Patagonia, rei and north face. Theyre calling on advertisers to boycott facebook through july for allowing racist, violent and verifiably false content on its platforms. Facebook is taking steps reviewing the policies and commitmented to equality and Racial Justice will this boycott pose a major threat to facebooks futures we always said it doesnt matter unless advertisers start to pull out. Is this the beginning of the trickle becoming a more sizable flow. Its an interesting flow, unless your a part of the free hans solo crowd, some people know what im talking about, i find it fascinating those three Companies Made the list. With that said, i think it is a big deal because its not going to be the end. Its just the beginning. To your point. And weve said when advertisers start to pull away this is the existential risk they face market clearly doesnt clear valuation wise 25 times next years earnings, facebook isnt really that expensive, but this is a exist existential risk in my opinion. What do you think, given the way the stock is run. Another thing to keep in mind 98. 5 of their revenue is derived from ads and the political environment were in, in a election year, all of the headlines we have, i just dont understand why, you know, we wouldnt take the proper measures needed to make sure propaganda, hate speech, are eliminatied from th platform. All you would think is one fortune 500 company, i would think, to say were on board guy mentioned this is a very specific group of company. Right. But you get a starbucks on board and all of a sudden the dam breaks so, whats been happening, to that point, is that all during the course of this, as we see corporations react, weve seen just that. So weve seen little incremental changes, but then it sort of changes the tide so, if you wind up getting huge compani companies, this is going to leave more than just an incremental hit on facebook. If you look at this year, google, their at revenue is coming in this year. This is a year where facebook should actually be a bigger part. Theyre a digital their digital presence is bigger, theyre growing. They dont want any hiccups to upset it but theyre also trying to wade in the waters and do it as sort of a i dont know want to use the word politically correct, but for lack of another word, theyre trying to do this in a measured way where they dont want to be the judge and jury right so, right now i think that the stock is looking past it. I dont know to your point if this bill if its going to be a massive headwind but right now the stock is looking past it as a temporary change. One of the groups backing these proposed changes is the naacp one bright spot thats come out of all of the protests in the ults is the United States is that companies have donated a lot to organizations including naacp, half million Banana Republic 250,000 electronic arts. Amazon air bnb. All donating to the naacp. Do Companies Risk looking like hypocrites if they are donating money to the naacp but dont join in and say facebook review your policies do something about this. Brands are in a huge position to implement change, some of the brands, whether people who love the you overtime doors, going for a hike, and pitching a tent. This tends to be environmentally Conscious Group of people. These are brands with very, very loyal followings, brands with an opportunity to distinguish themselves not that these companies are being opportunistic, but it cements your place with your Loyal Customer the issue with facebook is it ha been the scale they have in the social media world theres nothing that even comes close to them so brands can architec so brands can act in the shortrun, see how it goes in the long run, and for facebook its hard to know what the conversation is going on but clearly theres been some sense to first not be the ashitor of truth and then to follow through, we will go with the prevailing players of social media and play in the same lane. Its clear facebook wants to be on some level and clear always the epicenter on social media and how some of the issues will play out in the shortrun, not surprising brands have always been first. Nikes has been first, starbucks you mentioned, part of their identity is are theed in the is rooted in the social fabric of the country its one month, well see how long it goes. So who could be the next big advertisers to pull out. Joining us founder and ceo of ad agency great speaking with you. In terms of what these Companies Stand for, the consumers, the brands appeal to, if you had to think of other companies that might share a similar Cross Section of people with the same views, who do you think of its interesting. Obviously you think of the top advertisers, nikes, proctor and gambles, the pepsi it is so strong for the outdoor brands the obvious core brands of the same category are the tip of the iceberg so if this really catches on, you could see a sitewide, biggest brands from top to bottom. Right in this period where companies are facing pressure to cut costs, could this be simply an opportunity also to reset their ad spend because everybodys saying this is only through july. Thats a very good point even if facebook faces a