this just kind of acknowledging the reality of having kids in school that you can't actually space them six feet and get them all in a classroom? >> hi, brianna, thanks for having me on. i think it's a little bit of both. i've looked at this research and it does seem that the spacing doesn't need to be as far as six feet in order to keep the children safe, and so that's one of the factors involved in the cdc changing its guidelines. the other factor is exactly what you said. there is a push to try to get these schools reopened and then you can't do that with them six feet apart so i think both factors play a role, but it does seem, from what the evidence looks like, that three feet might be enough distance. >> with masking, right? masking is obviously the key part. >> correct, correct. yeah. so, the things that need to occur for that to be safe is that they have to be fully masked and continue to do this -- the hand washing and things that we have become accustomed to. >> very important for schools. i want to play a heated exchange between dr. anthony fauci and senator rand paul at a senate hearing today. let's listen. >> what study shows significant reinfection, hospitalization, and death after either natural infection or the vaccine? it doesn't exist. there is no evidence that there are significant reinfections after vaccine. in fact, i don't think we have a hospitalization in the united states after the two-week period after the second vaccination. we don't have a death in the united states. >> you're not hearing what i'm saying about variants. we're talking about wild type versus variants. now -- >> what proof is there that there is significant reinfections with hospitalizations and death from the variants? none in our country. zero. >> well, because we don't have a prevalent of a variant yet. we're having one -- can i finish? we're having one -- >> conjecture. you're making policy based on conjecture. >> it isn't based on conjecture. >> you want people to wear a mask for another couple years. you've been vaccinated and you parade around in two masks for show. >> no. >> you can't get it again. there's virtually zero percent chance you're going to get it and yet you're telling people that have had the vaccine, who have immunity, you're defying everything we know about immunity by telling people to wear masks who have been vaccinated. instead you should be saying there is no science to say we're going to have a problem from the large number of people who have been vaccinated. you want to get rid of vaccine hesitancy? tell them they can quit wearing their mask after the vaccine. give them a reward instead of telling them that the nanny state is going to be there for three more years. there's no science behind it. >> well, let me just state for the record that masks are not theater. masks are protective. and we -- >> after immunity, they're theater. if you already have immunity, you're wearing a mask to give -- >> i would like dr. fauci to be able to -- >> i totally disagree with you. >> dr. fauci, if you could respond so that we could understand the difference between the virus itself and the variants and the reason for a mask. >> i'm sorry, ma'am, i can't -- >> if you could respond to the question so that we could all understand the difference between the vaccine and controlling the wild type versus the variants that are out there and the reason for wearing a mask, i'd appreciate it. >> yeah, i mean, yes. first of all, when you have a variant, you have an immunity that you get what's convalescent sera and the same sort of thing if i vaccinate you or me, you get a certain level of antibody that's specific for a particular viral strain. if there's a circulating variant, you don't necessarily have it. you have some spillover immunity, to be sure, but you diminish by anywhere from two to eightf eightfold the protection so the point i'm saying is that there are variants in now circulating. the point that senator paul was making was that if you look at wild type only, there is some clear-cut credence to what he is saying, but we are living right now in a situation where we're having a dominance of 1.1.7 which was the original uk. we have a very troublesome variant in new york city, a 5.2.6. we've got two variants in california, a 4.2.7, 4.29 and we have a number of others so we're not dealing with a static situation of the same virus. that was the only point i'm making. >> i mean, nothing -- i watched a number of interactions, i will say, between rand paul and dr. fauci and it seems like nothing really brings out senator paul acting like an ass than dr. fauci just talking about what is accepted public health guidance here. so, explain to us from a public health perspective this -- what people need to know to understand this. >> yeah, so, this is just radical rand again challenging a renowned public figure who has been educating the american public since the beginning on how to prevent themselves from getting covid-19. rand paul is trying to use our government as theater, you know? and radicalizing these views on his not well thought out views on how to manage this virus. so, what dr. fauci is saying is that we're dealing with variants in the virus, which are mutations, and until we fully study them and understand them, we need to continue the things -- to do the things that we are doing to keep ourselves safe. the vaccination is wonderful, and it works well. however, in some cases, that vaccination has not fully kept people immune from the