president biden addressing the nation tonight, marking one year of covid, saying the virus has exacted a terrible toll on all americans but offering messages of hope. >> tonight i'm announcing that i will direct all states, tribes and territories to make all adults, people 18 and over, eligible to be vaccinated no later than may 1. >> the president saying he will not relent until we beat covid-19. he's ramping up a massive nationwide effort to re-open schools safely, and saying he's hopeful that in americans pull together and get vaccinated we can gatter in small groups with family and friends to celebrate the 4th of july this year. joining me now to discuss, cnn correspondent john hardwood and dr. jonathan reiner the, director of the cardiac catheterization program. president biden is making promises everyone is going to be eligible for a vaccine by may 1st. a barbecue with the family, friends on the 4th of july. he's setting high expectations. now he's going to have to meet those expectations. >> he is, don, but he's trying to lean on his partners to do that. he's leaning on science to continue the incredible work of these vaccines and count on public health experts to track the variants and stay on top of those. he's counting on american business to sustain the ramp-up and manufacturing he's encouraged by the defense production act. he's singled out praise for merck who's trying are johnson and johnson ramp up the dosage of that new vaccine. he's leaning on partners in state and local government who he's backing with a rushing refr of money coming at them in this covid relief package he signed into law and he's also counting on the american people in this effort and he's trying to unify them in this speech tonight, calling on their common experiences, their desire to get back to normal for weddings and proms and dates and fourth of july gatherings, urging them to hang in with things leak masks, which are unpopular in parts of the country. he talked about things that divide us like wearing masks, but he did not call out governors who are resisting him and lifting mask mandates. he did not call out president trump by name, although he alluded to the state of the vaccine rollout that he inherited. he did his best while urging the american people to stick with it a while longer to unplug the electricity from the ideological polarization in the country. we'll see how successful he can be with it. >> doctor, do you think may 1st, july 4th, are those realistic goals? >> yeah. i think first of all i have been saying for a few weeks that we need to open up vaccination to younger people. look, there are two goals of vaccinating the public. one obviously is to reduce death, and these vaccines are very effective at doing that, and we have vaccinated now a large portion of the country at greatest risk of death so, in the united states about 72% of people over the age of 75 have been vaccinated. 63% of people over the age of 65. so really getting vaccine to the people at highest risk. the other goal of vaccination is to reduce transmission. we now know from some pretty good stories that transmission of the virus in this country is powered by young people, people aged 20 to 49. more than two-thirds of the case are being transmitted by young people. so the way to put that down is to vaccinate young people, and we have the vaccine to do that. we have 33 million doses of vaccine that have been distributed to the states but not yet administered. i think it's a great idea to move towards vaccinating young people, and that will help drive transmission down. in terms of july 4th, if july fourth comes around and your family has been vaccinated and the family down the street, yeah, you can absolutely get together for a barbecue. getting shots in arms is not just the ticket to -- it's the ticket to getting people back in offices, to getting movie theaters open, to getting ballparks filled. this administration gets it. some time tomorrow, the 100 million th shot is going into an arm. we're not there yet, but we're really on the way. >> let me ask you something that pertains to that. the president also said that dentists, vets -- and vets will soon be giving vaccinations? that certainly should help speed things up, right? >> yeah. it will be great to get to the point where you don't need to get an appointment, where you can walk into a place and get vaccinated. the more places, the more venues that can give the shot, the more opportunity there is to get shot in the arms. we're averaging around 2.5 million shots a day. we can get to 3 million shots per day and we'll have herd immunity in this country right around the 4th of july. think about what happens in the fall. schools open and colleges open. it's an entirely new world for us. s imper ative to get to shots i arms and it's happening now. >> party, party, party. i'm here for all of it. i was going to say, i'm not even going lie and sit here and pretend to be the new anchorman. i can't wait for that moment to happen where i can go to a christmas party or barbecue or hang out and not have to worry about getting close to someone. i can't wait. i'm here for all of it. thank you both. i appreciate it. i want to turn now and bring in our cnn political commentators. joe kennedy and amanda carpenter. good evening to both of you. amanda, hello. representative kennedy, can you hear me? i don't think representative kennedy can hear us. or he's frozen. not sure. but any