good evening. it is a historic day in the fight against covid and physical and financial struggles it created. on the day president biden's signature domestic policy passed and $2 trillion covid relief bill, the president announced plans for a deal with johnson & johnson to produce 100 million more doses of the one-shot vaccine and america should have enough vaccine for every adult by the end of may. this as cases are declining again. we'll have more on that in a moment. we want to start with that covid relief bill that passed. whether you applaud the $2 trillion bill is house democrats did immediately after the pass or loathe the price, it's a big deal. it sets the tone in washington for two years with direct payments going to about 90% of households and money for the unemployed and those who have children and can't pay rent or bills. >> this is the most consequential legislation many of us will ever be a party to. what knows what the future will bring but nonetheless on this day we celebrate. >> now, whether it's a success may depend on what happens next. though, a massive messaging blitz and sales pitch is underway. tomorrow president biden holds the first prime time address and friday he signs the bill in the white house and next tuesday stops in the home state of pennsylvania which he narrowly won last year and republicans today rolling out their counter arguments, as well. >> we're doing damage to the future of this country spending dramatically more money than we obviously need. we're about to have a boom, and if we do have a boom, it will have nothing to do with this $1.9 trillion. >> not a single republican lawmaker voted for the bill. according to a cnn poll 61% of people favor the bill and put that in perspective, it's ten points higher than the president's approval rating in the cnn poll. as to whether it will help or hurt the economy, 66% of americans say it will help. 28% say a lot. 38% say some. today president biden called it a historic victory and said it proves we can do big things. perspective from our chief political analyst gloria borger and john king. john, a 1.9 trillion covid relief bill is what president biden asked for coming into office, it's his 50th day as president. he got it. this is obviously a major win for him. the scope and scale of the legislation is really huge and maybe a lot of us haven't even wrapped our arms around how big it really is. how much does the president and country have riding on it? >> the country has a lot riding on it when you think about the covid toll whether the economy, case count, death, stress on the american psyche after the last year we've lived through. will this help end food lines for example? we've seen long lines at food banks? all the experts say this will help poverty and children going hungry across america. this is a giant win on day 50. the question is when we get into next year, a year from now what does this big win do to shape the 2022 midterm climate? is the economy back? are most americans vaccinated? are schools open? are people going to baseball games? this comes together. this piece of legislation we focus a lot and progressives were arguing why are you taking out the minimum wage and targeting benefits and shrinking unemployment payments. we focused on the fights. when we look at the final bill, this is lyndon johnson and fdr and a giant progressive rewrite of the federal safety net and a giant role for the federal government. all the republicans voted no. if the economy bounces back and we get out of the health part of this pandemic, the president and democrats will claim credit for it. that's the if. we have to implement it. that's hard. joe biden knows how to run the government, now he has to prove it. >> roger wicker of mississippi tweeted today after the bill passed the house, he tweeted independent restaurant operators won $28.6 billion worth of targeted relief. this funding will ensure small businesses can survive the pandemic by helping to adapt operations and keep employees on the payroll. sounds like he's all for it and it was part of passing it. he actually voted against the bill as did every single republican in the congress. >> yeah. >> what does it say to you now that he's boasting about part of it? he says it's not -- he can do both, that yes, he didn't say he voted against it but liked this part of the bill but didn't like the cost of the whole thing. >> there is a technical term for what he did and it called hootspa. he voted against the bill but wants to tell restaurant owners in his state that yeah, that this is going to help you. this is the entire republican problem in messaging right now. they're pushing a ball up the hill and what he's trying to do is say yeah, because i voted against the whole thing doesn't mean there weren't parts of it i didn't like. remember after the barack obama stimulus bill, i remember those republicans who were going to ribbon cuttings at new projects even though they voted against the stimulus and that's what i think you're going to see here. you're going to see republicans in whatever way they can if this is a success, try to take credit for it even though they voted against it. it completely absurd, but what else can they do? >> they were against it before they