variant cases of coronavirus. and so, until we can fully study that, even if you're vaccinated, you need to continue to wear your mask, social distance, and wash your hands per recommended cdc guidelines. irrespective of what rand paul says. >> this -- he was saying -- he was making a point erroneously that he was saying that dr. fauci is basing this entirely on conjecture because there isn't anything proven about variants, but it kind of takes me back to the beginning of the pandemic when you had -- i mean, it was so clear to anyone who was in public health and knows how a virus behaves where we were headed. and yet there were all these deniers saying, like, oh, you know, the president at the time being one of the biggest among them saying, oh, it's going to go away and basically downplaying that it was a big deal or it was just the flu. there's such a thing as conjecture based on fact, and i wonder how you help us understand, you know, needing to listen to what doctors know is going to happen before it happens or something that might happen before it happens. >> right. and you said that very, very well, brianna. so, the goal as the physician, as the scientist, is to do what we can to make sure that we protect the most people, and if we had followed rand paul's advice or the prior administration's advice, we probably would have double the american public dead by now, and so luckily, we have had people like dr. fauci and all the scientists and physicians working on this to give us guidance and tell us what we need to do to keep as many people safe for as long as possible without doing these theatrical things like what we saw today. >> yeah. dr. rand paul is lucky, i will say, there's 538,000-plus americans who have not been so lucky and those are just the ones who died and are not faces the long-term effects. dr. burrowes, great to have you here. thank you. just two days after the shooting rampage that killed eight, six of them asian-american, another minority group is being forced to demand a reckoning in america. a short time ago, the president ordered flags at half staff for the victims killed in the atlanta area shootings. and tomorrow, he and the vice president plan to meet with asian-american leaders when they visit the city. today, the house is holding a hearing on anti-asian hate in the country after months of reports of bigoted attacks increasing during the pandemic, fueled by bigoted rhetoric based on the virus originating in china. investigators in georgia say it's still not clear whether racist hate was behind the murders there, detailing that the suspect, robert aaron long, told them he acted out in distress over a sexual addiction. long's court appearance today was canceled. we will get the latest on the investigation. first, though, to the house hearing on anti-asian attacks in which a texas congressman spewed the exact rhetoric that is blamed for inciting the racism, while invoking terms tied to lynching. it forced one asian-american congresswoman to respond quite forcefully. let's watch. >> the victims of race-based violence and their families deserve justice, and as the case of what we're talking about here with the tragedy of what we just saw occur in atlanta, georgia, i would also suggest that the victims of cartels moving illegal aliens deserve justice. the american citizens in south texas that are getting absolutely decimated by what's happening at our southern border, the victims of rioting and looting, businesses closed -- last summer. deserve justice. we believe in justice. there's an old saying in texas about, you know, find the -- all the rope in texas and get a tall oak tree, you know, we take justice very seriously and we ought to do that, round up the bad guys. that's what we believe. my concern about this hearing is that it seems to want to venture into the policing of rhetoric in a free society, free speech, and away from the rule of law and taking out bad guys. now we're talking about whether talking about china, the chinese communist party, whatever phrasing we want to use and if some people are saying, hey, we think those guys are the bad guys, for whatever reason, and let me just state clearly, i do. i think the chinese communist party running the country of china, i think they're the bad guys. i'm not going to be ashamed of saying i oppose the chi coms. i oppose the chinese communist party and when we say things like that and we're talking about that, we shouldn't be worried about having a committee of members of congress policing our rhetoric. because some evildoers go engage in some evil activity as occurred in atlanta, georgia. who decides what is hate? who decides what is the kind of speech that deserves policing? >> i want to go back to something that mr. roy said earlier. your president and your party and your colleagues can talk about issues with any other country that you want, but you don't have to do it by putting a bulls-eye on the back of asian-americans across this country, on our grandparents, on our kids. this hearing was to address the hurt and pain of our community and to find solutions and we will not let you take our voice away from us. >> i'm joined now by democratic congressman andy kim of new jersey. congressman, what was your reaction to that moment? >> my reaction was one of just diving into the words of congresswoman grace meng. she spoke for all of us. she spoke for those victims. she spoke for people who are trying to be heard and seen right now, not just be used as some