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>> a joint statement from others say it is clear that governor cuomo has lost the confidence of his governing partners. >> i did not do what has been alleged. >> it is unacceptable. the governor must resign. ♪ this is "new day weekend" with victor blackwell and christi paul. live look at the white house here where there was a celebration of the passage of the relief plan. president biden is now in wilmington, delaware. we'll talk about that plan in just a moment. but we're going to start in new york, despite the calls for some of new york's top democratic lawmakers, dr. andrew cuomo is defying calls to resign. he says he will not bow to cancel culture. >> senator majority leader chuck schumer and senator kirsten gillibrand are the latest to call for him to resign. staying it's clear that governor cuomo has lost the confidence of his governing partners and people of new york. >> senators schumer and gillibrand join the majority calling for the governor to step aside. as for the governor, he says he wants the public to hold their judgment until the investigations have been completed. let's bring in cnn's polo sandoval following the latest on governor cuomo. what else is the governor saying about the increasing calls for him to resign? >> reporter: well, victor, adding to that, governor andrew cuomo says the accusations of harassments should be heard but also at the same time says he's innocent of any misconduct. he's also doubling down on his position that he will not step down from his position as governor. this is what he had to say during his latest press conference. >> i did not do what has been alleged, period. look, it's very simple, i never harassed anyone. i never abused anyone. i never assaulted anyone. now -- and i never would, right? >> reporter: we don't get new allegations from a growing list of women describing unsettling encounters with the governor. going back a few months. also, at the same time, we've also heard new accounts, at least an additional one just yesterday from a former state house reporter claiming that she was touched by the governor without her consent here. and this amid a growing list of democrats that are calling for the governor's resignation. they are simply too many to mention. you can see them for yourself here. multiple not only at the state level. but also in washington, d.c., including very powerful senators, democratic senators as well, including chuck schumer who calls these not only multiple allegations but also credible as well. guys, back to you. >> polo sandro value for us in new york. thanks so much. let's bring in new york senator elijah melnyk. governor, how are you? >> i'm well. >> let's go to the call for the call to resign, attorney general letitia james has been for two weeks now and you've elevated your concern that the governor cannot continue in his office, why? >> because he's lost the people of the state of new york. he's certainly lost the trust of the new york state legislature of which i serve. we've got 75% of democratic state senate conference is calling on him to resign. and it's very hard for the state to help dealing with the crises, with covid, the state budget coming up and all of these other things while he's facing these allegations, not just of sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior, but related to the handling of the nursing home scandal as well. >> i want to stay on the investigation and let's listen to a bit of the news conference. this is governor cuomo. >> people of new york should not have confidence in a politician who takes a position without any knowing any facts or substance. >> so, two weeks ago, you released a statement calling for a thorough investigation. and let me read it. in light of the deeply troubling recent accounts from lindsey boylan and now from charlotte bennett, i support an independent investigation into allegations of sexual harassment by the governor, accusations of sexual harassment and assault must be taken seriously and thoroughly investigate today that facts can be known. again, this investigation has just started. you're now calling for the governor to resign without getting the facts that you called for. >> yeah, so, i think what we've learned since then, there were not just one or two women who have alleged behavior. so, now we're up to about seven or eight people who have alleged behavior. and i think, again, you have to set this -- this is not just about the sexual harassment allegations. this is also about the fact that the governor has senior staff admit that they misled the public and they misled the legislature. report about the extent of the death toll in nursing homes in new york last year. reports the media has shown were doctored, were censored before they were released to the public. so, i think it's about much more than just the sexual harassment allegations. so when i issued a statement on sunday calling on him to resign, i made a point to say it's an overlapping set of scandals that we really are looking at. this isn't just one. >> but, that, too is being investigated, right? >> they're all being investigated, but this is not a court of law. this is a question of which you effectively run a state when you've lost the trust and confidence of the government and partners in government. i would argue that you cannot. of course, you're innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. nobody is suggesting that he be tried for anything at this point and that would be the necessity for a full investigation. but to govern, you need the confidence of people you're working with in government. and you need the confidence of residents of your state. and i think he's lost both. >> you are the state lawmaker who