Nasdaq up 0. 11 . Theres something important we need to know right here and right now. We have to think about, do activist investors help create wealth or do they destroy it are they a force for good for you or force for bad these are the questions we need to grapple with given that just this morning Procter Gamble narrowly defeated an attempt by nelson peltz to get a board seat putting an end to a bitter proxy fight that weve all been involved with and talked about here now, look. This is very much case by case thing. There are some scorch earth activists who specialize in creating ill will. Nothing else i think those days are largely behind us. At least when it comes to smart activists who know what theyre doing. Let me lay out some individual examples to show you what i mean about this Important Group of investors and what they mean for your pocketbook. Lets start with Procter Gamble, the gigantic Consumer Products company make no mistake, this is a Great American enterprise. Procter raised its dividend for 58 straight years. Thats one of the reasons it was one of the first stocks i recommended when i worked at goldman in the 80s. Had has a host of categories, household. You use them for much of the last decade procter lost its way for years it seemed like the company was resting on its laurels. If nelson peltz and trian had raised this hachallenge at any time from 2010 to 2015, i had no doubt he would have won handily. I even think the board may have welcomed him since dave taylor took over as ceo two years ago hes done a pretty good job of cutting costs and regaining the companys moment momentum the plan he put in place is already bearing some fruit, but its not perfect peltz doesnt think taylor goes far enough as he sees it, prokt ser a topheavy company where the executives dont have enough accountability whatever you think of the merits of the particular argument, theres no denying peltz is not just another money manager, hes a keen business person ive known him for a long time he knows what it takes to run a successful enterprise. Hes been successful in food and any industry procters management disagreed when david taylor came on the show not long ago. He was vehement that peltz would be dangerous he used the word twice, dangerous shortterm and dangerous longterm. He also questioned the track record of peltzs hedge fund, trian. Procter, the company, was more vocal, more harsh about the damage that peltz could do than anything peltz said. By the way, peltz record is darn good. Lets put that out there normally its the activist who gets more bellicose. Its odd in this case, because i talked to enough executives who have done work with peltz and members of boards hes been involved with. He does terrific homework and has a keen sense of what can make a company better. Thats not enough. My take, look, if it werent for peltz, i bet the stock of Procter Gamble would be lower, maybe substantially lower. The whole Consumer Products base sold off except for this one i like the idea of more accountability for each division i like peltz notion of buying smaller brands and selling them for bigger ones. Procter has too much insular, too much local the stock got i had todhit toda. I think would have gone up if peltz had gotten elected many believe it needs more outsiders, but clearly not enough investors felt that way doesnt surprise me the stock went down a bit. It would shock me if management doesnt take some of peltz suggestions of hard, especially when it comes to the purchase of smaller brands the biggest winner here, you, the shareholders anything that creates more accountability is always a good thing. In the end i think procter was doing too well under taylor for peltz to win this proxy fight. Even had his ideas made sense. I didnt regard peltz as dangerous. Hes only one man. He could have played a valuable role as a questioner in chief of strategic moves. I like that kind of challenge. I feel comfortable enough in my skin to have one obviously the board of direct rts didn ers didnt lets move on and admit he has done good things for the company. Thats one of the reasons im thrilled that General Electric invited peltzs partner at trian, his hedge fund or Investment Fund ed garden to its board of directors ge is a far more troubled company than procter many investors believe that david taylor has already started to turn things around. I agree with that. I didnt think it was fast enough but ge, its pretty clear they need trians help now more than ever new Ceo John Flannery is cleaning house and could benefit from a fresh set of eyes i think getting trian involved could be a godsend for ge. However, i also recognize that the companys earnings estimates likely remain way too high, and, yes, i, too, think that the dividend is in jeopardy. What a tragedy that this Iconic American Company made so many blunders in the last few years, like buying into oil at the high, selling finance at the low, among a host of other mistakes its another situation where activism could have done more than good if management had just listened in the first place. Trian was in the stock a lot earlier with a really good plan to cut costs more aggressively than previous ceos wanted to do i think the stock would be a heck of a lot higher if trian had been heated here now, my trust owns ge. I have to admit i got this one dead wrong i will say so in our Club Conference call tomorrow that i do i thought the company would be doing much better with all of its terrific exposure to aerospace, healthcare, power maybe under flannery it can. I made a big mistake buying this for the trust. Those things are on me i