boycott through july its limited tiech. Could this be an opportunity for companies to say were going to right size our ad spend and add july and might go back in a reduced way. Yeah, i think more importantly, this is a great opportunity for facebook to really take a stance on compliance i was thinking of other industries around longer than social media, digital advertising, the outdoor industry, television, radio. And theres a lot more compliance that goes into when an ad is submitted thinking through the implications of that ad. So i think this is a great opportunity for the industry, for facebook, to really look at what compliance means in this new age of instant advertising where anyone can go on and create an ad and post it in seconds. I really think thats more of an opportunity to reset, if were going to reset anything, to reset spending. You dont think of this as potentially companies saying were not going to go back to facebook in the dollar size we were going, we were advertising before this boycott. I dont think any company is going to be able to avoid facebook you know, facebook is here they own instagram they own other companies and theyre consumers that are using these networks if the consumers went away from the networks then the advertisers would follow but i dont think that will happen any time soon, if ever. So i think the companies the advertisers are going to go where the consumers are. Especially with targeting they will be able to reach their consumer in a very niche, specific way, so its not just broadcast advertisering and they could shift more budget towards targeted ads but theyre definitely going do go back to facebook its only a matter of time frank, thanks appreciate it. Of five tier thats a good point. Its always chicken and egg argument, the consumers are there so the advertise ooh rs g there. Advertisers pull out then what its interesting to think of protests happening nationwide but snnothing happening online. Yeah and the saving grace for facebook is the stock is trading at an alltime high. It all falls under a cloud of doesnt matter because the stocks gone high er for now my sense is others will fall in line and theres been no alternative. I know steve talked about this for a long time and weve talked at it at length last month and half but snap chat was left for dead for a long time there was a 6 stock and facebook was about to put that company out and facebook got their own problems, i think they took their eye off the ball and now all of a sudden snapchat is a viable competitor, that stock has done really well so yes, theres no place else to go right now but there will be other places to go. Dont discount the fact i think at a certain point the dennisons of facebook may start leaving in droves as well. Lets talk more what this could mean on facebook shares and bring in fast money friend jean always great to speak with you. This is only through july, yes, but weve heard from companies, im thinking of expedia in regards to google but still, the point is there that the papadopoulos is offering the pandemic is offering the Company Opportunity to reset ad spending. Companies are going to boycott facebook for the move july could come out and say this is a good time to say maybe we dont go back in the size we were before. I think its unlikely ive learned a lot about facebook over the past year and half i predicted when theres a greater awareness how toxic facebook and social media was, that there would be a new awareness of people that would start to moderate time on social media. Apple came out with tools around screen time. At the time facebooks users, though the biggest user base monthly in the world growing at 5 has continued to grow at 5 over the last six quarters and my Lesson Learned is despite all of its shortcomings is people are largely addicted to the endless, mindless scroll when you talk about the chicken and the egg, ultimately, both those come down to the user base are the users there. It continues to grow i think one of the disappointing parts about this, with these advertisers that made announcements is how quick they were to say they were going to likely come back in august what that means to me is theyre making a statement, showing some form of support around the topic, ultimately theyre going to embrace facebook as a platform, because theres really no other place to go, and so, they are ultimately valuing their bottom line more than they are the cause that they report to be supporting hey, gene, its tim i know youre not a digital, ad marketing guy per se, youre talking about a world suddenly theres software advertisers the will see where their ads are going and context how theyre being consumed, the ads, doesnt it mean advertisers have a lot more control and can mon manipulate the outlets that much more theres hot companies that do just this. It feels like this is the right time for that. Definitely the right time the environment is there the need around traditional methods are continuing to be governed. If you look at apple announcements today about blocking some Traffic Monitoring going on, theres more opportunity around that. Ultimately it comes down to where the people are, the