way, hello, amanda. >> hey. >> president biden spoke out against the recent rise in hate crimes against americans tonight. i want to you listen to this. >> i will not relent until we beat these fires. but i need you, the american people. i need you. i need every american to do their part. and that's not hyperbole. i need you. >> that was his call to action, amanda. why don't we start there, and then we'll talk about asian americans. so, that was the president's call to action tonight. after a year of suffering through a pandemic s that the kind of message americans need, amanda? >> yeah, he gave a great speech. i feel like a lot of the reaction has to do with how he positions against president trump. you know, people always talk about the feelings, the relief they have hearing biden, but what he's doing now soars above that. this would be difficult for any president to navigate. he's steering a country out of a pandemic, let alone grappling with everything in the aftermath of donald trump. he is doing a great job not only delivering on the plan -- what did the previous guest say? 100 million doses have been out? that is incredible. he's also being careful. managing expectations so that people can get back to normal in a steady way. and so it is really artful the way that he trays to bring even in. he doesn't stand up there and say, this is me giving it to you. he's always asking for help and bringing people in. man, the innovative solutions they're coming up with, with the veterans and the dentists -- that wasn't even on the deck. and of course that's a great idea. do that. and so this is really masterful what he's pulling off. i mean, he hasn't done it yet. ware not back to normal yet, but even can see how we can get there together, and man, that's a great thing. >> representative kennedy, i want to play this. i mentioned to it amanda, but i want to play the sound bite. this is the president speaking out on the rise in hate crimes against asian-americans. >> too often we've turned against one another. a mask, the easiest thing to do to save lives. sometimes it divides us. states pitted against one another instead of working with each other. vicious hate crimes against asian-americans who have been attacked, harassed, blamed and scapegoated. at this very moment, so many of them, our fellow americans, they're on the front lines of this pandemic trying to save lives. and still -- still they're forced to live in fear for their lives just walking down streets in america. it's wrong. it's un-american, and it must stop. >>en why, representative, that is a far cry from the previous administration. how important is that message? >> critical. don, you heard what amanda said about the whole tone and tenor of the speech trying to pull the countrying to, but also orient the base. highlighting it, calling it out, and saying, this is not okay is a huge step forward, because it makes sure there are reinforcements to everyone. some level of decency and dignity and respect in our country, and that's been missing for an a while. >> tomorrow, the president and vice president kamala harris are speaking in the rose garden about covid relief bill. only democrats are on the guest list. are republicans going look back on the relief bill and see how they got rolled? >> you know what? i think they're still sort of figuring that out. republicans are trying to figure out what they're going to be for. amid the culture wars and them taking a backseat on the covid debate, it seems the only real policy that animates republicans is voter restrictions. that's the only thing that's moving in the states. that's the only thing that they can focus on when it comes to legislation. and so, you know, i don't think them missing the press conference is going to matter. the only thing that matters for politics going into the 2022 and 2024 is, did joe biden get us out of this pandemic? and you know, everything after that is just details. >> representative, sorry about the intelligent issue, but we're out of time. we'll get you back soon. thank you both. appreciate it. president biden focusing on covid relief for america while in the gop, the alternate universe in the gop it's all dr. seuss, mr. potato head and cancel culture. is it all about 2022? >> national unity isn't just how politics and prettolitics vote washington, what the loudest voices say on cable or online. unity is what we do together as fellow americans. renae runs with us on a john deere 1 series tractor. because out here, you can't fake a job well done. hear renae's story at there's a world where every one of us is connected. everyone. everywhere. where everyone is included. where everyone has access to information, education, opportunity. ♪ ♪ ♪ when everyone and everything is connected. that's really beautiful. anything is possible. good morning. cisco. the bridge to possible. some companies still have hr stuck between employees and their data. entering data. changing data. more and more sensitive, personal data. and it doesn't just drag hr down. it drags the entire business down -- with inefficiency, errors and waste. it's ridiculous. so ridiculous. with paycom, employees enter and manage their own data in a single, easy to use software. visit, and schedule your demo today. president biden kick off his sales pitch for his covid relief package at the white house tonight. but the next battle will be over voter suppression and it could determine the future of our democracy. believe me