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nome among the general public but in mayors and select city council persons and county executives. >> it showers money on special interests, but spends less than 9% on actually defeating the virus. and after five relief bills, it is on track to be the first passed by strictly party lines. >> mr. speaker, i've heard people across the country say this bill today is costly, corrupt and liberal. >> joining me now is cnn senior political correspondent abby phillip who anchors "inside politics" on sundaying. how significant is this measure that we are expecting will be passed? how significant is this for president biden? >> brianna, a massive piece of legislation. the first major priority for the biden administration and a massive bill. that was by design. the biden administration wanted to make sure this bill was commiserate with the size of the problem. look at it in comparison to the other major relief bill, it's the second largest relief bill passed in this country's history. take a look where we were in 2009 when joe biden was the vice president of the united states. the american recovery of reinvestment act is about half the size of this current bill. so that just really highlights the degree to which this is a piece of legislation that was designed to be large, designed to be sweeping in scope, designed to touch virtually after part of the economy in part because the biden administration wanted no regrets it was too small to meet the needs of the american people. >> this bill is response to the pandemic. progressives point out also major legislation to fight poverty? >> exactly right. when you look at the details of this bill, some provisions are really advancing significant progressive priorities. first of all, take a look at the financial transfer. cash in people's pockets. bottom 20% of american households will see their actual incomes rise by about 20%. that is extraordinary. child poverty expected to decline by about a half, in part due to the child tax credits also embedded in this bill, and a little bit of a provision here that was not very well publicized, but there is basically a bailout in this bill for union pensions, which would mean that more than 1 million union workers to get to keep their pensions into requirement, b but also more on a slew of other. indigenous communities,s $31 billion. largest ever. black farmer, address inequities for those pom lpulations and expansion of the affordable care act. major provision lowering premiums for people who are using the affordable care act for health insurance. this, brianna, at a time when so many americans actually lost health insurance because they've lost their jobs and joe biden has already expanded the enrollment period for the affordable care act. the bill makes sure no one pays more than 8.5% of their income on health insurance. so these are big democratic priorities, and they were passed in this bill, no matter how messy the process was. end of the day, many democrats are very happy with what they accomplished here. >> it is huge. we can see that, as you tick through it. abby, thank you so much. house republican leaders are struggling with a small but loud group of gop hard-liners who are among former president donald trump's stounche stouchest alli. marjorie taylor greene angering colleagues with repeated calling for a time-consuming vote to adjourn. many pleading with her and other hard-liners to stop, yet here was taylor greene on today's house vote on covid measures? >> mr. speaker, i ask for a motion to adjourn. >> question is on the motion, those in favor say, aye. those in favor say, no. the nos have it. >> mr. speaker i ask for a roll call vote. >> 40 members of taylor greene's only party voted against her today. cnn's gloria borger joins me now on this. one veteran republican congressman called these tactics a "pain in the ass." that is a quote. we saw this on the senate side. the senator ron johnson sort of school of thought here. >> childish. >> does it seem like kevin mccarthy really has a handle on his conference? >> no. the question, whether he's lost control or whether he ever had any control. i think it's probably the fact that he doesn't have any control and never did, and that donald trump is the one be who controls these people. and if he were to come out and say, look, don't gum up the works. this doesn't give the american people any kind of good view who you are. for example, they gummed up the works on passing non-controversial legislation, like awarding congressional medals to three police officers who fought off the insurrectionists. so they delayed that. what is the purpose in that? what is the purpose in delaying the approval of covid legislation, which about, over 60% of the american public approves? they look childish. they look foolish. but they are going to continue to do it, brianna, until they lose. until it's more than 40 republicans who vote against this. >> and with 40 gop house members voting against this motion to adjourn, i mean, it's pretty loud how they're speaking back here. >> they are. >> but taylor greene and other hard-liners to knock off the gains here falling or deaf ears what do leaders do? >> that's the question. i mean, if you get more than half of the republican caucus, i think that will make a difference. i'm sure mccarthy is going to have a little chat with her. the congress' team reports they have actually