now lets take a look at age. You see sort of an interesting trend here as well. Throughout the pandemic the majority of deaths have been among people older than aged 75 but in may another turn. The majority of deaths have been people under age 75. Again, the reason for that, people over age 75 have availed themselves of the vaccine metropolmuch more so than younger people. Younger people arent taking advantage of the vaccine the way they should. Choose vaccination, choose life. Its such a good thing to remember. And were seeing the real effects of the vaccines. Elizabeth cohen, thank you so much. It seems clear Senate Republicans are afraid to even discuss Voting Rights. Overnight all 50 refused to debate a voting bill, and thats despite the fact joe manchin gave republicans what they demanded on voter i. D. Minority leader Mitch Mcconnell insisted its up to individual states to sort it all out. He claims theres just nothing to discuss. Theres nothing broken around the country. The system upheld very well during tense stress in the latter part of the previous congress. Theres no ration basis for federalizing this election. Therefore, theres no point in having an election in the u. S. A debate in the u. S. Senate about something we ought not to do. So there is a law in the logic here, because if theres nothing to fix, why are so Many Republican states committed to restricting or blocking Voting Rights, changing them from the 2020 election . According to the brennan center, there are 14 states that have passed at least 22 laws that limit voter access. And if nothing is broken, as the minority leader claims, why conduct a sham audit in arizona . If nothing is broken, why all the claims of election fraud. If nothing is broken, what are republicans trying to fix in the states . This is what Vice President Kamala Harris had to say about the failure of the Voting Rights bill. Listen. The bottom line is that the president and i are very clear we support s1. We support the john lewis Voting Rights act, and the fight is not over. Its not over, she says. So then, what happens now . Lauren fox joins us from capitol hill this morning. Lauren, what does happen . Where does this go . John, look, this Party Line Vote demonstrated how Much Division there is on the issue of Voting Rights here in the u. S. Senate. I will lay out for you that one of the issues that democrats are dealing with here is they just dont have 60 votes to get through the u. S. Senate at this point. And, while there are many progressives who are going to amp up their calls to get rid of the filibuster at this point, they dont have the votes to do that either. Here is what joe manchin said yesterday when i asked him specifically if this vote demonstrated they need to change the filibuster. You will also see one of his progressive colleagues argue right after why the filibuster needs to be changed. Your democratic colleagues are saying this moment illustrates exactly why the filibuster needs to be changed. Some of the things weve done over the years, lets look at how many times they bring things back and rework them and rework them until we finally got a bipartisan buyin. I think this is no different. Reporter do you feel now is the time to change the filibuster . Ive thought it for some time. Mitch mcconnell is part of this, this effort by republicans to suppress the vote. They know they cant win elections anymore. They lost the popular vote by millions of votes. They lose overall votes for the house and senate. The only way they can win is to change the electorate and republican senators almost to a person blindly follow mcconnell when he does this. Reporter does biden need to get involved . I think we need to figure out how to do this. I dont care what it takes. Reporter and, of course, joe manchin making the case it needs to be based on bipartisanship. As you heard from Mitch Mcconnell they dont think anything is broken. A lot of republicans say there is no piece of the bill they would have voted on if they had gotten into the debate yesterday that they would have supported. So breaking this bill apart trying smaller pieces of it is not really an option at this point. Expect democrats to keep up the heat, though, because this is going to be a key issue for them going into the 2022 midterm elections. John . Of course Mitch Mcconnell likes the status quo because the status quo is republicanlead states rigging the election so republicans can do better. Lauren fox, thank you for that report. Amid growing criticism from the left for not doing more on the bill, President Biden has made it clear his top priority is actually infrastructure. And later today Top White House officials are scheduled to meet with senator Chuck Schumer and House Speaker nancy pelosi. Jeremy diamond with us. Tell us where negotiations stand, jeremy. Reporter listen, some progress but no clear breakthroughs is the clear consensus on all sides after white house officials spent time on capitol hill meeting with that group of senators working on this bipartisan infrastructure deal. There will be more