type of rhetorical pivot for our colleagues in congress to change the subject to something else. now is the time for us to have that deep dive and that true look at ourselves in terms of the racism and the hatred, so i'm glad that congresswoman grace meng stood up for me, my family, for the asian-american community around this country. >> it seemed like congressman roy was trying to decouple rhetoric that, say, might have to do with the chinese government, from the crimes that we have seen. we don't know -- look, we don't know what the motive is in atlanta, but it doesn't escape anyone that six of the eight victims are asian-american women, and it seems like he's trying to decouple the rhetoric, which has increased, from the incidents that have increased, and there are many that have been documented. we've talked about them on the show just here in the last hour or so. what do you say to that? of him trying to say there is -- it appears no connection. >> well, what he is doing is not trying to decouple. what he's doing is trying to change the topic. he doesn't want to talk about the issues of racism and discrimination in our nation. he didn't -- we're in the aftermath, less than 48 hours since a mass murder, and he used his time to talk about changing the subject in that way rather than thinking about the american people that were killed and the families that are still mourning. he is dramatically just out of touch with the challenges that the asian-american community are facing, the pain that we are facing, so that's why he's -- he's just trying to changehe subject to something that he knows better or something that he feels more comfortable talking about, rather than doing the hard work of digging into this extremely difficult and painful issue of racism that the aapi community is facing. >> he invoked lynching, and not just lynching but lynching as if it were justice. he used a phrase about lynching which has a dark, dark history and a racist history in texas, and he talked about that as if it were -- as if it were justice. >> yeah, look, he, no doubt, used language that is absolutely offensive, and look, i absolutely condemn the use of that language, and i believe that he was trying to change the subject and trying to move on from something that we need to confront, but look, i don't want to focus on him. i want to focus on the victims in atlanta, their families. i want to focus in on the aapi community around this country that is grieving and fearful yesterday and today going forward, the calls that i'm getting, people breaking down, unsure what's going to happen next. that's where we need to rally around. that's what we need to be focused on. >> what are you hearing from your constituents or from people that you know about what they have dealt with in this last year or so compared to before the pandemic? >> they have experienced a lot, and i felt it too. i've had experiences. my family's had experiences where we have had people say racist remarks at us, try to get away, you know, step away from us because -- tell us to get away from them because they think they're going to get the coronavirus from us simply because we're asian-american. but look, the challenges that we face certainly over the last year, gasoline has been poured on this fire, but discrimination that the aapi community has faced preceded covid and it will be around after covid, you know, this is something deeper. but people are feeling real pain right now, and what they want to have is be known that they're being seen and heard. i'm glad that the president and the vice president will go down to atlanta tomorrow. that is certainly a big step, and i'm grateful for his leadership here. >> congressman kim, thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you. atlanta police are preparing to hold a news conference here in the next hour. cnn national correspondent ryan young is in atlanta following this story. ryan, the suspected gunman's court appearance was today, but then it was canceled. why was it canceled? >> reporter: yeah, it looks like his lawyer decided to forego that first court appearance and of course we were hoping to learn some sort of information from that, maybe see some documents from the sheriff's department there. we know the sheriff's department has put in work, getting in touch with that shooter's family and that's what helped bring this to a close so quickly because they were able to track him down through his movements after he left cherokee county. not sure now that he has a lawyer that he's no longer talking to authorities because investigators wanted to talk to him. there are so many people in this community, though, who want to start focusing and moving the focus on the victims of this case. we've heard countless, numerous times that they want to hear their stories because obviously, they feel like those people did not deserve what exactly happened. but we do know, especially from the statements made yesterday, that when this suspect was first talked to, that he indicated that he had a sexual addiction and that's what pushed him to the locations that are in question, and one of the things that people and detectives are going through is to go through surveillance video to see if he's frequented these areas before. had he come to these spas in previous times? that's something they're going through now. of course at 3:00, we do know that they're going to have this news conference, not sure the information they're going to share. one of the