Transcripts For CNN New Day With Alisyn Camerota and John Berman 20240711

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Really interesting to see the Vice President cast that vote before dawn. Well, certainly she leaves the u. S. Senate and she has to be back in that chair to break the tie. This isnt the first time youll see her breaking ties in an effort to try and pass the president s covid relief package. Look, this was a major moment on the senate floor, and they started this entire process yesterday at 2 30 in the afternoon. Then they had 15 hours of what is known up here as a voterama. Its a lot tougher because members are voting every 10 or 15 minutes on different amendments that folks are bringing to the floor. Its really an effort by the Minority Party to try to put the majority in tough spots by having to take very hard votes they can then later use on the campaign trail. And that works both ways. Both parties using this process to their advantage. But heres why it all matters. This unlocks joe bidens ability to pass a covid relief bill with just democratic votes. What youll see in the next couple of weeks is committees going behind the scenes, writing that package into legislative text and then potentially doing this whole process again to finally pass a covid relief proposal. Their deadline is march 14th. Thats the expectation. The hope, that is when youll see some of those Unemployment Benefits run out. But this last night, an important step. They passed it at 4 30 a. M. It unlocks their ability to pass a covid relief bill if they have to, with just democratic votes. They needed it done before the Impeachment Trial begins in just days. Lauren fox, thank you. Democratic congresswoman val demings was one of the Impeachment Managers in the former president s first trial. Thank you for being with us. It was interesting to see the current House Managers ask the former president to testify. And i wonder if you were a manager this time and you did have the former president on the stand, what would you ask him . Well, john, its great to be back with you. I cant help but think about during the hearings and trials and all. Remember when now former President Trump would say, oh, i wish they would subpoena me. I wish i had an opportunity to testify. I, you know, i would love to testify and interestingly enough, that never happened. Not only did he not the information, if you remember, the written answers that he provided were not truthful and then he blocked so many other people who did have pertinent information about his case from testifying or appearing. But you know, you start at the beginning. Tell us what happened. The why. He is trying to demonstrate that his words had nothing to do with the violent attack on the u. S. Capitol on that day, and we would love to hear his explanation of why he believes that. We know that thats never going to happen, though. He will never come and testify. And if i was his attorney, i would never probably allow him to do it but well see what happens. Is it worth a subpoena to get him there . You know, thats a procedural strategy that the Impeachment Managers would have to decide. Well wait and see. You certainly when we subpoena witnesses, its always, what do they bring to the table . So, you know, thats a procedural step that the managers would have to decide, and well see what their strategy is. What i do know, john, is that under the leadership of my classmate jamie raskin, i know this team of managers are going to do an outstanding job and present the facts. They dont have any problems with the facts. There are no alternative facts for them. And theyll present a clear and convincing case. And theyll do their part. How important or how crucial or essential would the former president s testimony be in making their case . You know, the interesting thing about this particular article of impeachment, you know evidence, and ive said it before. Evidence in a case is everything, right . Its a Police Detectives dream, its a prosecutors dream. John, there is so much footage of what happened on that day. We see the images. We also clearly hear the president s words and those who his enablers who stood with him and basically incited a riot. Marched down to the capitol, just one example, and fight like hell, if you dont, were not going to have a country anymore. His own words, we dont have to look far for evidence in this case, but the footage with the evidence, his own testimony as millions of americans have already seen, i think, is pretty crucial, and well see if the managers decide that they need more. But we know this president , i would expect him to come in and say, dont believe your lying eyes or your lying ears. But well see what happened. Do you know yet if there will be witnesses . I do not know. Its interesting. Three days before i talked to ive talked to some of the managers, but its always our conversations have just been about sharing information from the previous Impeachment Trial that they thought would benefit them during this time. I have not discussed with them their strategy or their intentions to call any witnesses. I want to move on to another subject, but if you were doing it, would you want a witness on the stand at this point . You know, what i said during the last Impeachment Trial, i think we all agreed when john bolton, the information came up about him actually being in the room if you will, to overhear the phone the infamous phone call, and we had that opportunity. The senate had the opportunity to call on witnesses and chose not to do that. And so john bolton was someone who was in the room. Certainly had direct information. I dont believe he has alternative facts. I think calling him in a case would be quite different from calling a president or the former president who every day had alternative facts. There was a vote last night in the full House Of Representatives to strip congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene of her committee posts. 