users and the time spent, thats been the piece thats unfortunately surprised me over the past year and half is that even though theres new tech out there is that i can not foresee anything really trying to get humanity back on a track and ultimately advertisers on a track im not trying to politicicize anything going on here, making a simple comment that when you look at great Tech Companies that are ultimately changing the world i think it needs to be to change the world for the better and i think that you can build an argument that facebook season hide on that topic facebook is behind on that topic. Very diplomatically put, gene on making the world a better place. Gene, always great to speak with you. Thank you. Thank you. Gene munster of luke ventures if you own a stock should this be a concern. Should this factor in . I think this is an interesting notion that facebook is behind on that effort to make the world a better does that matter if youre in the stock . The short answer, unfortunately, is no at the end of the day were all about margin, profitability and reach. As we have all said, facebook has that in droves what i will say is that the Political Climate does seem to be changing and weve seen it across the nation. And for what has gotten facebook to this point is being at the cutting edge of trend season setting and being able to take data and process it in nano seconds. They would be remiss not to take this into consideration in terms how its being perceived with the customer base. But the it short answer, no, i dont see it effecting the bottom line. I assume the companies decided to pull back ad spin in the interim represent only a small percentage of income and revenue streams. All right lets turn now to some ad efforts over at amazon that company seeing Charm Offensive after months of blowback in working conditions and much more. Now with that story. De amazon decided if you cant fight them charm them. Theres a video of jeff bezos getting a Temperature Check and social distancing and masked and another work houseworkers talking about the opportunities amazon has afforded him. The company has even agreed to make bezos available to host antitrust investigation something they resisted at first as amazon faces pressure from employees activists and lawmakers and regulators on a number of fronts treatment is in in europe concerns it could use data to unfairly compete another issue thats been ramping up over the last few months is amazons treatment of warehouse employees a mid the can pandemic. Some saying the company hasnt enough to protect them and signs blue color workers reaching corporate employees. It along with facebook led Tech Companies in lobbying spent in the First Quarter of the year. And of course this is election year. Welltimed amazon, right yeah, i mean, amazon has really turned into an etf unto itself they seem to navigate the waters pretty well. Every time i look at year to date performance on amazon i have to scratch my head to make sure im seeing the right number its a tech spot its a retail play its cloud play. Its everything under the sun. They always seem to navigate it just right stocks up 46 . I think being able to buy fractional shares, you can get a different retail client to it. I havent bought it here i was long at 190. Sold at 650. Went in and out, to 1,000. So practice what i preach. I havent bought it here but i see why people would want to own this conglomerate of amazon the way it is now. Guy, you think amazon needs to spend this on these ads, they air on cnbc, full disclosure, theyre riveting, they really tell a good story. Charm offensive i mean, i just, i love the sound of it. Do they need to spepd spend it why not. They prove they can spent money on anything and the stock is impervio impervio impervious seems he bought that telescope to star gaze thats wonderful interesting. We had mark cuban on the show prior to amazons earnings and asked him point blank, are you staying with the stock, he said absolutely categorically yes wound up everybody was right, if you recall it made alltime high in the number and traded to 2240 in a week or so. Its another name you can game it a little bit. If you just want to own it and come back five years from now and have a conversation i can understand why people would do that as well. Quick last comment, tim i think antitrust around amazon has been a theme for two or three years ecommerce is going to be 35 by 2025 and they are 30 of that market now its only 19 now. Its amazons world and we live in it. Coming up, shares of American Airlines hitting turbulence. Tell you what got the company so nervous. And why one of the most popular stocks of be robinhood could be the winner of in the Sports Betting market fast money back in two with exceptional offers. Get zero percent financing and make no payments for up to 90 days on all 2020 lexus models. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Experience amazing i geh. Common bird. E. Ooh look over here something much better. There it is. Peacock, included with xfinity x1. Remarkable. Fascinating. Very. It streams tons of your favorite shows and movies, plus the latest in sports news and. Huh run the newest streaming app has landed on xfinity x1. Now thats. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity x1 just got even better with peacock premium included at no additional cost. No strings attached. Just say peacock into your voice remote to start watching today. Welcome back to fast money, we have headlines out of the Airline Industry lets get details. The most prominent is American Airlines, down more than 7 , late yesterday the airline announced it is going to try to raise 3 3. 5 billion, doin if in four moves, heres the break down 1. 5 in secured notes 750 million in convertibles 750 million in common Stock Offering and 500 Million Term Loan facility keep in mind 3. 5 billion is separate from the 4. 75 billion that the airline is discussing in terms of a loan with the treasury department. So that could be even more capital that they potentially could line up by the end of the month or shortly into July Raymond James estimated, okay, this is how much cash on hand, how many months airlines can survive with the cash on hand, american at 8. 3 months for a point of reference, united at 17. 5 months and then you have southwest, which even if things go terrible from here on out they have enough cash to last for the next 25 months. More than two years. All of this coming at a time, guys, when people are looking, and airlines are looking at ways to raise more capital. Alaska out today raising 674 million. As a look at the Airline Index keep in mind that yes we are seeing more people flying. The high yesterday was 590,000 people but its still down 78 compared to the same day last year. So expect more of these capital race moves to happen with other airlines in months to come. Do you know what the base Case Scenario in terms of capacity what do they assume is terrible and how they get to those numbers of months. Well theyre basing that on the cash burn rate that the airlines have right now and the expectation that that cash burn rate is going to be coming down. Obviously ive watched the notes over the last couple months, its been modified as the airlines came out and said look were at 100 million a day and brought it down to 50 or 60 million and same time have raised a certain amount of capital so they have more cash on hand so it is pay sliding scale that adjusts over time. All right, phil, thanks what jumped out at me was American Airlines, eight plus months of capital. Thats not a long time , yeah no, its not a long time and think its largely in the price of their debt. If you look at delta and southwest, their Balance Sheets are better the transactions that united did friday was 5 billion of klatterizing mileage plus asset i thought was impressive and creative all Things Considered and raises more options for them the Balance Sheets ready critical part of this story. The dilutive treasury share influence along the way. The medium term, who wants to fly, what business will allow their people to fly, who on the other side wants to take that meeting and is the other side willing for that to happen so i think this will take longer than people think. This just seems like, you know, if you would have been on a vaccine, if you believe a vaccine is coming, this is the sector that you invest in. To an extent, but i think youre really getting low in terms of the industries that have the most lefrnl to leverage to the reopening trade. To the Balance Sheet looking at current and quick ratios, these are sub 50 bibs, they dont have a choice here but to raise capital. I can understand they need to mitigate that cash burn, shore up finances and make it to the other side i think theyre essentially telling you the other side of the story which is we need to make sure we have adequate runway to get to the other side. They believe that and they have a lot more access to travellers data, ridership, pricing than i ever would, i am not going to jm in front to be first in line for that coming up, apple with recordhighs, hosting First VirtualWorldwide Developers conference, those details straight ahead. And later, one stock thats worthless, that name and more when fast money returns. Today, that philosophy extends to how we connect with you. We call it, audi at your door. Whether a remote test drive, shopping, tradein, or even service pickup, audi at your door can do this and more at participating dealers. 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Apple posted record close after hosting its annual developers conference, it was all virtual apple announced a range of features across multiple operating systems. Ios 4 t with improved messages and siri and apps. And a in car key to unlock a star car watch os 7 will include sleep tracking the Software ShowScene Stealer was a hardware announcement, specifically mac, apple announcing moving away from intel process cessation process cessatior to usilities to use its own chip. Ours will have better experience with less power. It should come in two years and reduce cost and what does it meanfor intel investors. I checked in with one who doesnt see it as a critical hit yet but strategic concerns with apple saying it can deliver premium pc without intel chips could be a problem because