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specifically they believe that the pfizer and moderna vaccines were so effective that after just one dose, we should given a shot to as many as possible and come back for a second as more is available. it is an approach taken by our allies across the pobd. while manufacturer wait only about a month in between both doses, the uk extended it to 12 week. and scientific advisers there said that this would provide protection to as many people as possible in the early stages of the vaccine rollout. but the "wall street journal" published a piece titled u.s. government scientists scepkept krepts skrecht cal and that they are pushing back against the one dose vaccine saying that there not enough evidence for long term protection. among those quoted, peter marx who said that they need to be used to prevent covid-19 and related hospitaliza hospital la death. and also peter hof also said that those clinical trials found a level of one dose significantly less than what they got with two. senator dr. roger marshall fired back with one shot is better than none. here is what he said. after every senior citizen gets their two shot, applied science would suggest that we could save tens of thousands of lives which we give one shots to as many people as possible and came back for a second dose as more vaccines are available. consider this, if you had 200 phaser vaccines and 200 family members and it was up to you, how would you alleocate this? current use says give 100 people two shots. assuming that it will be 95% effective, only 100 people would be vaccinated and 95 would be protected. or you could give 200 people one shot assuming 75% effectiveness, 150 people at a minimum would be protected. much of the preliminary data is not yet peer reviewed. but it lead these this week he'll survey question. do you agree or disagree, give a first vaccine shot to the most people possible instead of waiting for both doses to become available? to understand more about the shots for approach, i spoke to dr. marshall from his car. doc, thank you so much for being here. i think that i get what you want to do, you want to stretch out a limited supply of vaccine. make the case. >> well, thank, you're right. i want to save lives. so we have a finite resource and there is a lot of reworld data that shows if we gave a lot of people one vaccine, we've said more lives than if we gave fewer people two vaccines. i want seniors and people with high risk problems to get their second shot. but we will save lives if we give everybody one shot and then come back in two or three months and give them the second shot. the uk is already doing this. so i want to give tfda the powe to save more lives. >> critics say that we don't have sufficient long term data to do what you are recommending. >> look, i think that there is plenty of data out there to say that after one shot, the pfizer vaccine, moderna vaccine, 75% to 90% effective, and that it is safe to come back in three months. so i think that there is enough day to consider doing that. but mostly i want to give the fai fda the flexibility. in two or three week, there will are more data. >> and the "wall street journal" has been covering your idea. and they quoted a senior scientist and adviser to president biden who said that you'd be flying blind to just use one dose if you are going to do something else other than follow the study shown to the fda, show me that this one shot effect is durable. in doing research, the best that could i find was alert to the editor of the journal of medicine. is that the best in terms of study or research that you are able to point to? >> look, i don't think what it will be like in six months or nine months from now. but i think that it will be sufficient protection until we have enough to get the second vaccine into everybody. and i think what i'm seeing shows that over a month, two months of the effectiveness it goes up more from just one shot. so i think that there is enough real data out there that the fda should seriously consider the best way to use this finite r resource. >> and you made reference to the fact that this is the approach being taken in the uk? >> that is my understand, yes. and i bets that yo that you wil lot of other countries doing this as well. typically the european union, the uk is quicker to adjust to things. but i come from the practical world. how do we best apply to my particular patient. in this case my patient is the entire population of the united states. but i think that we need to give the fda the ability to make some adjustments to use real world evidence to save thousands of lives. >> do you worry that if we were to go this route, it would give a sense of beer muscles to people who have already had one shot, in other words they would think that one shot has been given to me and because the he have he have kaerks i won't show up for the booster? >> this is why we need doctors and pharmacists earn curbinging everybody to get their second shots. i think that people will get that if they get that followup e malt mail, text