meetings today as well, and the status of those meetings and how much progress in meetings, im told, will determine whether or not President Biden is going to meet with those 21 senators, democrats and republicans, who are working on this bipartisan infrastructure deal. Weve been told that meeting is likely to happen this week, but i am told they are making daybyday decisions whether the president will meet with that group depending on how much progress is actually made. Now despite some signs of progress, the republican Majority Whip john thune saying the Bipartisan Group seems to have made three steps forward and one step backwards. A bit of a more pessimistic assessment. One thing is clear, even as they pursue these bipartisan negotiations they are looking at this on two tracks. On one track the bipartisan negotiations and the meeting happening with the Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi sending a very clear signal that while the president is pursuing these bipartisan negotiations hes also looking at that Reconciliation Track where democrats could potentially pass an Infrastructure Package or perhaps even this broader 4 trillion jobs package simply along party lines using that budget reconciliation progress. We will see whether thats ultimately the track they decide they have to take. John, brianna . We will see. Jeremy, thank you for that. We expected this but i dont think it makes it any less significant what has happened with the senate vote. So lets bring in our chief legal analyst jeffrey toobin. How do you put this in perspective . Theres infrastructure and theres Voting Rights. Infrastructure is sort of the classic stuff of politics. How much do you spend on roads and bridges, how do you pay for it, and that should be the stuff of compromise. The Voting Rights is very different. This is life or death for the democracy. This is about whether the people are going to control their government or the government is going to decide how the democracy works or doesnt work. And i just think one of them is an existential crisis for the United States, and the other seems like its going to be worked out. Are either of you star trek fans . No. In the movies where is he going with this . They have to pass this test in order to go through and theres no way to pass it. The test is rigged, so you fail every time. Democrats cant get past Mitch Mcconnell no matter what. Kirk changed the programming. The only way to get behind the test is to change the programming. And unless democrats and im not saying they should but unless theyre willing to change the programming, which is to change the filibuster rules, this is a moot point. It is done. It is done. That is absolutely the case. Everybody is focused on joe manchin, for understandable reasons, because he is the leading democratic holdout, sometimes we focus too much on manchin and not enough on 50 republican senators. Some of whom call themselves moderates, who are falling completely in lock step with a program that is i dont want to overstate it, but is limiting our democracy in a way we havent seen. As you were pointing out earlier, mcconnell having it both ways saying everything is fine statement his colleagues in florida, in iowa, in georgia, in all these states that they control, are limiting the vote. It cant be the system is working perfectly, as he says, at the same time as his republican colleagues around the country are limiting the franchise. You heard what lauren fox asked sharrod brown, about President Biden. Some progressives are saying get more involved here. What about his role in this . Is it something that you are focused on . I think thats magical thinking about the power of the president. Joe manchin knows what the stakes are here. He has made a decision about the filibuster. I dont know what joe biden could say to him that is going to change. We have sometimes this, i think, somewhat naive faith in what president s can accomplish. Joe manchin doesnt answer to joe biden. He answers to the voters of West Virginia, and he and his conscience, and he has made a decision about this. And what biden does or doesnt do here i think is sort of irrelevant. Ill say it again. Every time people try to go through without changing the rules the test fails and everyone on the enterprise dies. Joe manchin thinks he can get through this test by the rules. He cant. And he keeps talking about we need to do bipartisanship. What channel is he watching where bipartisanship on this or any other issue is possible . I mean, its just particularly about Voting Rights. It is possible, it seems, on infrastructure. But on Voting Rights the republicans are locked in, and there is not going to be any bipartisanship. I will say there is one way besides changing the rules that democrats can get through this if they want which is to vote, to figure out a way to mobilize the vote despite the new obstacles jumping up around the country. We havent seen a lot of evidence that happens in the past. Another possibility along those lines are the courts. Will the courts step in and restrict