Individual stocks time and time again from my deus that arent reflected in the broader averages lurk everywhere you look. Sure, you couldnt see it maybe today and the smoke declined three points and the s p slipping. 7 and the nasdaq slipping. 02 but with creativity and smarts they kl relatively easy to find. I often say good ideas are often right in front of our faces and on the dinner table and the mall which means the gains are there to be had as long as youre actually looking at them. Eyes open. Today i heard a raft of these stories. Actually, way too many to detail on the show at the delivering alpha conference thrown by cnbc and institutional investor. Let me give you the ones that i got to delve into firsthand so you can understand the ease with which these ideas indeed can be found because they are everywhere but there was a plethora of them out there today. For instance take these shoes, okay . Take them why not . Honestly, i didnt shine them and i didnt get a chance to take them off, and i bought them at macys. Now i look at stocks in a particular way, and like goldman sachs. First i start with the top down do i want to own a retail and environment where theres decent job growth in the country and do i want to buy one when oil is coming down bringing more purchasing power to the consumer. Do i want to keep things domestic so i dont get hurt by the super freakin strong dollar. That seems to grow stronger every day including, yes, today. The answers to every single one of those is a resounding yes. Keep it local. Gasoline may be going back to 2. Employment for july seems solid and whats not to like . Heres where it gets tough. Which retailer . All right. Lets see, my classical works says i want to keep buying one beating the estimates and raising guidance and that means im joined to target with the reenergized organization spurred by the change at the top with the employment of brian cornell, a ceo. If you google the term hard charging, i think his name comes up or maybe its hardcharging. You get the picture. Others say wait a second. I went to home depot because when employment is robust and people have more disposable income then people want to invest in their homes which means you go to home depot and you buy the shares of home depot. Right now im staring at my not so greatlooking black wingtips. Doing a little rick james there and kicking myself because because macys where i bought the pair was 8 today because a real smart guy, david faber and i and jeff smith of Starboard Value presented another way, totally different from my way to judge macys. See, instead of looking at the earnings per share in the estimates, my way and reacting to those something that would have made you studiously avoid macys because by its own reckoning its been putting up disappointing numbers, smith looked at macys as a real estate play and he suggested that the company itself might be a menable to doing so too. If management takes smiths advice they listen to him. He says the 72 stock could be worth 125. How the heck does he get that number . Because hes not looking at the business as it is. Hes looking at the more valuable real estate underneath it and thinking what would happen if macys decided to monetize that real estate sell it to another entity and another party and paying rent to that party because the physical locations are being undervalued, plus he used their credit card business as a real gem and i dont blame them the first credit card i ever had and hes thinking macys as a collection of assets and not as a Department Store chain and his musings popped the stock big time. Who is this jeff smith to suggest this . Well, hes the guy who challenged the board of darden parent of olive garden and urged it to look at business the same way he said look at macys and thats when the stock was at 53, but the shareholders voted to replace the whole board of directors with starboards people and it subsequently went to 71. I bet that facts not lost on the people running macys. I challenge them saying i think Terry Lundgren and the ceo and his team would never go for the brand because any plan to monetize real estate might not be all that easy to implement and probably too simplistic. Macys too much debt and went bankrupt. Smith came right back at me. I like that and he stress tested macys and came up bases. Plus all thats happened since then is the real estate underneath like the flagship Herald Square store or the store in San Francisco its risen dramatically in value and theres no denying either point and management is much more aware of the positive possibilities here that i may realize. I had one thought when he said it and sometimes a sound is more important than words. Now macys has missed a few quarter and he the next one. That was it today and analysts will most likely poohpooh the rally and theyre not believers. I looked at the research but i doubt at todays conference that ill ever think of macys the same way like i did yesterday and its not just