sense that despite the activism things could still get ugly before they get better. A third situation made better by activism that we heard about today, honeywell the Big Industrial has a better record than ge and procter it has one of the best in the world. When the new ceo came in replacing one of my favorite ceos of all time, dave cody, several activists clamored for a breakup of the company he agreed to split honeywell into a Climate Control and Safety Company and a Transportation Company i think the split will create a ton of value given if some express disaappointment. I think theyre wrong. The break up will create two best in Class Companies that dont belong under one roof. It made a lot of sense it took a lot of guts to undue something that cody built, too finally we found out that paul singers Elliott Management took a stake in smith and nephew. This is good for Share Holders as elliott can put pressure on management to conduct more vigorous investments my Charitable Trust owns arconic, the company spun off with alcoa, they got hived off, arconic is the core. Xp semiconductor in part because of the pressure elliott is putting on both businesses to unlock more value. Arconic has no ceo due to being forced out by elliott. Thats a sign it could be taken over nxp is a target of qualcomm, which made a 110 bid so far the bid hasnt attracted enough sellers. Elliott is pushing the stock higher thats why the stock is at 115 5 dollars more than qualcomm is willing to pay thats good activists helping you. I think walmart has an activist. He just happens to be the ceo, doug mcml illan who is putting into place an estrategy company and announcing a buy back today of 20 billion worth of shares. That sernt the stock up sending the dow jones to an alltime high heres the bottom line, some of these activists are better than others generally speaking when a smart activist gets involved its a good thing forev you at home even when they fail to get everything they want, you should be grateful for their work believe me, these stocks, many of these, would be even lower, maybe much lower without the pressure these funds put on management get would have been a heck of a lot higher had they only listened to trian when they had the chance that time has now passed but lets hope they can still put something together to save that Great American company. Lets go to gilbert in texas gilbert. Jim, thank you for having me. Im thrilled youre on the show whats up . Caller wanted your thoughts on Caesars Entertainment they announced theyre getting out of the bankruptcy. They had a recent new ceo who is doing a phenomenal job succeeding Gary Loveland who also did a great job wanted to see what your thoughts were from seize ercaesars recovy coming out of this huge bankruptcy, how do they compare to mgm, resorts and Las Vegas Sands who had a similar story. Gilbert, i like macau and caesars no go. That means i like wynn number one, steve wynn terrific mgm, a hedge position. Terrible tragedy on his watch, had nothing to do with him theres nothing you can do about Something Like that. And then Las Vegas Sands only then would i include caesars. I dont like their balance sheet. Steve wynn is a remarkable businessman. He has been one of my idle dolr than 40 years. I go with wynn abigail in maryland caller hey, cramer y abigail, whats up . Caller im a student at university of maryland i literally just started watching your show last month. Okay. Caller i do not regret it. All right thank you. How can i help caller my question is about flor corporation, their stock has risen over the last month, they had a contract with eco petrol in columbia until 2020, i was wondering what you thought about the future of their company. Im concerned about fluor, they do a lot in the energy industry, i will not recommend it im thrilled a university of maryland student called in one of your great alums, frank wright, is doing remarkable job as an offensive coordinator of the Philadelphia Eagles and is a great and keen mind. Thank you very much for that question yes. I do like it when you get activist pressure. Pressure can make diamonds when an active i giist gets inv in a company, a high quality acti activist, you are the winner many of these stocks would be low werout ter without the pres. One of them, the management of ge should have listened when they had the chance. Coming up, workday, up year to date. Could the move continue . We have the ceo of workday see where the stock is headed. Then technology has been a juggernaut in 2017 helping to lead the market to Higher Ground im going off the charts to see if it can continue to have a hold on the market. And whats the ultimate tell for the Natural Gas Industry im talking wiabout whats ahead for the energy sector. Stick with cramer. Its time for our fall sale on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort your sleep number setting. Does your bed do that . And right now queen sleep number beds start at just 699. Save 200 during the final days our fall sale. Ends sunday. Some things are simply impossible to ignore. The strikingly designed lexus nx turbo and hybrid. The suv that dares to go beyond utility. Experience amazing. We had something to puzzle through. Here tow do you tell the difference between a red hod stock. Consider the case of workday, wday, the cloud base provider of software that help businesses from everything with Human Capital management, to payroll, to employee expense. Weve been behind this stock for ages its up 64 since the beginning of 2017. Workday analyst day is part of workday rivalry. Took place all week in chicago, kind of a festival of the