11 republican members voted to do so. Some of them were from your state of florida. At least three members from the state of florida who did vote to strip her of her committee posts. What do you think of that . You know, john, School Shootings are tough. All shootings where people die violently, but when children are in one of the what should be one of the safest places for them are gunned down, thats pretty tough. And i know, unfortunately, there are a lot of political games that take place on the hill. Thats probably been one of my biggest disappointments as opposed to putting the people first. I could not have been prouder of my florida colleagues for standing up for the people that they represent and the survivors of the kids who were gunned down on their school campus. And so it was the right thing to do. And believe me, in this political environment, it was great to see. Now theres been a lot of talk about Kevin Mccarthy and a lot of talk about the other 190 republican members who did not vote to strip her of her committees. But i want to ask about another group of people that i think often gets overlooked in this. Marjorie Taylor Greene was elected by a lot in a georgia congressional district. So how much responsibility do you put on the voters for sending her to congress . I think our responsibility, john, is to make sure that voters have all of the information that they need to make the best decisions when they go to the polls. I chose, though, to focus on leadership. But i guess im asking, these voters knew sometimes people are hired and they, you know, later it comes to light that they were not the best person to be hired. Sometimes people are elected, and it comes to light that they are not the best person to be elected and uphold the high values and principles of the House Of Representatives. Leadership has an awesome, tremendous obligation to right this wrong and stand up. And unfortunately, we have seen, as opposed to leaders in position, we have seen cowards in those positions or shadows of men. Lets not forget, too, 140 people voted to overturn a free and fair election. And carried the big lie that joe biden was not elected president of the United States. And so we do have some work to do, and i think leadership had an opportunity to stand up, correct the wrong. They chose not to do that. And they should be held accountable. I think it is something that needs to be addressed. What does it say that people who knew what they were getting into. A lot of this was known. They still chose to elect her. Theres a demand issue in the United States that needs to be addressed. I am curious how that will happen. I have not met, i dont believe, any of the congresswomans constituents or voters, but being here in the House Of Representatives and presiding ofe ing over the deba yesterday when she gave her former speech, as a former police officer, ive seen far too many people die of gun violence, some of them police officers, who were shot in the head and died. So i dont take very kindly to liking posts about shooting people in the brains. On 9 11, i was assigned to the Orlando International airport as a police commander. So i am just so happy that ms. Greene thought it was appropriate to stand at the microphone and say, yes, 9 11 did happen. But, you know what . A plane also hit the pentagon and people were killed and lost their lives. And so, john, theres a critical time and we are dealing with critical issues. And people who believe in outlandish Conspiracy Theories spread hate, hold assault weapons, basically with pictures of their now colleagues, i dont take too kindly to that, and i do believe that Kevin Mccarthy, if he wants to be the leader, then doggone it, show some leadership. And the 199, i really history will judge them. Remarkable time. Congresswoman val demings, we appreciate you coming on and sharing your thoughts with us. Thank you. Joining us now to talk more about this is cnn White House Correspondent john harwood. John, really interesting to hear Congresswoman Demings there. Lets start with Marjorie Taylor greene because as she was just saying, 11 republicans voted to remove her from her Committee Assignments. But 61 voted to remove liz cheney from leadership. They didnt win. But there was a much bigger number. And so where Do We Go From Here . Well, the Republican Party to a significant degree, both at the grassroots and in congress has been radicalized. Its been radicalized around anger at the way the United States is changing. The core of the Republican Base right now are blue collar white voters. Many of whom are upset that the country is becoming less white, less christian, that the economy is changing in ways that dont benefit them because many of them are lesser educated. And so the anger that flows out of that is the anger that bubbles up in movements like qanon, that she has adhered to. There were significant number of qanon people at the core of that insurrection on january 6th. And what weve seen over the last several weeks is that the vast majority of republican senators have voted to absolve the president of responsibility for that by saying the Impeachment Trial is unconstitutional. That will happen next week. The vast majority of Republican House members have voted to absolve the president of consequences for that antidemocratic deadly insurrection. They oppose the impeachment. And the share of republicans willing to stand up against that unamerican behavior is very marginalized. Its a it shows something about how degraded the Republican Party has become and it creates a contrast with the Democratic Party as exemplified by val demings, who you just heard from, and democrats were the ones who took responsibility for imposing consequences on Marjorie Taylor greene. Republicans lacked the strength to do that. John harwood, thank you so much. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene did not apologize, but she did invoke the name of a survivor of the parkland shooting massacre, david hogg. He joins us live, next. Upbeat music transitions™ light under control. Upbeat music transitions™ Signature Gen 8™ available now, in 4 vibrant style colors. Transitions™ just hours before congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene was punished by the house, stripping her of her Committee Assignments she, addressed the Conspiracy Theories and her theory that Mass Shootings at schools had been staged. School shootings are absolutely real. And every child that is lost, those families mourn it. I understand how terrible it is because when i was 16 years old in 11th grade, my school was a gunfree school zone and one of my schoolmates brought guns to school and took our entire school hostage. And that happened right down the hall from my classroom. I know the fear that david hogg had that day. Joining us now is Parkland Massacre survivor david hogg. Also the founder of march for our lives. Great to see you. Great to be on. Thank you, alisyn. What did you think when you heard her say your name and say that she can somehow relate to your experience . The ultimate thing is, i dont really care. The thing i care most about in this situation isnt so much myself but its the real people that she offended, which are the families of parkland and las vegas and sandy hook that have a permanently empty bedroom, permanently empty place at the dinner table. They are the people that are the real victims here that deserve the apology. Not me. And thats really what upsets me. Shes detracting from their suffering and their experience because she cant know their pain. They literally had the worst possible thing in the world happen to them. They are the ones that deserve an apology. On top of that, theres also, alisyn, we need to talk about the fact that although its important that we address the gun violence in schools, most gun violence happens outside of schools, too, and it doesnt get the same attention because it happens predominantly in black and brown communities that face racism and poverty and injustice by this country and they are the ones that need this attention. David, youve always talked about that. You bring that up and i know that there are so many families and lawmakers who appreciate that you always bring that up. In fact, so i applaud you that you always remind us that youre not the only victim. You also said on twitter yesterday, marge, youre not the victim here. Is that how shes trying to paint herself . I think so. I think they are trying to paint themselves as the victim to play like they are the little guy. So they can raise millions of dollars as they have talked about or thousands of dollars as theyve talked about wanting to raise. And its just pathetic because they are not the victim here. As i said, the victims are the families of children that have died in sandy hook and parkland and, you know, the people that died as well, adults that died in those places. And at las vegas, of course. They are the ones that need to be talked about. And thats why were continuing to call for her resignation and asking people to text resign to 954954. They can text resign to 954954 to sign our petition calling for her resignation because we believe just stripping her of her Committee Assignments, after she has threatened to kill the speaker of the house, mind you, thats a felony with a five to tenyear prison sentence. I dont know whats going on there, but you cant threaten an elected official. It is a felony. The last time we had you on, we played that video of her harassing you out on the sidewalk outside of the capitol. I wasnt aware at that time there was another video inside the capitol of her chasing after you and harassing you that well play right now where she is following after you. Shes claiming that people will still do Mass Shootings. Shes, obviously, you know, trying to trigger you. She says to you specifically, you were born in this country with all these freedoms. You dont even appreciate what you have. David hogg, you dont even know what you have. Do you feel did you feel after you heard her explanation yesterday that Marjorie Taylor greene has learned her lesson . No. I think a lot of the time, sadly, in politics and life generally, theres a lot of really immature adults that are in power that cannot simply have the humility to admit they were wrong before they face consequences. I think if marjorie was truly apologetic, it wouldnt have taken us literally removing her from her committees to talk about, well, maybe i shouldnt have said School Shootings were fake. Maybe