when i tell you the assault on voter rights is under way. joining me now, former senator doug jones and cnn political analyst herndon. gentleman, hello. the democrats have to spotlight. pass this massive bill. but there is a massive gop operation going on to try to ensure democrats can't win future elections. i'm talking about voter suppression. is the democratic party and the white house ready for this fight? >> i think they're getting ready for it. look, tough put first things first. joe biden ran on getting us out of this pandemic. he ran on the promises that are in this package. tough put first things first. you have to get past impeachment, past the covid package. then they're going to turn their attention to health-cares r 1, immigration. there's a lot that's going to be on their plate. it's going to be a challenge for sure. they're already reaching out to folks to try to see if they can get things done by bipartisanship and working together instead of what they had do this time. >> i want to ask you about something you tweeted today. you said the issues the republicans are focusing on, voter suppression, dr. seuss, mr. potato head, they're all part of one master plan. what's the plan? >>s a long-term -- to think about who is political power in this country. you see republicans missing the point when they're talking about mr. potato head or dr. seuss in the covid relief battle. but they decided the only thing that motivates its base is who holds the culture and political power in the country. they're thinking in the long-term. that i think relate to the voting rights and restrictions. . that gets a say on what's canceled or who's canceled. that's a pitch to the base by saying the power that you have had both as largely white, conservative, rural voters, but also as kind of people in this country to determine whether it's popular or not popular is slipping away, and that is something to be motivated by politically. that's a party that has made that calculation, overcaring about policy. >> i was having a conversation moments ago, and we were talking about the voter suppression and wondering if it's too late. you have, what, 253 bills trying to be passed around -- on the table at the vernal of being passed around the country. if the end goal here is massive voter suppression, which it clearly is, how then had democrats stop them? because they don't have to votes to pass the sweeping voting rights act in the senate without killing the filibuster. >> i think you're going to have to take a look at the filibuster. i have been one to be hesitant about this, but sometimes circumstances can overcome the institution of the senate and institution of the congress. and that may be happening. i think to some extent now, what the republicans are doing across this country are overplaying their hand. they obviously are in a panic. their party is splintering between pro-trump and an try-trump. they're in a panic. if they're not able to win key races this battleground states, they're doing the only thing they know how to do best, and that's trying to pass laws to keep people from voting. i think democrats are going to be up for it. you have to look at how best to do that. i think folks are going to take a serious look at the urgency of what is happening around the country. there will be a look at the filibuster. and come up with some way to get this passed. republicans are bringing this on themselves right now, and that's the way democrats are going to have to look at this. >> do you think they realize the existential threat? are they willing to act now? >> i think that is a key question. it is unclear how much the kind of democratic apparatus is willing to see and meet republicans on their terms on this front, and not only is this happening now or in the last presidential election. this is something republicans have been laser focused on the last 10, 15 years. you basically have a democratic party that's catching up with where republicans are on, that particularly on the state legislature front. democrats have to motivate their base. they need to do better in downballot races in tough states like alabama. but there is also kind of a larger question -- is biden willing to part with senate traditions? are some democrats willing to do that in order pass hr 1. that is a baseline to recognizing the kind of clear eyed nature of the importance of this fight. if he decides the theme of bipartisanship or unity are more important than that, that is going to have a priority the white house will have to explain not only the progressives but members of the base who know this is what republicans motivated by. >> thank you both. i'll see you soon. pentagon smackdown. tucker carlson hearing from the highest levels after making comments about women in the military. plus, prince william is outright asked if the royal family is racist. you're going hear from him. the harry's razor is not the same our razors have 5 german-engineered blades designed to stay sharp so you can enjoy lasting comfort and we never upcharge you for high quality harry's. available in store and at and we never upcharge you for high quality my hygienist cleans with a round head, so does my oral-b. my hygienist personalizes my cleaning, so does my oral-b. my hygienist uses just the right pressure, and so does my oral-b. oral-b combines a dentist-inspired brush head with the gentle energy of micro-vibrations for the wow of a professional clean feel every day. my mouth says wow and so does my oral-b. to be honest...a little dust? 