a place where i bought these shoes and the collection of assets that might be worth much more than where the stocks currently trading. Weve had the ceo of ethan allen interior on the show and he said this time the public will want to buy his mostly made in america furniture because of the styling, the quality, the brand but you know what hes never said . That maybe you should think to buy a stock because of the quality of the real estate he owns, the stores. Yet thats exactly how activist tom sandel said ethan allen should be looked at especially since the underperforming stock could produce a much more return, close to superfluous ones. I look at ethan allen as highly stylized bedroom and kitchen and furniture store. He looks at it as a place where the brick, mortar and land are worth more than the sales and he added that plenty of other people feel that way, too. Oh i like that. In other words something could happen like a buyout bid to turn the sleepy furniture stock into an instant win if you view it the way sandell does and it will be promotional and thats code for meaning, wow it may not be that good and hes switching around the inventory and that means theres earnings risk and thats how i look at it. Pedestrian. Call me pedestrian, i dont mind. Thats why i think the stock can slink back down from its height of today, but the ethan allen end tables next to my bed never going to look at them the same way either. Why not mcdonalds . Last friday night, i sent a picture on jim cramer. Mainly ive been part of the effort to fix my mcdonalds on twitter. People send pictures of the dirty mcdonalds locations and talk about how they want them clean like they used to be like when my mom and dad went there with me or when i took my kids and the man who helped turn around wendys and the very smart bill ackman who built back an amazingly quick turn competitor burger king much more difficult to turn around operations in mcdonalds. They say this is infinitely fixable and could be much more than what its selling for although it might turn around. Dont forget they have the battle of 3. 4 yield and you know what . After this morning, count me back at mickey ds although its not a place thats clean enough yet. You can value macys and mcdonalds, with expectations and youll be disappointed or you can view them through the lens i saw today and the same exact disappointments suddenly look very exciting especially after they pulled back from the hoopla of these very compelling presentations. Tony in california. Tony . Booyah, jim. This is tony in westlake village, california. How are you doing . I couldnt be better. How about you there, sir . Its one of those perfect Southern California days here. Hey, jim, in view of the iran treaty there will likely be some more oil floating around the planet and i wanted to ask you if it was a couple of tanker stocks ive been watching and its Maritime Partners and tnk. The one that ive become a believer in lately nat, and now its nat please dont do equity and ill offer to buy more ships, but that would be the one to play. I need robert in california right now. Robert hey, jim, im a long time ballpark shareholder and im concerned about their samestore sales growth and the policy of rotating their category buyers every year which means by the time a buyer starts to lose the key brands they get transferred some place else. There is no sign this is going to change so im ready to sell my position. I dont want you to do that. Now, look everything you said is true and that is demonstrable, but give me this i think walmart which i dont expect a quick turnaround because the ceo doesnt expect it to turn around. I think walmart at 73 you will regret. Oh, sure 70 maybe it retouches that, but i dont want you selling that stock down here. It is too low to go. All right. Its all about how you approach it macys ethan allen, mcdonalds, they could be huge disappointments or golden opportunities for other way to view them . You know what . Maybe the latter is right. Mad money tonight, dont say i didnt it will you so but is there another biotech for the picking . Dont miss my take and then does your portfolio need wheaties, cheerios or lucky charms . I have trix or should you leave General Mills on the shelf in this natural and organic world. Plus bill ackman is making a big bet the stock and ill find out when i talk to the ceo of platform Specialty Products. Stick with cramer dont miss a second of mad money. Follow jimcramer on twitter. Have a question . Tweet cramer. Madtweets. Send jim an email to madmoney. Cnbc. Com or give us a call at 1800743cnbc. Miss something . Head to madmoney. Cnbc. Com. Want bladder leak underwear that moves like you do . Try always discreet underwear and move, groove, wiggle giggle, swerve, curve. Lift, shift, ride, glide hit your stride. Only always discreet underwear has soft dual leak guard barriers to help stop leaks where they happen most and a discreet fit that hugs your curves you barely feel it. Always