appointed somebody to mentor her, to teach her the rules of the road. to show her how important it is to get along with your colleagues. perhaps she will listen to that, and perhaps she won't listen to that. i'm sure she's already getting a lot of pushback, as you can tell by the size of the vote against her in the republican caucus, but in the end, these people are going to have to decide wehethe when they need something from the republican party when they want something and go to the leader and say i want this and the leader says, no. they might know why. it's because they've misbehaved. because they're not allowing the congress to get on with its work. and quite honestly, if you don't want to go to congress to get something done, and all you want to do is delay and delay and delay, you have to ask the question why you're there. >> gloria, i want to pause on that. the house just his the threshold on this vote. so this is the final vote here, this one in the house. and the next step is going to be that it goes to president biden's desk. so we're watching the house floor here as we are awaiting, i think, the vote to be gavelled to a close, but this is, it's going. >> yeah. >> this is huge. it's huge, gloria. >> well it is. i think back to the presidential campaign when joe biden at first said, you know, i'm going to be a transitional figure in the democratic party. and if you look at this vote and you look at what is in this covid bill that abby just outlined before, you understand this isn't transitional. this is transformational. yes, some of it is zeroed out in a year or two, but you can always renew it, but this changes america. it changes the face of america. it is a policy revolution, and it is a revolution that makes sure that people who have suffered during covid, who are at bottom end of the scale, get the benefit of this legislation. >> and, you know, i'm struck by, i think, i can't believe it was 12 years ago, but i think back to this time 12 years ago. i was up covering congress. >> yeah. >> and the obama administration, which, of course, biden was a part of, was starting to move on health care legislation. which would take so long. you know, this has happened so quickly, and it is such a large bill. you can just see, in a way, how president biden looked back on history and took a different tact. now, some look at this, gloria, and they'll say, why wasn't more done to craft bill that some republicans could vote yes for? but clearly biden made a calculation that what he would have to do in the end, like with obama, he wasn't going to get republicans, and he just plowed ahead. >> right. he did plow ahead and he made some adjustments. you know? the checks are more targeted, for example. and, of course, the minimum wage could not be in this budget bill, and they had to save that for another day, but i think, you know, a lot of these people who work for joe biden were there in the obama administration. and they believe that they gave up too much, and that the recovery as a result was too slow. and that they didn't get enough in return, for their stimulus package, from, you know, from republicans. and that the affordable care act, for example, they didn't, you know, they didn't get the republican support that maybe they thought they could have gotten after stimulus. >> let's listen for a moment, gloria, to the speaker. >> the motion is adopted. [ applause ] >> -- the motion. without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. >> gloria, it's a big deal way moment like that. >> you could see that in nancy pelosi. she's been sort of dancing lately. she's just so -- so, you know, she's -- she's so thrilled with this package, and what they were able to do. again, you know, i think this tells you an awful lot about joe bi biden. he was in the obama administration, his people were there. they learned from what they believed they did the wrong way and biden said all during the campaign, i promise you, i'm going to get you help. you remember this. help is on the way. and the two things they always talked about were getting the vaccines in your arms, and getting relief on covid. and i think, you know, people in the administration right now are breathing a sigh of relief, because they've got one big part of that done. >> and -- >> and the public agrees with him, and that's what's important. >> especially when you look at the individual measures in this. >> yes. >> huge agreement on most including a lot of republicans. >> yes. >> i want to bring in to this discussion, our cnn economics and political commentator. you know, this moved so fast. one of the things stunning about it is how this was able to move forward. it is popular. there was no sort of public backlash against this, like we have seen with other big legislative priorities. and quite frankly, republicans didn't seem as, even though they were voting unanimously against, had voted unanimously against this, they didn't seem to kind of channel, i guess, outrage and opposition against this as they have with other large spending bills. >> yeah. it's really puzzling, in a sense. they've been complaining about this legislation, but not really so mitch on the merits. it's mostly whining about the lack of bipartisanship, which they, themselves, have, made sure would happen. right? they can, by definition, help biden break his promises of bipartisanship and unity if they take their ball and go home. they have mostly been