The Urbana Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution met December 9 at 1:30 p.m. for the chapter’s second full remote meeting. Regent Snyder called the meeting to order and proceeded with the DAR opening ritual. The Pledge of Allegiance was read by Pat Detwiler, the American’s Creed was read by Judi Henson and Star Spangled Banner was read by Megan Snyder. Dona Tullis read the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America, which is now done at each meeting. Present for the meeting were 14 members, one associate member, and three guests.
The President General’s message and National Defense report were available by email to members for reading prior to meeting. President General Denise Doring Van Buren challenged DAR members, as descendants of the men and women who achieved American independence, to honor our patriotic duty to Rise and Shine for America at a time when she most needs us. The National Defense Report commemorated National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day which is observed annually to remember and honor 2,403 U.S. citizens who were killed in the surprise attack on Naval Station Pearl Harbor at Oahu, Hawaii Territory, by the Japanese Navy Air Service on December 7, 1941.