things, though, that stands out is the statements from the cherokee county sheriff's department and a statement like this, we'll play it for you, has so many people wondering what they actually meant. take a listen. >> he understood the gravity of it, and he was pretty much fed up and had been kind of at the end of his rope and yesterday was a really bad day for him and this is what he did. >> reporter: brianna, there's been a lot of pushback about that comment. we're told there could be a statement from the cherokee county sheriff's department about that statement sometime soon. to go into this, though, and i also want to tell you there's massive amounts of video surveillance that's throughout this area and maybe just maybe the atlanta police department is going to share how they were able to track some of his movements throughout this area. we do know they got a heads-up from cherokee about the vehicle they were looking for but there are so many parts of this investigation that we still have not clearly found out as investigators are really digging down into what exactly happened, brianna. >> ryan young, thank you so much. and still ahead, i'll be speaking to the family of delania yuan, who was killed. plus house minority leader kevin mccarthy tries to rewrite history and claim that he never backed trump's efforts to overturn the election. you have to see his exchange with our cnn reporter on the hill. and fbi just released new video of some of the most egregious attacks on police during the capitol riots. ♪ hi, i'm a new customer and i want your best new smartphone deal. well i'm an existing customer and i'd like your best new smartphone deal. oh do ya? actually it's for both new and existing customers. i feel silly. but i do want the fastest 5g network. oh i want the fastest 5g network. are we actually doing this again? it's not complicated. only at&t gives everyone the same great deal. like the samsung galaxy s21 5g for free when you trade in. my plaque psoriasis... ...the itching ...the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful. emerge tremfyant™ with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. tremfya® is also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. serious 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first. everything was her family. she had such a wonderful, happy, upbeat personality. we were planning this summer and doing some fun activities and now i don't get to do that with her, and it's extremely hard to even think about. i'm waiting for her to come walking through the door and to not get that phone call, it's devastating. it's hard. >> and she and mario were recently married? >> yeah, they were recently married. they have an 8-month-old daughter named mia. >> so, i mean, they have -- they have a little one. that's pretty little. so they were just -- they were just out trying to have an outing themselves alone? >> yeah. i was told that they just went to go have some time to themselves and yeah, it's -- it's hard, yeah. it's -- to know that that happened and just that little time, it's crazy. yeah, they just went to go have some time alone, husband and wife, you know, just time together and unfortunately, it was -- it went bad. it went bad real fast. so, it's unfortunate. >> you are aware the suspect has been arrested. he has admitted to the crime. there are questions about the motive. he has said one thing, there's also questions about whether this was racially motivated because six of the eight victims were asian-american. what are -- what are your thoughts as you -- as you think about this suspect? >> so, i know that he was arrested, which i'm glad that he was, you know? unfortunately, the stuff that they said or are saying, it being sexualized, that kind of irritates me. i can't even -- i can't even describe how foolish it sounds. but i definitely think that he targeted, for sure, targeted these places and the fact that he would have kept going, yeah, that's -- i don't know. it's just frustrating. but i haven't even gotten on socia social media, really. i've seen it through posts and comments. i haven't even watched some of the television because i'm so focused on grieving my sister, you know? it's just -- but some of the things that they say that he sexualized -- i don't think that was one of them. i really don't think that was one of them. >> do you think he's just being dishonest with what police are representing as what he's told them? >> there's a possibility, yes. i mean, like i said, those were targeted. like, asian -- asians, it sounds like, were targeted. the asian community was attacked, and unfortunately, my sister was in an asian spa. she was enjoying time. she was just going to enjoy time with her husband. her husband. come on. like, it's supposed to be a safe place. i don't understand. >> and she deserved it. i mean, she's the mom to two kids, one very young, i'm assuming she hasn't had lot of time to herself here, especially in recent months. you said you're focused -- sorry, go on. >> being a parent, i have two kids, sometimes it's good to get that alone time, you know? time to get away and that's what they wanted. they wanted just time to themselves. >> it's essential. look, i have two small kids myself. it's essential. you are now focused on this void now with your sister gone. i know you're in the early stages of this. you said you are starting to work through grieving your sister. what do you want people to know? >> that she was a good person. she didn't