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he never served in the military. he's insulting women who do serve in the military. joining me now, one of the incredible women who put her life at risk to protect this country, that's m.j. hagar. you're a woman and a veteran. what was going through your mind when you heard those comments? >> yeah, it's difficult. a couple of things went through my mind. clearly he's never served. i was in the fight to open combat jobs to women. i found in my own combat experience the people who were the loudest against it were the people who have never serve in the combat. i would say that those who have experience, you know, with bullets flying in the mix don't care what color you are, what gender you are, who you love, what your politics are. competence is everything. can this person cover my six? that's all we care about. you find the real operator not weighing in and saying these things but the wannabes or people insecure -- really people see pregnant women, who is a warrior -- by the way, we don't send pregnant women into war any way. the flight suit is because are serving in a job and the flight suit is an indicator of that job. it's also something you earn going through pilot training and that sort of thing. people who see these women doing these jobs and are threatened by it and think, gosh, i couldn't do that, they feel the need to pull us down, but luxury we have some men and women -- women serving bravely on the front lines in support roles keeping us safe. i sleep better at night. if tucker carlson had so much -- for the chinese navy, his journalism style suits that better. maybe he should pack up. >> you have men and women who support you as well. he offered no apology tonight and said he's accusing the pentagon of a p.r. offensive against him when the reality is he was called out for his sexist remarks by soldiers in top brass. now he is playing the victim. >> yeah, it's funny, right? the cancel culture is always bad until they do it to us, right? the hypocrisy is pretty blatant, i think. something that's extraordinary to me and is actually really inspiring to me is it's pretty rare for top brass to make their opinions vocal. a lot of tyimes in the military we're raised to believe, you don't have opinions, or you keep them to yourself, i'm very hardened. i don't think this was spontaneous support from senior leaders. i think it was an organized -- people got to okay to have their voices heard, and that says something to me about the future of our military, the direction we're going, the fact that we're taking things serious. we have a serious culture problem in the military where we have -- right in my backyard, van van vanessa guillen. we're not going to fix those things until the top brass are freed up to voice their opinion and show support and really draw a lain in the sand. make no mistake, these are the values of our military. we value a strong military. it is an effectiveness issue to deploy all assets in the best way we can and not hold back based on antiquated ideas of who can serve. >> women used to have to leave the military when they were pregnant. you said flight suits are important because it explains to jobu doing. explain to us why they're so important. >> what i also find hypocritical is women used to be criticized for leaving the military when they were pregnant. they were forced to and then given the option of getting out while pregnant, which some women got criticized for. now i'm a mom, but i didn't have kids before i was deployed. i had a mom who had twins who was pumping milk on tdys and flights. she was so strong. that's what i think of. the uniforms is important. if we only have a set of fatigues or bdus, when you're a pilot who wears flight suits, it's a symbol of what you've accomplished. you're given the flight suit when you get your wings and that type of thing. so to put us in a different uniform when we're pregnant signifies we're getting taken out of the team so. i think it's great that they have maternity flight suits. it's not because women are flight at that size -- that stage in pregnancy and because we're jumping into trenches and fox holes. it's because we are still valid, valued members of the team, and it takes all of us putting a oar in water and pulling in the same direction to win a war, but people like tucker carlson would never understand what it takes for a mission like that. >> thank you so much. we appreciate -- i can see, someone in your house is a huge "star wars" fan, and i'm here for that as well. >> yeah, my kids. >> thank you so much. prince william's responding to harry and meghan's interview for the first time. we're going to discuss his reaction. >> is the royal family a racist family, sir? >> we're very much not a racist family. including little rock and even worcester. and tonight... i'll be eating the chicken quesadilla from...tony's tex katy. 