she shouldnt have said that all these conspiracies about 9 11 being fake and stuff like that. I want to see elected officials that actually take accountability and responsibility for what theyve said before they face consequences for it because thats what true leaders do, have the humility to admit they make mistakes and theyre not perfect. But the other thing that i would say with that, too, alisyn, whats interesting to me is that when we were in there, in the capitol and she started chasing us, we started chanting enough is enough. You know how long if took the police to show up to tell us to basically shut up or were going to be arrested. Took about 30 seconds. And i dont know if it shows it in that video, but they did that. Thats why i knew during the insurrection when there were the capitol was surrounded by White Supremacists and many people that dont believe that the election was, you know, fair and all those different things. It took them like an hour to two hours to show up and thats why i knew that that was different. And what does that mean . What does that tell you about that, the Response Time . Its terrifying. It shows that, as has been said by people much smarter than me many times before, there are two systems of justice in this country. And one that has, you know one of them that basically doesnt have very much, if any, accountability a lot of the time or White Supremacists and white nationalists. Its something that needs to be confronted head on. Not only is it a threat to Everyday Americans and our freedoms that marjorie says that i hate so much or whatever. Its a threat to our democracy as well. And we all have a responsibility no matter the color of our skin to stand up and fight against racism because racism, you know, its something that all of us need to stand up and fight against because it should be a unified front even if were not directly affected. And we should simply ask people, how can we help . Are you starting a Pillow Company . Yes, alisyn, i am, but im going to ask you to have me on in a couple of weeks. We dont have the website or trademark. Were still working on manufacturing because were going to make It Union Made In The Usa and it is very hard to find unionized Pillow Manufacturer in the United States so if anybody knows one, please follow me on twitter and reach out and well make it sustainable and everything and part of it is to help raise money for good causes. Its a for profit, but a big part is to have a Social Enterprise Component to it. So, yeah, please bring me on and well talk about it. Its also to put my pillow, mike lindell, out of business. David hogg, thank you very much. We really appreciate you being on. Thank you so much, alisyn. Whats on former President Trumps mind these days . The cameo that he did on the Fresh Prince Of Bel Air 25 years ago. Yes, were not kidding. Thats next. Excuse me, wheres the lobby. Down the hall and to the left. Donald trump. I like keeping a low profile. Youre the best son money can buy. Thanks, dad. Without zoolander, male modeling wouldnt be what it is today. Thats the former union member and former president who was now telling hollywoods Largest Labor union, you cant dump me because im dumping you first. Heres what he wrote to the Screen Actors Guild American Federation of television and radio actors. I write you today regarding the socalled Disciplinary Committee hearing meeting aimed at revoking my Union Membership. Who cares well, im not familiar with your work. Im very proud of my work on movies such at home alone 2, zoolandern and wall street, Money Never Sleeps and the Fresh Prince Of Bel Air, Saturday Night Live and The Apprentice to name just a few joining us now is the president of the union, gabrielle carteras. Thank you for being with us, madam president. He went on and on in that letter at great length quitting the union to which you responded with just two words. What were those two words. Thank you. Brevity sometimes truly is the soul of wit. Listen. You had begun the process or your union had begun the process of removing him. This is not some abtraction here. So why had this process begun . Well, i think everybody saw it january 6th was the reason that i actually put the charges forward. Its look, since former President Trump had been in office, that whole period of time before the 6th, he had had made statements throughout about our members, about people who were journalists, broadcasters. Some are members, some arent. But hed make comments that were ways to delegitimize them and was putting them at risk. So we put out statements with our broadcast reporters, having them say, we believe in a free and unencumbered press. We support them, freedom of speech. But what happened on the 6th was something where it went from just making statements to actually inciting violence. And so i actually put charges together, spoke to our National Executive director, david white. I asked him to present those charges to our national board. And they supported the charges going towards our Disciplinary Committee to evaluate and to review. And we were about to go in actually today to speak on it and i got the letter yesterday from the former president. Im not sure people know, broadcast journalists, a lot of television correspondents, News Correspondents are members of actra. You have Union Members who have been targeted. Written on the walls in the capitol, murder the media. So this is not, as i said, some distraction. And its s. A. G. Our broadcast joinurnalists