i quoted in a conversation with errol louis last hour in which you told "the washington post," he doesn't have a lot of friends in the legislature. he has spent years making enemies. what degree of this is that? >> it's hard for me to say, i'm new to the state legislature. i was elected last year and serving my third month on the job. but i've certainly spoken to many of my colleagues. some of this isn't even inside baseball, you can find it out by reading the newspaper in new york. his style has been characterized by bullying, by aggression, by basically just pleasuring anybody who isn't with him all the time and making them an enemy. it's very much like we saw from former president trump, unfortunately, someone i opposed strongly and you see this kind of behavior with governor cuomo. not just the legislature, but in the public. he's faced primary challenges every time he's run. he's been successful because he certainly did at that point maintain the confidence of voters. but it speaks to the fact, you don't see a lot of successful democratic governors facing strong primary challenges every election. he's always had -- always had some concerns with voters. >> governor cuomo says that he will not resign. we just showed the list -- the growing list of the members of the new york delegation who now call for him to resign, you and many others in state government have called for him to resign. what is the plausibility of impeachment, do you think? >> so, i think it remains to be seen. the assembly would need to initiate, i understand they've set up their judiciary committee and empowered it to begin investigation that could lead that direction. i hope that he will see the writing on the wall, though. because, again, when you have lost three quarters of the legislature, i think about 80% of the congressional delegation, our two senators and countless other people have said this is the time to step down for the good of new york state so we can focus on everything else we have at hand. my hope is he will see the handwriting on the wall and realize there's more at stake than his own ambition. >> thank you for your time, sir. >> thank you. stay with us because president biden is giving independence a whole new meaning. he's setting that day as a target for getting the country back to some sense of normalcy. plus, the massive covid rescue bill has been signed into law now. how long until you can expect to see some of those tax credits. and to see the stimulus? the world's first fully autonomous vehicle is almost at the finish line what a ride! i invested in invesco qqq a fund that invests in the innovators of the nasdaq-100 like you become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, marie could only imagine enjoying freshly squeezed orange juice. now no fruit is forbidden. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? - [narrator] at southern new hampshire university, we're committed to making college more accessible by making it more affordable, that's why we're keeping our tuition the same through the year 2021. - i knew snhu was the place for me when i 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this with the other guys. in fact, you'll pay more and get less. right now, pay zero costs to switch! and bring your phone -- we'll pay it off! only at t-mobile. so, this weekend, $1400 stimulus checks are starting to hit bank accounts. and since president biden is going to hit the road to toyota the nearly $2 trillion rescue plan. >> we're seeing the hash tags on twitter, hash tag direct deposit. also, help is here. you're going to hear that repeated by democrats. and the president repeated that at the white house celebration yesterday. cnn's jasmine wright is with the president in wilmington, delaware. so, the president's bill is now passed and signed. what comes next? >> reporter: well, victor, the president now turns his focus on implementing this very large covid relief bill, as he said yesterday in the rose garden, the devil are in the details. >> it's one thing to pass the american rescue plan. it's going to be another thing to implement it. it's going to require fastidious oversight to make thur sure the no waste or fraud. and the law does what it's designed to do. and i mean, we have to get this right. details matter because we have to build confidence in the american people that their government can function for them and deliver. >> reporter: now, victor, a few things are going to happen in the next few days to make this happen. on monday, the white house will hold an event on implementation, president biden said that he will choose someone to oversee that process. but again, it's going to be a big job, because as i said, this is a big bill. this week, we will see president biden on really a victory tour, both to educate americans on how they stand to benefit from this bill, but also to promote it. right now, this bill is popular. and the white house wants to keep it this way. so, we will see president biden, vice president harris, and really top surrogates going from places like georgia and pennsylvania all to spread this message. and, of course, the closest thing, as you said, vic victor, #stimi that's going to be hitting the bank accounts starting this weekend. >> people are sending me, they are tagging me not only. and the pictures they show online of their stimulus being zb deposited. up next, european countries carving their astrazeneca rollouts. we'll tell you why. visible is wireless that doesn't play games. no surprise fees, legit unlimited data for as little as $25 a month. and the best part, it's powered by verizon. but it gets crazier. bring a friend every month and get every month for $5. which is why i brought them. two $5-a-months right here. hey. hey. plus