or phone call that encourages them to get the second shot. i think that americans are smart enough to figure that out. >> and you are definitely of the opinion that they come back for a second shot rest anyone hear this conversation or read some of the back and forth about it and think that you are advocating bone and done? >> you are correct. i want everybody to come back and get their second shot. anyone that has had one shot needs to go had and get their second shot. while we're sorting this out. but eventually i think when we get to that low risk group, we can get one shot into everybody's arm and then come back for that second shot. maybe two months or three months as soon as we have a supply as ramped up and the ability to get back, yes, i want everybody to get their second shot. >> i know that this has been your opinion for quite some time. i take it that it was unchanged by the fact that president biden just this week said that by may 1, every american will be able to get in line and not long there after there will be sufficient supply. i guess the question is, if there is truly that kind of a light at the end of the tunnel, why are you still address vow creating for spreading out the limited dousage that we have. >> i think regardless of the plan going forward,vow creating for spreading out the limited dosage that we have. >> i think regardless of the plan going forward, we could reach herd immunity if you do what i'm sdrtrike. we may have enough to get it into everybody's arm, but -- >> and this is not the means or the use for which the fda approval was given. in other words, you are not using them as intended. and you would say what? >> this is exactly why i want to empower the fda to look at this real word evidencld evidence ane decision. we don't want senators make decisions like. but the fda needs the authority to have some flexibility. and i don't think that right now that they have the flexibility to use real world evidence. so i want them to look at all the real word evild evidence an if they come to the same conclusion that i do. so i think that we're on the same page here. >> dr. okay mar marshall, thank your time. and so what are your thoughts? how can you do that if is it not how it was test. >> are you saying you want them to start the studies over? i think what he said is that he wants thefda to be studying thi issue and see if resources are limited so that more people are provided some level of instead of some having no level of protection. i have a lot of information on my website and item p'll put in twitter field more. answer the question this hour, agree or disagree, give a first vaccine shot to the most possible instead of waiting for the sec second to become available? coming up, why would american conservatives side with the royal family and progr progr progressives with meg begamegha markell? and there is not agreement when it comes to immigration which is why the new surge in border crossings is becoming a big problem. keeping your oysters business growing has you swamped. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at when we found out our son had autism, his future became my focus. lavender baths calmed him. so we made a plan to turn bath time into a business. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at find your rhythm. your happy place. ♪ ♪ find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. we fought a war secretaryin end inside and yet two schools of thought. thousand those more sympathetic to crown ond tort couple. many view meghan and harry view as victims. >> ifl n was not surprised beca she's been attacked and attacked. >> the reality is that some of this stuff is about the contradictions within the system and the royal family is it a very class based institution where everybody has their rank. >> it has been 121 y00 years of mingling, what makes you think that anybody would be okay with this? >> but those who lean right believe that the couple is naive and selfish. >> i quite frankly, a princess about her oppression is quite laughable. >> mansion getting netflix and spotify deals reportedly more than $100 million just because you turned your back on your family and then claim victim status on the way out the door. that is just royall embarrassin. >> it is not like the prince and his angry wife are compelling. he is weak and unhappy, she is a an opt due nis. >> she wants to be perceived as a naive manner wamerican who do know what she was getting in to. >> and conservatives claim dhag some she have known, hashry was incentive, liberals praising them for being so candid while lamenting it. and as we zoom out, two-thirds of those who watched or read in said that they have more sympathy for harry ameghan that be the royals. and more people identify as democrats than as republicans. and so here is another issue on which it seems that we cannot degree. to further discuss, joanna weiss. put me in the moment. what did you notice? >> yeah, the double screen that we all do and as the interview was going on, i found all the liberals or most was symp sympathetic, angry by her treatment, were