are very important to us. They inform and educate. I think Walter Cronkite said it best. When Freedom Of The Press is not just important to democracy, but it is democracy. And i think on the 6th what we saw was the real threat to democracy in our country. And as the president of a union that is there to protect members, to make sure they are safe, particularly when they go to work and this was appalling. Even as a citizen watching what took place live, the violence that was taking place, the idea that people were getting revved up and sent to, yes, not only put signs up, murder the press but you saw, you know, our the journalists were being attacked. They had they took the equipment, created a noose. Our members when they go to work should feel safe. That shouldnt be the thing that theyre frightened of. What happens now to the selfproclaimed movie star. We just read his letter there. What happens to him in terms of his future Acting Career now that youve stripped him of membership or he has quit. We cant everybody has a right to work. What we have done is weve actually, by his resigning, that means, and its very important that that happened because its actually honored to be a member of our union. And so by his stepping away, he will not be able to work a union job or at least with our producers, people who are signed to our contracts. And i think that thats really important. We want people to know that they are in order to be a member of this union, there are responsibilities. We really believe in democracy. We believe in respecting our fellow americans. We want to make sure that truth is always told. And if you are going to do something, its thats really harmful, then you have no place in our union. You have been in the business a long time. We played that montage of his film clips coming into the piece. Whats your assessment of the former president as a performer . You know, i forgot he had done those shows. I had forgotten. Wow. And that probably stings more than anything right now. Gabrielle carteris, thank you for being with us. Thank you for the work you do. Thank you for having us. Well be right back. If you smell gas, youre too close. Leave the structure, call 911, keep people away, and call pg e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. If you see wires down, treat them all as if theyre hot and energized. Stay away from any downed wire, call 911, and call pg e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. This is cnn breaking news. Breaking news. The january jobs report was just released. Cnns chief Business Correspondent Christine Romans joins us with the numbers. A job gain of 49,000 in january after a big loss that was even revised lower in december. An Unemployment Rate that fell to 6. 3 . On paper, thats the lowest Unemployment Rate of this crisis, but when you dig beneath these numbers weve seen month after month of people leaving the labor force. You look at some of the other indicators in this report. 6. 3 is because so many people arent working. Theres millions reporting they cant go to work because their business is closed or business is down so much that there arent hours for them to have here. 2. 7 million of these jobs are considered temporary layoffs. When you look at the labor market. And even more of them are considered permanent layoffs. 3. 5 Million People report to the government that they think theyve been permanently laid off at this time. When you look at where the job losses are, no surprise in bars and restaurants, in retail trade. These are this is the part of the kshaped recovery weve been talking about. The jobs disappearing and dont seem to be coming back, but were seeing job gains in professional business services, in schools, in mining. Some parts of the economy are showing signs of life. Some parts of the job market are recovering and others are just hopelessly here falling behind because the virus has kept the u. S. Economy so out of sorts. Overall, because of downward revisions in november and december, it was worse in november, december than the government originally thought. 9. 9 million jobs that are still have been lost since this pandemic began. 9. 9 million, alisyn, is still the deficit we have here. Christine, thank you very much for explaining all of that to us. Okay. No matter who wins this sunday, the real victory is being able to hold a super bowl during a pandemic. With tom brady. Dr. Sanjay gupta is going to tell us what worked for the nfl. What we can learn from it and how john berman can break the tom brady spell. Transitions™ light under control. Upbeat music transitions™ Signature Gen 8™ available now, in 4 vibrant style colors. Transitions™ some people say our tradein process feels too easy. In 4 vibrant style colors. They cant believe its 100 online and gives them a competitive offer that wont change for 7 days. An offer that they can put toward their new car. Some people cant believe our friendly advocate will come to them as soon as tomorrow. Drop off their new ride and whisk their old one away. Because we make trading your car unbelievably easy. All so you can say. Told you so. Experience the new way to trade in your car with carvana. Getting ever closer to Super Bowl Lv and the mustsee matchup between tom brady and Patrick Mahomes. Coy wire with the Bleacher Report. So great to see you there, coy. Good to see you, john. Wish you were here with me. Perhaps the most exciting Quarterback Matchup in super bowl history. 