the players of my squad. hey. what's up? then finally my whole livestream. boom! 12 months of $5 wireless. visible, as little as $25 a month or $5 a month when you bring a friend. powered by verizon. wireless that gets better with friends. germ proof your car with armor all disinfectant. kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses. that's why at america's beverage 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efficacy of its covid-19 vaccine. it also says that it is safe. now, there are concerns in europe over whether it is causing blood clots. >> yeah, the drugmaker says there's no evidence to support those concerns and they're so confident about the vaccine they're also making plans for use of it here in the u.s. the company is waiting to apply for emergency news authorization. and some reports say it hopes to roll out vaccines by early april. astrazeneca is getting support in europe as well. this is coming specifically from france. health officials there support its continued use. >> cnn's melissa bell is in paris with more on that show of support. so what are you seeing, melissa? >> reporter: well, victor, the french national health agency coming out yesterday and really repeating what astrazeneca had said about this news of series of suspensions here, denmark, ice land, and bulgaria announcing they're stopping the rollout of the vaccine astrazeneca altogether and a bunch also saying they're stopping a particular batch of vaccine from being rolled out. there are fears we know there's a natural vaccine hesitancy, particularly in particular populations. and thailand has stopped it to await the results of the europe jean investigations. what the astrazeneca agency has to say is important. both have agreed on the idea, basically when you look at people inoculated what they found the proportion of people found to have blood clots is not that different or even less with astrazeneca than in the general population. we also heard the other night from france's health ministry who announced even as he was saying that france would carry on with its astrazeneca rollout, he said 5 million people have been vaccinated and 30 have reports problems. that gives you an idea of the scale. of course, safety comes first and of course, that needs to be investigated but a great deal of support on the other side for the fact that there is no evidence for the time being that there any real dekz between the emergence of the blood clots and the vaccines. of course, beyond that question of encouraging and enabling hesitancy, there's also a problem here, victor, in europe, the fact that the rollout has been slow because of supply problems. the fact that one of the three vaccines available in the european union, in some countries is only going to make that worse. >> supply an issue in most countries around the world. melissa bell, thanks so much. so, you look at the calendar, you know what time it is, beach communities are getting ready for the spring break crowds they expect. this is still a critical time, doctors say millions of doses of vaccines are administered each day. health officials are finding increasing number of covid-19 variants and that's raising fears that weeks of partying could potentially lead to another spike in covid-19 cases. miami beach mayor dan gelber is here with us. mr. mayor, thank you for being with us, i know you're a busy man. what kind of spring break activity are you seeing right now? >> well, thanks for having me. we're seeing too much spring break activity. we've got a problem with too many people coming here. we've got a problem with too many people coming here to let loose in ways that are simply improper. of course, we still have the virus and the british variant, more here than anywhere in the country, according to the sequencing that goes on by the cdc. so, you know, it's almost a triple threat for my community. and we are concerned, and it's very challenging. >> so, i know earlier this month, you said, and i'm quoting you here, don't come here if you thing this is an anything-goes environment. we will arrest you and ruin your time here. you cited some numbers as well that i want to share here with people. in a recent address on vaccinations and on spring break. in terms of those arrests, 11% of them were from miami beach residents. 41% were florida residents. 48% were residents of other states. i know you've banned alcohol on the beach. you've banned, you know, loud music. are these arrests from violations of that sort? >> yeah, well, they're both. over the last few weeks, we've collected, i think, 59 weapons from cars that are license plate readers and other stops we've had. there have been more serious crimes, a third of them are felony arrests, it's really ungovernable. a lot of problem is our governor has said, everything is open. he's also discouraged -- almost discouraged enforcement of mask ordinances. and at the same time, there are cheap flights and there's cheap rooms. and there's not other places ohm or they're too cold. we're getting not only too large a crowd, but an unruly crowd. the result is we have through social media told people don't come here. if you're planning on doing that, here are the rules. we've got big signs that it's arrestable to play loud music. we're doing everything we can to create order. but i don't know we're doing a sufficient job. because last night it was incredibly unruly and one of the worst nights we've had since spring break has started. >> it's really alarming to hear you say it's ungovernable. or at least it feels like that to you. governor desantis we know this week, he invalidated those fines that local governments can use against businesses that violate covid rules. and i'm wondering where does that live