posting things like meghan markle and oprah will take down the monarchy. and the conservatives were not sympathetic at all, they thought she should have known what she was getting into, how could mus were saying that i feel sorry for the queen. >> and so how many of those were parroting. and i see this on twitter from time to time. perhaps they saw see it the same way or maybe they have just waiting for marching orders and they see a couple figure heads going in a particular direction and then everybody suits up in their usual uniform. >> a little bit of a twitter mob mentality to be sure. but if you look at social science research, you find that liberal conservative divide reflects something that explains a lot about american politics too i think. so liberals tend to see it as sy systemic. you are looking at a large system and institutions that people are bumping up against that are broader than them. on meghan bumping up against the institution of the queen before or a debate like immigration, immigrants are fleeing these institutional systemic problems. but conservatives extens tend tt as individual responsibility and individual choices. so meghan know what is she is getting into. >> and so you see parallels between the immigration debate which i'm about to get to and the way in which we perceive meghan and the monarchy. and i guess there are parallels in education as well, true? education policy? >> sure do you spend resources to improve public schools for all students or to you give families vouchers to make decisions on their own? i think if you look at a whole lot of diffeof different domest, you see the divides. there is a systemic view and the individualic view from the conservatives. >> for what it is worth, i remain stuck in the middle with you because you also said this, in reality, harry and meghan are probably neither as callus as their critics say nor veirtuous. >> yeah, i think the truth definitely fall in the middle. and i got some tweets and some comments from people saying, well, i'm a liberal and i don't have a lot of sympathy for meghan either. so i think that things are buzz zi. but i think a that it is a really interesting how things are so joanna, thank you. and from the world of twitter i think, i go not believe that all republicans are racist. however conservative means that you follow old fashioned protocols. you don't air family squabbles and you respect elders. >> yeah, there is mixed thinking. why we're also entranced with this i think is another question that we should spend some time analyzing. and i'm guilty at charged. i said to my wife last week, i need to eat dinner early because at 8:00, i have something to do. and she said to me what, are you kidding s kidding? we both have something to do at 8:00 and we sat and watched. so tell me, do you agree or disagree, give a first vaccine shot to the most people possible instead of waiting for both doses to become available. up ahead, while president biden may not want to label the immigration situation a crisis at the u.s./mexico border, last month there were more than 100,000 arrests and detentions and immigration ranks is one of the most divisive issues in the country. plus now with everybody at home and the uncertainties of covid, there is a big surge in applications and for elite schools. will everybody end up wait listed. needles. essential for pine trees, but maybe not for people with certain inflammatory conditions. because there are options. like an “unjection™”. xeljanz. the first and only pill of its kind that treats moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or moderate to severe ulcerative colitis when other medicines have not helped enough. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections, like tb and do blood tests. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b or c, have flu-like symptoms, or are prone to infections. serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra may increase risk of death. tears in the stomach or intestines and serious allergic reactions have happened. needles. fine for some things. but for you, there's a pill that may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about the pill first prescribed for ra more than seven years ago. xeljanz. an “unjection™”. i had saved up some money and then found the home of my dreams. but my home of my dreams needed some work sofi was the first lender that even offered a personal loan. i didn't even know that was an option. the personal loan let us renovate our single family house into a multi-unit home. and i get to live in this beautiful house with this beautiful kitchen and it's all thanks to sofi. there is more that youunite americans thas than divides us. and it is backed up by political science. a think tank conducted a private opinion survey. and their takeaway is this, across race, gender, income, education, generational cohort and the 2020 presidential vote, there is stunning agreement on the long term values that americans believe should characterize the country moving forward. number one aspiration, pr preservation of individual rights. and