cloud. Company announced a bunch of new products including data and service and an littic office what do we make of all this . Should we be concerned in the stock with huge participation in these adocuments the cofounder and ceo of workday. Mr. Bushman. Welcome back to mad money. Thanks for having me jim. Okay, you made a couple of exciting announcements but i want you to put them in the context of our viewers who might own the stock and say what does it mean to have this Second Chapter of workday Cloud Platform that enables customers to do all new things well, so, since we started the company were focused on building our platform for our own use, for Human Resources and financial nmt software our customers and partners kept asking for access to it to build their applications on top of it. We felt it have ready to open that up. What it means is that, customers and partners can now build applications on top of the workday platform use our rich set of apis, security services, Data Services and for workday over time it will become a another substantiate revenue screen, much like weve seen from other companies. The important meeus of workday weave evolve to a platform morning as time has gone on. Wol you be competing against in this new world . We know that for instance youre doing workday benchmarking, companies can do better to understand your company performance. We have companies that say theyre doing the same thing, so this is not greenfield for you you got to take business again from others, right well, the way were doing data and services is interesting. Because we took a clean sheet of paper and we have that one true system, every customers running the same version what were doing is if a customer opts in and lets us use our data in a way its anonymous, well priefld the bench mark results to them for free for just letting us be apart of work data customers that can only be done by a true cloud provider the other people who talk about it, our typical and legacy competitors. No one can date of birth in a way that we can because we have everyone on the same version of the software can you reveal some of the names of the companies that said, listen we really want to be involved . Well, were up to about 100 customers that have signed on and we just started this effort of our 1800, 100 have already signed on. At this point wed like to keep the names private until they feel more comfortable letting us publicly disclose it by signing up for these agreements they let us use their data in a d i den tied way they can now not just look at their own analysis of the business they can also compare it to their peers. Which is a the west by the way to let everyone know how youre doing on a global front. Five years ago whats this like, whats it like now are people signing up contracts behind you are there customers like a German Company deal being the s ap give us a little bit of the flavor for this year were 8500 people at the conference this year another 5,000 are watching it on live stream. So, its probably ten x from where it was five or six years ago. Weve come a long way. Our contracts really are about customers. Its about sharing with them all the new product updates. Having them Work Together as a community. We now have over 30 on the fortunate 500 including Companies Like semens. That have to use the workday platform one of the things that im proudest of is this net work effect thats being created by customers. Were very very focused on happy customers and, jim, you know weve been that way from the start. These customers are recruiting other customers and becoming this fly will where theres negative affect of customers reaching out to other customers. And its at that skill where were paying off i know were not at a level to talk about customers but were talking about it on tonights show boy comhas been an inquistive company. What does workday do wen they come in and how quickly can you do it versus the other guy so, for a company like broad come or any other companies doing mergers, we got Companies Like pfizer that wen live in the middle of a merger within the span depending on a project of three to four months they can move that acquired company on to a workday platform or in the case of ebay and paypal when they split, that are able to split it within two companies on a workday within a matter of two months i sure wish i could tell people how long it takes to do the other guys but well let them find out. Ceo of workday, thank you for making the time from workday to speak to our viewers, appreciate it sir thank you, jim. Okay. That companys been remarkable mad money will be right back your brain is an amazing thing. But as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. Thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. The secret is an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. So Much Technology has been on fire this year, that goes double for the semiconductor space. Artificial intelligence, mobile gaming, the data center, all possible because of chips. Check has been a jauger naut im not talking about fang here or the company formally known as google im weary of any really led only by fang. I think these are zero to some names. When they win it usually mean somebodys losing but the semiconductor thats a different story. This group can be a terrific leader especially during the economic expansion we have around the gloep were going off the charts with my friend bob lange. Hes a brilliant technician, part of the threeman allstar team behind the street. Com news letter hes going to be joining me in a sponsor seminar. In Broad Strokes this group has been