you, mr. mayor? >> you know, i'm sort of perplexed by the governor. because i understand the need to open up businesses and retain jobs, but our businesses, our hotels and restaurants, realize that opening up safely is a smart idea, even for business. the governor seems to, at a time when we're still seeing massive deaths. we had 52 deaths in one day earlier this week in just my county. think about that, just dade county, one day according to the department of health, he seems intent in messaging out that you don't need to wear a mask. you shouldn't wear a mask, i don't want anybody enforcing that. and that's sort of outrageous. we have people out there hospitality, goodwill ambassadors handing out masks. tents for masks, park rangers giving them out. we have businesses, closing them down if we see something that's improper or in violation of executive order. the problem is there's so much mixed message. when the leader of a state is sort of sending out a message, hey, don't worry about it don't wear a mask, it's really hard for local officials like me at the bottom of the food chain to urge compliance. it's just very frost ustrating. >> i want you to listen in to the former florida governor charlie crist has he's saying that the government should investigate governor desantis. >> they're targeting what that he call pop-ups in wealthy white neighborhoods in in florida. and doing so for the political gain of the governor. >> this is in regards to reports that his office is holding vaccine drives that benefit him politically. do you believe there should be an investigation into that? >> well, listen, if it's true, it's terrible. until i know of the facts, i'm not going to -- i'm upset with the governor about what he's been doing but i'm not going to accuse him of something until there's something there. i think congressman crist is a great guy. i could have facts, though, what's happening in my city, with the governor mixed message how to get through the pandemic. i don't know why he's embracing this unhealthy lifestyle because it's not helping any of us and certainly not helping our residents. >> yeah, i think we all hear the frustration in your voice, mayor dan gelber, we so appreciate you taking the time to be with us today. and best of luck in the next few weeks. >> thank you very much, christi. not one republican lawmaker backed president biden's plan for the support. you're going to hear how republicans feel about the lack of support from their party's leaders. here's another cleaning tip from mr. clean. cleaning tough bathroom and kitchen messes with sprays and wipes can be 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care about most. i am courtney thompson and we are morgan stanley. university of phoenix is awarding andup to one million dollarssues invin new scholarshipsost. through this month, because hope fuels opportunity. see what scholarship you qualify for at if you qualify for the stimulus payments and i'm betting that you know if you do, keep an eye on your bank account, because those $1400 payments are starting to head out this weekend. >> uh-huh. yeah, the payments are just one piece of this massive aid that's being injected in the economy because of president biden's $1.9 trillion rescue plan. cnn's alison kosik has more, not just on that, but the details as to who's eligible and for how much. >> good morning, christi and victor, now that the $1.9 trillion relief bill is law. americans will start seeing stimulus payments hit their bank accounts as early as this weekend. up to $1400 for people who are eligible. how fast you get the money depends if the irs has your banking information on file. if so, you'll likely be the first to get the money because it will be ghosted into your account. everyone else will have to wait for paper checks or pre-paid cards in the mail. how will you know if you get the money, it's based on the most recent tax returns. that's 2019, in case you haven't filed for 2020. the full $1400 goes to individuals earning less than $75,000 a year. the checks then phase out tapping at those making $80,000. families get an extra $1400 per dependent. inlike previous rounds that includes adult gents. a couple with two children could receive up to $5600. also for families, the relief bill beefs up the child tax credit, available for single parents with an annual income of $75,000. and joint filers making up to $150,000 a year. the key change here, the tax credit will be fully refundable. plus, households can receive monthly payments, rather than a lump sum once a year. the health care can't come soon enough especially those hurt by the pandemic. according to a new associated press poll, during the pandemic, black and hispanic americans have experienced more job and income losses compared to white americans. about 6 in 10 hispanics and half of black americans say they're still facing a financial impact. 4 in 10 white americans say the same. but now there's hope for what's ahead. as u.s. recovery gains momentum, economists are upgrading their growth forecasts for the u.s. with some predicting the economy will grow more than 7% this year. that outpaces china's economy which has topped the u.s. for decades. economists cite enormous demand from eating at restaurants to going out to the movies, to traveling. christi and victor, things i can't wait to do. >> all of us are right there with you. look at victor smiling there. >> yes. >> just waiting, yes. so, we want to thank alison there. and remind you, the president's rescue plan did not get any support on capitol hill from republicans. there is bipartisan backing, however, for the nearly $2 trillion in relief elsewhere. >> that includes mingo county, west virginia. 