other otcarries health care and united kingdom. but living wage, national and border secure and immigration we remain divided. and chances are that that will intensify given what is going on at the border undenyr the trump administration was turning around migrants. but the biden administration has taken the position that it will allow children arriving on their own into the u.s. and this has led to a surge in the number of unaccompanied children this the u.s. custody. in february, border patrol made more than 100,000 arrests and enco encounters. right now more than 3700 unaccompanied children are already in border control custody and that is a record number. meanwhile armound 8800 which ben moved to hhs custody. and that is numbering up even though the number has been higher before. it is difficult for them to handle the back drop of the pandemic with the situation. because it is outpaste pacing shelter availability. so why is this such a divisive issue? joining me now, todd rose a former 23450ur row neuro sin ne toois. >> yeah, the sebts ofment division is not matched by private opinion. so when we use our method, we see agreement. so we actually agree on eight of the top ten aspirations of country. and those include things that often we don't think of like climate change, criminal justice reform and health care. >> i want everybody to take a look at this so broken down wouby gender, income, it doesn't matter. the number one aspiration individual rights. i'm sure on the right people are cheering that. and on the left, people are probably skeptical that that is your finding. >> yeah, but again, this is why we use private opinion methods and not public opinion methods because as social creatures, we often give answers to surveys that we think that other people want to hear, not that we want to believe. so to allows to rebuild the private values and privacities of the public. >> and maybe it means different things to different people. you say individual rights to somebody who is a conservative, they think of their gun. to someone on the left, make they are thinking about a woman's body her is her own. >> and that is certainly the case. but we don't want to overlook the fact that on top of that is the general shared sentiment that we believe in individuals and protecting their rights. that is something that we can agree on even if we agree on the intensity of one right versus the other. >> i'm not surprised by health care comes in at number two and that everybody wants quality health care. but in the same way that i question individual rights being of paramount concern on the left, i question climate change being so high on the right. explain that. >> yeah, that was pretty shocking to my, i have to be honest. but here is an posimportant cass the issue is more about what we call collective illusions. we just misunderstand each other. climate change is the third most important priority to the public in thing a. >> gaaggregate, but most believ that their fellow citizens would o rank as it at 33rd. so we just misunderstand each ear. >> is it also that you take talking aspirations as opposed to issues? and by that i mean that we can all agree another destination, but maybe we can't agree on what kind of a car we'll drive to get there. >> that is certainly the case. and i think that that is healthy. that is the point of a democracy. for example, if we all agree that everyone should have high quality health care, now let's debate. is it medicare for all, something that is more market based? those are healthy disgremts that led to enter outcomes for everybody. >> and lego back to immigration. why is that crisis at the border, why is that such a flash point? >> you know, it is interesting, i believe from doing this work for over a year, that part of the reason is that there are a number of reasons people actually care about it. different values. and so yes, like we heard things that were a bit like scapegoating but then also things like national security and jobs. and even public health issues. so it is that diversity of reasons and the clashing values there that i think intensify this qudivide. >> and all this talk of agreement will put media mouthpieces out of business. we haven't discussed the question of why is the perception different than reality and i would maintain because it keeps a lot of people employed. you get the final word. but do it quickly. >> and it does. and during covid we've gotten our more secondhand. we have to end that. and the problem in our country is less that we fiercely disagree and more that we are just profoundly misfundi funderg i'm other. >> amen. love that thought. thank you. and checks in on tweets and f facebook comments, the media and people at the extremes divide us while the majority sits around the middle trying to manage-. amen to that. we allow those with the lourd e loudest voices to ss to commane microphones. and there is a professor who wrote a book called unstable majorities. the thesis is that if look at the 1970s versus the present day, meaamericans haven't chang on issues. we seat e the world a same