were for it. >> well, right, yeah, i've heard that one, too, yeah. >> john, democrats saying president obama didn't get the credit he deserved for the stimulus bill back in 2009 and want to avoid that happening here. that's why or part of the reason why he'll hit the road to promote the bill across the u.s. how challenging is it going to be to make sure the execution of this new law is both, you know, efficient and fast? >> there is two important pieces of it. one is the inside washington part. can the irs do the work it has to do to make sure people get tax credits? can the other federal agencies do work they have to do to make sure the checks run smoothly? president biden cannot afford a rerun of the website if you will. the program is a signature piece of your presidency. you promised in the campaign. i can run the government, i get it. i'm going to bring a team in that can perform on day one. they must perform in implementing this and sell it outside of washington as gloria notes, republicans in washington say no. some may show up at ribbon cuttings, the vaccine rollout and schools are open. republicans in washington say no. joe biden has to talk to his own voters, latino voters and democrats got timid in the obama administration. it took along time for the economy to bounce back and the stimulus wasn't working. obamacare took a long time to kick in. it was unpopular at the beginning. in 2010 and 2011. he's telling democrats help me. don't make me the only salesman. democrats have to do this in unisom. republicans are going to try to hang it around their neck. democrats have to say it a trophy. >> gloria, predictions of what it will do to the economy, some say it will be great and some say it will lead to inflation. how much of the bill's story is yet to be written and how much will shape the legacy? >> in a way all of it is to be written. there is child tax credits that have to be written. you'll see what happens in the future. it's really important how this is implemented. biden is in charge of the implementing the stimulus package and they used to call him the sheriff of the white house because he was so involved in every single detail making sure that the money did not go to waste. that there was no fraud. you know about the stories coming out that the states have been given all this money and they are squandering it and not spending it properly and wasting your money. so you know where his head is at because he did it once before. maybe he'll tell kamala harris to be the person who does it this time but that is what part of legacy will be about and nobody can predict of course what is going to happen with the economy. >> gloria borger, john king, thank you. we're joined by chair of the congressional progressive caucus. thank you for being with us. speaker pelosi called this the most consequential legislation many of us will be party to. what is your message tonight to americans out there who are desperate for help and putting a lot of hopes on this bill? >> my message tonight and it's great to be with you, anderson, my message tonight is help is on the way. real tangible help. money in your pockets. a family of four is going to get checks for $5600. you got two kids, you're going to get another $6000 in child tax credit. if you're on unemployment and worried that will go away, we extend the it to $300 through the beginning of september. but on top of that, we got rental assistance in here. we have, you know, the biggest investment in child care. we've got money for schools to open so parents can have some hope again that their kids are going to be able to go back to school and be supported. we've got money for state and local governments and vaccine distribution because we have to crush the virus if we're going to be able to resume our activities. so that's my message. really simple. help is on the way, and it's going directly to the people every single piece of this package. >> so it didn't have republican support but one gop senator is taking credit for some of the bills potential impact. what does that tell you? are you skeptical about the prospects for bipartisanship down the road? if something this big and seemingly popular at this stage if you look at the polls couldn't bring republicans on board? >> it's a very big tactical mistake for republicans and you see republicans trying to claim credit for some of the things in the bill because they have to go home to their constituents and this bill has 76% approval across the country and they're going to have to try to explain why they voted no on a package that puts money in people's pockets and that helps people survive this terrible set of crisis that we're in right now. so i think, you know, they're going to have to make a decision if they are going to continue to obstruct us every step of the way or if they're going to roll up their sleeves and be part of the solution. we're not going to slow down what we do. we're not going to make what we do less because the crisis is too important and i think president biden understands that. that's whey he came out with $1.9 trillion and stuck to that. that's why we progressives pushed so hard to make the bill as progressive as it is and we're really committed to delivering for the people. >> one