rocking higher for years. You cant tell until you take a look at this chart it shows the generational bottom from march 2009 until now of the van vehicleter semiconductor this is up 1,200 . That is a monster move over the same period, seems trifle, this is really a chart of Commerce Industry progress in the future it makes me feel pretty darn good its not just red hot stocks like nvidia thats powering this there are plenty others going strong here. So can the Semiconductor Stocks keep roaring lets take a look at the daily charts of intel. Nine points after intel now up at the highest levels since the. Com class in 2000. Intel has been insanely impressive this one stock driven a lot of the analysis lately. Take a look at this check and mind flow, thats the cnf. In intels case, the shake and money flow went from negative to positive three weeks ago since then this has gone through the roof in langes view this is a classic on the big institutional manager managers are piling into the stock. We love institutional sponsorship here on mad money. When these hedge funds and mutual funds buy stocks hand over fist you Better Believe its going to get a higher price. Institutional buyer is whats maki make driving stocks higher. The last quarter wasnt even that great and people didnt like the mobile acquisition when they made it lange also notes the turn over has been very robust with the stock up 20 seasons the companys last report three weeks ago. Thats a ridiculously big move from 183 billion company. You never see a mega capitalization stock rallying this quickly intels on report next week and given how much the stock has run since the last quarter, a lot of things pull back on the news remember, the intel of today is not the intel of old under the excellent leadership of ceo brian, a man i really like, companys making more chips for mobile devices acquisition mobilize that i mentioned before giving intel excellent exposure to autonomous driving. These are hot themes im an intel fan, if not an intel alcoholic like i was in the 90s so i can only hope you get the sell off so you can get in todays climb, nothing you got real weakness that goes here, i think lange would say snap it up not every stock connected to the semiconductor stakes havent been working of late its the stock of qualcomm they make chips as well as software behind the Cellular Phone Technology in his view the charts may have turned the corner. Qualcomm should be ready to fly higher why . Nine points after qualcomm made a classic inverse head and shoulders pattern. This one looks like someones hanging up side down its an inverse head and shoulders and one of the reliable patterns in the book. Now qualcomm comes broken out of the neckline of this formangs, lange submits it could be smooth selling up to 2. 6. Now, just as important, qualcomms broken out above its sealing and resistance at 53 bucks. And lange likes the strength index, the r s i, thats right here at the bottom thats an important momentum indicator. Notice its going up he also notes the moving average convergence convergence or what we call the mac d is very bullish here then he reverts to that chicken money flow os later. Thats this green circle lange points out were seeing heavy flow out in 55 and 57 calls. We know how important that is since lots of buyers bet qualcomm will go to at least 60 by the end of the year could the call buyers be right you might remember i was very happy when this company decided to by nxp semi european regulators right now holding the deal up a bit but were hearing qualcomms ready to make some concessions and if we hear encouraging things about the nxp deal, qualcomm has more room to run. Qualcomm will have to pay for upn xp finally, take a look at one that has been the bain of my existence of late, broad com, the long time fav that use to be knowned as aadvantage goes heres a company thats turned its into a semiconductive powerhouse lange likes that broad comhas made a series of higher highs and higher lows. Stocks moving average acting as a support, okay, you see thats in red on top of that he points out that broad come had made a bullish flag pattern tip of this kor mags leads formation leads to a nice break out forecast lange says not to worry, he thinks if it can rally above 2. 50 it will be 4 bucks and change from where its currently trading. He expects the stock will start rallying to 300. Obviously there are a lot of investors who agree with him, hence the strong option flow in the december of january calls. I like the stock here, by travel trust you can follow us well be talking about i tomorrow on our conference call. I think langstons going to be right but i think the stock buy needs time in the interim, this particular move has been quite painful for many people. Now, heres the bottom line, nvidia clu know is my favorite is far from the only Semiconductor Name thats working here the charts is interpretered by bob lange, suggest intels got more upside or will be even better after pull back i think hes got a point, i agree with him on intel, im hopeful about broadcom, qualcomms got a tougher way to hope perhaps the call buyings indicating that patent dispute will be settled, if thats the case, nxp deal comes to fru wigs the stocks going to become more higher lets go to don in massachusetts. Caller hi jim how are you doing today . Im having a good day don, how about you . Caller great a report i read recently, roughly 60 million tons of produce gets discarted in this country every year americans spend over 1 trillion on food and beverages in a year, 160 billion of that gets tossed, 11 of our money being wasted all right