some of these attempts to stop the vote . At 10 00 today were going to have some of the last Supreme Court decisions, this very important Voting Rights case out of arizona, that may give us a hint about whether the courts are going to step in. Ever since the Shelby County decision the Voting Rights act has been a metropuch less power tool. This will tell us whether the Voting Rights act is a tool left at all in its current form. Well, this is john roberts problem here for democrats, too, who democrats depend on as more of a swing vote than he was in the past, hes been clear where he is on Voting Rights. He is the author of the Shelby County decision. The Shelby County decision was when Ruth Bader Ginsburg was still on the Supreme Court this is a different court, a court with gorsuch, amy coney barrett, three republican appointees plus Clarence Thomas plus samuel alito. Even if john roberts were to join the three remaining liberals, theres not five votes for the moderation that democrats hope for. A very interesting point. I will say thank you for your star trek analnalogy. I found it illustrative. We were skeptical. I was initially. He turned me around. Im not even a trekkie but it deals with a system you cant win in. Theres no way to succeed unless you change the rules. You have to break the system. Exactly. Is the lesson. Kirk taught me that. Well see if democrats are learning i would say may the force be with you but thats the wrong one. You caught yourself. Twitter wont let it go. We will. Jeffrey toobin, thank you. The votes are still being counted here in New York Citys mayoral primary. We will break down where things stand. Plus, a significant potential upset in buffalo looking more and more like it where a socialist has declared victory over the fourterm incumbent democrat. And the phoenix suns pulling off an incredible victory over the los angeles clippers. With one second left well, its not this play, but the play they did it in. Theres a question about whether it was even legal. Is this it . Can you do that . Well explain next. dad vo i saw them out of the corner of my eye. Just a blur when they jumped the median. There was nothing i could do. daughter daddy dad vo shes safe because of our first outback. And our new ones even safer. vo the subaru outback, an iihs top safety pick . 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I dont just play someone brainy on tv im an actual neuroscientist. And i love the Science Behind neuriva plus. Unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of Brain Performance. More Brain Performance . Yes, please neuriva. Think bigger. All right. Theyre counting ballots here in New York City. The democratic primary for New York City mayor, we dont know who won. We wont know for a while. With a we do know is Brooklyn Borough president eric adams is leading among the votes counted and andrew yang, the guy who had run for president before, says hes toast, that hes not going to win. Were joined by senior Political Writer and analyst and see where we stand with the ballots that are counted so far. Where do we stand . Well, there is a clear leader right now. The polls are actually pretty good, yes, current first choice, eric adams with near 32 of the vote. Maya wiley about ten points back at 22 . Kathryn garcia, who supposedly had all that late momentum, near 20 of the vote, andrew yang faded significantly, all the way back to 12 of the vote. This does not include at least 87,000 mailin ballots. These totals may shift down the road. Its clear eric adams is well out in front. This gives us the shape of where things stand. Well talk about the ranked choice impact in a second because thats harder to cipher. What i think isnt as hard is the choice New York City voters made by and large on ideology. Explain. One of the things weve been talking about is the left wing of the party versus the moderate mainstream and at least in New York City its very clear that the moderate mainstream part of the party did very well totaling over twothirds of the vote so far. Three of the top four candidates, adams, garcia, yang, look at this, they, right there, 12, 20, 32 . Just 30 on the leftwing part of the ideological spectrum. Maya wiley in second with 22. Everyone else way back and this has been participate of a pattern, john, we saw in the virginia gubernatorial race, in the second congressional district, and last year in the democratic primary for president that at least in the biggest races the moderate mainstream candidate seems to be outlasting. People think New York City is so liberal. No. Right now moderate democrats are getting 67 of the first choice vote. Exactly right. Eric adams ran a very hard tough on crime message, more police on the subway, doing especially well and especially well in africanamerican communities. I want to look at we talked about the rank choice voting. Eric adams is about ten points ahead with 31 , 32 . What are the chances someone else wins at this point . Obviously we still have those near 100,000 ballots that are still out for the absentee and the election