discreet underwear so bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. Because hey, pee happens. Get your free pair and valuable coupons at always discreet. Com celgene announcing a deal to acquire it for 2 million. I will say my colleague here has mentioned many times since potential takeover fodder. Receptos has been one of my favorite stocks all year. Its done. It is not done. The stock has quadrupled in 2014. You know what though . Its not done. Theres one biotech i like very much and thats receptos why not . If you own receptos i say hang on as this is one of those where theres smoke theres fire situations i can ever recall in my career. Hallelujah someone was listening. Last night celgene paid 232 per share for receptos and we should all give a collective thanks for celgene, not me. I got at jim cramer on twitter today. The people who should really thank celgenes management, how about celgenes shareholders because one of the most bankable executives in the world and the big pharma apocalypse with biogen and gilead recognized that his own companys stock would soar if he snared receptos for 7. 3 billion. Its not often that a shells out that much money and sees it go up almost as much as the target. What drove you and me to receptos . The stock that traded at 35 one year ago this week . Were a pipeline of drugs within one formulation and the indication is the best possible inclass get this m. S. Irritable bowel, you willer is tiff colitis and a whole host of auto immune abnormalities. Even though the company is doing extraordinarily well manage am raised numbers along with its announcement of the receptos deal is too Department End on one drug for blood cancer and any company thats vulnerable it is a perfect fit to cure that ailment, hence the gain. I remember when we first came across receptos. These stocks are very speculative. I think a small portion of your portfolio has earned the right to be speculative and only if you bought the index funds first to more conservative e quites and mutual funds. We interviewed receptos ceo and i was dumbfounded that this drug could be that much of a potential blockbuster with what i thought was 6 billion in sales for one drug. I urged him to come back on when he had more information that showed me still stronger results so he came back not once not twice, not thrice but four times this year to give us a look at how amazing this could be. Sure enough celgene said it could be worth more than the 6 billion that i gave you. I trust their homework more than mine. The next big idea and the more receptossize gains. These dont grow on trees and its gotten extended here and i prefer for them to cool you hava before i Start Talking about them again, and nevertheless, there will be more deals because there are Companies Like Johnson Johnson or gilead that are in the market for a bigger and stronger pipeline and its grown on the hepatitis c cure and its bountiful profits into the diversifying acquisition. Heres the bottom line and im not saying that i dont have the next receptos and i dont have another receptos and i need more time to get more comfortable and for more possibilities. As people ask me as they did today repiece lead what to buy next with the profits i came back with the same timehonored answer my mom used to tell me when i wanted to take the juicy winnings and plow them back at the casinos and the racetrack. Forget it, jimmy. Why dont we leave here and go buy some nice cashmere sweaters. Lets speak to jim in michigan. Jim . Caller yeah, hi jim. Youve got a great staff. Oh man, they make me look good every day. Its incredible not just the makeup people. Go ahead. Caller okay. I want to know your opinion on junos therapies in light of celgenes purchase of receptos yesterday. People felt if celgene would shell it out for juno. Juno seems to be a farm team for celgene and celgene stepped up and bought an entirely different aaa out there with receptos and now has made it into a starting lineup player. This ones not. Joanne in florida. Joanne . Caller jim this is joanne. All right. Caller i am so excited. Jim, you are my compass for navigating the stock market. I wouldnt be in the stock market if it werent for you so thank you so much. Well i want you in. Remember index funds if you build those up and then you start doing individual stocks and then you can do these kinds of stocks. Go ahead. Caller okay. First of my question tonight is on sgen which is called Seattle Genetics. I bought some in march of 2014 at 51. 40 and i sold half of my position before it hit in the low 30s. Today its high was 51. 34 before closing at 49. 