Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240711

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Statement that reads in part, President Trumps popularity has never been stronger than it is today and his endorsement means more than perhaps any endorsement at any time. Three weeks and a day. Thats how little time it took for the party to rush back into the arms of the man who egged on the violent mob that descended on the capitol, smashed windows, beat Police Officers, bludgeoned one to death, while looking for lawmakers to capture or kill including the former Vice President. Five people died in the attack. At least two Police Officers have since died by suicide. Two weeks and a day, the house voted to impeach the expresident a second time. And the man who posed smiling today at maralago said this. The president bears responsibility for wednesdays attack on congress by mob rioters. He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. These facts require immediate action by President Trump. Accept his share of responsibility, quell the brewing unrest, and ensure President Elect biden is able to successfully begin his term. That was the Top Republican in the house just 15 days ago. Today he made a complete, well, mockery of those words. Two sources tell cnn that some warned him against this with one source telling us he was told this would make it look like he was, quote, crawling back to trump, unquote. Also, that it would further isolate him from mainstream donors who want to move away from the disgraced former president. Now, keeping them honest, it doesnt seem like that is a big concern anymore for congressman mccarthy or the party. Its who they are. Its who they believe their constituents are. After all, he and 138 other Republican House members voted to overturn the election even after they were attacked. And all but five Senate Republicans have signaled they will not vote to convict the expresident for what he did because this is still the expresident s party. It belongs to him, to the insurrectionists who supported him, to those beyond even that fringe. Let me just say this about nancy pelosi. I have a message for her. Im coming. Uhhuh. I just want to say to nancy pelosi, shes a hypocrite, shes an antiamerican, and were going to kick that bitch out of congress. [ cheers and applause ] that is Marjorie Taylor greene, now congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene. The person the former president called a future star of the Republican Party. Shes been a Qanon Conspiracy supporter who apparently agrees with the belief the Parkland High School shooting was a False Flag Operation. Shes also now a member of the house education and Labor Committee. Kevin xhmccarthy could do something about that. He has not. Assigning her to the Education Committee when she has mocked the killing of little children at sandy hook elementary school, when she has mocked the killing of teenagers in high school at the Marjory Stoneman douglas high school, what could they be thinking, or is thinking too generous a word for what they might be doing . House Speaker Pelosi today. And though she did not mention the congresswoman by name she also touched on the thread that some members continued to feel since the insurrection and where she thinks some of that threat is coming from. I do believe and i have said this all along, that we will probably need a supplemental for more security for members when the enemy is within the house of representatives. A threat that members are concerned about in addition to what is happening outside. Now, when pressed on what she meant Speaker Pelosi said, it means we have members of congress who want to bring guns on the floor and have threatened violence on other members of congress. Separately today we learned the Capitol Police arrested a man yesterday not far from Capitol Grounds. He had a handgun, 20 rounds of ammunition, stop the steal literature and a list of lawmakers. Now, remember, just yesterday the department of Homeland Security warned of the ongoing potential for violence from extremists saying, with objections the exercise of Governmental Authority and the president ial transition as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives. False narratives pushed by the former president and either embraced or tolerated by most in his party. The few republican lawmakers who have called them out as false are being shunned. Even liz cheney, a staunch conservative, the thirdranking republican in the house, shes now facing censure back home in wyoming and efforts by trump forces to defeat her in 2022. Three weeks and a day. Thats how long its taken for republicans in congress to forget about what happened and begin the process of rewriting history and doing whatever it takes to regain power. Even if it means embracing the man who lost them the senate and the white house in the face of a raging pandemic, a sagging economy and the looming threat of more political violence. This is the selfportrait they apa aapparently want the current to see. Joining us senator tammy duckworth, democrat of illinois. Looking at the picture of Kevin Mccarthy down at maralago today gripping and grinning with the man who promoted the attack on the capitol, praised the attackers even after the fact, what does that meeting and that picture say to you . It tells me that he stands with someone who basically incited insurrection as opposed to standing with our constitution. He has essentially violated his Oath Of Office that he took when he was sworn in. That is to protect and defend the constitution. Instead hes now standing with the enemy of the constitution. What do you think with this congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene most republicans seem are