question not about the bill, today you called for ethics investigations into republican members of congress, lauren, moe brooks and paul gosar based on their potential roles in what you called instigating and aiding the capitol insurrection on january 6th. they denied wrongdoing. do you believe they intentionally put lives at risk? do you think they knew what was going to happen? >> i asked for an investigation for that reason. i fear that is the case. but the proper way to go about it is to call for an investigation, which is what we did. so i sent letters to both the office of congressional ethics and the house ethics committee because they both have the ability to investigate this and i would like to know and i gave a lot of evidence that's public but i think there is a lot of private evidence, anderson, that we haven't seen yet and the house ethics committee and the office of ethics will be able to look at all of the evidence and make a determination on the conduct of these individuals because i will tell you that having people who say the things that have been said that go to the kinds of events they go to who promote the ideas and conspiracy theories they promote is dangerous for all of congress. it undermines our credibility as a governing branch and i think that is inappropriate and i think it does not match our ethics standards of conduct 245 are clearly articulated in our house rules. >> congresswoman thank you. more political fights over covid including a deadline in texas that just passed setting up a fight between authorities over local mask mandates. the mayor in austin is going to join us. >> two legal matters confronting the former president, one involving michael cohen and a taped conversation after losing the election, john dean is here to talk about both when we continue. with unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans, there's so much to take advantage of. like $0 copays on virtual visits... ♪ wow ♪ uh-huh $0 copays on primary care visits and lab tests. ♪ wow ♪ uh-huh plus, $0 copays on hundreds of prescription drugs. ♪ wow ♪ uh-huh unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans. including the only plans with the aarp name. most plans have a $0 premium. it's time to take advantage. ♪ wow i'm erin. -and i'm margo. it's time to take advantage. we've always done things our own way. charted our own paths. i wasn't going to just back 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eligible patients may pay as little as $5 per month. news breaking in texas tonight where a legal fight is heating up between the state attorney general and local officials in austin. a short time ago a deadline passed for those officials to resend a local order requiring face masks. this was their response, the end of the governor's mask mandate that occurred today. the state attorney general said he'll sue if local officials do not compile. mayor steve adler who will join us in a moment said they will not back down. it is one example of how increased vaccinations and declining cases put some state officials at odds with local officials and private businesses over the best way forward. more from our ed lavandera. >> reporter: feelings of frustration and dread as businesses are allowed to fully reopen and the statewide mask mandate in texas is lifted. this houston restaurant owner says he doesn't understand why governor greg abbott is turning him into the mask police. >> we have been hurt the most, and requiring us now to take a side on the masks isn't right in my opinion. >> reporter: for some it's triggered an emotional reminder what's been lost in the last year. 38-year-old jonathan martinez died of covid. his mother says the texas reopening is a kick of stomach. >> my son left six children behind, two of the youngest are 6 and 4 years old. they don't understand why their daddy isn't coming home. >> reporter: other states are now pushing ahead to reopen, as well. utah will lift its mask mandate on april 10th. in maryland start thing friday, capacity limits will be lifted for restaurants, retail stores and other businesses but masking and spacing protocols stay. health officials are urging caution as more than a dozen states are easing restrictions with more in the coming days and weeks. >> when you start doing things like completely putting aside all public health measures as if you're turning a light switch off, that's quite risky. we don't want to see another surge. >> reporter: the renewed fights over mask wearing come as the race to vaccinate americans continues to speed up an average of 2.2 million people now getting the shots every day. alaska is becoming the first state to open vaccinations to people 16 and older. >> we have a real good possibility of getting herd immunity before any other state. >> reporter: more guidelines will be released as more people are fully vaccinated. >> travel? about going out and getting a haircut and things like that? that's all imminently going to be coming out. >> reporter: as the country enters spring break season, california davis is offering 500 students $75 to choose a staycation instead of traveling. >> better than nothing and it helps people maybe on the fence of staying or not staying. >> reporter: and so anderson, as you