deserve -- she didn't deserve that. nobody deserved it. these families didn't deserve to lose their loved ones. i just hope -- i hope there's justice. i hope that we can prevent stuff like this from happening, because this is uncalled for. the gun violence is more of a thing now. like, you can't even go to the store or a beauty, you know, anywhere to enjoy your time, enjoy life. without worrying if somebody's going to come back home or not. i just want things to be made aware, like, i don't want to get that phone call that i just lost somebody again like this. it's just -- she was too young. she was only 33. she was only 33. >> too young. her life too full, too many people who loved her. dana, i'm so sorry that she's been taken from you, and i appreciate you talking with us today. thank you. >> yes. you're welcome. >> dana toole with us here. thank you. we'll be back in just a moment. will there be an ev for me? what about me? one for me? you mean us? what about me? and me? how about us? yeah, how about us? great question. wait, can i get one in green? got one for me?! hey, what about me? what about us? is there an ev for me? ev for me? us? what about me? me? for me? ♪ ♪ (dog whimpers) whitney and jane are always sharing tips on ways to save money. cvs carepass... it's my savings secret. carepass members get 20% off cvs health brand products. free 1-2 day shipping... plus, a $10 promo reward. thanks for sharing! join carepass today and get yours. jackson hewitt knows your job description may have changed this year. to say... account manager... third grade teacher... and senior vice dog-walker. don't add tax preparer. let jackson hewitt do it for you, so you can be certain your taxes are done right, guaranteed. months after lambasting former president trump, house democrats are facing criticism from republicans over their review of a contested congressional race that could potentially overturn a state certified republican victory in iowa. cnn's manu raju is following this for us and is joining us from the hill. and manu, you just asked the house minority leader about this and things got pretty heated so explain the back story here first. >> reporter: this really has to do with the iowa race before the house right now. the republican certified winner of this race, congressman miller meeks, the democrat who lost that race is contesting this before the house and argues that this race, which was decided by just six votes, the closest margin of any federal race in the country, she says it was not properly counted. she says there are 22 legally cast ballots that need to be counted for and she has taken her matter to the house administration committee to try to overturn the elections. this is a procedure that is rarely used. she did not go through the courts and is going to congress. even though democrats, of course, criticized donald trump for going to congress to try to overturn the elections, they're saying this is much different and they're weighing what to do, the proceedings are still playing out. republicans, meanwhile, are accusing democrats of trying to steal a seat and they're saying that this is a certified winner and democrats should let this winner actually serve out her term in office. now, when i had a chance to ask kevin mccarthy, the republican leader, how he's okay with what donald trump did, which he supported, the effort to overturn the election results in congress, how -- why he's concerned now about the efforts to overturn the elections of a republican winner by the democrats. he offered a bit of a revised take of history. >> reporter: the iowa race. in your view, what is different between the efforts there to overturn the elections in the house versus donald trump's efforts to overturn the elections in congress that you supported? >> well, i disagree with the premise of your question. so, if you -- if you challenged arizona and pennsylvania, would that have changed and lowered president biden's numbers below 270? >> you supported the texas lawsuit that would have -- >> you ask me questions every week. i just asked you a question. if you removed arizona, but you weren't removing it, you were just asking the question about it. if arizona and pennsylvania were removed in the electoral college, would president biden's number lower below 270? >> reporter: no, but donald trump said that -- >> okay, the answer is no. you're asking me the question. >> reporter: you supported his efforts, did you not? >> let me answer your question since you asked me. let me follow through. you gave a premise that's not true. >> reporter: donald trump tried to overturn the results in congress and you supported that effort. >> well, now you're saying something that's not true either. let me answer your question and show you how your premise is not true. >> reporter: the losing candidate did not organize a rally and say, stop the steal, we can overturn the certification of the electoral college on january 6th. >> do you want to talk to trump or do you want to ask me the question? >> reporter: did you not support his efforts? >> i'm showing where your question doesn't hold merit. now, let me show you another answer. >> reporter: but you supported the texas lawsuit. do you regret supporting that lawsuit? >> no, i don't, you know why? >> reporter: did you or did you not support donald trump's effort to overturn the election in congress? >> no. didn't we just answer this the first time you asked it? how many electoral votes -- >> reporter: you never raised