80% of the voters backed president trump there in 2020. the county faces an unemployment rate above 11%. cnn's gary tuchman spoke to them there and a lot say wear waiting for help with hope. >> reporter: it's long been challenging in the mountainous town of the west virginia coal country. the covid outbreak has made things much worse. >> it's tough for my kids, for my wife, my whole family in general. a lot of my family out of work. >> reporter: kevin johnson is a coal miner, but like many other people in this area, lost his job. >> i love the mines. it's good money. really good money. good living. >> reporter: how hard is it now? >> it's a struggle right now. >> reporter: here in williamson, west virginia, the seat of mingo county, the covid relief bill say huge relief for so many people. garland thompson is a restaurant dishwasher. >> i'm excited about it anytime you can help an area in mingo county, west virginia and give people $1400, hell, it's going to help a little bit. >> reporter: help you? >> yes, sir, help me and my wife. >> reporter: there is great awareness among people in mingo county that their senior u.s. senator joe manchin who have brought down this billful he wanted to. that he is in effect, a king maker and people like that. charles mcgwire says he votes republican including donald trump but he respects the political moves by his democratic senator. >> most of the time he speaks his mind and what is true. >> i think senator manchin has done well helpings through this. >> reporter: this is the mayor, charlie hatfield, the famous hatfield miami that feuded with the mccoys. the conservative democratic mayor who doesn't want to reveal whether he votes democratic or republican in national elections does reveal he very much likes the bill. >> i think it's a good thing. from the city alone we'll probably get $1 million. >> reporter: what proportion of your budget is that? >> oh, it would he want a third. it's big money. >> reporter: we did meet with a couple people in town who agreed with members of congress who gave the bill a thumbs down. >> there's a lot of waste in the money. >> reporter: almost all we talked to here feel differently. she has a disability and hasn't been able to find a job. how do you feel about the fact that no republican senators voted for the republican bill. they all said no to it. >> yeah that some bull, that's something hog wash [ bleep ] apologize for my language. >> reporter: kevin johnson, the laid up miner said he voted for donald trump and usually supports republicans but disagrees with how the gop has handled this. with this aid he'll now be able to -- >> pay off the rent and pay off the bills because people are behind, you know, as well as everybody else. i'm sure i ain't the only one that's got a tough time. >> reporter: tough times for so many. and now the hope things will start getting better soon. gary tuchman, cnn, williamson, west virginia. well, a historic spring storm is expected to bring snowfall. and record of it. flash flooding. tornadoes. and it could affect 20 million of you this weekend. we're tracking it for you, next. . it makes our lipton tea leaves better. which makes the smooth tea taste better, and time together even better. and drinking lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton is a proud sponsor of the american heart association's life is why campaign. ♪ ♪ (kids talking) pnc bank believes that if an app lipton is a proud sponsor can help you track your pizza... come on cody, where are you buddy? ...then your bank should have the technology to help you track your spending. virtual wallet® for digital banking. one way we're helping to make a difference at pnc bank. all right. so some of you, yes, are getting ready for some beautiful spring break weather. not so much in the central part of the country. >> yeah. because a major historic springtime snowstorm is coming, heading towards a couple of states and could impact millions of people. and the same system could also drop rain, maybe tornadoes down on the south. >> cnn meteorologist allison chinchar is tracking the storm's path. allison, give it to us straight. where's it going to strike first? >> yes, this is a pretty impressive tim and going to impact a lot in the eastern rockies, that's where have the main potential for snowfall totals. on the eastern siem the potential for flooding and storms. let's start out west with the snow. notice as we we go through the day, storm doesn't move all that much and that's key because that's where we're expecting potentially historic snowfall numbers because the same places are going to get dumped over and over again with heavy bands of snow. this is going to lead to travel conditions across southern wyoming and colorado as well. widespread over a foot, some spots, two or three feet of snow, especially as you go higher in elevation. for denver, specifically, the forecast calling for 18 to 20 inches. if they end up getting that, this will end up in their top five snowiest marches on record. so, again, a big system there. the eastern side of the storm, now, let's switch gears and talk about the severe potential. because this is a pretty big severe threat. we're talking about a level out of five for severe weather, okay? so you're talking a few tornadoes, large hail that could be up around baseball size and some damaging winds includes places like amarillo, oklahoma city, and every stretching to san angelo, texas. the time line in the afternoon and early evening hours for most people. with that said, oklahoma city, dallas, the threat could continue into the overnight hours. please make sure before you go to bet have all your devices charged so you have power and have a way to get emergency alerts once you go to sleep. one of the other intense concerns is the intense amount of rain, to to