unwilling to even talk about her or address any of her past actions and words. What does it say about the future of the Republican Party . When trump said shes a future star of the Republican Party, a lost republicans said oh, thats just not the case. Shes in congress now. And shes a Qanon Conspiracy supporter, or was even though shes trying to now hide it on her past postings. Well, i mean, it tells me that theyre not standing with the american people, that they dont care about the constitution, that they are backing these Conspiracy Theories, these people who seek insurrection and to overthrow our government. Thats what these qanon people believe. They believe that we need to overthrow the government as opposed to protecting and defending the nation and our constitution. It boggles the mind. I mean, these are the same people who were hiding and who were in the same safe rooms that we were in, that i was in while the capitol was under attack. And yet as you said three weeks and a day is all it took for them to turn their backs on reality, on the truth and to go stand with those who would actually violently overthrow our democracy as opposed to keeping their Oath Of Office to defend our constitution. Kevin mccarthy going to see and pay fealty to President Trump and be photographed with him, i mean, thats all just politics, isnt it . Its hes afraid of Trump Supporters who are in his district and he wants to be he wants to be the Top Republican in the house. He wants to take the house. Isnt this just pure politics of him choosing his own political future over any other consideration . Well, see, thats the thing, anderson. You just said it. Hes putting his own personal ambitions above the wellbeing of our nation. Hes putting his own whatever he needs to do, his own Political Expediency above protecting our constitution and protecting and defending this great nation of ours. And people like that are not fit to be in office. Thats why trump wasnt fit to be the commander in chief, because he always looked out for trump first, not the United States of america, not our great union. And it is absolutely shameful that Kevin Mccarthy did this. But unfortunately hes not the only one. You know, in both the senate and the house you have all of these republicans who are choosing to stand with trump as opposed to choosing to stand with our constitution. Well, Lindsey Graham sort of indicated in the heat of the moment after the attack on the capitol that night, you know, stood up and said you know, im done, count me out, im sorry it ended this way, its not how i wanted to, you know, he was a consequential president , whatever that means. Thats like faint praise. He now seems to he has people yelling at him at the airport, which is certainly unpleasant and uncalled for. And now he seems back, you know, kind of throwing love bombs at trump. I think that its clear that Lindsey Graham is out for Lindsey Graham and not necessarily for the wellbeing of our country. Im sorry to say that. You know, hes had a long career of service but it seems like Lindsey Graham has lost his way under donald trump and has decided that as you said, you know, Political Expediency is his priority, not protecting and defending our country. Are you worried about security inside the Capitol Grounds . Of course i am. You know, listen, anderson, going around the capitol and seeing all the barricades up, seeing National Guard patrolling is not how i want our nations capitol to be. But there is there are security concerns. My office, they attempted to break into my what we call the hideaway. We all have a Little Office at the capitol itself away from our other offices, and that still has got broken glass and boardedup windows where the insurrectionists attempted to penetrate. Thank goodness my window held and my door held. Were still seeing the scars of insurrectionists, and yet my republican colleagues seem to have golossed over that. We just lost another Capitol Police officer who committed suicide just recently. Now weve lost three lives in terms of the Capitol Police and yet theyre overlooking that just so they can go and stand with trump. Thats shameful. Senator duckworth, i appreciate your time. Thank you. Before he get more perspective from our next guest i want to play a piece of sound that underscores the contrast between how this former president is seen how his party and how thoroughly Richard Nixon was shunned. Its Political Writer fred barnes talking about how then president ford would not even say the former president s name. And i asked him, mr. President , why dont you refer to your predecessor as president nixon or as Richard Nixon . And ford said, and i was amazed at this answer, he said, i just cant bring myself to do it. Joining us now chief National Correspondent john king and cnn political commentator mike shields who we should mention is Kevin Mccarthys political strategist. Mike, as we mentioned, youre strategist for the House Minority leader Kevin Mccarthy. Going down to maralago today, it sort of looks like someone whos kissing the ring, playing to an audience of one and also to that persons supporters. It seems a big evolution of Kevin Mccarthy from three weeks ago saying the president bears responsibility and he should correct this and he should make the stranz igs to the Biden Administration smooth. What happened . Well, he got a commitment from President Trump to help republicans in the midterms. And to work together. And look, President Trump, 75 Million People voted for him and st twitter deplatformed him, facebook has but those voters havent and they still believe in him. And when you look at what the Biden Administration has done just in the last 48 hours to poke those voters in the eye, they want someone who