complaining about the sort of procedural things as opposed to the merits of the legislation and that reflects the fact the legislation is extremely popular. it's even popular amongst a lot of republicans. for example, a majority of low-income republicans. in particular. they support this legislation. so, look, this is a historic piece of legislation. it now brings the size of the u.s. fiscal response to this crisis to something like 25% of gdp which is just enormous, when you include the legislation that passed last year as well. this is going to have a huge impact on the u.s. economy, on the global economy, and it's going to make a big difference in the lives of low-income families throughout this country. >> and phil mattingly, our senior white house correspondent joins us now. phil, tell us when the president will be signing this? >> reporter: without press secretary jen psaki just announced, bri, a few minutes ago the president will sign the bill on friday. the expectation being that friday, because it actually takes tyke to enroll the bill, procedural details you know quite well. most people probably don't. but -- >> the fun stuff. >> reporter: yeah. the really fun stuff. get into senate procedure next. one of the key elements here is, what we're going to have to watch coming forward. obviously, the administration made very clear president biden will be out a lot over the course of the next several weeks to sell the bill, answer questions about the bill, try to underscore what the white house believes are the clear positives of this bill for individual americans. whether it's on the stimulus checks, whether on the child tax credit or the expanded earned income tax credit. all up and down the line. not just the president but the vice president, the first lady and second gentleman and all of the cabinet officials as well really a full-scale blitz underscourge a lesson learned. when you talk to administration officials a number pointed it out over the last several weeks felt something missing back in 2009 when president obama secured the stimulus that time around. they didn't sell it enough. the president himself, president biden, recalling this in a conversation with house democrats a couple weeks ago saying that the humility actually cost them when it came to that bill, which ended up being kind of a 50/50 split in terms of popularity. the other key element i'm hearing a lot from administration officials is the focus on implementation. jen psaki saying a short while ago a point person on the bill. keep in mind, vice president biden at the time was the point person on implementation of the stimulus but it's a recognition getting to to this point is a huge victory. cornerstone legislative achievement for president biden in his first 100 days. the number one priority for him when he walked into the oval office 50 days ago. none matters if checks don't go out in a timely manner. the child tax credit, direct payment coming out of on a monthly basis the way it's structured, doesn't go out. school money doesn't go out, all of these things need to actually work for the bill to be a success in the end and maintain rather positive poll numbers. >> goes to such a huge undertaking that this is. i am so sorry, guys. have to leave it there. this is a big moment. i'm so glad to cover it will awe of you. gloria, katherine and phil, thank you. next, why the biden administration refuses to call the crisis at the border a crisis. we'll roll the tape. plus i speak to a doctor who worked in eight different states during the covid crisis and why she says her patience is wearing thin. several texas cities decide to keep their mask mandate in defiance of the governor lifting defiance of the governor lifting it state-wide. tin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪ tonight i'll be eating a calzone from doughballs in aurora. 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>> look, we don't need to put new labels on what we conveyed is challenging, as a top priority for the president. what our policy teams are working on every single day, obviously a trip to the boarder this weekend. they are working over the course of every day since then on putting in place policies that can help address what we're seeing, and help ensure that we are keeping these kids safe and moving them as quickly as possible from border patrol facilities to shelters where they can have access to educational resources, health resources, mental health resources, legal aid, et cetera. >> moments ago the coordinator for the southern border also would not call it a crisis. >> would you describe what's happening on the border as a crisis, given how these numbers are spiking so much week by week? >> you know, i think that, i really, i'm not trying to be cute here, but i think the fact of the matter is we have to do what we do regardless of what anybody calls the situation, and the fact is, we are all focused on improving the situation on changing to a more humane and efficient system, and whatever you call it wouldn't change what we're doing, because we have urgency from the president on down to fix our system. >> now, more than ever it is important to call it like it is. and the situation at the border is a crisis, and has been for a while. consider these facts -- u.s. agents encountered more than 100,000 migrants at the border in the past four weeks alone. highest level since 2016 least. single adults piggest portion of