could provide opportunity for rivals this is lately after apple is under fire for how much it charges developers was there any mention of that and i guess maybe the Silver Lining of it being virtual is there arent any vocal people who might show up at the conference, you know, basically protesting the 15 to 30 that apple charges. Yeah virtual benefit of the conference over time is that developers can come and mix and mingle with apple engineers and also each other of course. It will be interesting to see whether they find these conferences fruitful when moved online certainly was different because there was a back draft of tension and scrutiny when it comes to the app store theres was regulators in a high profile fight with an email app david hanson was a wellknown name in tech and what david hansons team has said is they buried the hatchet with apple to lower the tension going into the conference, and the fact that the app store can make developers a lot of money. Wonder how they buried the hatchet. Well the issue with that app was that if you downloaded the app it didnt work, this is the argument made, that its not going to happen on the store so david hanson and team came up with a new version of the app, a free temporary version and app approved according to hanson well see where it goes from here. Okay. Josh, thanks with the latest guy, who you do you trade this monster, recordhighs here. Amazing to have such indepth interviews with apple and still star on magnum pi on friday night. Kudos to do both thats number one. Two, it speaks volumes to the Stock Performance since apple said see you later its a great miss. I think actually this for intel, if you go back a week, the price started at 65. I think it gets there. In terms of apple, im not a crazy apple nut but over past two years you seen the stock go from alltime high 225 to 150 in a straight line, and recorded. And recently alltime 325 and traded to 240 and recovered. Monster moves in a huge company and the stocks given opportunity and you will get another at the next alltime high 325. I think theres a couple things going for apple people are chasing four or five Balance Sheets and so theyre buying apple when you get rotation to value they buy apple they win on both hands now you have services. Closing in on 50 billion in revenue. I have to assume that shelter in place is only going to foster that its going to be a tailwind. Then you have 5g on top of it. I dont deny what guy says i think you get an opportunity im long, i might add on that opportunity. Coming up, new alltime highs, Jack Dorsey Square how high it can run. And virgin territory, sending man kind into the stratosphere, what it means for virginia gallactic. Up next. Irving welcome back to fast money, square today hitting a fresh alltime high. Uping the price on the stock to a new street high. Square seeing cash app user growth as well as signs of improvement in the Small Business space tim you flagged this specifically theyre talking about the data theyre getting based on its original nation of ppp loans. Its extraordinary the merrimack vallperformance of the cash out is one of the drivers of its hard to say, you do Scenario Analysis and its around 2 billion, 2. 5 billion around the baseline. Its extraordinary story the seller eco system is proving to be very resilient the question is what do you want to pay for this company. Ive been a longterm holder and every time i sell shares i kick myself i still have a smaller position. The rerating, this company has moved 140 in about 55 sessions or hell or really off those lows im holding my breath, i think this move at this point has priced in an extraordinary high output for cash out. Longer term guy has a note out about square and its interesting because they said square originated in six weeks in terms of the loan, the dollar amount, what it normally originates in 4. 5 months big banks are seeding that part of the business to square who can do it more efficiently and they have much more data to do it with. Its incredible, right. Karens been on this as well, tim, i know. I think weve all been collectively bullish i dont know think we thought it would get here a lot of people necessarily didnt pay pal is another one fascinating going back a few years, a lot of people are saying its just a hardware company, whats it worth, its going to be commoditized and we sort of pushed back for some of the reasons were seeing now and at the time a lot of people saying this would be a perfect bolt on for apple and probably would have been in retrospect. Im with tim i think you need to look for another opportunity to buy it. Problem is pay pal and square have been parabollic for the last month or month and half theres not been a pull back to buy. Coming up, sports game belling is a hot gambling is a hot stock. And big buzz for hertz who says the base case is zero for e thstock. Ouch much more after the break. More fast money in two cool . Drop the taco. Get in the car. Does this sentra feel like a compromise to you . Wait, what. . The handling is good, right . No compromise there. Nope watch this. Umm. Bbrie. Brie brie rear automatic braking. So if this Nissan Sentra isnt gonna