day votes. Essentially that tenpoint lead in my mind is pretty solid if it holds. Why is that . We can look back at ranked choice elections that have taken place since 2000. It just started in new york. When you have a leader with less than 40 of the vote, which adams clearly has and is ahead by less than ten points, that firstround leader wins just 72 of the time. But if the leader has less than 40 and is ahead by ten points they have won 100 of the time. So a tenpoint lead is right on the border f. That tenpoint hold lead holds eric adams is a favorite. I just want to show people one more thing again with this. Theyre trying to do the math and seeing how someone could come up and its hard to tell. You dont know where all the votes would go. One possible way is if people wanted to have the first woman as mayor of New York City, maybe they made their first and second choice maya wiley or kathryn garcia. Ideologically eric adams and maya wiley are closer. And the second choices would be more likely to go to wiley than garcia. Grs has a better once in a oneonone with adams. When will we know who won . We wont know for a while. Ranked choice results from inperson voting wont come in until june 29th. We were talking about the absentees. Its not until the week of july 12th that we should expect officials results so well have to wait a while. The key message is eric adams is definitely the man to beat. And turnout wasnt bad. It will end up near 900,000 which is actually right near the top of the primaries in the New York City mayoral race. Dont go far. Im not going anywhere. Back to brianna now. Cnn right now has not projected a winner in a different mayoral race, the one in buffalo, but that didnt stop selfproclaimed Socialist Walton claiming victory in the democratic primary because she has a considerable lead here with still some votes to be counted. This is an upset, to say the least. Reporter Absentee Ballots still need to be counted. If she pulls this off, its a stunning upset and a notable one, the first woman mayor defeating byron brown who wants to make history of his own by being the first mayor in the city to win a fifth term. India walton already declaring victory in this race. Cnn has not made a production. Walton is a selfprofessed socialist with the backing of the largest socialist organization. She is a nurse and Community Organizer who ran a campaign on wanting to change buffalos leadership. She promised voters she would make changes to Police Reform, she doesnt want police to respond to quality of life issues and she wants to declare buffalo a sanctuary city, very progressive ideas that seem to have resonated there. Last nights early numbers also got the attention of congresswoman alexandria ocasio ocasiocortez. Walton became a mother at 14 and earned her ged while pregnant with twins, graduated, became a registered necessary and then a representative in her union and directed land trust. Tonight it seems buffalo may be making her mayor. Walton, again, feeling confident at her Campaign Rally came to the mic and said, quote, i hate to say i told you so. Certainly a political surprise. The states second largest city. Brown, though, not conceding at this point, saying he wants vote to be counted. He was running for his fifth term. I mean wow. Were going to talk to india walton so well get her perspective on really, for her, an exciting moment. Brynn gingras, thank you so much. There were two just amazing Sports Stories overnight that require the harry ent treatment. Phoenix won it with a Buzzer Beating ally oop. Harry, what people are asking jae crowder throws the ball inbounds. They see him pass the ball, right . Its right over the hoop and he jams it in. Normally that would be goaltending. I cant hover above the hoop and jam it in, as much as i would like to under normal circumstances, so people watching said, wait a second, that had to be goaltending. I love the idea you think either of us could get high enough that we could goaltend above the cylinder. No, whats so important is you cant make a basket on an inbounds pass. How could there be goaltending . So this, as were going to see, as he throws it up there, that cant be really a shot. So he is allowed to go above the cylinder and there cant possibly be goaltending and thats what he did. To say it more clearly, theres no goaltending on an inbound pass. Its an exception to the rule here which the suns knew. Everyone else is like, no, no, it cant be. Yes, it was a brilliant play. The suns win. Not goaltending. Thats what im going to do next time i play. Thats what im going to do. Its rare but it has happened before. I went searching for it myself, and it was pointed out that they have done it before. This isnt one in a million but its probably at least one in 10,000. In the phillies nationals game the phillies manager joe girardi three times asked for the umpire to check out max scherzer, terrific pitcher, to see if he had a foreign substance on his hand, hat, hair anywhere. This is part of the new rules in place in baseball to try to stop pitchers from