arrests and proportion of s children and families jumped last month. according to documents more than 3,000 unaccompanied migrant kids in custody in security in the united states. more than half of those in custody. say it again, half of the people the u.s. currently has in detention at the border are children. one dhs official telling cnn the number of kids is "alarming "concerning and not good and not good at all." of those about 2,800 waiting to be placed in shelters to serve minors even though there are just under 500 beds available in facilities they are currently housed. dhs admits the facilities are overcrowded and beds scarce. dhs says border security encounter up to 5,000 trying to enter a day. asking for volunteers to help in an overwhelming surge. what makes it even more urgent, that we are in the middle of a pandemic when obviously the u.s. doesn't want to risk outbreaks at these facilities or inside the u.s. while the bigger and most important question is, what the biden administration plans to do about it, especially the children here and there are so many, part of finding a solution to a problem is admitting that you have a problem in the first place. a problem that's undoubtedly a crisis. meanwhile, texas is opened with no coronavirus restrictions and only slightly more than 8% of the population has been pulley vaccinated's doesn't quite add uppist willing the state-wide mask mandate right now. apparently major texas cities agree. leaders in austin, houston, dallas, san antonio and el paso. texas isn't alone lifting coronavirus restrictions despite warnings from infectious disease experts this will allow the virus to spread. the famous astro physical cyst m physicist making this analogy. >> most states in the united states of america retained mask-wearing rules to protect everyone from covid and some states have relaxed that rule, allowing people to walk around without it in public, that's like designating a peeing section of a swimming pool. >> don't you just love that? emergency medicine physician doctor sasson is with us now and spent the past year traveling the u.s. to covid-19 hot spots, and you wrote in an op-ed on, you talked about governors opening up their states. writing, i'll risk my life to help save yours, and i will, because i feel compelled to do it but i am getting tired. my patience thinner when i go outside and see life going back to normal. i imagine you connect with that assessment of designating a peeing section in the swimming pool being what we're seeing with some of the states reopening? >> you know, i hadn't thought of it that way -- until you said it -- but, you know, i think ultimately what makes it really hard is that all of my colleagues and i, literally from north to south, three miles a way from the canadian border, i've been in texas working covid. you know, helping out with covid patients down there because they needed extra support. i actually just got back from california, where i was helping kaiser permanente who needed help in the icus overwhelmed with so many patients. all doing what we could to hem as many patients as we can and you see a lot of folks 0 ut there living their lives like nothing is going on. you know, there's part of me that says, okay. you know, what it's going on? why is this happening? but another part that says, okay. my job. do what i need to do. we've been running on adrenaline and goodwill a long time and i sincerely hope people do the right thing, wear their masks and do what you need to do. >> see, what's the thing is, you're returning on adrenaline and now we look and, thank god, that medical staff are now vaccinated, but that's not really enough here. because you all have been fighting a war that it's not even -- there's some ebbs and flows, but you've been fighting a war for a long time and are tired. exhausted. i wonder at what point do you worry that things kind of fall apart for medical professionals? >> my leagues and i had this conversation literally a few weeks ago. we're exhausted. we've been literally on a marathon run. right? we've been running almost at full speed for a year. that's a long time. i know a lot of folks out there watching thinking, you know, it's been a long year for everybody. but we've been on this tidal wave of ups and downs. i think a lot of us are afraid if we don't really get the pandemic under control, if we don't get everybody vaccinated, if there's another surge, i'm not sure if we all have it in us to be able to do it again, because it's just so exhausting. being at the bedside, being the last person that somebody sees before they, before they die, there's no other family members around. that's never happened before. this is something that's totally different with covid. and it takes a physical toll on you. takes a mental toll on you. ultimately, end of the day, masking is public health. it's not about personal freedom. it's just about doing the right thing and taking care of yourself and taking care of others and getting vaccinated. that helps us all get back to our lives. i mean, we're so close. so close to the finish line. it's just a little bit longer and we can all do it together. >> ah. i can see it from here but we're not quite there yet. dr. sasson, thank you so much for all the work you have been doing. it's unbelievable. and thank you for talking to us today. >> thank you. appreciate it wear your mask and get vaccinated. >> yes. people hear you loud and