44. Right. Should i hold on jim . I remember exactly when it hit that level which of course was when we were out there visiting with the company, and i think Seattle Genetics is very good. I think there are others that are better and that just had a big spike and now it looks like if it doesnt get a bid it can give up some of that spike so lets be careful is my judgment. Lets be careful with sgen. Vincent in new york . Vincent caller booyah, cramer booia. Caller i have a big position in pfizer and everyone and their sister said pfizer should buy glaxosmithkline, gsk. It would be a good fit. Even on your show you indicated that. Yes, i did. Caller eventually i bought the glaxosmithkline. My average price is 48 a share. The stock is doing nothing. I figured the stock would pop, make some money. The stock closed around 43 today. It pays a big dividend. My question, jim, what is my Recovery Plan on this stock . Because people feel Interest Rates are going higher and the 5 yield is not helping you. Glaxo has repeatedly missed the quarter and theyve got to do something dramatic themselves to get that stock up and im not quite sure they can do. It has shts just to be clear, it has not been a favorite of the show and i dont want to say this is some sort of bristolmyers in reverse, okay . If you watch the show closely and earned receptos and today is not the day to buy another biotech and some days you missed it, there will be better days believe me. You will have downgrafts in biotech. It always happens. Much more ahead and the company that gave us everything from cheerios to the pills bury dough boy, could it have healthy gains for General Mills . Ill talk to the ceo. And a man in march told me his 26 stock was going to 200 or at least made it a target and its still at 26 and ill ask the ceo of platform Specialty Products if he stands by that goal and ill take a chart week dive into a bunch of stocks and yes, ive got a surprising shocker that comes out positive. Stick with cramer. Seems to have settled down somewhat and the janet yellin said you should expect a rate hike later this year. What do we do with the strong dividend like General Mills and everything from cheerios to chex and yoplaity and Betty Crocker and andes along many many others and General Mills managed to beat wall street earnings estimate with a 4cent topping off of a 71cent basis and it was truly an impressive showing in the challenge category. They managed to outline plans to grow their business both here and abroad including launching onlay in china and an incredible presentation. General mills is a wellrun company and frankly has been for 149 years and it is at a 3. 1 yield and the stocks are moving up slowly, but steadily and i think it can keep climbing. Lets check in with the ceo of General Mills. Mr. Pal, great to see you. Weve known each other for a long time and this is the most energized ive ever seen you. You also set elaborate 2016 goals both for financial and for things that are going to come out of your product. Absolutely. Ive never seen you this is the most energized ive ever seen. Well, were energizes because the consumer is changing rapidly and we have to change with them and were adapting and renovating and expanding internationally and were growing in an emerging market and were energized and staying busy. This has the greatest colors in the world and this is the best tasting. Youre telling me youre going to make these things glutenfree and get rid of the color and flavor and ill still want to buy them . Youll still want to. Tell me why. Consumers values are changing and they dont want gluten in their cereals and well get the gluten out of cheerios which is the largest brand in the category. 5 or 6 of the population either have sill yack or intolerant of gluten. Theyll love us for doing that and retailers are excited and half of the people we interview say can you ease off of artificial flavors and colors and weve heard them and well go to naturals and thats big news for the category and were listening to the consumers and renovating and changing these products to make sure theyre contemporary. A lot of people felt that General Mills had fallen from its leadership position. Never fell from the leadership position. Its been a great stock for years and years. That never changed, but youre talking about Customer First and didnt you always put the Customer First . We did, jim. Frankly, the pace of change in these consumer markets today, its faster than ive ever seen and as you know ive been doing this a long time. Consumer values are changing and millennials have different values and there are things that they want and things that they dont want and weve embraced this change and weve got to stay with it and weve set this all up around the idea of consumer first and hear what they say and what they want and give it to them and thats the highest pace of innovation. Snacks are things that we associate, and your better for you snacks portfolio has incredible sales growth. Snacking is the new meal in the u. S. Almost half of all meals are snacks of 52 , 55 as consumers snack more theyre thinking about the kind of snacks they eat. Give me healthy snacks and were giving them granola bars, fiber one bars and this is a great opportunity for us growing very rapidly and lara bar, very simple organic bar so that the good for you, wellness snack