cheating, frankly, from using foreign substances to give them a better grip on the ball. It allows managers to make this challenge, but he did it three times, which seems like a lot. Right, two is generally what is expected and the pitchers were expecting. Three times he claimed he seemed to be going to his hat a lot. It was more so than usual. But i think this is what will be expected. Pitchers are throwing so hard, getting so many strikeouts, managers are very suspicious. I should point out that messing with pitchers is not necessarily anything new. I dont know if you remember but jay howell in the National Championship series was checked and was thrown out or joe niekro was thrown out for using sand paper, pulled it out of his pocket. I think this is just the start of something. Major League Baseball has no idea whats going on. Theyre more than they bargained for. The rules say a manager cant ask the pitcher be searched in bad faith. Thats a subjective thing. And max scherzer admitted he was putting his hands through his hair more than usual to give himself a better grip which is acceptable with sweat. A decision that has to be made by the umpires, the discussion with the managers, its just a chance for a mess, and this, i think, illustrated it last night and scherzer is one of the best pitchers in the league. I dont know. Its just crazy. Brianna . My nets my nets, though, come on. You can see it worked. He was getting ticked off. Theres a reason hes doing it. The pitchers are Bent Out Of Shape because they want to be able to cheat. Its they want to be able to slap stuff, slather stuff on the ball and cheat. Theyre upset that theyre not going to be able to cheat as much as they have been. What would you cheat with . Super glue. Super glue and an emory board. An emory board. I was a Knuckleball Pitcher Back in high school. I actually did throw a five inning perfect game so i think i have some real authority. And that was after being called for goaltending six times in basketball. Berman has a trophy, a threeinchtall trophy. I dont know. Okay, okay. I enjoyed your segments, harry, but loved the mayoral race. I really enjoyed the sports segment, so thank you very much. Coming up, we have some new details about the steps President Biden is expected to announce about combatting Violent Crime. 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There are major cities across the country where gun violence is absolutely the driver, where it is increasing, and that will be a central part of what he talks about. Local officials, Law Enforcement and Community Leaders all looking to fix the problem as homicide rates in cities like new york, los angeles and chicago, have all increased from the same point last year and the year before, though Violent Crime is down nationwide from where it was five and ten years ago. Now the president plans to sign Executive Actions aimed at reducing gun crimes, Officials Say. This comes after he signed six gun controlrelated Executive Actions in april. Gun violence in this country is an epidemic. Let me say it again. Gun violence in this country is an epidemic and its an international embarrassment. With limited power to impose sweeping gun control reform Officials Say biden is planning to urge congress to take action. A call the president has repeated to his capitol hill colleagues time and time again since taking office. I dont need to wait another minute let alone an hour, to take common sense steps that will save lives in the future and urge my colleagues to ak. I will do everything in my power to protect the American People from this epidemic of gun violence. Its time for congress to act as well. But despite the spike in Violent Crime, passing any bills through a gridlocked senate will be difficult. And Republican Leaders are using rising crime as a Talking Point in their quest to take back control of the house and senate in 2022. Biden also faces pressure from some democrats calling for major Police Reform. Change, the white house says, can happen while addressing the rise in violence across the United States. Police reform is long outdated but its also important to take steps to put in place gun safety measures, to take any use any lever he can as president to do exactly that and to ensure there is appropriate funding and resources needed to ensure theres community policing. If joe biden was the primary author of the crime bill in the 1990s, something at that actually caused problems for them in the democratic primary for president so its not like this is an issue that is new to him. Its something hes dealt with his entire career and was accused of being too tough for parts of it. And, look, hes trying to thread a needle here which is to say we need Police Reform but we also need to do something about the rise in crime were seeing in some cities. I thought it was interesting what you pointed out which is you might think based on some of the criticism that crime is sky high, but its actually lower than it was, as you said, five or ten years ago, but the trajectory is going in the wrong direction and that is perilous. It just is. And very quickly, like alarmingly fast it has risen in the last year or two. A brazen murder in New York City, speaking of, a man gunned down while sitting in his car. The victims fiancee will join us next hour. Plus, what House Speaker nancy pelosi is saying about investigating the capitol insurrection. Her brandnew interview next. Among my patients i often see them have Teeth Sensitivity as well as gum issues. Does it worry me . Absolutely. Sensodyne sensitivity and gum gives us a dual action effect that really takes care of both our Teeth Sensitivity as well as our gum issues. Theres no question its something that i would recommend. My nunormal . Fewer Asthma Attacks with nucala. 