clear, which is good. still ahead, disney parks are selling out for spring break despite the cdc pleading for people to stay home. plus a doctor prescribes a hug -- prescribe as hug -- for a grandma who has spent the past year missing her granddaughter. >> oh -- this is the epson ecotank color printer. no more buying cartridges. big ink tanks. lots of ink. print about this many pages. the new epson ecotank. just fill and chill. pnc bank believes that if you can get a pair of goggles that helps with your backhand... ...then you should be able to get a bank account that helps with your budget. yeah! (laughs) virtual wallet® for digital banking. one way we're helping to make a difference at pnc bank. senator lindsey graham grabbing headlines this week calling a measure in the covid bill that gives help for black farmers reparation. becoming a version of himself no one seems to recognize. roll the tape from the beginning when 2015 lindsey graham was not a trump fan to put it mildly and they were both running for president. >> you know how you make america great again? tell donald trump to go to hell. >> he's a jackass and he shouldn't be commander-in-chief. >> once trump entered the white house the metamorphosis of lindsey graham began. >> i am all-in, keep it up donald. i'm sure you're watching. >> i couldn't be more proud of the fact that he talks to me and asks my opinion and we've got a lot in common now. i like him. and he likes him. >> president trump, if he can lead us to ending the korean war after 70 years and getting north korea to give up their nuclear program in a verifiable way deserves the nobel peace prize and then some. >> senator lindsey graham game sure-fire eck oho of trump. >> a single white male from south carolina and i'm told i should shut up but i will not shut up. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> you think it's okay for him to say that? >> yeah, i do. >> well, the spanish flu had a name. >> graham's allegiance to the controversial president landed him a democratic challenger, who threatened graham's political survival. graham was worried and traveled to the mothership for help. >> i'm getting out-raised 3-1. you want to help me fight back go to to fill in the gap i'm facing. >> being killed financially. this money is because they hate my guts. get on our websites. $5 or $10 goes a long way. overwhelmed. >> help me. i'm being out raised 2-1. if you want to help, $5 or $10 goes a long way. >> lindsaygraham, they're loading me up. >> if you want to help me, help me by going to my website. >> so help me me help me. >> let me say think, the internet is on fire raising money like crazy to take back the senate and beal president trump. help me help everybody i named. lindsayg in 2020 president trump lost and lindsey graham won handedly and helped the president grow the big lie. >> president trump should not concede. >> there's a civil war brewing. i don't accept the outcome of the georgia election. >> that was more than just rhetoric, because graham actually picked up the phone and allegedly tried to get legal votes thrown out in georgia. >> well, the ballots could be mamped back to the voters, he asked, i got the sense it implied then you could throw those out, any, look at the counties with the highest frequent error of signatures. just an implication that, look hard and see how many ballots you can throw out. >> graham denies he said this a interested in the signature application process. he never asked for any ballots to be disqualified and then a moment of self-reflection after a mob insurrection stormed the capitol. >> trump and i -- we've had a hell of a journey. i hate it being this way. oh, my god. i hate it. all i can say is -- count me out. enough is enough. i among, above all others in this body need to say this. joe biden and kamala harris are lawfully elected. >> but graham's moment of self-reflection was short-lived. his upset over the insurrection waned. >> the not guilty vote is growing after today. i think most republicans found the presentation by the house managers offensive and absurd. >> why don't we impeach george washington? he owned slaves. >> i'm ready to move on. ready to end the impeachment trial because i think it's blatantly unconstitutional. >> so graham voted to acquit the president in the senate imp impeachment trial for inciting the mob and apparently thinks it trump is the last best hope for the party saying this over the weekend. >> there's something about trump. there's a dark side and there's some magic there, and what i'm trying to do is just harness the magic. to me, donald trump is sort of a cross between -- jesse helms, ronald reagan and p.t. barnum. it's just this bigger than life deal. he could make the republican party something that nobody else i know could make it, can make it bigger, make it stronger. he can make it more diverse. and he also could destroy it. >> there's magic there, lindsey graham says. the only magic there is watching the lindsey graham we once knew disappear. trump isn't a magician. he's a carnival barker whipping um an audience for a one-man circus. it's clear. there's no room in his tent for anyone else. donald trump only ever acted in interests of one thing. himself. no matter how much lindsey graham or any other person fancied him or herself able to channel trump's conspiracy theory and fear-fueled energy for good of the party. the rnc is learning that now and graham praises a