represents them and they put what President Trump stood for ahead of a lot of the other things were talking about i understand that. But essentially youre saying he had principles three weeks ago, he had beliefs about President Trumps responsibility and he now is afraid of his base and so he goes and kisses the ring. Its actually not the base. These are American Voters who may vote or may not vote. You know, the old joe biden that i know john has covered for years, the old scranton joe biden, used to speak to these voters. Manufacturing base voters. Energy base voters. No ones talking to them anymore. They feel like trump represented them. And what kevin is saying is you have those voters we want you in the Republican Party. Thats the difference between guys who wear horns and attack the capitol, who should be in jail and kevin was in the capitol that day. He spoke very sternly about what happened. And hes been consistent. Hes even continued to say the president should have been more strong once he saw what was going on to stop it. He said that multiple times including a couple days ago. But just because he that doesnt mean we dont want the voters that supported President Trump because theyre up for grabs and theyre American Voters who are frankly not being represented by joe biden right now. John, it just seems, i mean, beyond shifty for Kevin Mccarthy to in mikes words speak strongly three weeks ago when he still got the adrenaline from running and hiding in the in congress with the help of security because there are people out there rampaging through the halls of congress and killing at least one Police Officer and then when he starts to look at the polls and he starts to look at his own future and starts to think about his own power he goes to the heart of, you know goes to maralago and pays fealty. You saw this, anderson, right after the insurrection not just from Kevin Mccarthy. You saw it from mitch mcconnell. You saw it from several other Republican Leaders who decided to have a Trial Balloon. Can we keep those voters mike is talking about, absolutely critical to the Republican Party and republican success in 2022 and 2024, a lot of them brought into the party by donald trump who are trump voters, not necessarily republican voters. Its a giant challenge for the party. Yes, mike is absolutely right about that. So what was the Trial Balloon . Kevin mckarthy going to the floor, the president bears responsibility for this. Mitch mcconnell saying even tougher things leaving open the door to possibly voting to convict the president. Its over. Its gone, anderson. Why . Because they noticed. The base did not move with them. They did not move any of what you want to call them the base, you want to call them republican voters, you want to call them trump voters. Pick any definition you want. They did not move with them. So now they have decided if we want to win back the house in 2022, if we want to win back the senate in 2022, we need the trump voters and we dont have a strategy to get them without donald trump. So in the short term what Kevin Mccarthy did today was essentially say were the party of trump. And took i respect mike a great deal, but Kevin Mccarthy undermines his own leadership when he does that because hes asking matt gaetz and people like that stop the civil war in the party. What does matt gaetz do . The day after Kevin Mccarthy says cut the crap, his words, gets on a plane, goes to wyoming and campaigns against the number 3 person in the leadership, quotes President Trump, and brings donald trump jr. In on a phone call and plays it to the audience. Kevin mccarthy is not matt gaetzs leader. Donald trump is. Yeah, mike, i mean, Minority Leader mccarthy said he wanted the Republican Caucus to help, quote, bring people back together. How does that square with matt gaetz going to wyoming and attacking liz cheney, the number 3 person in the caucus . Well, look, kevin was pretty strong on the call i believe it was yesterday and put his own personal leadership on the line and said you elected me leader and im not going to stand for this, we have to work together. And i think what kevins approach is, just like he did today going to the president to talk one on one, when Marjorie Taylor greene was first elected last year he went to meet with her and got her to Disavow Qanon. I think hes going to meet with her next week about some of the stuff thats come up recently about her. Thats what kevin does. He meets with these folks one on one and thats how you bring a team together. And its very different mike, he took 175,000 from her yesterday. They were on the fundraising call for the National Republican Congressional Committee and they took 175,000 of her money and thanked her for being an emerging leader in the party. Thats not how you stand up to Marjorie Taylor greene. Well, the way you get someone to Disavow Qanon is to bring them into the team. Not to isolate them and shove them out so wait a minute. I have not heard her publicly say you know what, i no longer believe that Anderson Cooper and you know, tom hanks and all these people and all these democratic leaders, i no longer believe that theyre satanists and blood drinkers and pedophiles, i no longer believe theyre on a phony manifest or that theyre on a manifest of Jeffrey Epsteins flight. They believe that, you know, theres belief out there that by qanon people that theres this cabal of people drinking the blood of children and its based on antisemitic troepz. You say she Behind Closed Doors disavowed that . Come on. I mean, you would not want to sit next to this person in public, would you . And Kevin Mccarthy is meeting with her go ahead. The qanon stuff is absolutely insane. Its reprehensible. It has no place in the Republican Party