mentioned, once again this mask mandate highlighting what we've seen here in texas for much of the last year. this wide gap between big city leaders in texas mostly democrat and state republican leadership. the city of austin pushing back on the governor's executive order insisting the mask mandate should remain in place but the attorney general in a tweet this afternoon saying that the masks in austin must be depriving city leadership of oxygen and he was planning on suing. that was supposed to happen a little over an hour ago. we're waiting on word when that lawsuit will be filed. >> ed lavandera, thank you very much. we're joined by the mayor of austin. thank you for being with us. the state attorney general gave until 6:00 p.m. central time to rescind austin's mask mandate. where do things stand now? >> we're not going to resend anything. we told our community we would always be guided by the data and doctors and we'll continue that. the health authority in this area like doctors and all over the country, medical professionals are telling us we need to keep the mask mandate in place, that's what he ordered and we're going to enforce his rules. it going to be what it takes to really hold onto the games that we've gotten and we'll continue to do what is right for however long we're able to do that. >> so in austin, what now is the rule that you are holding on to? >> our health authority, dr. escott said masks should be mandated when people leave their homes and are around people of the public. so in retail establishments, when people are together in small groups. the orders that he put into place last summer are still in place and we're still, they're still enforceable here in the city. >> as ed lavandera mentioned, a tweet the attorney general said in part city county leaders must not be thinking clearly and maybe oxygen deprivation. what do you make of the tweet? it's snarky. >> the attorney general tweets at me a lot and and try not to engage at that level. these are serious challenges and serious problems. we still have a lot of people that are dying. we're trying really hard to open up our schools to more and more students in person. we're trying to open up businesses to a greater extent without a risk of rolling back. we have essential workers on the front line being confronted with people potentially that aren't wearing masks. this is serious. we're going to stay serious. we're going to continue to follow the science and the data and the doctors for however long we can here in texas and we've been doing this since the beginning which is why austin has one of the lowest mortality rates in the country. that is hard earned by the people in this community. i am so appreciative of the number of people and businesses that insists they're going to stay with the mask mandate. >> it puts businesses in a really difficult spot, you know, to have whether it's the bartender or the person at the grocery checkout having to enforce, you know, what the business rule is if the companies that -- if the business says that they want masks. it falls on just people who are probably not earning a ton of money to be the mask police and they get treated badly because of it. >> it's really unfortunate and absolutely unnecessary. you know, our businesses have the mask mandate by in large because they want to protech their employees, as well as their customers. when the governor removed the mask mandate, i had a lot of businesses reach out to me very frustrated and upset because they were -- they had been able to say to customers when they came into the store hey, you have to put on a mask. it's not me, it's the law. when he took that away he took away the ambiguity whether masks work. there should be no ambiguity. these businesses are helped by having a law in place that says you have to wear masks. that's what we have now in austin and we do it in part to be able to protect those retail establishments and those workers that should not be put in the position of being the mask police. >> mayor adler, appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you, anderson. more breaking news, two more signs of possible legal jeopardy for the former president and a story reuters first broke and michael cohen talking to prosecutors and audio of the former president talking to another georgia official. all that when we continue. tonight i'll be eating a calzone from doughballs in aurora. 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>> that sounds to me like the holy grail. >> an audio tape surfaced of the former president talking to the georgia secretary of state's office. different from the one he had with the secretary himself which you probably heard. a lot going on, john dean, you tweeted about personal experience you don't visit seven times if you're not planning to indict. how can you be so confident of that? the fact that they brought him in for a seventh time, couldn't you also read into it that they are sort of just fishing? >> well, not likely at this stage. what they're doing can be a couple things. one is the prosecutors are trying to get familiar with the witness more likely in this instance because of the treasure trove of information they obtained evidence from is to get guidance and insight into what