compromise, why should you . Youre right atta girl. The allnew Nissan Sentra. With more standard safety features than any other car in its class. Can i find an Investment Firm with a truly longterm view thats been through multiple market cycles for over 85 years . With capital group, i can. Talk to your financial professional or consultant for investment risks and information. Welcome back to fast money. Go to buzz kill. Morgan stanley putting a hurt on hertz saying its base case for the stock is a goose egg, zero, nothing. This name has seen a lot of retail trader interest after filing for bankruptcy late last month saying theres no reason to be in this stock. Said it time and again the retail trader still holds this one i dont know what to say here. Yeah, listen, im sure a lot of people dont. The stock went from im sort of spit balling but it went from 40 cents to 5. A significant move percentage wise im sure a lot of people made a lot of money, including dave portnoy. Good for them. Adam jones is one of the best analyst out there and if he says base case is zero im listening. Another tumble, draftkings falling after california pulled a bill to legalize Sports Betting. The stock got a lot of attention, one of the most popular names on the robinhood Trading Platform it has done well, more than doubled since began trading in april. Coverage on the stock with buy rating 55 target. Joining us now Senior Analyst david katz great to have you with us. Thank you. The setback in california does it make you cautious how much more states will legalize it does not of what we have indicated all day today that states are going to legalize. The biggest ones, which include california, new york, florida and texas, its going to be messy. Theyre politically complex. California in particular, has a number of wealthy and powerful tribes, theres money to be made so it is going to be complicated. We have high confidence these states get there the Political Landscape is such where governors need money. Land based casinos are suffering a little bit heres the opportunity to make some one way or another its going to get done. So that seems like a push full, david, in terms of the tribal casinos needing to make money. They might be hurting because of the pandemic but the states need money also and they might want to legalize. Yeah, it does sound like a push pull, having covered gaming for 20 years now, i think this is year 20, we always have political complexes where theres a pot of money and tug of war over who gets what. The tribes in california in particular as you referred to have been very successful over the years. They have frequently, periodically, going back to governor schwarzenegger got into battles over how much tax they should contribute to the state but end of the day they wind up with Productive Enterprises and she pay their fair share to the state. We believe it will happen in florida, it will ultimately happen in new york tabd is happening in illinois. As those states happen the neighboring states fal like dominoes it will happen again now. You mentioned the momentum in the market share in new jersey which would imply a domino effect in the tristate area i want to ask you, does a recession impact gambling or make people want to gamble more, what have you found the impact is. I think the one difficult to answer question is how much wagering is going on in the illegal markets that will transfer over into legal markets . And then, how much new incremental play will there be as a result of legalality. You know that first part is a very difficult question, melissa, to answer the second one is a person like myself who i do not have a bookie but should it become legal i can tell you that my friends and i have a text going around with my causes and dad for six years batting on what the next batter is going to do that ingame waging opportunity which we did Consumer Survey work around is a very compelling opportunity in the u. S. , much more so than in europe, i think how much of that wagering will be captureed by the common man like myself is a big opportunity remains to be answered in time. David, thank you for joining us. My pleasure. David katz. A lot of what david talked about the black market, just like marijuana, with the pot industry, which were still trying to figure out right now totally no, i mean, bringing it into the elicit market into the regulated market is an important part of this dave talked about the complex regulatory landscape, it is a metaphor bottom line, whether legal or illegal people love to bet and gamble, theyre going to do more of it. I think Media Companies will be in the middle of this and you can argue draftkings is 14 or 15 million Media Company. Igames d absolutely and in game as just discussed i think is such a massive market that getting exposure to this is what people want to do. I hate this valuation. But i can hold my nose on this one. Yeah, i i know nothing about gambling or sports so this is a convergence of things i know nothing about, with that said, i mean, just hearing about the opportunities for ingame wagering sounds really interesting in terms of if it becomes legal in different places not just