man who helped incite an insurrection against the seat of democracy, against graham's workplace while he and hi colleagues were inside. puts all hope in a guy who helped lose the without, lose the senate, failed to retake the house, impeached twice by the house and acquitted by the senate and graham is proof once a politician works himself to go all-in on trump it's a kchemica change. reveals a new sub ststance like this. >> something that really bothers me in this bill. it you're a farmer your loan forgiven up 120% of your loan, not 100% if you're socially disadvantaged. if you're african-american, some other minority, but if the you're white, a white person a white woman, no forgiveness, as reparations. >> ought to be ashamed of himself. he knows what has happened to black farmers. the lawsuit we've never been able to rectify, had so much re recalc recalcitrance. ought to go back and maybe go to church. get in touch with his christianity. >> senator lindsey graham used to be john mccain's sidekick. his beloved friend, partner in crime. he stood by as trump insulted mccain's legacy and honor. graham championed traditional republican vaults of fiscal conserve tigs and hawkish views on national security once. lindsey graham as we once knew him transformed. john mccain would pass away, after battling brain cancer. and graham would go off into the desert searching for relevance. something he found in donald trump. someone so different from john mccain. lindsey graham is but a moon reflecting the light of whichever sun shines on him. and right now the senate is voting to confirm merrick garland as the next attorney general of the united states. the same body that denied him a hearing when picked for the supreme court. plus, as spring break approaches, one california school is offering students cash money to stay home and stop the spread. did you know that 70% of the soils on your clothes are invisible? 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- no, the people watching us right now at home. - oh, those people. hi people. - kaleb and i know not everyone can help right now, but for those of you who can, we hope you'll this special number on your screen right now. - you'll be making sure our amazing doctors and nurses can keep helping kids like us, who need them now and in the days to come. - your gift will make a huge difference for kids like us. - ooh, ooh, show them them the thank you gift. - okay, okay, hold on a second. with your gift of $19 a month we'll send you this adorable, love to the rescue blanket as a thank you and a reminder of the kids you're helping with your monthly support. - so what are you waiting for? you can use your phone and call, or go to to give and join with thousands of other generous people who change lives with their gifts every day. - i think that's about it buddy, good job. - my pleasure captain. please call now. if operators are busy with all the other caring people, please wait patiently, or you can go to to give right away. - [alec] big or small, your gift helps us all. - [both] thank you. (giggling) college students looking to earn a little extra money this spring break can do so by staying home. that is, if you're a student at the university of california-davis. the school posted the facebook this week offering $75 grants to incentivize students to take a staycation and help stop the spread of coronavirus. joining me, sherry atkinson, associate vice chancellor for student life campus community and retention. what sparked this idea and what kind of response you've been getting? >> great. happy to be here. so the idea came because we are asking our students not to travel during spring break. to prevent the spread of covid and thought it would be important to provide them with an alternative of something to do during that time. so through our initiative with the healthy davis together, we are offering them the $75 grant to do one of four activities they can apply for to get that grant. we wanted to reward them for positive behavior they've been engaging in and continue to support them and encouraging them to stay put during the break. >> obviously, signing up for those activities then guarantees they don't travel. that's the point? right? >> correct. we're asking them to do a couple things. get the grant and have to pick it up during spring break and we also are asking them to get a covid test during spring bake. the break. they'd need to do that here in davis. >> some have done different things. canceled spring break entirely this year. you chose not go that route? do you know why? >> correct. we decided to stick with our schedule and move forward with were what's in place to continue healthy behaviors of our students and support them in that. just continuing forward with our break. the students need add break. got feedback from students, they still need that break. >> definitely i'm sure need that break. i remember being a college student so many years ago. what is the plan for students who say, you know, i'm not going to take the $75 and they go against the health guidelines and decide to travel anyways? >> so they, we're not forbidding them to travel. we're discouraging it. if they decide to travel if they live on campus we require them to test pre-before they leave and then once they get back as well. if they live in our residence halls on campus. we're not prohibiting students from traveling but strongly discouraging them and using grants