china to taiwan and beyond and he said, just before that line, isolationism was not the answer 80 years ago and it is not the answer today in effect, saying it is good to celebrate those great moments. great tests met from the past. but we're being tested again. and the challenge now just to meet that test and to tim naftali is point that was not a certain answer in 1939 or 41, or 1944, there were many in this country quite powerful people who argued much as we're hearing, argued today, that the sacrifice was too great, that the war in europe was not america's war, much as you hear today about ukraine pain are about taiwan they could have won the argument right? it was not certain that the us was going to join this war. fdr for years, it was pearl harbor that lead to that ultimate decision so biden's point in effect is, while you're celebrating that moment 80 years ago you have to in his view, make the same