is a very rapidly growing segment. What do you do for guys like me who arent necessarily drawn to granola bites or muesli. Food should taste good which i know. No, i love the food. Thats interesting. These are wonderful products. Our palates are changing too and you and i are similar vintage and weve read certain things are bad and you cant teach an old dog, can you . Sure you can. You love this stuff. Youre going to like granola bars and were giving you fiber that tastes good with fiber one bars. You can learn these tricks. How are you able to identify what people really like. What kind of work do you do . So we do lots of polling. We study dietary habits. In the cereal category for example, which has eroded a little bit we look and study in detail where are they going . Are they going to they want more protein. They want more filling products. So were developing gra noll as and were developing mueslis that are more natural and higher in protein and thats bringing them back into the cereal category and we study very carefully. If were losing a little bit from the category where are these consumers going and we can figure that out. Youre also because of this new focus, there are places that need you, schools, fast food. Theyre looking to you. Right. In order to make it so that theyre more natural and organic. School dietary food guidelines and usda guidelines for School Breakfast and school lunch becoming increasingly strict. They want whole grain and less sugar and more sodium. General mills has been the leader in formulating and reformulating products that meet the guidelines and the result is were having tremendous success selling our products in schools and weve had the best year ever in the food business because we were so quick to adapt to the new usda guidelines for breakfast and lunch. At the same time i have always been struck by your candor. You admitted for 2015 you were disappointed in yourself. Yeah. The four clear priorities of 2016 please trace them out for our viewers because theyre so aggressive. So grow cereal. Which has been hard. Which has been hard but we have great renovation on core brand and grow cereal grow snacks which has been a grower for us and snacks include yogurt and snack bars. These are categories that have tailwinds and lots of innovation. Grow organic products which is a very exciting opportunity for us growing double digit nearly 20 last year and added andes to these and we had tailwinds last year that were a drag on us Betty Crocker and the value wasnt right there. We fixed the value and those products are going to do better in 2016. So we think weve gotten very very righton priorities. And one last call. Your china yogurt i was shocked to see the amount of yogurt they eat there. Do you think you can take a big share . 10 billion in china. Yoplaity and well have very very high quality products and the chinese will know that this is a famous french brand, french heritage. Theyre going to love it. Were in shanghai now and were off to a big start and this is a Big Initiative for us and im convinced it will be successful for General Mills. I know you are fired up for fiscal 2016 and i know you will deliver and get the great yield because you were always committed to growing that dividend the day i met you. Absolutely. Thats ken pal, the chairman and ceo of General Mills and the most iconic brand left in the country and it will be natural, organic and good for you without artificial colors. Good to see you, sir. Mad money is back after the break. Showdown on capitol hill. A warning from the fed. As tensions rise where should you turn. Cramers final say before tomorrows trade coming up on last minute mad. When youre not confident you have complete visibility into your business, it can quickly become the only thing you think about. Thats where at t can help. At ts Innovative Solutions connect machines and people. To keep your internet of things insync, in realtime. Leaving you free to focus on what matters most. It took Serena Williams years to master the two handed backhand. But only one shot to master the chase mobile app. Technology designed for you. So you can easily master the way you bank. Cnbcs delivering alpha conference i got a chance to sit down with two very big name investors and one was the concept of Platform Companies also known as special Purpose Acquisition Companies or spacs as a way of creating real value. It starts as a big pile of money and they grow by making a series of acquisitions and take pah, the specialty chemical rollup which has a jiegantic 20 plus stake in and since then they bought a bunch of deals and most recently announced theyre buying a british specialty chemical maker. You might remember that when we had platform ceo dan leever on it was back in march he made a bold call saying that his stock that was trading 26 at the time could only be worth 200 one day and the platform is flat, but im a big believer in the Management Team and bill ackman has had success with the acquisition