some of those documents mean, give them more people who might know about various affairs that are revealed by the documents. an insider, as i once was can give insights that prosecutors can't otherwise get and that's why you don't -- you're not going to do this to find exculpatory evidence. they are narrowing the case to see what they will bring against the president and possibly his family. >> the allegation of hush money paid to stormy daniels, porn store won't be a line item deduction. could michael cohen help guide investigators how things are labeled or documented within the trump organization? >> absolutely, as i said. he knows how he was paid. he knows who signed those checks. they have copies of most of the checks, i think, at this point. so he can tell them why they came in the form they did and why some were signed by apparently don junior, some were signed by weisselberg, the chief financial officer. it just invaluable to a prosecutor to have an insider who can guide them through the evidence. >> i want to talk about this either investigation you heard the "wall street journal" reporting another audio tape that surfaced of a phone call between the former president and investigator for the georgia secretary of state's office. i want to listen to some of what was said. >> i want everything in georgia and i want georgia to know that by a lot and the people know it and, you know, something happened and something bad happened and if you keep it to fulton, you will find things that are unbelievable. fulton is the mother load. fulton county. >> i can assure you that our team and the gbi we're only interested in the truth and finding -- >> exactly. >> finding the information based on the facts. >> it never made sense and, you know, they dropped ballots. they dropped all these ballots. stacey abrams really terrible. i mean, just a terrible thing. i will say this, when the right answer comes out, you'll be praised. >> i wonder what you think of the general tone by the former president. that excerpt is pretty much him rambling as i'm sure he did often on this topic. >> it's a little reminiscent of nixon leaning on people in my memory bank where he knows how far to go but not too far particularly when he's on the phone and he knows he's being recorded on some of those conversations so trump doesn't know he's being recorded in this instance and one of the telling things, anderson, to me is the fact that these people were recording these calls. as i recall, it was in november, late november that lindsey graham denied that he'd had the conversations he'd had with the secretary of state in georgia who had in essence said he called and told them to throw out ballots and graham denied that. after that, they started recording the calls. we don't know how many calls. this was reported earlier. we never heard it. there may be other calls that were recorded and what they're looking for is part of the rico case they're developing nowment the fulton county prosecutor has hired the best expert in the state who helped her with a prior rico case and rico cases are very serious, anderson. these are stack on lots of penalties. >> used effectively against mob families. >> absolutely. that's -- a friend of mine actually wrote the statute for that purpose for robert blakey years ago, law professor from notre dame designed it tofective -- to effectively go after the mob. it used against people that commit criminal patterns of behavior and used at the state level as well. i think that's the case they're building. these phone calls they have multiple records of are going to be dine mate. >> i saw a documentary and the justice department explained this way of what rico could do and it was eye opening for them. >> it was and it -- that statute has since become highly perfected over the years. it's quite broad. you find predicate acts of behave -- misbehavior if you will and they stack on serious penalties as a result of that. >> john dean, appreciate it. up next, the royal family will handle the crisis over meghan markle's interview privately. meghan markle made a formal complaint against one of her critics she's upset with. we'll tell you why when we continue. tractor. because out here, you can't fake a job well done. hear renae's story at there is new fallout to prince march harry and meghan markle's interview by a comment made to a host about her mental health. piers morgan quit his job at "good morning britain" where he made the comments. more from max foster. >> you know, i share this because there are so many people who are afraid to voice that they need help, and i know personally how hard it is to not just voice it but when you voice it to be told no. >> reporter: the raw and intimate revelation but the duchess of sussex she not only contemplated suicide but got no help from the firm putting mental health into the spotlight that grew hotter when controversial morning show host piers morgan, a known critic of meghan said this. >> let's have the names. who did you go to? what did they say to you? i'm sorry, i don't believe a word she says. >> reporter: those comments met with a swept backlash from viewers. more than 40,000 filing complaints against morgan with the broadcast regulator, which is now investigating. the