caller there is a Company Whose senses are at the forefront of a Breakthrough Technology that can tell you the quality of the food at any different point. These senses will be used by farmers, Grocery Stores and household. Okay. Caller that company is ang log device Analog Device has been on our show don, ive always welcomed them they are great guys. That stock, don, you got a winner in Analog Devices the Semiconductor Stocks have been on fire this year. The charts suggest that there is more up side ahead much more mad money ahead including charisse sue competent. What does he have to say about the sector these days . Is this week the stocks get valued like regular stocks ill tell you what my take is ahead of earnings. And your calls, lightning fire in tonights edition of the lightning round. Stick with cramer. When this bell rings. It starts a chain reaction. Thats heard throughout the connected business world. At t Network Security helps protect business, from the largest Financial Markets to the smallest transactions, by sensing cyberattacks in near real time and automatically deploying countermeasures. Keeping the world of business connected and protected. Thats the power of and. My name is jamir dixon and im a locafor pg e. Rk fieldman most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg e. My truck is something new. Its an 811 truck. When you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you dont hit them when youre digging. 811 is a free service. Im passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. Theyre the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then ill drive it every day of the week. Together, were building a better california. Time to circle back to a major longterm theme that we havent spent much time talking about lately natural gas. We have a vast quantity of gags in this country so much its come down in price pretty hard the thing is natural gas is much more expensive overseas especially in europe and east asia you cant just load the stuff on to a boat and shift it overseas. Many companies are billing liquified natural gas, it can take many years for it to come to fruition. Which brings us to teler yan early last year the stock came public by acquiring the gel and petroleum. Hoover the real business is spending more natural gas export terminals along the golf coast their project is known as driftwood lnc. Although it wont be operational to 2022. The stock has snapping up other liquified gases here and new york i can tell you the team understand the business better than anyone in the world lets check in with the ceo. Welcome back to mad money. Have a seat. Youre doing it again. It was a remarkable thing, wev gone over what happened, no longer interested. Interested in tell lieu yan and its new Business Model because its different than the one that you pioneered. Yes, i think weve changed and its been ten years that we started the ole Business Model two things have happened thats different. The u. S. Is now unquestionably provider of low coast of gas the mark has groan so much that it has designed to a commodities, there is 18 cargoes for sale every day theyre floating around different ships around the world and you no longer have to enter into a longterm contract. You can pick up the phone and say i feed gas on tuesday and youll get it. The thing that concerns me is the huge number of companies that want to be in this industry why is your company, which is not large, and a new company that you have with driftwood, why can you compete against these companies . Two reasons, were good at building the liquid faction ourselves. Which you did it in record time and pretty much in budget and we did it in coming up with a product but we brought in our trains on average at 500 to 550 a ton and we now have our full scan thats surviving this week i would take credit right i think you deserve it. And no one was able to do it closer than what we do if i go down to where the project is, is there anybody working right now . No, its steel piece of lands that we put together so theres a conceptall company right. At the moment yes weve put in countless hours of engineer time both ourselves and backter. Weve been working on this for two years, we spent a couple Million Dollars to put the designs together we finalized the cost were about to finalize the contract with backter as we did last time okay you came on this show when the stock was at 8 bucks and people pretty much didnt believe. It was a concept then. You can do it again . Okay, so the challenge this time that we throw in last week, we told the world we can build the project from production, pipeline and liquid faction facility for 1,500 a ton and deliver the gas on the water for customers thats 8 to you and you own and produce it what about a buck . Somewhere around a buck 50. Thats not a bad return right . Yes the operating of the cost of 75 cents so itll be delivered to asia a little bit less than 5 thats a nice return. Thats a very nice return okay one last question. You said it wasnt going to go down and not come back any time soon still the case i am fairly comfortable with 15 but i have bias because around the world its increasing. And i dont think the u. S. Will be able to keep up i dont know the timing but im starting to get nervous and we might see prices go up okay. Youve been very very good and accurate at everything i have to wish you the best of luck you build sha near and didnt get enough credit but you made our viewers a lot of money and thats what matters to me. The chairman and cofounder of te lur yan. From the earth, thats latin mad moneys back after the break. Most