actually, you know what . It does have a big place in the Republican Party. And lets look at the case of steve king. Steve king once he was a member, once he was in the conference, not what he did before he was in office, said racist things and kevin kicked him off his committees. We have democrats in the Democratic Caucus who have said openly antisemitic things and theres no action taken against them. So i think kevin has shown that when something happens with a member while theyre a member of the republican conference he will take action with them what action what action has he taken with President Trump . What action has he taken with President Trump . Because he used stern words. What action has he taken . Well, President Trump is no longer hes former President Trump. Thats his title. And hes not in office. Hes not a member of the Republican House conference, which kevin is elected by that group to be their leader and to represent them. Right. And so what he has said very clearly but theres no if you Say Something against the team theres going to be consequences for that. And thats what he did with steve king. You dont see that from nancy pelosi. When people but john king right. Mike President Trump was tweeting against the Vice President , his Vice President , while that Vice President was cowering with his wife, you know, being hunted by a mob who was talking about hanging mike pence. I havent heard Kevin Mccarthy very sternly talk about that. Theres no repercussions. You say theres repercussions with Kevin Mccarthy. What are the repercussions for the former president . What i mean is repercussions for the House Republican conference who elected him as their leader. Thats his position in congress is the these people representing america and want the best for america, not for the party. I mean, thats what john well see if it changes with respect to congresswoman greene. Well see if it changes. I dont suspect it will, anderson. But to mikes point, if Kevin Mccarthy is the leader, leaders have to have followers. Leaders have to have respect. Leaders have to be able to tell their members sometimes i know youre frustrated bite your tongue, were a family dont do this. Matt gaetz the day after Kevin Mccarthy said dont do it, went to wyoming. 9 truth is the establishment in both Political Parties have teamed up to screw our fellow americans for generations. Now in washington, d. C. Joe biden, mitch mcconnell, mitt romney nancy pelosi and liz cheney. This is a member of the house the day after his leader said bite your tongue who goes and attacks the Senate Republican leader and the number 3 in his house Republican Leadership and calls them corrupt. Thats not follow the leader. Thats follow trump. Thats not follow mccarthy. But then not only that but that leader, alleged leader, goes to trump and pays fealty. I mean, hes basically paying fealty to the same person matt gaetz is paying fealty to. So im not sure what stern repercussions there are going to be for a matt gaetz or anybody else these days. Were out of time unfortunately. But mike shields, i do appreciate it. John king, thank you very much. We have more on Marjorie Taylor greene, her extremist beliefs and what if anything her party will do about it. Well be joined by one of her democratic fellow committee members. And later the arrival of a new Covid Variant in the u. S. And some early answers to questions about how to protect against it. Every veteran family has earned the right to their american dream. The freedom and pride that comes with owning their own home. At newday usa we help more veteran families every day make the most of their va home loan benefits. To buy a home with no down payment. Its just another way were committed to veterans. . ■e■ do you have a Life Insurance policy you no longer need . 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Shes also been a supporter as we mentioned of qanon Conspiracy Theory who once called q a patriot who is worth listening to. She once said charlottesville was a, quote, inside job to, quote, further the agenda of the elites. During her campaign she backed away from some of those comments but she also agreed on facebook with people who said the parkland shooting was a, quote, False Flag Operation and posted an image of herself holding a gun next to images of democratic congresswomen. Back in march 2019 she was caught on video Confronting Parkland survivor david hogg. Shes heard making false and baseless claims while asking him questions about gun rights. When hogg walks away heres what she says. Hes got nothing to say. Sad. He has nothing to say because there really isnt anything to say, you guys. He has nothing to say because hes paid to do this. Guess what . Im a gun owner. Im an american citizen. And i have nothing but this guy with his george soros funding and his major liberal funding has got everything. I want you to think about that. Thats where we are. And hes a coward. He cant say one word because he cant defend his stance. Today on new day david hogg was asked what his message is to House Republican leader now that the congresswoman has a seat on the education and Labor Committee. My message to Kevin Mccarthy is take all of her Committee Assignments away. Along with that also dont support her when she runs for reelection again and try to get her primaried. If you say this is not your party, actually call it out and hold her accountable. Because republicans always act as if theyre the party of decency and respect but would the party of decency and respect question whether or not School Shootings happened . Would they harass the survivors of these scoohootings for havin different opinions than them . I dont think so. And i think if Kevin Mccarthy doesnt think so either he needs to