way. it is a faks tiction that we've become so divided. so answer the question, give a sl vaccine shot to most available instead of waiting for both doses to become available? at elite schools, applications are way up and now the wait lists are even longer than ever. and the author of a new book who gets in and why, that is next. we take things to the max oh yeah! honey, you still in bed? yep! bye! that's why we love skechers max cushioning footwear. they've maxed out the cushion for extreme comfort. it's like walking on clouds! big, comfy ones! oh yeah! i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 14 day system. with a painless, onesecond scan i can check my glucose without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. you can do it without fingersticks, too. ask your doctor for a prescription for the freestyle libre 14 day system. and visit freestyle to try it for free. - i'm norm. for th- i'm szasz.libre 14 day system. 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joining new to discuss is a special adviser at arizona state university who has been writing about college admissions for two decades and author of a book who gets in and why. a year inside college admissions. i think that people will better appreciate your opinions when you tell them about your experience. what is did you did to write this book? >> i spent a year inside the college admissions process at three colleges. and they basically allowed me to sit there every day as many days a i could be there to read applications with them, to sit in committee meetings as they were deciding application by application up or down whether those applicants would get in. >> this has been a subject of your professional focus for a long time. 1994, you were a summer intern at usa.s. news and word report. and if we go back, it is sppret stunning. >> yeah, in the early 1990s, could you get into the university of pennsylvania 42%, 43% of the students who applied got in. basically a one in two chance. washington university. this yea down 4%, 5% of applicants. >> so what is going on with covid? most are at home. applicants can at home. you don't have to take the s.a.t. or a.c.t., so i guess everybody with the admission fee s says throw a long ball at far va of th half va varied. >> yeah, that is the idea. high school counselors say in a norm although year stunts might apply to 10, 15 schools but this year it it is 20 or more. you are like i you might as we would apply and figure it out later on. >> and so in your book, you speak of the al gorithms that school uses to determine who is really going to show up. what are they doing to trying to figure out what these massive application spikes who will accept and when they do say that you are in? >> yeah, they are flying blind. they basically decide who will probably accept their acceptance. which is called the yield rate. and most universities it might be 30, 40, in some cases at the big ivies more than 50%. in other words if you say yes to the student, they will say yes to you. but those are based on s.a.t. score, great pointaverages, whe you visited. but they don't have a lot of those stick natural signals this year. so they are putting more students on the wait list as a result. because then they can decide, well, if they don't come then we can pull somebody off the wait list. and this could be bigger than the entire freshman class. >> wow. this is a real important lesson that people need to hear. there are many like me who walk around and say i could never get in today. and by the way, we mean it. that is true at elite institutions. but the big message i had from your book is it has neverbeen i easier to get into college. have i misstated that? >> no, there are more than 4,000 colleges and universities in the u.s. and even the ones that most have heard about, you are probably talking 1200 colleges and universities. so the average acceptance rate is 65% meaning that most students get into most schools that they apply to. the problem is that we're talking about the harvards of the world, other ivy league schools, those acceptance rates have dropped. and maybe we're talking about 100 to 200 schools across the country. so is have i give to students is have a balanced list. doesn't mean that you can't shoot for the star, but also have schools that you know that you will have a better shot of getting into and there are plenty of those institutions out there. and you will get a really good education, you will get a job coming out of those schools because in many ways it is how you go to college than where you go to college that matters at the end of the day. >> finally, because the you peeked over the shoulder at the university of washington, emory and davidson, give a continue to students and parent, when it comes to the essay, what are they really looking for? will. >> they are looking for authentic example of something from your life. stop writing things that you think that the person will want to read. so at emory university for example, a student wrote about pulp and no pulp in the orange juice in the morning. debates they used