technologies and well learn more about his company and where his platform stands. Welcome back to mad money. Hello. Have a seat. This acquisition is one of many and i want to put it first in context. Weve made a lot of our viewers have made a lot of money in valiant and ton in allergan which is activist. You are kind of that for chemicals. Very much like that jim. And that means that we should expect many more acquisitions, that this is a way to be able to build this company up big. Yes. Yes. We believe in putting together really highquality cash flow oriented businesses in one platform really makes sense. This acquisition this week i was very grateful for it because im worried about dupont which has too much ag right now. Long term you cant get too much of it and this brings a better balance to your company, this acquisition, right . Much better balance. Proform a 50 of the revenues will be in ag and 50 in the specialty chemical side. Do you expect another deal soon . I wouldnt say too much in ag, but we would like more balance, and our strategy to be the high cash flow of the specialty chemical business and broadly diversified. The reason i mention this is dupont spun off and thats where theis prices are plummeting and is there enough . There are hundreds of thousands that pit fit our business models. Because of the Assembly Materials and to coatings to water treatment. There is a broad Cross Section of industries that we can play in. Theres literally as 100 billion per new vertical that were interested in. I see youre talk about flavors and fragrances and Oilfield Services and these are all areas that you intend to be in. These are all areas that we have targeted that have the financial characteristics with high cash flow that will drive shareholder value over time so all of these areas share those characteristics. Youre getting a lot of tech and what happens if tech slows down. Are you still okay . Whereas, it has a Technology Component to it its not really what you think of as a tech business because we are broadly after the whole electronic supply chain. So all types of electronics and Automotive Electronics and consumer electronics. Who are you going up against . Because youre starting to go up against companies that are pretty famous in the business. Ag obviously, and this business there is specialized guys in it. Sure the french player total has a division and theyre the giant in this market and dow has a big business in this area, as well. So yeah were up against big guys and weve been up against big guys before and we know how to do that. You famously set the 200 and it came to the end and i realize sometimes its tv. I couldnt just say how did you get that, but give our viewers a sense of why thats not necessarily pie in the sky. We dont think its pie in the sky at all. I want to make really really clear its a target. Its not a prediction. Theres a difference between a target and prediction. Right. We looked at Value Creation in lots of different play. There is a famous book called the outsiders that go through Capital Allocators and how they generated value and weve run a whole series of different models. We believe we can get there over time. We really do. And youre friends with martin franklin. Martin frank is my chairman and partner. Martin franklin did that target and it was a couple of machine appliances. It really is that again, right . In a lot of ways. I mean if you go back far enough my father bought mcdermott from the original founder that had 8 million in market cap. Today its 8 billion in market cap. Whats the future . Who knows . Im a believer and i know bill ackman would make anyone a believer and i think youve got it. I really do. Thats dan leever and the ceo of platform specialty, and it was up so be careful because we talked about it because i think it has good longterm prospects. Mad money is back after the break. Chart week continues and tonight its tesla and the hidden pattern hiding in that chart and many more. What impact will it have on your money . Cramer takes a bite of the technicals just ahead. 40 of the streetlights in detroit, at one point, did not work. You had some blocks and you had major thoroughfares and corridors that were just totally pitch black. Those things had to change. We wanted to restore our lighting system in the city. You can have the greatest dreams in the world, but unless you can finance those dreams, it doesnt happen. At the time that the bankruptcy filing was done, the Public Lighting Authority had a hard time of finding a bank. Citi did not run away from the table like some other bankers did. Citi had the strength to help us go to the credit markets and raise the money. Its a brighter day in detroit. People can see better when theyre out doing their tasks, young people are moving back in town the kids are feeling safer while they walk to school. And folks are making investments and the community is moving forward. 