any concerns about donald trump's efforts to organize the rally, to say that he could stop -- >> other people in the room. anyone? >> oh, he does this every time. >> reporter: so, it went on like that for about five minutes, just a bit of a reality check here that kevin mccarthy voted to overturn the election results in two states, arizona and pennsylvania. that happened after the deadly riot that occurred here. there was a republican effort to overturn the election on six states that day, among house republicans. he never raised any concerns about the effort. that actually did not have a vote because no senate republicans joined that effort. also, he did back that texas lawsuit that would have invalidated millions of votes in the run-up to the january 6th certification. he clearly is not backing away from that, even though texas was saying other states were administering their elections improperly. he didn't back away from that. and lalso, throughout the cours of this, brianna, he never raised concerns about donald trump's actions. i had asked him multiple times through the course of december up until january about whether president biden was president-elect at the time, would he acknowledge that, he would not acknowledge that. he didn't raise any concerns with what trump was doing and was on television doing one fox news at one point saying that donald trump won the election. so, a revised take from the republican leader here walking back from his past support of what donald trump was doing, either tacit support or overt support but nevertheless he is saying this is different than what the democrats are doing in considering whether to overturn that contested iowa race. >> he was right about you doing this every time but this is asking factual questions, as you always do, manu raju, thank you so much live for us from the hill. next as congress votes to award the congressional gold medal to capitol police, the fbi releases new video of some of the most violent attacks on those officers. >> watch out, watch out. some say this is my greatest challenge. governments in record debt; inflation rising, currencies falling. but i've seen centuries of this. with 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and some more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance for more horizons. a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about chemo-free opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all involved in our clinical trials. just in to cnn, the fbi has released several new videos showing police officers being brutally assaulted during the attack on the u.s. capitol on january 6th. in one piece of footage, a mass of rioters bashing officers with whatever instruments they could find and a warning, this is graphic. it is tough to watch. >> watch out, watch out. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> now, the fbi video zooms in on this scene to show someone in the mob with a large pipe or pole of some kind, and the individual swinging it at officers' heads. cnn's jessica schneider is with me now on this story. what can you tell us about these dramatic new videos? they are terrible. and tell us why the fbi is releasing them now. >> reporter: yeah, disturbing, brianna. you know, the fbi, they really have been working around the clock for more than two months now, and they've been combing through thousands of hours of video footage to really pinpoint the perpetrators of these vicious and violent attacks on these officers. but you know, they have been having trouble identifying the suspects here, and now they're once again pleading with the public for help. we heard from the assistant director in charge of the fbi field office here in washington today and basically said they're hoping that someone somewhere out there will recognize somebody in these videos. so today, they released ten video clips. it showcases ten of who they're describing as their most violent offenders, and you know, brianna, we've seen hours and hours of these videos before, but these really seem to be almost more a appalling and striking and we're seeing how much hate and violence they're really committing here. you can see it in these videos. that one with chemical spray, fire extinguishers, they really grabbed at anything they could find to attack these officers. so, the fbi now saying that of course we've already seen more than 300 arrests. they've arrested 65 of those people for assaulting law enforcement, but you know, they've relied on tips from the public. we saw earlier this week that two people were arrested for assaulting officers, including officer brian sicknick so they're hoping these videos will prompt more tips and they're directing people to their website, brianna, >> you think, you know, we've seen it all. but then you look at these clips, and you see the worst of the moments and you really understand what officers there were up against that day. jessica, thank you so much for that story. the white house says president biden has no regrets about calling the russian president a killer. hear how putin is responding today. we look up to our heroes. idolizing them. mimicking their every move. and if she counts on the advanced hydration of pedialyte when it matters most... so do we. hydrate like our heroes. ♪ - hi sabrina! - hi jen! hi. so you're the scientist here. i just have to ask. does my aveeno® daily moisturizer really make my dry skin healthier in one day? 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