four inches and some spots six inches of rain in a short period of time. you do have flooding concerns for areas of nebraska, kansas and arkansas. on the southwestern side of the system, victor and christi now you're talking critical and elevated five risks because of dry conditions and wind gusts up to 40 to 50 miles per hour. >> all right. allison chinchar, thank you so much. so, be sure to tune into the latest episode of cnn original series "stanley tucci: searching for italy" he explores the beautiful region of tuscany now. the art, the food, the culture. here's a preview. >> one of this isn't so big? >> no, a little more. a little more. >> i didn't know how to cook when we got married. didn't even know how to boil water. >> while she was here, my mother was also inspired by the spirit of the renaissance and set out to discover the art of italian cooking. >> when we lived in florence, while everyone was in school, we learned different recipes. i loved it. >> my mother soon found the key that unlocked cooking. a simple combination of carrots, celery and onions. fried up together. it's called the sofrito. >> what do you think, stan? >> looks good. >> it's the base of italian dishes including today's offering, a tucci family favorite called salsa maria rosa. >> a little water. >> it's a delicious vegetable sauce and we named it after our beloved neighbor here in florence who showed my mother to make it years ago. >> how sweet is that. "stanley tucci: searching for italy" airing sunday night at 9:00 right here on cnn. we'll be right back. so abe and art can grow more plants. so they can hire vilma... and wendy... and me. so, more people can go to work. so, more days can start with kisses. when you buy this plant at walmart. the ergo smart base from tempur-pedic ♪ responds to snoring - automatically. when you buy this plant at walmart. so no hiding under your pillow. or opting for the couch. your best sleep. all night. every night. experience the mattress ranked #1 in customer satisfaction by jd power, two years in a row. shingles? camera man: yeah, 1 out of 3 people get shingles in their lifetime. well that leaves 2 out of 3 people who don't. i don't know anybody who's had it. your uncle had shingles. you mean that nasty red rash? and donna next door had it for weeks. yeah, but there's nothing you can do about it. camera man: actually, shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaaat? camera man: prevented. you can get vaccinated. baby, call the doctor. camera man: hey! you can also get it from your pharmacist! 50 years or older? get vaccinated for shingles now. serena: it's my 4:10, no-excuses-on-game-day migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose of ubrelvy works fast. it can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours, relieving pain and debilitating symptoms. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: migraine hits hard. hit back with ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. something great from mr. clean. stop struggling to clean tough messes with sprays. try clean freak! it has three times the cleaning power of the leading spray to dissolve kitchen grease on contact. and it's great for bathrooms! just keep pumping the power nozzle to release a continuous burst of mist and make quick work of big jobs. it even works on stainless steel. it cuts through 100% of dirt, grease and grime. available with easy-to-swap refills. to get three times the cleaning power, try clean freak from mr. clean. so you're a small business, or a big one. you were thriving, but then... oh. ah. okay. plan, pivot. how do you bounce back? you don't, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. powered by the largest gig speed network in america. but is it secure? sure it's secure. and even if the power goes down, your connection doesn't. so how do i do this? you don't do this. we do this, together. bounce forward, with comcast business. so the biggest night in music is one day away. grammys are tomorrow, featuring the hoet ttest names in the industry. why are you laughing? >> because i don't know songs by any of these people. >> i guarantee you know a song by billie eilish. >> i don't. i don't. i don't know one bts, i don't know any new taylor swift. so maybe i should watch. >> i just know because of my children. >> and i have no kids. so the show is going on after being postponed back in january because of a surge in covid cases. stephanie elam is taking a look for us. ♪ >> reporter: from bad money to black pumas, stallions to styles, hit makers are lined up to perform live at the 63rd grammy awards abwaaward but who watching? they have one advantage. >> a whole lot of performances because that is what people want to see. >> reporter: and the show is also coming off a tough 2020 which saw the recording academy accused in a series of scandals, including questions about its nomination process. the recording academy denied the accusations. the controversies then eclipsed by the death of kobe bringyant. and this year it is back swirling around the weeknd. >> weeknd not getting a single knoll nat nomination is the biggest snub. >> reporter: and in response, the singer calling the grammys corrupt. >> just the song blinding light, it has been in the top ten of the billboard hot 100 for a year! and no record has ever done that before. >> reporter: the recording academy responded saying that they understand his disappointment. the interim ceo adding -- >> i was is you ar surprised an empathize. >> reporter: queen bae has 9. taylor swift. and each up for 6 grammys including song of the year. moving from its usual home here at staples center, most of the grammys will be filmed in and around the los angeles convention center right across the street and the