40 of the lights were out, but theyre not out for long. Theyre coming back. What do you got to offer us today . Balance transfer thats my game bank you never heard of, thats my name haa thank you. Uh, next. Watch me make your Interest Rate. Disappear. Theres gotta be a better way to find the right card. Whatever kind youre searching for, creditcards. Com lets you compare hundreds of cards to find the one thats right for you. Just search, compare, and apply at creditcards. Com. A one, a two, a three percent cash back it is time it is time for the lightning round on cramers mad money. [ indiscernible ] and then the lightning round is over and are you ready, skeedaddy . Well start with warren in new york. Warren caller hi, jim. My stock is ni source separated from columbia pipeline. Ive been a fan and the Interest Rate is going higher and no one is buying this one so you have to be able to say right now. Dont buy dont buy lets go to justin in california. Justin. Caller how are you doing . Good to talk to you. Im real good. I took a position in la Jolla Pharmaceuticals after a nice article that you had on the street. Com and i was wondering if buying the Union Register or buy more or pull back . I did not read adams piece on that, and the stock has had a very big spike. I have to do more work on la jolla. That stock has really moved. I just got to do more. Lets go to barry in tennessee. Barry . Caller hi jim. Longtime listener and firsttime caller. Excellent. Looking for your thoughts on cnle. Clean energy fuels. I dont like the stock. I like the concept. The consent seemed great to me and you see their fueling station, but its not taking off and the country is not ready for it yet. Lets go to ron in california. Ron . Caller yes. I wanted to ask your thoughts on halo halo. We have liked halo and we think thats a terrific its again, one of these individualized immunotherapy and we liked it because of the play that they had. I will say this 52week high. You have to be very careful and biotake biotech is overheated after the receptos take. Lets go to francy in florida. Bbbbooyah you bet. Caller im calling about pure pure. Were getting obscure ones and thats one from europe i that have to do more work on ive been a busy fellow and ill need to do more work. I need to go to bernard in california. Bernard . Caller hello . Hi bernard. Youre up. Caller hi, jim. What do you think of vanguard natural . Too risky. When i see the 10 yield to me its a red flag particularly for a Natural Gas Company when the prices are very low. John in illinois john . Caller hi jim. Thank you for taking my call. Of course. Caller my wife and i inherit inherited stock in aep. If Interest Rates go up no one will want a 4 yield, but its a very fine company and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the lightning round the lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade. Ove stuff, what are you working on . Let me show you. Okay. Our thinkorswim Trading Platform aggregates all the options data you need in one place that lets you visualize that information for any options series. Okay, cool. Hang on a second. You can even see the anticipated range of a stock expecting earnings. Impressive. Whats up, tim . For all the confidence you need. Td ameritrade. You got this. Regular viewers know im a big believer in fundamental analysis meaning you get around whats happening around a particular company before you even think of owning its particular stock and theres a lot to be known from Technical Analysis which is why this week is chart week all week on mad money. We check in with the favorite chartists and youre familiar with their names and tonight we got to hear from carolyn brody, the phenomenal technician who rub runs fibonacci queen. Com. The fibonacci queen has made incredible calls on this show and this is why we want to give her an opportunity to explain her methodology for the use of some indices of an individual stock or two and show us what will happen with the s p 500 next, fib queen, carolyn, welcome to mad money. Thank you, jim. Walk us through teach us and give us the pick. Okay. All right. Actually today i want to talk about what i call fibonacci price extensions. Now price extensions are essentially retracements beyond 100 , and i use them to suggest where potential support and resistance decisions are. Okay. And basically what ive seen in the past is that many moves tend to terminate at extensions of prior swings and thats why we were watching it when we made this last high in the s p. Right. Okay. So in this example, were actually looking at a daily chart of the russell etf, the iwm, and here im showing you one example where we had a prior high to low swing. I ran the extensions and as far as the extensions, we use 11. 272 and 1. 618 as the ratios and they often call key highs and key lows and in this case a key high, and i ran it again over here and ran another 1. 