to encourage them. >> interesting approach that caught our eye and thanks for coming on to talk about >> there haven't been a lot of hugs this career which makes this one all the more special. >> i know. stop, it right? it's like -- it's -- it's heartbreaking, heartwarning, this emotional embrace a year in the making after a grandmother in new york received her second dose of the covid-19 vaccine. evelyn shaw's doctor wrote her a prescription which her daughter shared on twitter and it reads you are allowed to hug your granddaughter. i want to welcome evelyn shaw, that grandmother that you saw there and her granddaughter along with her daughter -- shaw's daughter laura shaw frank who recorded the video of the hug. all right. evelyn, let's begin with this hug. i think everyone connects with this. we've missed our hugs. how did that feel? >> well, the hug was -- my daughter and granddaughter came to my apartment to give me a little gift they said, and the gift was the prescription from the doctor, and when i read it and it said you are allowed to hug your granddaughter, here it is, you are allowed to hug your granddaughter, i -- something happened to me because my granddaughter had completed her covid protocol but i was not going to let her in. i was definitely going to going to let her into my apartment even though i had completed my -- my covid -- my vaccines because i was stuck. i was stuck -- i was stuck in -- in covid land and having this prescription from my doctor gave me the courage to let her in, and there we were standing in my apartment just hugging and hugging and crying and crying for the first time in a year which was an out-of-body experience. it was blissful. it was wonderful, and it was something that i'm going to remember for the rest my life. i want to thank the doctor for writing -- for writing this prescription. she knew -- she knew because of the kind of doctor she is that i was going to have a hard time transitioning from covid land, the fear of -- that we all live with in covid land to a better place, to -- to hope and to possibilities and more hugs and kisses and that's it. the. >> i think it's -- i think a lot of people did see the note, and you were behind this, but it's fascinating to hear your grandma talk about it because it wasn't -- this isn't just a cute prescription. this is actually a prescription that she needed in order to take this step. >> exactly. we're all going to need to transition once we all have -- have our vaccines. we're all going to need to transition from the fear that we have lived with for so long. >> how did it feel? >> it felt incredible. of course, i -- i, too, was nervous. even though -- even though i had my shots and everything, it still -- as my grandmother says, it feels weird. having that prescription in my hand, it -- it sort of -- it felt like a permission slip to be able to hug my grandmother and then once i did it, it felt natural, felt like a relief and i immediately started crying. >> of course. i mean, i want to cry watching it. lawyer ark, it's a beautiful moment that you captured. this has been -- this has been a hard year of deprivation. >> it sure has. it sure has been. >> it's been a very -- a very dark year listening to the news, reading the paper of all the people who have died, hoping you're not going to be one of them and watching where you walk, thinking about are you too long in the supermarket? what are you touching that's going to give you covid? a lot of pain, a lot of pain, but here's what i want to say to your viewers. do the right thing. please do the right thing because -- wear your mask, get your vaccines, wash your hands, stay socially distanced because at the end of all of this is the reward -- is the reward. it's that hug that you saw at the beginning of your clip, not only for one child but for -- for your whole family and for your friends and for our community and -- and our state and as far as i'm concerned for the world. >> i want to thank you guys for coming on to share this moment and talk about it with us. >> thank you so much for having us. >> we're staying on the breaking news. the house passing president biden's speaker covid relief bill and speaker nancy pelosi set to speak any minute now about the historic moment and on the senate side merrick garland was just confirmed as the next attorney general of the united states. stay with us for live special coverage. is now a good time for a flare-up? enough, crohn's! for adults with moderate to severe crohn's or ulcerative colitis... stelara® can provide relief and is the only approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. you, getting on that flight? back off, uc! stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection... flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. lasting remission can start with stelara®. if you've been financially impacted by covid-19, janssen may be able to help. ♪ if you've been financially impacted by covid-19, pepto bismol coats and soothes your stomach for fast relief and get the same fast relief in a delightful chew with pepto bismol chews. leer we go. here's the breaking news for you this afternoon. i'm brooke baldwin. you're watching cnn. thanks for being with me. any moment now president joe biden will be holding an event with the ceo of johnson & johnson and merck on the heels of this historic partnership, and according to the white house he will announce plans to purchase an additional 100 million j & j vaccine doses coming about an hour after the house passed the $1.9 trillion relief bill marking one of the largest relief programs in modern times. house speaker nancy pelosi is expected to speak any moment, and as soon as we see her there on capitol hill we'll spring it to you live. now, once the president signs this bill, what does that mean? that means million