to have in the family. an example of whether they really wanted to go away to college because they were worried with missing those types of debates in the morning. so just an interesting authentic essay that you can actually imagine instead of many that we read were mind-numbingly similar and you thought that they were writing something for the person on the other side of the desk. >> i would admit that kid. i was at the grocery store last night standing in the oj i'll oig having a larry david moment wondering why is there so much choice, who are these people that don't want pulp ? thank you. and true story, happened just last night. like crackers. where do they come from? start to start the debate that making state schools free to those that qualify. our country needs more kids motivated, it pays for itself. look, i've seen the data that says that when it comes to ceos, more have come from a state school background from than the elite institutions. and so, yeah, i agree with tsay inside of what you are saying. still to come, your of your comments and final results of the survey question. agree or disagree, give a first vaccine shot to the most people possible instead of waiting for both doses to become available. wealth is your first big investment. worth is a partner to help share the load. wealth is saving a little extra. worth is knowing it's never too late to start - or too early. ♪ ♪ wealth helps you retire. worth is knowing why. ♪ ♪ principal. for all it's worth. that's a very good question. will there be an ev for me? 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we need people to trust the vaccine, changing guidelines midstream will only cause more distrust. the point we want to stress is everybody needs to get vaccinated, no doubt about it. i'm paying close attention to the demographics of those resistant and there's a partisan divide when it comes to that. everybody needs a vaccination, for sure. what else came in? we were about to be swimming in supply, the issue is going to be convincing people to get it when they open it up to everyone. chris, from your lips, as they say. i think what's been frustrating has been the patchwork administration across the country. i can tell you how frustrated i am as a southeastern pennsylvania resident because the perception that i have and those of my neighbors is that we're shortchanged in our part of the state. rural areas seem to have more of an abundant supply. and alaska says everybody over 16 step up to the line. it hope, as the president says, that soon we'll get past all of that and by may 1 we'll all be standing in line together. thank you so much for watching. i'll see you next week. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪ this is the sound of an asthma attack... that doesn't happen. we're made for. this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove them. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. this is the sound of fasenra. ask your doctor about fasenra. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo-hoo! great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. when we found out our son had autism, his future became my focus. lavender baths calmed him. so we made a plan to turn bath time into a business. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at when you switch to xfinity mobile, you're choosing to get connected ♪ ♪ to the most reliable network nationwide, now with 5g included. discover how to save up to $300 a year with shared data starting at $15 a month, or get the lowest price for one line of unlimited. come into your local xfinity store to make the most of your mobile experience. you can shop the latest phones, bring your own device, or trade in for extra savings. stop in or book an appointment to shop safely with peace of mind at your local xfinity store. have your company on this saturday, march 13th. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. good to be with you. you are in the "cnn newsroom." despite calls from so many top democratic leaders, governor andrew cuomo is resisting calls to resign. he says he will not bow to what he calls cancel culture. he's asking everyone to hold until investigations have been completed. >> chuck consumer and kristen gillibrand added their names to the number of democrats asking for the governor to step down.

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,Immigration Debate ,Students ,Education ,Families ,True ,Education Policy ,Well ,Vouchers ,Divides ,View ,Domest ,Individualic ,Diffeof ,Middle ,Callus ,Veirtuous ,Comments ,Tweets ,Truth ,Saying ,Buzz Zi ,Protocols ,Thinking ,Don T ,Air Family Squabbles ,Elders ,Kidding ,Dinner ,00 ,8 ,Immigration Situation A Crisis ,Mexico Border ,Country ,Issues ,Arrests ,Immigration Ranks ,Detentions ,100000 ,Applications ,Home ,Uncertainties ,Conditions ,Options ,Pine Trees ,Essential ,Needles ,Unjectiontm ,Infections ,Pill ,Xeljanz ,Medicines ,Moderate ,Arthritis ,Psoriatic Arthritis ,Ulcerative Colitis ,Doctor ,Blood Tests ,Symptoms ,C ,Tb ,Hepatitis B ,Reactions ,Intestines ,Nra ,Death ,Lymphoma ,Cancers ,Blood Clots ,Stomach ,Fine ,Tears ,Symptom Relief ,Money ,Dreams ,Lender ,Work Sofi ,Option ,Loan ,Personal Loan ,Family House ,Thanks ,House ,Kitchen ,Sofi ,Think Tank ,Opinion Survey ,Takeaway ,Political Science ,Youunite Americans Thas ,Vote ,Gender ,Income ,Race ,Generational Cohort ,2020 ,Pr Preservation Of Individual Rights ,Number One ,Health Care ,Living Wage ,Administration ,Border Undenyr ,Chances ,Migrants ,Children ,Number ,Led ,Custody ,Position ,Border Patrol ,Border Control Custody ,Encounters ,Enco ,3700 ,Record Number ,Pandemic ,Back Drop ,Hhs Custody ,8800 ,Situation ,Outpaste Pacing Shelter Availability ,Ne Toois ,Sebts Ofment Division ,Todd Rose ,Row Neuro ,23450 ,Method ,Climate Change ,Aspirations ,Look ,Eight ,Reform ,Criminal Justice ,Ten ,Rights ,Left ,Doesn T Matter ,Wouby ,Answers ,Finding ,Surveys ,Opinion Methods ,Methods ,Creatures ,Somebody ,Values ,Privacities ,The Public ,Woman ,Someone ,Top ,Sentiment ,General ,Gun ,Body ,Individuals ,Mother ,Intensity ,Concern ,Right ,Posimportant Cass ,Each Other ,Illusions ,Citizens ,Public ,Believ ,Priority ,Thing A Gaaggregate ,O Rank ,Ear ,33 ,Example ,Point ,Democracy ,Destination ,Wall ,Medicare ,Market ,Disgremts ,Outcomes ,Flash Point ,Border ,Crisis ,Lego ,Reasons ,Work ,Part ,Reason ,Health ,Diversity ,Security ,Jobs ,Scapegoating ,We Haven T ,Perception ,Media Mouthpieces Out Of Business ,Talk ,Qudivide ,Word ,Secondhand ,Misfundi Funderg ,Media ,Extremes ,Majority ,Amen ,Book ,Professor ,Voices ,Lourd E ,Commane Microphones ,Meaamericans Haven T Chang On Issues ,Thesis ,Unstable Majorities ,1970 ,Faks Tiction ,We Seat E ,Sl Vaccine ,Wait Lists ,Author ,Elite Schools ,Bed ,Cushioning Footwear ,Honey ,Yep ,Skechers ,Comfort ,Cushion ,Clouds ,Walking ,Comfy Ones ,Big ,Kids ,Version ,Planning ,Mom ,Diabetes ,Fingersticks ,Challenge ,Musician ,My Name ,Austin James ,Prescription ,Day System ,Scan ,A1c ,Glucose ,Onesecond ,Painless ,14 ,8 2 ,6 7 ,Care ,Consulting ,Ith ,Missouri ,Szasz ,Columbia ,Prevagen ,Times ,Clarity ,30 ,11 ,Five ,Life ,Products ,Difference ,Award ,Performance ,Cosmetics ,Announcer ,Formulas ,Liquid Lash Extensions Mascara ,Healthier Brain ,Cruelty ,Plus ,Product ,Movement ,Thrivecosmetics Com ,Best Friend ,Co Pilot ,Father ,Everything ,Little ,Friend ,Still A Night Out ,Journey ,Legend ,Chevrolet ,Migsz Admissions ,Consequences ,Wreaking Havoc On College ,Applicants ,March 1 ,Examples ,Net ,App ,Ucla ,17 ,Harvard ,42 ,28 ,103 ,Special Adviser ,Interest ,Plunge ,Arizona State University ,Ballooning ,Writing ,College Admissions ,Opinions ,Colleges ,Experience ,Application ,Application Up ,Committee Meetings ,Summer Intern ,Report ,Subject ,Usa S News ,1994 ,University Of Pennsylvania ,43 ,1990 ,Chance ,Washington University ,Yea ,5 ,4 ,Sat ,A C T ,Admission Fee ,Norm ,Ball ,Stunts ,High School Counselors ,Far Va Of Th Half Varied ,10 ,15 ,Al Gorithms ,20 ,Universities ,Acceptance ,Yield Rate ,Cases ,Say ,40 ,Student ,Great Pointaverages ,Ivies ,50 ,Wait List ,Result ,Whe ,Stick ,Freshman ,Lesson ,Message ,College ,Ones ,4000 ,Meaning ,Harvards ,Acceptance Rate ,1200 ,65 ,Rates ,Ivy League ,List ,Ways ,Plenty ,The Star ,Shoulder ,University Of Washington ,Give A ,Emory ,Davidson ,Essay ,Will ,Parent ,Pulp ,Debates ,Person ,Orange Juice ,Types ,Standing ,Numbingly ,Grocery Store ,Similar ,Desk ,Kid ,Doj ,Larry David ,Choice ,True Story ,State Schools ,Crackers ,Have ,State School Background ,Ceos ,Survey Question ,Results ,Tsay ,Wealth ,Worth ,Partner ,Investment ,Share ,Load ,Extra ,Ev ,Project Managers ,Projects ,Michelle ,Michigan ,Resume Database ,Credit ,Indeed Com Home ,Seventy Five Dollar ,Car Horn ,Dreams Into Tomorrow ,Booking Options ,Millions ,Trips ,Lines ,Plans ,T Mobile ,Expedia ,55 ,2 ,Rate ,Value ,Smartphone ,Customer Service ,0 ,70 ,Phones ,Details ,Phone Ringing ,Cordless Phones ,State Program ,California ,Big Button ,Device ,Mobile Phone ,Cell Phone ,Accessories ,Devices ,Volume ,State Program Visit ,Survey ,21000 ,Estate ,Program ,Worthy ,Viewpoint ,Expertise ,Beginning ,Call ,Kansas ,Midstream ,Social Media ,Stress ,Distrust ,No Doubt ,Vaccination ,Demographics ,Attention ,Else ,Swimming ,Sure ,Patchwork Administration ,Lips ,President ,Chris ,Southeastern Pennsylvania ,Neighbors ,Areas ,It Hope ,Alaska ,16 ,Watching ,Insurance ,Veteran ,Usaa ,Hailstorm Hit ,Martin ,Air Force ,Neighbor ,Claims ,Damage ,Sound ,Asthma Attack ,Fasenra ,Asthma ,Breathing ,Eosinophils ,Maintenance Dose ,Asthma Medication ,Add On Treatment ,Asthma Attacks ,Steroid ,Inhaler ,Rescue Medication ,Help ,Steroids ,Adults ,Swelling ,7 ,Infection ,Headache ,Mouth ,Face ,Tongue ,Trouble ,Sore Throat ,Medication ,Strength ,Nutrition ,Mission ,Astrazeneca ,Tasting ,Energy ,Whoo Hoo ,9 ,Protein ,Vitamins ,Minerals ,27 ,5g ,Network ,Xfinity Mobile ,Store ,Xfinity ,Price ,Stop ,Trade ,Savings ,Appointment ,300 ,Peace Of Mind ,Company ,March 13th ,Christi Paul ,Victor Blackwell ,Saturday March 13th ,13 ,Andrew Cuomo ,Calls ,Leaders ,Cnn Newsroom ,Democratic ,Chuck Consumer ,Investigations ,Names ,Culture ,Kristen Gillibrand ,

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