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Its beautiful. You were there, you covered congress there. I did. Its one of my favorite rooms. Would you even call it a room . The floor is very hard, im told. Shin splints if you cover the hill for sure. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi telling april ryan in a new interview she may form a select committee to investigate the January 6th Insurrection of a Bipartisan Commission, cannot be formed with republicans before. Pelosi told a Committee Tuesday that she will create that select committee. She had already decided to do so. Pelosi later denied she has made a decision. It seems like she wants to control the announcement. April ryan joins us now, a cnn political analyst and White House Correspondent and d. C. Bureau chief. This select committee, how will it be different than the Bipartisan Commission . Why does she think its necessary . What does she hope to get out of it . Reporter well, why its necessary is because an insurrection happened. The legislative branch was warred upon, if you will. At issue, republicans do not want to validate what happened. They want to change the narrative. So she wants to get the facts, to put it in front of the american public, to see how this happened, how it was financed, all the origins of it, the whos, whats, whens, wheres and whys, if you will, and a return will be given. Thats what happens with select committees when you investigate something serious like this. What stood out to you the most with the speaker, april . Reporter well, we spent about 40 minutes, she was very honest. She talked about being in statuary hall. Her concern mostly at that time on january 6th for her staff and the staffers around the capitol, and for the janitors, people who had to hide and barricade themselves in rooms. She was very open and honest about the move forward, what she hopes. She was standing more on democracy. And we also talked about other issues to include Voting Rights, infrastructure, and policing, and the president s efforts with crime. That she says will not undermine the George Floyd Justice in policing act. Is she optimistic . Did you get the sense shes optimistic about being able to move forward on any of these legislative items . It seems like the deck is really stacked against President Biden and the democrats. Absolutely right. In this grio exclusive, Speaker Pelosi made it clear that theyre throwing this in the court of public opinion. Theyre throwing this out there for coalitions to get behind them. Coalitions like the Poor Peoples Campaign led by reverend William Barber who is quite often on your air, he is actually holding a protest at 1 00 in front of the u. S. Supreme Court Building on the issue of Voting Rights, and he said he had been pressing along with other ministers had been pressing joe manchin in West Virginia because they say many white republicans are saying Gentlemen Manchin is lying because they are also affected by Voting Rights as well as the disabled, as well as asiana asianamericans, as well as brown americans. Its not just a black issue. So they, the speaker, the president of the United States, are relying on coalitions to push this effort, these efforts forward as republicans in the senate are stalling everything every which way. April ryan, terrific interview. Thank you for joining us this morning. Reporter thank you, john berman. Are more and more americans are saying, take this job and shove it. Well ask one worker why she decided to leave her retail job. Plus, bermans favorite story, because he tracks Britney Spears so closely do you . I had one of the most informative interviews with the guy she was married to for a day. I have done extensive Britney Spears coverage. You are going to love this because shes expected to speak out in court today about the control that her father has over her life in this conservativeship shes been under for years. What happens when we Welcome Change . We can transform our workforce overnight out of convenience, or necessity. We can explore uncharted waters, and not only make new discoveries,s, but t get there faster, with better outcomes. With app, cloud and anywhere workspace solutions, vmware helps Companies Navigate change meeting them where they are, and getting them where they want to be. Faster. Vmware. Welcome change. Talk to me. What do we