American Homeowners would be shocked if they knew just how rich they were. The average American Home value has increased 40,000 over the last 5 years. But many dont know you can access that money without refinancing or selling your home. With a home equity loan, you can pull cash out of your house for anything you need home improvement, college tuition, even finally getting out of credit card debt. Come to lendingtree. Com to shop and compare home equity loans right now. Because at lendingtree, when banks compete, you win. It is time, time for the lightening round. Play the sound and then lightening rounds over. Are you ready. Bob in oklahoma. Caller thanks for taking my call i wanted to know your opinion on kt ls. Its been one of our favorites. Ron in ohio. Caller mr. Cramer thanks for taking my call im calling about fie bro general. That is extremely speculate tifr as long as youre doing it with a little money that you know you can lose because the company itself has no earnings mike in rhode island mike caller hey jim thanks for good work you do how can i help . Caller i am looking at what seems to be a really interesting price for a buy home purchase of nike as long as you butt put it l that theres going to be multiple quarters before they can break out again. Scott in virginia. Caller were looking at oil scrips i want to hold off all scrips we like cardinals. That ladies and gentlemen is the conclusion of the lightening round. I was having a good round, and then my friend, sheila, right as i was stepping into the tee box mentioned a tip a pro gave her. No. Yep. Did it help . It completely ruined my game. Well, the truth is, that advice was never meant for you. I like you. You want to show me your swing . Its too soon. Get advice thats right for you. Investment Management Services from td ameritrade. Is this the week that banks finally get valued like regular stocks is this the moment we start thinking its ridiculous for stocks like those of jp morgan and bank of america. Training and earnings giving the huge deposits and basic earnings power. Maybe citigroup stock deserves to sell for 14 times earnings. Given the companys 7 in earnings power it should be 98 stock. One of the reasons the bank has been so hot of late the group has been lagging behind the market the cross structure got out of whack during the obama years they made riskier bank impossible now i dont want to go back to the bad ole days before the Great Recession when the ab sorted lack of it will be ridiculous we all know even the bankers themselves the chief and force of those old rules is now gone. He was the feds vice chairman for supervision. He ran rough shot over all bankers as tough as tony west was when he served as the Justice Department me goesnator for the fines you heard about. He made a point of repudiating everything his predecessors did. This guy may be the most important person in the banking business w while you can argue about the american one things clear, its beginning to be fabulous for you who own bank stocks. Lets start with dodd frank. As he said in front of senate, quote practices and adopted since the finance crisis has improved the settlement with finance system with the benefit of experience and reflection, some refinements will be in order, end quote. Translation, he may gut the whole darn thing some would say way too subjective, all that matters is how you enforce rules, the rules themselves dont have to change. If you enforce them lightly its a big difference you might say thats the points, the banks arent supposed to know the answers to the question in advance but making the test to stringent, too arbitrary, i think it forced the banks to be far more conservator than need to be. After that he worked for the Carlisle Group that private equity firm and then his own firm his firm invested in prior businesses, on the website they mentioned they owned 420 burger kings. These are the types of businesses that needs financing and theyve instruct ltd to get it struggled to get it. Why does all this matter if the banks no longer have to guess what the examiners want from them in the stress test, if theyre allowed to increase their difrd did he understand, and dif the normal sense of rate hikes itll make the. Theyll want to talk about the possible yield curve which would happen thats what they control too aggressively id say wait a second. What you need to be thinking about are dividends, buy backs and per share that go up every rate hike. Remember the bank stocks are cheaper. With the economy coming i bet therell become Major Holdings for all they need to do is start getting slightly higher evaluations. If the banks get another leg up i bet well see a nice price in the market if jp morgan and trust bank city behave well to report on thursday therell be magnets for money and a new group ready to roar stick with cramer. And the wolf huffed and puffed. Like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. 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Welcome to the shark tank, where entrepreneurs seeking an investment will face these sharks. If they hear a great idea, theyll invest their own money or fight each other for a deal. This is shark tank. My name is jackie courtney, and i live in brooklyn, new york. When i got married a year ago, i had a hard time finding a dress that i loved and that i could afford. I, like most brides, want that dream dress that ive seen in magazines. Those dresses, however, cost upwards of 10,000, which is a price, in todays economy, that most girls cant afford. My business, nearly newlywed,

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