actually stand up and do something about this congresswoman. Joining us now is congresswoman Hailey Stevens who serves on the house education and Labor Committee. Also cnn chief political analyst gloria borger. Congresswoman stevens, you said of all committees the education and Labor Committee with congresswoman greene. Does she deserve to stay there . I called for her to be removed. I believe, anderson, that this was an egregious error of the gop conference. This type of behavior, these types of antics, particularly taunting and harassing a teenage survivor of gun violence, has no place in our education and Labor Committee, anderson. When i need to be talking with you tonight about how were going to get our teachers and our students back in the classroom safely, get everyone vaccinated, bring our economy back online. This is politics of the bizarre and its got to go. Gloria, do you believe that Kevin Mccarthy will take any action against congresswoman greene . Mike shields was on. I mean, his spokesperson said he talked to her about her past comments. Mike shields said she had renounced qanon i guess face to face to him Behind Closed Doors somewhere. I havent seen that. Is he going to do anything . Well, you know, at this point maybe hell decide to take her off the Education Committee. I have no idea. I mean, look, he said he found her comments deeply disturbing. There is no halfway with Marjorie Taylor greene. Youre either in or youre out. And unless you take away some of her authority, i think kicking her out of the congress is a high bar. Its a 2 3 vote. But you have to strip her of her Committee Assignments. She has with her social media liked people who threatened the lives of the leaders currently in congress. You saw what she just did with a survivor of the parkland shooting. Instead she has been promoted and put on the Education Committee. And i think, you know, this is the unfortunate legacy of donald trump. And its the struggle within the Republican Party. But youre either in or youre out with her. You have to find a way to say this is not acceptable and youre going to have to pay for your past actions and if youre going to renounce qanon and your past behavior you have to go out there and say it and maybe thats not enough. I mean, congresswoman, it doesnt seem like there is much of a struggle in the Republican Party. I mean, there was some Hand Wringing and when memories were fresh and adrenaline was still high the day of the attack there were some stern words from a few Senate Republicans but that has changed. Kevin mccarthy is like Lu Luca Brozzi going to kiss the ring of don corleone on his daughters wedding day today in maralago. It seems like the Republican Party has stopped struggling and has looked at poll numbers and decided you know what . Donald trump is our party. Yeah, well, when you have a Major Political party, anderson, in the United States thats stoking Conspiracy Theories for votes and now allowing elected officials to run rampant in our congress espousing these insidious viewpoints, it is a real concern. And it absolutely is black and white. Either you are this or you arent. And frankly because the Minority Leader has refused to disavow this we havent heard any form of apology from rep greene, we remain astounded at why she would be given this nomination to the education and Labor Committee, why she isnt being stripped of her Committee Assignments. We did this last session in congress with rep king when he aligned with white supremacy. He was removed from his Committee Assignments. This is retraumatizing our survivors of Mass Shootings from sandy hook down to stoneman douglas. And weve got to get in the business, anderson, of looking at common sense gun safety legislation. Its been almost ten years since sandy hook. We need real policy solutions, not this distraction and not this complacency that is so tragically coming out of a party that frankly appears to be ripping apart before our very eyes. And let me say one more thing. Why is the Republican Party taking her money, anderson . I mean, she pledged on this phone call 175,000. Okay, great, well take your money. They shouldnt take her money. They should say no, thank you. Were not interested in support from qanon. Is it because donald trump called her to congratulate her when she won and sees her as the future of the Republican Party . I have no idea. But there has to be a way to say if youre a republican this is not okay. And so far we havent heard it. Congresswoman stevens, Speaker Pelosi said today the enemy is within the house of representatives. The acting Capitol Police chief today said there should be permanent fencing around the capitol building. Is that how concerned are you about your safety from other members of the house . Well, were absolutely concerned with our safety, and its very alarming. In the days following a violent mob insurrection on the capitol that members of Congress Wont oblige the Metal Detectors that have been put up, seem to be floutding the safety rules, are insisting on carrying weapons onto the house floor, and some members of congress, anderson, like rep greene who are under investigation for potentially being involved intimately and directly with this insurrection. You come right up to that line there, and then all of a sudden put your hands up and say oh, you know, i wasnt involved. Well, where is that line . And certainly that line was crossed. Thats why donald trump needed to be impeached again and why were going through this. This is hurtful. This is painful. This is something that our countrys got to overcome. We know weve got bigger challenges here. But weve also got to stand for what is right and what is honest. And im on that side. Im waiting for my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to