draftkings but could be something that Media Companies that broadcast sports may want to be in as well. Absolutely and i can assure you i probably know less about gambling than you, but i do know the bookie and the house always wins and they position themselves primely to take advantage of that. Between the ingame betting and proliferation of esports and online sports, you seen all of the pauses in the major sports leagues and what youve seen is Online Gaming kind of fill that void, and the fact theyre diversifying themselves to not only ingame betting but also to that growing, burgeoning sector, speaks volumes of the foresight of the company sorry to interrupt. No problem. What i was going to say is the fact that neither one of know all that much about it sorry no fine, go ahead. I was going to say, sometimes if you dont know, those tend to be the best gamblers i can belt james paxton can freeze the koala bear with uncle charlie im in i love how david tells the world. Is he happy. Might have one if things are lemized. Legalized. Anonest analyst. Knock to hide. Coming up. Looking for a golden opportunity, the precious medal set to soar. When fast money returns that and more woman my reputation was trashed online. I felt completely helpless. My entire career and business were in jeopardy. I called reputation defender. Vo take control of your online reputation. Get your free reputation report card at reputationdefender. Com. Find out your online reputation today and let the experts help you repair it. Woman they were able to restore my good name. Vo visit reputationdefender. Com or call 18778668555. Swithout even on yoleaving your house. 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Gold hitting its highest level in more than a month, sent options traders running to the myopathy beers today miners today what were seeing today is calls about pace puts about two and three times the one today, what really jumped out was gdx june 26th weekly, calls traded 35 times around 64 cents, put you squarely two percent higher than the current spot of the person putting this trade on is essentially managing that portfolio, moving from more speculative plays to a bit more high quality plays in gld while still continuing to let that money continue to work as many traders pointed out we have seen positive correlation between vol and stock market as well as between gold and stock market thanks, be sure to tune in friday for the full share 5 30 eastern time coming up the out of world deal sending virgin airlines. Details when fast money returns. Can i find an Investment Firm with a truly longterm view thats been through multiple market cycles for over 85 years . With capital group, i can. Talk to your financial professional or consultant for investment risks and information. Welcome back to fast money an out of this world day for shares of Virgin Galactic, the private Space Company inking a deal with nasa to help train civilian a astronauts to make trips to the International Space station, to make Space Tourism a possibility. This is in a bucket with tesla and all of these alternative energy, futuristic kind of companies. This is almost one you have to own just for the scarcity value. Theres not any pure plays the way this one is. Think of the etfs it will be included in, any and all of them, and it will be heavily weighted towards this name so you dont have to chase it on huge up days but iffor playing this sector theyre few and far between, id own this one. Civilian astronauts, what do you make of that if i want to get motion sickness i will watch deadliest catch while eating a p beyond meat hamburger zero interest for me its one of those lottery tickets that seem to be doing well. I remember you got sick when doing the vr thing. I couldnt come to work the next day. Exactly space would be bad news for you, thats for sure. All right. Time for the final around horn, what do you say . Going to give you another way to play the gold sector and offer gdx upside calls tim. Guess who owns 18 million shares of draftkings, Disney Disney is the type of Media Company that at some point could be getting involved in this sector in the meantime the valuation is continuing to look interesting relative to the openings after covid19 i should have known you like space, with that big telescope you got behind you yeah. And i thought tim was just about to drop a bomb and say he was the one that owns 18 million shares of draftkings i was thinking why is he doing the show anyway lets keep it consistent im going with spce, Virgin Galactic holdings, wait for a pull back, buy it now. That one. Intel big gain. In my opinion i think intel goes higher. Thanks for watching fast money. Back here tomorrow with remo my mission is simple, to headac make you money im here to level the Playing Field for all investors. There is always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. Mad money starts now hey, im cramer. Welcome to mad money. Welcome to cramerica other people want to make friends, im just trying to make you money. My job not just to entertain, educate, teach call me 800743cnbc or tweet me at jim cramer. Dow gaining 154 and s p advancing and nasdaq climbing