Thu, 07/22/2021 - 18:06
RCN Newsdesk
Covington City Solicitor Michael Bartlett announced his resignation Tuesday night but noted that it is not related to other recent departures from City Hall, such as the resignations of City Manager David Johnston and Assistant City Manager Bruce Applegate.
"My next mission is an opportunity that I cannot turn down. It is something that is potentially life changing for my family and it is an opportunity to help change the lives of my future teammates," Bartlett wrote in his resignation letter, accepted by the city commission. "Although I will miss the daily interactions with our staff and officials, I will be close by watching with pride as the City grows and prospers."

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Joe Meyer ,Michael Bartlett ,Frank Warnock ,Gatlin Voelker ,Ron Washington ,Brandon Voelker ,Bruce Applegate ,David Johnston ,Covington Police ,Covington City Solicitor Michael Bartlett ,City Hall ,City Manager David Johnston ,Assistant City Manager Bruce ,Commissioner Ron Washington ,Mayor Joe ,ஓஹோ மேயர் ,மைக்கேல் பார்ட்லெட் ,வெளிப்படையான எச்சரிக்கை ,ரோன் வாஷிங்டன் ,பிராண்டன் வோேல்கேர் ,காயங்கள் அப்பலேக்டே ,டேவிட் ஜான்ஸ்டன் ,கோவிங்டன் போலீஸ் ,நகரம் மண்டபம் ,நகரம் மேலாளர் டேவிட் ஜான்ஸ்டன் ,மேயர் ஓஹோ ,

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