43yearold tom brady versus 25yearold Patrick Mahomes who appears to have all the physical abilities to make him one of the greatest ever. Also a lot of the intangibles thats made tom brady the greatest of all time. Brady, he his family, 12 days before the game, not even staying at the house so that he can have supreme focus heading into this, even though hes been to nine super bowls before. Hes taken his preparation to another level. He says that he wants to be celebrating with his family, with those loved ones again on the field after a win. Listen. Thats the best part about winning is having the people that have helped you get there and supported you there with you to enjoy it. So some of the best memories ive had in my life were being with my kids right after the super bowl and celebrating with them. So i hope we have that experience on sunday. Its going to be a really tough game. Im focused on this game, trying to win this Second Super Bowl and hold that lombardi trophy. At the end of my drear, if i have a lot of super bowl rings, ill be happy. You can join me, andy scholes, dr. Sanjay gupta and maybe even john berman. Its kickoff in tampa bay, a cnn Bleacher Report special tomorrow at 2 30 eastern here on cnn. Alisyn, john, back to you. Coy, thank you very much. Cant wait to see that. Maybe well send a live truck to your house to watch. Maybe thats just a personal its possible. We dont want to watch what you do during its possible just watch. Oh, thats a tease. All right. Whatever happens in sundays super bowl, the nfl has reason to celebrate. Completing a full season in the midst of a pandemic. Something no other sport has been able to do. So how did the nfl do it . And what can we learn from it . Dr. Sanjay gupta reports. This is a sport defined by close contact. An environment ripe for transmission. As other people who say, its absolutely ludicrous to even try this, what do you say to them . I feel like its the right thing to do to try to learn to live with this virus. I really do. Reporter dr. Alan sills is the Chief Medical Officer for the nfl. He was brought in as a neurosurgeon who thought hed be dealing with concussions. And then the pandemic changed everything. I initially met up with him at the beginning of the season. We just have to recognize were dealing with an unpredictable pandemic. Well have to adjust along the way. Reporter on september 10th, the Kansas City Chiefs kicked off against the houston texans. And the first game of the season, at the time, there were more than 6 million confirmed coronavirus cases in the United States. Now right before the super bowl, how did things go . I think what weve tried to do at every step is to make the best and safest decisions we can and weve tried to evolve and learn along the way. Reporter while cases around the country exploded, now at more than 26 million confirmed, the nfl was relatively untouched. With a Positivity Rate of 0. 08 . So what worked for the nfl . And what can we all learn from it . We had an outbreak in tennessee, and we went in and really dug into that and tried to understand, how did transmission occur despite our protocols, thats when we began to realize it wasnt just six feet and 15 minutes. Reporter dr. Sills said it wasnt the playing or practices that were the largest concern but these three things eating, greeting and meeting. Meeting inside. Even if youre more than six feet apart if youre in a poorly ventilated room for a long period of time, if someone is positive, there can be transmission inside those rooms. Eating together very high risk activity. Most people dont have a mask on when theyre eating. And then the Greeting Part is just the social interactions outside the facilities. When you interact in the community, if someone is positive and you get a hair cut or have a massage at your house. How did the nfl know . They tested daily and tracked the movements of 11,000 players and staff, even alerting them if they were too close to one another. If we move closer together than six feet, youll start to see it blinking red. Reporter keep in mind, the cdc defines close contact like this being within six feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24hour period. But the leagues data found transmission was occurring with less time and more distance. These are considerations for anyone anywhere to assess their risk. Ventilation. Are you indoors or outdoors . Are you in a car with the windows up or are you in a large open stadium . The more air circulation, the better. Masks. What kind of masks are being used, and do they fit correctly . And finally, time and distance. The longer and closer you are around someone, the Increase Risk for transmission. If youre failing in two or more of those categories, thats what we considered a high risk close contact. I think the biggest thing we learned, universal masking works. Its the most effective strategy that we have. Reporter how hard would it be to replicate what you were able to do at the nfl . It wasnt the fact we tested every single day. It wasnt the fact that everyone wore a fancy proximity Tracking Device everywhere they went. What prevented transmission was mask usage, avoiding inperson meetings, staying in the open air environments. Not eating together. Prompt symptom reporting, isolation of anyone thats exposed. Reporter the same basic rules we have known since the beginning of this pandemic. With more evidence than ever that they actually work. So who are you rooting for . We love all our children. Whats the deal with tom brady . Just as a Sports Medicine guy, i mean, really, super bowl again . I think his career has been amazing and outstanding, and hes an inspiration to all of us. You know, the closer he gets in age to me, i have thoughts maybe ive still got a run at it. Had to get the Tom Brady Question in there. As a michigan guy. But mostly for you, john berman. Its pretty incredible. 