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>> i haven't spoken to him yet, but i will do. >> and can you just let me know, is the royal family a racist family, sir? >> very much not a royal family. >> an actress and quiter and director as well, thank you so much for joining us. what's your reaction to prince william today? what did i think about his response? >> i think his response was to be expected. expected to say, yes, guys, yes, but the entire family's racist, yes. of course he wouldn't say such a thing because that would be detrimental to the monarchy, detrimental to the fabric of britain. >> when you look at what his brother prince harry said in the interview and his ability to recognize racism and learn from it, doesn't that show the importance of having people of color close to you, learning to walk in their shoes? >> definitely. i think that having, you know, people of color in close proximity to you does help with your learning. however, that proximity buzz come at a cost, like the emotional labor, the physical labor of being there while somebody unlearns their -- you know, that inherent and how they became racialized. that's something we have to remember. every time we have sdiscussions about racism, we get the black people, people of color together and say, dpon us, is racism real? have you ever been affected by racism? we have to think about the toll that takes as well. race hasn't gone away since the last time that you asked. >> so, tell me if i'm wrong, but there's something i noticed. when we saw prince charles yesterday, he had a number of black people. i think it was one or two black people with him. then we see prince william and there's a black lady with him. is that normal? >> not that i know of. i'm as stunned and amused as everybody is that's looking on. you know, i think that goes to show the desperation of the royal family at the moment. let's just grab some black people, any black people, and get them in a shop with us just to show that we are not racist. i think it's interesting that prince charles went to a church, went to a black church, and i think that was -- to be more endearment towards him. what it made me think about when it comes to the monarchy and the transatlantic slave trade and colonialism, what device was this used to make this all happen? was it not christianity? so the fact he would go teeth black church to appease the -- in the uk and around the world was not well thought out by the pr team, because people like myself, i could make the case we haven't moved much further from the draconian mind set that the monarchy is -- >> you published a piece in the uk called, why are people still denying the endemic racism in the uk? and you write about meghan's experience. you say meghan had not been subjected to the full manifestations of the insidious rh that's synonymous with britain and it was still too much. meghan was able to choose an option that would preserve her sense of piece, but what about the women who are darker than meghan and aren't afforded the same socioeconomic privileges? that's an interesting statement. something we have heard is she's rich, she's famous, how bad could it possibly be for her? even if that were true, what about those that don't have the resources like she does? >> exactly. i think when we focus on what's been happening to mega than and through the british press and with the royal family, what we're seeing here is that even as some would say -- even though they are that much in terms of lightness, they're very light. the british public was so focused on the fact that she has a black mother that they were able to say no, no, we don't like this, and we're going to do everything we can to assert stereotypes of blackness on her. then we consider the everyday black women like myself, i don't have the access to the socioeconomic station. we are subjected to a different type of racism in terms of magnitude of it. it permeates every aspect of our lives. if you look at health care, black women are four times more likely now to die in childbirth compared to white women in the uk. used to be five times. it's gone down to four times. some people think we should be celebrating this. but why are we dying? when we look at the stop and search rate with police, black people are searched more, and excessive force is usually used on black people. we found out today, actually, that -- well, yesterday now that the -- the police use is black people, when actually it's white people more. when you think about the pop leagues of britain. the idea of blackness is one of criminality, aggression. all of those things. i just think that meghan can't even experience that and she said, wow, i am gone. >> yeah, even at -- yeah. thank you. we're out of time. thank you very much. you be well. texas is suing their own state capitol over his mask mandate. the mayor responds next. his future became my focus. lavender baths always calmed him. so we turned bath time into a business. and building it with my son has been my dream job. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at my heart failure diagnosis changed my priorities. i want time for the people i love. my heart doesn't pump enough blood so my doctor gave me farxiga. it helps my heart do its job better. farxiga helps keep me living life and out of the hospital for heart failure. do not take if allergic to farxiga. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. stop taking and seek medical help right away. tell your doctor right away if you have red color in urine or pain while you urinate, or a genital area infection since a rare but serious genital infection may be life-threatening. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis. other serious side effects include dehydration, sudden kidney problems, genital yeast and bacterial infections in women and men, urinary tract infections, and low blood sugar. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis which is serious and may lead to death. more time with her? 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why do you think austin needs those rules in place? >> i think because as you said, the doctors and the data tell us that that's true. in fact, it appears to be the single most important thing we can do if what our real goal is to have more students in person in our schools, to have businesses that can better open without a threat of having to pull back and to protect essential workers. nothing more important than that. it is absolutely the wrong time to be confusing the message to the public about mask wearing. i think people are hearing what the governor is doing is a suggestion that masks aren't important or that they don't work or that we're past the crisis and we don't have to worry anymore. absolutely the wrong messages. we promised our community at the beginning that we would follow the doctors and the data. that's all we're trying to do. we're trying to let the rules of our health authority govern, and we think the law allows for that. >> right now, the numbers in texas aren't great, okay. i got to be honest. the test positivity rate in texas is over 7%. that indicates a good deal of community spread. are you afraid that these case counts will skyrocket, especially with the variants out there? >> i think that is the concern. the numbers have gone down pretty significantly from where they were. and i think that leads to general feeling of optimism. and i think we should, but it's not optimism that we're done. it's optimism that we're moving in the right direction. we seem to be plateauing out here in austin with the numbers, but, yes, to remove the mask mandate two days before spring break in austin, texas with the university of texas, to be moving away from the mask mandate when we have variants that are coming in to our area and in our state in increasing numbers, we are so close. if we can get the community to hold on for just a little while longer, we can get the positivity where it needs to be. we can get vaccinations in more people. texas right now, we have 8 or 9% of people, and that's all in the state that have been fully vaccinated at this point. we have work to do. and while we're doing that work, we should be wearing masks. >> at what point would you be comfortable loosening restrictions? what criteria are you looking for to do that? >> well, we set up very early in the process a color coded risk chart that tied different behaviors that we would be appropriate for us to do based on the number of admissions coming into our hospitals. that number has been dropping. i would anticipate that by the end of this week, our health authority moves us, us to our next measured place with respect to returning to normalcy. but it's taking steps. it's taking measured steps that are associated with what we're seeing the numbers do. it's not an on/off switch. that's what we feel that the governor did. so i would anticipate that this weekend even we could be moving up from 25 to 50% occupancy to 50 to 75% occupancy, depending on the location. but that kind of measured step is what we need to be doing. >> mayor, thank you so much. i appreciate it. keep us updated. >> take care. >> thank you. and so before we leave you tonight, i just want the take a moment to remember a very brave little girl, or what would -- on what would have been her first birthday. francesca kaczynski, lovingly called beans, was the daughter of our cnn colleague andrew kaczynski and his wife rachel ensign. francesca died of a rare form of brain disease. in her memory, you can buy a beanie, a beanie like this one. it's really great. it's like this one. it's got the hash tag team beans on it. all the proceeds will go to fund research at the dana farber cancer institute where beans was treated, and you can purchase the beanie at team team make sure i get it in there it's really great. so tonight and forever, we remember beans. did you know the source of odor in your home... ...could be all your soft surfaces? 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sure thing! and with fast, nationwide 5g included - at no extra cost? we've got you covered. so join the carrier rated #1 in customer satisfaction... ...and learn how much you can save at good evening. president biden tonight gave his first prime time address. the nation committed his administration to a big goal, making covid vaccines available to all adults by the 1st of may. his marks at the end of what was a momentous and hopeful day, precisely one year to the minute from the day our world changed completely. and the president acknowledged from the start just how profound the changes have been. for a perspective, a year ago tonight, the nba's oklahoma city thunder were about to take on the utah jazz when the game was called off. a player had just tested positive for covid. moments later tom hanks and his wife rita wilson announced they were ill with the virus at nearly the same time the president announced a travel ban from europe, promising, quote, the most aggressive effort to confront a foreign virus in modern history. at that point about 1100 americans had tested positive for covid and 33 had died. earlier that day the world health organization had declared the outbreak a pandemic. testifying before congress that same day, dr. anthony fauci asked is the worst yet to come? yes, he replied,

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