join in. Representative stevens, gloria borger, appreciate your time. Thank you both. With the second Impeachment Trial the former president now less than two weeks away the timetable that Many Senate Democrats are now predicting. Thats next. Lets get checked for ourselves. Lets get checked for those around us. Lets get checked for a full range of conditions. Introducing letsgetchecked a Health Testing you do at home. Lets get round the Clock Support from a team of nurses. Lets get fast, accurate results. Know your health. Know yourself. Order now at Letsgetchecked Dot Com what if you could have the perspective to see more . At morgan stanley, a global collective of thought leaders offers investors a broader view. We see companies protecting the bottom line by putting people first. We see a bright future, still hungry for the ingenuity of those ready for the next challenge. Today, we are translating decades of experience into strategies for the road ahead. We are morgan stanley. The prosecution and defense teams gear up for the former president s second Impeachment Trial. Many Senate Democrats are saying it should be a short one. Days, for example, not weeks. That is what connecticut democrat Richard Blumenthal said today and his remarks were echoed by others. As for the outcome, hard to imagine today there will be enough votes for conviction but as noted constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe cautioned in a tweet, wait for a trial before assuming its all over. Professor tribe is the author of to end presidency spt power of impeachment. He joins me now. Professor tribe, thanks for being with me. What do you make of that, that even some prominent democrats at this point are looking for this to be over and quickly. What does it say to you about the trial or their expectations of it . Well, theyre hoping that the dramatic evidence of a president launching a violent attack on the capitol, leaving people dead, threatening to kidnap others, threatening to hang the Vice President , will not take all that long to present. And they are hoping that even though 45 of their colleagues on a procedural motion have basically said lets get it overw we dont really want to try this case, that once the nation sees in vivid color exactly how bloody this violent attempt by the president to steal the election was that they will decide to convict rather than acquit and that they will decide to disqualify this man from ever again holding office. It shouldnt take very long. But its going to have to be presented in full. And thats what im confident the House Managers will do. Republican senator rand paul, as you know, asked for a vote on tuesday about the constitutionality of trying a former president. He invited law professor Jonathan Turley to flesh out the argue tomt oppose the trial in a meeting with gop senators prior to the vote. Can you give us a sense of how that argument is received among constitutional scholars on both sides of the aisle . Have republicans signed on to something which is largely considered debunked . Well, Jonathan Turley, i have to say, is something of a hack. He himself wrote the very opposite not that long ago. He will say what he needs to say. But the overwhelming majority of scholars believe that the constitution does not contain a twoweek loophole during which anyone who tries to steal an election can then have kind of open season because you cant complete a senate trial before the inauguration of the next president. That would be an astonishing loophole in the constitution. Whatever turley may think, its not there. The framers were not that stupid. Ill read Something Else that you wrote today on twitter. You said, nearly as vital as convicting and disqualifying trump is rejecting the proposed Transition Loophole that would give any defeated tyrant a twoweek open Hunting Season between 6th and 20th to commit whatever high crimes he chooses without ever facing a Senate Impeachment trial. Do you think republicans actually understand they could be creating a new precedent as a result of their actions, this Transition Loophole as you wrote . They may not understand it y yet. But when jamie raskin, who as a professor of Constitutional Law before he became a congressman, when hes done and when the other eight really extraordinarily talented House Managers are finished, they will surely understand it. What they will understand is that if you set up an institutional scheme under which a president who is simply unwilling to take the verdict of the people and to take their verdict that he is out, who claims that its a fraud unless he wins and who twists arms and does everything he can to overturn the result of a free and Fair Election and then when that doesnt work he storms the capitol with hundreds of people with arms, theyll understand that when that happens you cant then say that between that date, which is always january 6th, and the end of the president s term, which is two weeks later, that unless you can get him fully tried by the end of that time he turns into a pumpkin, hes out there raising hell but he cant be tried, he cant be convicted, he cannot be disqualified. You know, a usa today poll just yesterday, 2 3 of the people said they dont want this man ever to hold office again. And yet hes consolidating support among a rather violent 1 3 and he will be back. If not him then someone smarter. Unless we avoid creating this ridiculous loophole because otherwise at the end of any president s term if hes not satisfied with the Election Results its open Hunting Season. Its really scary. I think people may not yet understand what a horrifying precedent that would set. But they will by the end of this trial. We shouldnt assume that peoples minds are fully made up. Im willing at least to say that we ought to give people a chance to hear the evidence. Professor Laurence Tribe, i appreciate it. Thank you very much. Thank you, anderson. Just ahead, we have new comment from dr. Anthony fauci on whether current vaccines will be effective against that more virulent strain of covid first detected in south africa which is now confirmed to be here in the United States. His words when we continue. Well, you see here. Theres a photo of you and theres a photo of your mommy and then theres a picture of me. 