43 years old in another super bowl. Im willing to share. Im absolutely willing to share. Are you . Doesnt seem like youre willing to share. Im willing to share. Sanjay, how worried are you that there will be a spike after the super bowl because everybody will want to get together and celebrate . Yeah, i think its probably those parties, you know, that people have as opposed to the super bowl itself. You are going to have 25,000 fans. Incidentally, 7500 of those 25,000 are going to be Health Care Workers who have been vaccinated and are going to be there. Theyre still going to be wearing masks. Theyll be passing out these kn95 masks to everyone thats attending the super bowl which is really interesting. They have made the decision that these are the best masks for people to wear. Sometimes it can be tough to figure out what are the best masks. The fda has all kinds of information on their website about this, and they can tell you how to spot counterfeits and all that. Well put that information up. But i think it struck me that there was no Team One Team to another Team Transmission throughout the entire season. Less than 1 Positivity Rate. Again, in this sport thats defined by close proximity. Im not as worried about the game itself as all the celebrations around the game. Just a few people will be playing in the game. Its the other hundred million of us who will be watching. And listening to dr. Fauci and others this week, i was struck. They felt they had to come out and say, dont have super bowl parties. Which i know they have to, but this time around, i feel like it was almost a frustration. Like, come on, guys. Christmas is one thing. Thanksgiving is one thing. If they are warning us not to get together for those things, which is understandable, super bowl parties is watching television. Its watching a game on tv. You can live without a party. You can have nachos with your bubble. It works. Its better. Fewer people you have, the more nachos for you. Thats the silver lining. And you can actually watch the game. No, but, i mean, ill let you deliver the message so people in case they are wondering about getting together with friends this weekend, now is the time for you to admonish all of them. Yeah, look, you know, even the nfl itself sort of learned that the eating, meeting, greeting, it wasnt all the fancy tests and close proximity sensors. It was these three things. We sort of have guessed this since the beginning of the pandemic, but now the nfl has been able to show this. If you are going to be inside and you are eating, that means your masks are off. Youre getting together with lots of people. Lots of virus is circulating. Those are the superspreader events. Weve seen this over and over again. So, i mean, i think people hopefully have that message by now. You can enjoy yourself in so many different ways, but if you are taking your masks off inside in a poorly ventilated situation, that is likely to account for some viral spread. Final score, sanjay. Final score in the game. Whats that . Final score. Im going to give it to tampa bay. Tampa bay by three points. Its going to be a close game. You know, its hard to argue with the athletic abilities of Patrick Mahomes, but tom brady, 43 years old. I think it would make all of us older guys feel well if he wins. I see somebody who shares the tom brady love. Hes a neurosurgeon. He knows what hes talking about. Sanjay, thank you. Have a good weekend. You got it. All right. Thank you. And all of you have a good weekend as well. We know what john berman will be doing. Brandnew jobs report just in with big signs about where the economy is heading. Our coverage continues next. If you smell gas, youre too close. Leave the structure, call 911, keep people away, and call pg e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. If you see wires down, treat them all as if theyre hot and energized. Stay away from any downed wire, call 911, and call pg e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. Very good friday morning. Im jim sciutto. Im poppy harlow. We begin with breaking news. The january jobs report has just been released. Americas Unemployment Rate drops slightly, but were not seeing the kind of job addition that we need. The u. S. Economy added 49,000 jobs. Very sluggish recovery and a perilous economy. It comes just minutes from now when President Biden will meet with House Democratic leaders to discuss pushing through his sweeping 1. 9 Trillion Covid relief package. The senate in the Early Morning hours, around 5 00 a. M. , made a procedural move this morning, passing a Budget Resolution that paves the way for democrats to push this bill through without any republican support if it comes to that. Well have the latest. And just two hours from now, there will be dueling live events. One far more important. The white house covid19 team will hold a News Conference as the nation continues to battle this pandemic. Dr. Fauci warning that the uk variant may soon become dominant here in the u. S. Its more transmissible. Thats a problem. That and the latest on Johnson Johnsons oneshot vaccine moving close

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