only audience members in attendance will be other performers and some nominees. stephanie elam, cnn, los angeles. >> megan stallion, i know some of herself. beyonce, of course. and black puma, i don't -- >> listen, i'm not cool. if it were not for my children, i would know nothing. >> i'm not cool. don't say that, you're cool. >> i am just saying thank you for the love, i appreciate it. so one sure sign that, you know, brighter days are ahead, just days after the u.s. marked the one year anniversary of the pandemic, there is some tears of joy. >> yeah, families who have been separated are finally beginning to reunite now that they have been vaccinated. >> take off your mask. surprise. >> my daughter and granddaughter came to my apartment to give me a little gift they said. and the gift was the prescription from the doctor. and it said that you are allowed to hug your grand daughter. i was definitely not going to let her into my apartment even though i had completed my covid vaccines. i was stuck in covid land. and having this prescription from my doctor gave me the courage to let her in. just hugging and hugging and crying and crying. for the first time in a year . >> hey hi. missed you. >> miss you too. love you guys. f fwrs. >> that got me. >> i know. >> i miss my mom and dad. but listen, let's give a little love here. i know that you have seen this. proposing a national post pandemic hug day once we reach the vaccination mark. and it is a great idea. >> it has been so tough. and you and i have discussed this off camera about not being able to see our parents and your parents in ohio and having to make the drive and not wanting to fly. i was not a fan of people just hugging me. >> they were saying that you should go next door and hug victor because you know he doesn't like it. >> over this last year, i have really missed that expression. >> see? just wait. >> i have snuck up on my mom in october and i would love to go back and just hug my mom again. >> i hope that you can very soon. >> and you too. let's start the next hour right now. some of those first checks arriving in the bank accounts of americans this weekend. >> to every american watching, help is here. >> can we be hopeful that this is going to come to an end soon? >> not only hopeful, you can be absolutely certain. >> it seems like these in florida that experts worry hurt progress. >> freedom day. have you heard the rules? >> trying to survive this and we also worry that this community will become a superspreader for other communities. >> the joint statement from the two democratic centers from new york goes on to say that it is clear that governor cuomo has lost the confidence of his governing partners. >> i did not do what has been alleged. >> it is unacceptable, the governor must resign

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Caution , Dogs , Seizures , Class , History , Disorders , Go With Simparica Trio , Data , Price , Leader , T Mobile , Smartphone , 5g , Benefits , Magenta Max , 5 , Phone , Fees , Taxes , Costs , Zero , Bank Accounts , Stimulus Checks , 1400 , 400 , Rescue Plan , Hash , Road , Toyota , Hash Tag Direct Deposit , Twitter , 2 Trillion , Trillion , Bill , President , Celebration Yesterday , Jasmine Wright , Relief Bill , Rose Garden , Focus , Thing , Details , Waste , Devil , Fraud , Oversight , Right , Event , Process , Implementation , On Monday , Biden On , Victory Tour , Places , Message , Harris , Pennsylvania , Surrogates , Georgia , Timi , Vic Victor , Countries , Pictures , Up Next , European , Stimulus Being Zb , Rollouts , Surprise Fees , Doesn T Play Games , Part , Friend , Players , Verizon , Squad , Two 5 A Months , , 25 , Livestream , Visible , Boom , 12 , Beverage Companies , Viruses , Car , Armor , Disinfectant , Bacteria , 99 9 , Same , Bottles , Plastic , Plastics , Caps , Material , The Circle , One Hundred , Bottle , Network , Xfinity Mobile , Most , Store , Xfinity , Line , Experience , Phones , 00 , 300 , 15 , Stop , Device , Trade , Savings , Appointment , Peace Of Mind , Astrazeneca , Efficacy , 19 , Vaccine , Blood Clots , Evidence , Drugmaker , Plans , Support , Vaccines , Company , Reports , Emergency News Authorization , Show , Health Officials , National Health Agency , Melissa Bell , France , Paris , Series , Rollout , News , Suspensions , Vice Land , Denmark , Bulgaria , Fears , Populations , Vaccine Hesitancy , Bunch , Batch , Thailand , Idea , Proportion , Astrazeneca Agency , Results , Night , Population , Health Ministry , Scale , Side , Safety , Reports Problems , Deal , Needs , 30 , 5 Million , Dekz , Emergence , Hesitancy , Problem , Supply Problems , Issue , European Union , Spring Break , Millions , Doses , Calendar , Doctors , Cases , Number , Partying , Raising , Spike , Finding , Covid 19 Variants , Mr , Dan Gelber , Spring Break Activity , Oman , Miami Beach , Ways , Anywhere , Variant , Virus , British , Community , Sequencing , Don T , Triple Threat , Cdc , Numbers , Arrests , Vaccinations , Environment , Terms , Address , O11 , 11 , States , On The Beach , Loud Music , 48 , 41 , Violations , Stops , License Plate , Cars , Weapons , Readers , 59 , Crimes , Third , Felony Arrests , Enforcement , Mask Ordinances , Crowd , Social Media , Result , Rooms , Flights , Music , Signs , Order , Governments , Fines , Ungovernable , Businesses , Jobs , Covid Rules , Restaurants , Deaths , County , Business , Dade County , Hotels , Opening , 52 , Don T Wear A Mask , Sort , Messaging , Outrageous , Department Of Health , Something , Masks , Executive Order , Violation , Ambassadors , Hospitality , Tents , Park Rangers , Bottom , Compliance , Sending , Food Chain , Officials , Ustrating , Congressman Crist , Desantis , Neighborhoods , Pop Ups , Gain , Regards , Pandemic , Lifestyle , City , Guy , Republican , Best , Lawmaker , Frustration , Voice , Luck , Leaders , Party , Black , Messes , Bathroom , Kitchen , Cleaning Tip , Magic Eraser , Sprays , Struggle , Oven Doors , Sheets , Wipes , Bathtub Soap Scum , Caked On Grease , Clean , Stovetops , Microwaves , Magic Eraser Sheets , Flare Up , Relief , Crohn S , Medication , Intestine , Adults , Uc , Inflammation , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Surface , Stelara , Doctor , Cancer , Symptoms , Pres , Serious , Brain Condition , Infections , Risk , Skin Growths , Infection , Treatment , Sores , Tb , Investors , Remission , Lung Inflammation , Janssen , 85 , Investing , Investments , Interest , Millennials , Ability , Trends , Account , Conservation , Land Use , Information , Variables , Sustainability , Term , Water Usage , Diversity , Data Privacy , Decisions , Consumer Trust , Niche , Investment Decisions , Types , Form , Four Dollars , Four , Power , Issues , Markets , Impact , Morgan Stanley , Courtney Thompson , University Of Phoenix , Scholarshipsost , One Million , Scholarship , Phoenix Edu , Hope Fuels Opportunity , Payments , Stimulus Payments , Bank Account , Eye , Economy , Aid , Alison Kosik , Uh Huh , 9 Trillion , 1 9 Trillion , Money , First , Banking Information , File , Irs , Everyone , Case You Haven T , Paper Checks , Mail , Cards , Tax Returns , 2019 , 2020 , Families , Individuals , Tapping , Making 80000 , 0000 , 80000 , 5000 , 75000 , Children , Parents , Couple , Rounds , Child Tax Credit , Income , Adult Gents , Inlike , 600 , 5600 , Households , Tax Credit , Change , Filers , Lump Sum , 50000 , 150000 , Health Care , Associated Press , Poll , Black Americans , Losses , Half , 6 , 4 , 10 , Economists , Momentum , Growth Forecasts , China S , 7 , Eating , Demand , Movies , Yes , Backing , Just Waiting , Capitol Hill , Mingo County , Elsewhere , Unemployment Rate , West Virginia , Covid Outbreak , Town , Wear Waiting , Say , Coal Country , Gary Tuchman , Kids , Area , Work , Kevin Johnson , Family , Coal Miner , Mines , General , Here In Williamson , Living , Seat , Restaurant Dishwasher , Garland Thompson , Shell , Joe Manchin , Billful , Awareness , Wife , Senator , Charles Mcgwire , Effect , Moves , King Maker , Charlie Hatfield , Mind , Mccoys , Hatfield Miami , Mayor , Doesn T Want , Elections , A Million , 1 Million , Budget , Big Money , Bill A , Congress , Hasn T , Disability , Something Hog Wash , Miner , Bull , Language , Bleep , The Only One , Pay , Bills , Brent , Ain T , Everybody Else , Times , Spring Storm , Williamson , Record , Tornadoes , Snowfall , Lipton , Tea Leaves , Flash Flooding , Smooth Tea Taste Better , 20 Million , Sponsor , Drinking Lipton , Life , Campaign , American Heart Association , Bank , App , Pizza , Kids Talking , Banking , Wallet , Pnc Bank , Spending , Technology , Difference , Weather , System , Allison Chinchar , Rain , Storm , Snowstorm , South , Tim , Path , Potential , Storms , Flooding , Snowfall Totals , Eastern Siem , Rockies , Snow , Storm Doesn T , Bands , Notice , Conditions , Spots , Forecast , Feet , Foot , Elevation , Southern Wyoming , Colorado , Denver , Threat , Switch Gears , 20 , Five , Winds , Baseball Size , Hail , Oklahoma City , Amarillo , Time Line , Stretching , San Angelo , Texas , Dallas , Devices , Emergency Alerts , Amount , Bet , Flooding Concerns , Areas , Risks , The System , Kansas , Arkansas , Nebraska , Six , Wind , Episode , Stanley Tucci Searching For Italy , 40 , 50 , Art , More , Food , Region , Preview , Tuscany , Mother , Water , Cooking , Florence , Renaissance , Spirit , Italian , Didn T , School , Celery , Recipes , Combination , Carrots , Onions , Base , Stan , Sofrito , Dishes , Offering , Family Favorite , Tucci , Salsa Maria Rosa , Neighbor , Vegetable Sauce , Sunday Night , Plants , Wendy , Vilma , 9 , Plant , Kisses , Walmart , Ergo Smart , Tempur Pedic , Shingles , Camera Man , Snoring , Automatically , Pillow , Hiding , Couch , Sleep , Row , Customer Satisfaction , Jd Power , Mattress , 1 , Nothing , Lifetime , Uncle , Rash , Whaaaat , 3 , 2 , Baby , Pharmacist , Serena , Migraine Medicine , Migraine , Dose , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , Spain , Ubrelvy , Ubrelvy Works Fast , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Inhibitors , Nausea , Tiredness , Cyp3a4 , Migraine Hits Hard , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Cleaning Power , Freak , Kitchen Grease , Spray , Bathrooms , Contact , Power Nozzle , Mist , Burst , Grime , Dirt , Grease , Refills , Stainless Steel , Small Business , Big One , Internet , Gig Speed Network , It , Connection , Bounce Forward , Comcast Business , Song , Grammys , Songs , Industry , Hoet Ttest Names , I Don T , Taylor Swift , Billie Eilish , Bts , Pumas , In Covid , Stephanie Elam , Surge , Stallions , Hit Makers , Styles , 63rd Grammy Awards Abwaaward , 63 , Recording Academy , Questions , Performances , Nomination Process , Saw , Weeknd , Death , Back Swirling , Controversies , Single , Kobe Bringyant , Blinding Light , Nomination , Snub , Singer , Response , Ten , Knoll Nat , Grammys Corrupt , Disappointment , Ceo , Billboard Hot 100 , Queen , Bae , An Empathize , Audience Members , Home , Street , Los Angeles Convention Center , Song Of The Year , Staples Center , Megan Stallion , Nominees , Performers , Attendance , Beyonce , Love , Puma , Don T Say That , Tears , Sign , Anniversary , Joy , Mask , Apartment , Daughter , Granddaughter , Surprise , Prescription , Gift , Courage , Covid Land , Hugging , Time , Listen , Post , Mom And Dad , F Fwrs , Camera , Vaccination Mark , Ohio , Hug , Fan , Drive , Mom , Expression , Freedom Day , Centers ,

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