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What were going to be finding out soon, literally likely within the next couple of days, is whether or not that the vaccines that are used, that we use, or that are equivalent to the ones we use are actually effective or not. He added that early data from a Vaccine Trial for the company novavax suggests the vaccines may not be as effective against new more virulent strains and that a booster would need to be used to address them. Adding another hurd toll a Vaccine Rollout thats obviously been far from perfect. Another concern are about these two new cases discovered in South Carolina, No Known Travel History nor connection between the individuals. Some perspective now from dr. Leana wen, a senior medical analyst and former Baltimore Health commissioner and our chief medical correspondent dr. Sanjay gupta. So sanjay, part of what we learned today about the two cases of the new variant in South Carolina is these two people were tested weeks ago in early january. What does it tell us about whether there are other cases out there and what should the Biden Administration be doing about sequencing . Yeah. Well, it almost assuredly means theres other cases out there and probably a lot of other cases out there, as you mentioned, No Known Travel History and no known connection between these two people. So they havent been able to find through Contact Tracing other people yet that either may have infected these two or that they have infected. But its surely out there. I think it raises a couple points. One is that we do need to be doing a lot more Genetic Sequencing. I mean, keep in mind we still need to be doing more testing overall. But heres the issue. You know, if you when youre doing Genetic Sequencing you can start to find these variants much earlier. In the uk, for example, theyre doing about 5 of their samples are getting in genetic sequence. Here were doing closer to. 3 . And what they say is if youre getting between 5 and 10 youre going to have a much better chance of catching these variants. So thats really the issue. Just to give you a little context, you know, if you look at the uk variant the first confirmed patient with the uk variant in this country will be one month tomorrow. It was December 29th. Now, a month later, that variant has been found in 30 states and theyve gone back and looked at samples even before December 29th and found that it was already there before then. The point is it happens and it happens quickly once these variants start to spread. Dr. Wen, to that point theres a travel ban for nonu. S. Citizens traveling from south africa that goes into Effect Tomorrow night at midnight. It seems like is that enough . What should american travelers be doing when they reenter the u. S. From south africa and should there be a 14day mandatory quarantine in place . I think that would also help. I mean, i do think the travel ban for nonresidents will do something because it will likely weed out some individuals who were asymptomatic, are not residents, and who would have otherwise traveled here. I also think that the mandatory Testing Requirement will do something as well because if nothing else its going to deter people from traveling because the Testing Requirement is pretty difficult depending on where youre going in the world. But i think we should be looking at mandatory quarantine as other countries have done, and i think we need to do a lot more when it comes to these variants here in the u. S. As well because ultimately we need to be Controlling Community spread in the u. S. Since the South African variant but certainly the uk variant are already here. And sanjay, dr. Fauci was talking to us about this last night on our town hall, about the boosters that are being created now for the vaccine for the variants. How long a process is that . Well, theres sort of two possible booster sort of strategies here. One is to essentially give a booster of the existing vaccine. So instead of two shots, for example, it would be three shots. And the idea is to just create even more of these neutralizing antibodies with the hope that it sort of it helps cover these new variants. But the other sort of booster would be one that is more t tailored toward this particular variant, the South African variant in this case. And thats its basically retooling the genetic code. Right now the genetic code is for a very specific portion of the virus, the spike protein of the virus. It would still be for the spike protein but take into account these mutations. That process probably about six weeks, they say. Its not very long to actually create that new mrna platform. You do have to then do some basic Safety Testing again, phase 1 Safety Testing. But you remember, anderson, dr. Fauci said after that phase 1 is done they can sort of bridge the data with the other data thats been collected on the previous vaccines. That can sort of accelerate the process so within a couple of months you could have potentially a retooled vaccine. And novavax says its uk Phase Three Trial shows 95. 