272 extension and another high was made and one more right by you if you want to grab that one. Right and here again and that was when we made the last major high in the russell. Okay. That shows you. Next up tesla, huh . As an example. As an example. As an example, well you remember i sent you that chart. Y i know. This is an example on the down side so this is where i measured a prior low to high swing, and this isnt the only low i did on this particular chart. Thats a tough one. Oh forget it anyway from this low to this high extended downward and it was where we made that last major low at the end of march. Wow so that worked for us . Okay. And then this is actually the monthly chart of the s p cash and once again, this is one of the levels that i was watching for when i was telling you, you know put up that yellow caution flag. I think we could be putting at least a shortterm high. So same thing, but in this case its a 1. 618 extension of the swing from the 2007 high down to the 2009 low and so far we have not taken that out just yet. Right, but you expressed the caution that that was the right call. Okay. Next up. Okay. I also wanted to show that not only did we have that monthly level, we also had a confluence of other price extensions and other price relationships and were just focusing on extensions. In this case, we also on the daily chart of the s p had an extension that overlapped another extension up here that overlapped yet another extension and not only did i have the level on the monthly chart and i had multiple levels that came on the daily chart and thats what helps us make our decisions. Okay. Lets go and now well start getting into some stuff that is destrictive and predictive. Okay. Yeah. As far as the current market. The last decision i had was a timing cluster between july 7th through the 10th for a possible low, so we had that cluster of cycles as the market was trading down into that time window. And that worked perfectly. Right. We ended up yeah. We ended upholding the support. We started seeing buy signal but here is the sticky part. Typically i would look for a 1. 272 extension for a move off this area and that would come in at 2959. 77, but because we have a new pattern here of lower lows and lower highs we have to watch this area for a possible failure. Okay. And it comes in at 2110. And how closer we right now . Were on top of it right now. This is day to day. Right. If we can push through it then the odds are higher for the extensions on the upside to be reached 2159 and 2190 area. This isnt like when you came to me and said listen jim, its going to turn. Youre not sure right here. Oh yeah. No. I wouldnt be surprised if we cleared this year. You would be . I would not be surprised. Okay. Next one. Here is the stock and everyone should know this this is the most hated stock right now. This is exxon. So with the stock thats hated, most people dont know how low it can go. So why dont you help us . Okay. So i basically started with the weekly chart on this and i came up with multiple price relationships and these highs to lows. Oops low to high extended oh forget that and then this low to high extended and the next low to high extended so there were multiple extensions that were on top of right here right now and it also happens to overlap some major retracements and projections on this chart. So what does that mean . It seems to have held this repeatedly . Yes. If we cant continue to hold buff either one of these suppliers, im a buyer of exxon. Even though oil is breaking down and its been the precipitous lead or the buy side. Youd be a buyer if it holds the levels. If it holds the levels. There say call for you as carolyn broedy the fibonacci queen, my colleague on realmoney. Com that has been so spot on that im thinking for the first time to tell you to buy exxon. Stick with cramer. Thank you. After the bell netflix delivered. A lot of people said how can they not deliver if they did the split . Its still monumental given the fact that its been jacked up by analyst after analyst after analyst as people talk about the market continuing to grow. Well done netflix. Intel threw a curve by reporting much better than expected number and it put a damper on the growth and hey, ink its okay. Theres all a bult somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. Im jim cramer and i will see you tomorrow. Lemonis tonight on the profit. Buckle up, because change is coming. A progress report. Stephanie this is so good lemonis over the past two years, ive introduced you to 30 small businesses. Im 100 in charge of everything. I didnt make deals with everyone. Youre a thief and a liar and a cheater. But today, i have 17 new partners. Do we have a deal . Jon im in. Lemonis ive already invested over 30 million. Nicolas ive never seen a check that big before. Lemonis but the work doesnt stop when the cameras are gone. And success is never a guarantee. Nicolas im having a tough time. Lemonis tonight we head back to new york city to a company that buys used cars. Youre taking. Margin right out of your pocket

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