duchess of sussex herself cnn understands launching her own formal complaint directly with itv not because of the personal nature of the attack but because of her fear his rhetoric could cause others with mental health issues to be too ashamed to get help. mental health awareness groups also weighing in about the importance of not undermining those who speak up about their own struggles. paul farmer, chief executive of mind saying this in a statement. we found that when celebrities and high profile individuals speak publicly about their own mental health problems, it can help inspire others to do the same. sharing personal experiences of poor mental health can be overwhelming. so it's important that when people do open up about their mental health they're met with understanding and support. then morgan attempted to walk back his comments saying it wasn't the duchess' suicidal thoughts he questions but the royal family denied her health. >> these are clearly extremely serious things that should be taken extremely seriously. if somebody is feeling that way, they should get the treatment and help they need every time. >> reporter: but the damage was done. resigning from itv after a meeting with top executives by wednesday, morgan was back in front of the cameras outside his home railing about his right to free speech. >> i believe in freedom of speech. i believe in the right to be allowed to have an opinion. if people want to believe meghan markle, that's entirely their right. i don't believe almost anything that comes out of her mouth. i think the damage is done to the british monarchy and to the queen from the time prince phillip is lying in the hospital is enormous and frankly insensible. >> reporter: morgan's bombastic attempt to change the focus ironically highlighting the nature of the u.k. press. the duke and duchess revealed as one of the reasons their mental health suffered in the first place. >> reporter: now the queen is determined to deal with this family crisis within the house of windsor privately but that's very difficult to do when this interview sparked so much public debate about issues that effect everyone and also, when the sussexes have shown they won't be silenced about issues they care about, anderson. >> max foster, thanks so much. i want to get perspective from bonnie greer who covered prince harry and meghan markle's wedding with me and the rest of the cnn team. she's also the host of in search of black history available on auto book. good to see you again. >> good to see you. >> i don't want to talk about piers morgan because there is so much to unpack with that one but it is interesting to me that the way the media in england has in general responded to this, to the criticisms levelled by prince harry and meghan markle, the, you know, the union i guess for the media came out with a really stunning, it was the director -- the society of editors and the executive director resigned but the society of editors that represents much of the tabloid media denied to the u.k. media there was racism or bigoted attitudes and said it's not acceptable to make claims otherwise without supporting evidence. there was a huge backlash among people of color working in british tabloids. i think it was like 150 or 160 of them signed on to a letter and now saying how can you say this essentially and then they put out another statement to the society saying well of course, you know, essentially backtracking on the statement they made and now it seems the executive director stepped down. is this a time where you think there will actually be reflection in the u.k. and everywhere in media about portrayals of issues like this? >> you know, anderson, thank you for asking me to come back again. i'm very grateful. this is extremely complicated, of course. one of the issues is that the royal family is not just a bunch of people. it is a system. it is literally a class system. they stand on top of a pyramid of privilege. think stand on top of a mountain of people who actually stand in front of a lot of other people and so when they're criticized, this below them has to react because if they don't, they're in the barrel, as well. so that's part of what is going on and what meghan has done is brilliant, i'm sure she didn't think she'd do this is walk the foundations of the state. many people are really surprised at how the royal family or whoever minds them, they have people, some of them call the royal household and you think somebody in there could figure out how to respond to this in a human way. we're in a situation where we have all been undone by this pandemic. we will not go back to any kind of normal that we have understood. so you think that in this position, this premiere family with their advisors would be able to find a response to a situation within not only their own family but the national family and now the world family and it goes also to the root of the situation that we black women are not supposed to have any pain. we're not supposed to complain about interior pain because we're supposed to have a higher pain threshold so this woman of color comes out and speaks out, shakes a lot of foundations a lot. >> and i mean, there is a history of how the royal family deals with things