6 efficacy against the original strain of the virus. Dr. Fauci was not that happy with its efficacy against the variants are what have you learned about this . We can show you the numbers. Some of this data is just coming out. As you mentioned, against the original virus, pretty effective. But once you start to look at the uk data, im sorry, the uk variant, it drops to closer to 85. 6 . The South African variant, still early data, phase 2b data, but 60 . Its not bad, everything is going to be measured compared to what were used to hearing, which is 90 plus. But theres clearly a dropoff with these vary atbats. Variants. In the 94 have a vax trial, they had a site in south africa and 90 of the people in the trial in south africa had the South African variant, the ones that got infected. Its there, its spreading over there clearly, weve got some idea what the current vaccines effectiveness is against it. Now theres a brazilian variant, the South African, the uk variant. The longer this goes on, are there more variants . And do they get weaker or do they get stronger . This is exactly the problem, that there are other variants. Just by nature of this being rna virus that mutates, the more it replicates, the more its going to mutate. When you have selective pressure, you also will be selecting for the mutants that are the most contagious and spread the most easily. When you look at where these variants have already come up that are already contagious brazil, south africa, uk these are places where there has been a lot of Community Spread. Where else has there been a lot of Community Spread . Here in the u. S. Its possible there are homegrown variants here that may be more contagious. Because we havent been doing that level of genomic surveillance we havent been picking up on it but that makes it more crucial to expedite vaccines. People are saying, if theres a booster shot, let me wait until theres a booster. But exactly thats the opposite response. Because of how this is spreading we need to vaccinate people and give them immunity now. Thank you so much. D. C. Was like a fortress for the inauguration, now were learning some of the fencing may become permanent in an effort to prevent any other attack against the capitol. Suggestions causing some pushback, details on that next. They know exactly which parking lots have the strongest signal. I just dont have the bandwidth for more business. Seriously, i dont have the bandwidth. Glitchy video calls with regional offices . Yeah, thats my thing. With at t business, you do the things you love. 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With the department of Homeland Security warning of a heightened state of threat by domestic terrorists inspired by the attack on the capitol, the acting chief is calling for permanent Security Measures around the capitol, including one that has met with resistance by current members of congress. The acting police chief in a statement said shes considering and kind of advising that there be permanent fencing around the capitol. Obviously this has caused quite a stir here. The mayor here saying she does not want to see that. Then both republicans and democrats on both sides of the aisle here voicing their disagreement with this. Of course, the capitol is this open, sprawling complex that really you can get very close to and walk around. This would be a significant change around the capitol. You know, something perhaps that we havent seen since 9 11 at some government buildings across the country, security stepped up as a result of that. This now would change the dynamics completely of the capitol. We have yet to hear from nancy pelosi on it. So well see what happens. And as you said, of course this coming as theres this high alert here in washington, d. C. Just today we learned of an arrest of a 70, 71yearold man who had a gun in his car after he was stopped by Capitol Police. Then he had some concerning literature, writings in his vehicle with the names of some of the lawmakers. It just highlights and shows the concern all across washington, d. C. Today. You also have an update on a man photographed with his feet on Nancy Pelosis desk. Yeah, today was his bail hearing. He had a hearing in washington, d. C. And the judge just was not having it, anderson. She really had some blistering attack on him. His name is richard barnett. Everyone by now knows him. He has his feet on a desk inside Nancy Pelosis desk. And she really went at him. She called what he did an assault on american democracy. She said he was brazen, entitled. She was that, you can still see the remnants of what he did, what hes alleged to have done, just outside of her courthouse. The courthouse is just blocks from the capitol. As a reminder, she said, you can look outside the window, you can see what you are accused of doing, the result of that. She said that we are still living in d. C. With the consequences of that violence. She then said that he was dangerous and she was going to be keeping him in jail as he awaits trial, anderson. Have there been any updates from the fbi . One of the things theyre most concerned about talking to sources is for lawmakers, as they start to leave d. C. , as they start going home, weekends, things like that, theres a lot of concern over their safety. So theyre trying to work with them to see how Law Enforcement can step up security for some of these lawmakers. Shim kon prokupecz, thank yo. Chris . I am chris cuomo, welcome to prime time. Youve heard about what happened with reddit in gains town . We have people on both sides of this story. We have the man who created the reddit forum that led to the game stop forum, and the ceo of the app robin hood who created a new firestorm today. How . Ill tell you. It is going to be something that united aoc and senator ted cruz against that organization and him. Amaz

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