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Doctor Visits ,Call Unitedhealthcare ,Unitedhealthcare ,Medicare ,Dollar ,Copays On Preventive Dental ,0 , ,Prescriptions ,Eye Exams ,Shot ,Hundreds ,Average ,Designer Frames ,200 ,7200 ,2019 ,Plans ,Plan ,Opportunity ,Choice ,Choices ,Ppo Options ,Folks ,Side Dish ,Idaho Potato Farmer ,Idaho Potato ,Potato ,Truck ,Dog ,Charismatic ,Spokesfarmer ,Experts ,Seal ,Grown In Idaho ,1800 ,Medications ,Shipping ,Vet ,Visit Petmeds Com Today ,Migrants ,Numbers ,Back Story ,Record ,Vow ,Nowhere ,Pressure Mounting ,Mexico Border ,Children ,Order ,Public Health ,Cases ,Backlog ,Exploding ,Turning Point ,Mexico ,Trip ,Policy Teams ,Labels ,Boarder ,Facilities ,Kids ,Place ,Policies ,Address ,Border Patrol ,Health Resources ,Resources ,Mental Health Resources ,Coordinator ,Access ,Et Cetera ,Border ,Situation ,Doing ,System ,Whatever ,Anybody ,Urgency ,Adults ,Facts ,Level ,Portion ,Arrests ,Proportion ,Agents ,100000 ,Four ,2016 ,Security ,Custody ,Documents ,Unaccompanied Migrant Kids ,3000 ,Official ,Detention ,One Dhs ,Minors ,Shelters ,Waiting ,500 ,2800 ,Surge ,Beds ,Volunteers ,Border Security Encounter ,5000 ,Outbreaks ,Middle ,Solution ,Coronavirus Restrictions ,8 ,Mask ,Houston ,Population ,Pulley Vaccinated ,Austin ,El Paso ,San Antonio ,Dallas ,Restrictions ,Infectious Disease Experts ,Texas Isn T ,Warnings ,Lifting Coronavirus ,Everyone ,Rules ,Physicist ,Analogy ,Famous Astro Physical Cyst M ,Swimming Pool ,Peeing Section ,Rule ,Doctor Sasson ,Emergency Medicine ,Spots ,On Cnn Com ,Op Ed ,19 ,Life ,Writing ,Governors ,Save Yours ,I Hadn T ,Reopening ,Assessment ,Working Covid ,North ,South ,Patients ,California ,Kaiser Permanente ,Icus ,Job ,Nothing ,Happening ,Thing ,Adrenaline ,Masks ,God ,War ,Flows ,Staff ,Professionals ,Leagues ,Everybody ,Thinking ,Speed ,Marathon Run ,Tidal Wave ,Ups And Downs ,Toll ,Family Members ,Bedside ,Care ,Health ,Others ,Masking ,Freedom ,Dr ,Finish Line ,Disney Parks ,Hug ,Spring Break ,Granddaughter ,Grandma ,Cdc ,Chill 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Trial ,Imp Impeachment Trial ,Magic ,Weekend ,Dark Side ,Life Deal ,Cross ,Nobody ,Ronald Reagan ,Jesse Helms ,Barnum ,Magic There ,Oman ,He S A Carnival Barker ,Trump Isn T A Magician ,Audience ,Tent ,Anyone Else ,Um ,Circus ,Learning ,Conspiracy Theory ,Energy ,Rnc ,House ,Workplace ,Democracy ,Against Graham ,Hi ,Guy ,Seat ,Politician ,Proof ,Kchemica Change ,Ststance ,Loan ,Farmer ,Minority ,African American ,120 ,Farmers ,Preparations ,Forgiveness ,Woman ,Lawsuit ,John Mccain ,Sidekick ,Go To Church ,Christianity ,Recalc Recalcitrance ,Partner ,Views ,Friend ,Crime ,Legacy ,Honor ,Vaults ,Someone ,Brain Cancer ,Relevance ,Desert Searching ,Attorney General ,Merrick Garland ,Flight ,Moon ,Whichever Sun ,Students ,Spread ,Hearing ,Plus ,Spring Break Approaches ,Supreme Court ,One California School ,Invisible Dirt Trapped Deep Down ,Soils ,Clothes ,Under U V ,Clean ,Cleaning Actives ,Fabric ,Tide Hygienic ,Pac ,Tide Pods Hygienic Clean Heavy Duty ,Car Insurance ,Money Back Guarantee ,Tide ,Limu Emu ,Liberty Mutual ,Limu ,Kaleb ,Liberty ,I M Good ,Pay ,Ringing ,Guess What ,13th Surgery ,17th Surgery ,13 ,17 ,Surgery ,Same ,Times ,Shriners ,Shriners Hospitals For Children ,Care Kids ,Because ,Doctors ,Screen ,Nurses ,Gift ,Ooh ,Hold On A Second ,Okay ,Love ,Call ,Thousands ,Reminder ,Rescue Blanket ,Loveshriners Org ,Gifts ,It Buddy ,Pleasure Captain ,Operators ,Both ,Giggling ,Alec ,College Students ,Student ,Facebook ,University Of California Davis ,75 ,Student Life Campus Community ,Associate Vice Chancellor ,Staycation ,Coronavirus ,Sherry Atkinson ,Idea ,Retention ,Grant ,Activities ,Alternative ,Initiative ,Healthy Davis ,Break ,Behavior ,Don T Travel ,Covid Test ,Spring Bake ,Correct ,Route ,Davis ,College Student ,Add Break ,Behaviors ,Schedule ,Feedback ,Health Guidelines ,Campus ,Pre Before ,Residence Halls ,Approach ,Thanks ,Eye ,Thugs ,Haven T ,Career ,Special ,Prescription ,Grandmother ,Daughter ,Vaccine ,Evelyn Shaw ,Dose ,Making ,Heartwarning ,Heartbreaking ,Stop ,New York ,Frank ,Shaw ,Daughter Laura Shaw ,Twitter ,Video ,Feel ,Let S Begin ,Apartment ,Protocol ,My ,Land ,Courage ,In ,Time ,Hugging ,Out Of Body Experience ,Rest ,Fear ,Transitioning ,Covid Land ,Note ,Possibilities ,Hugs And Kisses ,Isn T ,Felt Incredible ,Everything ,Hand ,Shots ,Permission Slip ,Park ,Lawyer ,News ,Deprivation ,Listening ,Paper ,Supermarket ,Spain ,Viewers ,Reward ,Hands ,Community ,Friends ,Clip ,World ,Stay ,Coverage ,Crohn S ,Medication ,Moderate ,Inflammation ,Flare Up ,Ulcerative Colitis ,Stelara ,Cancer ,Intestine ,Infections ,Infection ,Uc ,Skin Growths ,Surface ,Serious ,Risk ,Treatment ,Sores ,Symptoms ,Pres ,Remission ,Reactions ,Lung Inflammation ,Brain Condition ,Fast ,Stomach ,Janssen ,Pepto Bismol ,Delightful Chew ,Leer We Go ,Pepto Bismol Chews ,Partnership ,Event ,Heels ,Ceo ,Johnson ,Brooke Baldwin ,1 9 Trillion ,100 Million , 9 Trillion ,House Speaker ,Capitol Hill ,

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