controversies and it is not -- i mean, clearly, they do not want to deal with this in front of cameras. >> well, they have a motto, don't explain, don't complain. so as i said before, they are the last of the silent film actors. they walk around, most of us never hear their voices, not really and so we project -- well, they project on to them and the projection now is of an evil kabul and they have no idea how to deal with this because there is not anybody on the inside who functions in the real world. the real world where people are suffering, they're not there. >> bonnie greer, more to discuss, thank you very much tonight. >> thank you, good to see you. coming up, more on the news at capitol hill. joe mansion put the bill on hold at one point and it passed both houses so what do voters in the republican county leader in the state think of what he did? that's next., the fair and honest bidding site. an ipad was sold for less than $24; a playstation for less than $16; and a 4k television for less than $2. go to right now and see how much you can save. remember, shipping is always free. breaking news for the top of the hour. president biden expected to sign the nearly $2 trillion covid relief bill friday. this after the house approved the historical legislation this afternoon. that may be the easy part. the hard part, getting out to where it's needed. we sent gary tuchman to the west virginia. tied with the highest unemployment rate in the country. county with 85% of voters voting for the former president in the 2020 election. only one other county in the state gave him a higher percentage of the vote. this is clearly republican voters. so we wanted to see how the relief bill is being received there. here's what gary found. >> reporter: economic life has long been challenging in the mountainous towns of west virginia coal country. the covid outbreak has made things much worse. >> it's tough for my kids. for my wife. my whole family in general. i mean, i got a lot of my family out of work. >> reporter: kevin johnson is a coal miner, but like many other people in the area, lost his job. >> i love the mines. it's good money. really good money. good living. >> how hard is it right now? >> it's a struggle right now. >> reporter: hire in williamson, west virginia, the covid relief bill is a huge relief for so many people. garland thompson is a restaurant dishwasher. >> i'm excited about it. any time you can help areas, depressed as mingo county and west virginia, and give people $1400, hopefully that will -- it's going to help a little bit. >> help you? >> yes, sir. it would help me. me and my wife. >> there's great awareness among people in mingo county that their senior u.s. senator joe manchin, could have brought down this bill if he wanted to. he is in effect a king maker, and many people we talked to here like that. charles mcguire says he almost always votes republican, including for donald trump, but he respects the political moves made by his conservative democratic senator. >> most of the time, he just speaks his mind, and he speaks what is truth. >> i think senator manchin has done well in helping us through this. >> this is the mayor of williamson, charlie hatfield, who is an ancestor of the famous hatfield family that feuded with the mccoys. the conservative democratic mayor who doesn't want to reveal if he votes democratic or republican in national elections does reveal he very much likes this bill. >> i think it's a good thing, and i can tell you from what i have seen in the city alone, we will probably get $1 million. >> what portion of your budget is that in. >> it wouldrupt almost a third. this is big money. >> we did meet a couple of people in town who agree with republicans in congress who all gave the bill a thumbs down. >> i don't like none of the stuff they're doing right now. a lot of waste in the money. >> but almost all we talk to here feel differently. this person has a disability and hasn't been able to find a job. how do you feel about the fact that no republican senators voted for this covid relief bill? they all said no to it. >> that's a move -- that's some hogwash right there. they should -- i mean, yes, apologize for my language. they should loosen up a little bit, you know what i mean? >> kevin johnson, the laid off miner, says he voted for donald trump, and usually supports republicans, but disagrees with how the gop has handled this. with this aid, he says, he will now be able to -- >> pay up the rent and pay up the bills. because people are behind, you know, as well as everybody else, i'm sure i ain't the only one that's got a tough time. >> tough times for so many. and now the hope things will start getting better soon. we asked mayor hatfield what he would like to do with this million dollars or so. he says they have had serious infrastructure problems here so he would like to take a big chunk of the money, improve the roads, improve the overpasses, and also fix up the underperforming water system and sewer system. anderson. >> gary tuchman, thanks very much. >> up next, an update on the trial of a former minneapolis police officer charged in the death of george floyd. that means cooking day and night until you get... 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