got . When you have xfinity xfi, with blazing speed. [ screaming ] a powerful connection. Thats another level. And ultimate control. Power us up. You can do more than you ever thought possible. Yes hold on. Get a powerful and secure connection you can count on. Only with xfinity xfi. And see f9 only in theaters. More americans are quitting their jobs than ever before. This is according to Labor Department statistics that show in april alone 4 million americans left their jobs, the largest exits are happening in the Retail Industry with 649,000 retail workers putting in their notice last month. Lets talk about this now with one of those workers, christina noles, quit her retail job last month and is working at a law firm as an intake specialist. You that for being with us this morning. Tell us about your path and your decision here because you spent the past eight years, really most of your adult working life, in retail. Then the pandemic changed how you saw this job. Tell us what happened that made you decide im quitting. Well, first of all, thanks for having me. Second of all, one of the things that led to this whole life change was really the conditions that kind of became apparent. I spent most of my adult life working with people, and i like working with people, but the actions of people over the pandemic make it hard to enjoy that any longer, and late last year my work place had to shut down for two weeks due to a covid exposure by one of our other managers, and that was when i kind of thought to myself i think its time to make a move and theres an author i follow, and she has a mantra that says we can do hard things. Its an easy thing to think about, i can do this hard thing and, you know, the amount of verbal abuse that retail employees are expected to just accept, thats made it acceptable, is a big deal for me personally, and it was a big reason as to why i wanted to leave let alone the fact that the wages are not, you know, measurable to what they should be, of course, and the long hours, working nine straight nights, getting out at 10 30 in the evening, having little to no time for yourself. So whenever the opportunity arose in april to apply for my current job, i jumped at it because i felt like there was nothing else i could do but go on to this to further myself. It sounds like the pandemic was very much this Inflection Point for you, that it opened your eyes to something that you decided you need to make a change with. I wonder, you say someone saw your work ethic, that they told you to apply for a job and you were hired, which, congratulations, thats a huge achievement. For a lot of people thank you. Looking at the possibility of quitting a job, its not necessarily a possibility for them. What do you say what do you say to them coming from your experience . First, i would say that i do find that the pandemic was pretty much a catalyst for a lot of workers who had been historically undervalued. And i think that catalyst has driven a lot of people to say, you know, im going to take this chance to do what i wanted to do, and it gave them that courage. As for me, im very aware that i was extremely lucky someone saw what i was doing in my normal course of routine and said thats what i needed in my job. I would say for anybody who is looking to change careers, one of the things i did following december, especially when it came to applying to new jobs and applying and taking these chances to get out of the Retail Sector was find what you like about the job youre in. And for me i enjoy helping people. I enjoy working with people. Its not a stretch to say that im an incredibly sociable person and its my favorite part of the job, but the Retail Aspect is what was untenable for me. I would say to anybody who is looking to move to a different sector find something about the job you like and i understand thats very easy for me to say on the other side of it. But i do think that looking to jobs that are kind of similar but different, one of the things i had been recommended was to look at things like receptionist jobs. Any of us who spent any time in retail, you have a fair amount of clerical skills that you can apply to other things. So thats kind of my big advice, which i understand is, you know, applicable to me but not maybe for everyone. Im sure its applicable to somebody, christina. We wish you happiness and fulfillment, and we thank you for your perspective on this. There are a lot of people, i think, who are in your shoes through the pandemic has maybe made them rethink their employment. Thank you, christina. Thank you so much. It is a Stunning Development in the murder of Washington Post journalist jamal khashoggi. Four of those involved in his killing received Paramilitary Training right here in the United States. Republicans blocking an effort to just debate voting reform. So whats next . E 1 retinol brad used most by dermatologists . Its neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair® smooths the look of fine lines in 1week, Deep Wrinkles in 4. 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