City of Sentinel Butte, North Dakota 58654 City Council Minutes Unofficial May 9, 2022 Mayor Jason Lee called the meeting to order May 9, 2022 at 8:01 pm. Present were: Mayor- Jason Lee, City Auditor – Faith Van Horn Alderpersons: Marnie Dietz, Denise Dietz, Sue Feldman, Troy Finneman City Council Meeting Minutes from April 11, 2022 were read and approved as written. Department Reports: Lagoon/Landfill/Streets- Nothing new to report. Grounds – Nothing new to report. Water/Sewer – Waiting on new water meters to be replaced. Buildings – Nothing new to report. Discussion • Marnie Dietz made motion for regular City Council meeting for June, be moved to June 20, 2022 due to quorum conflict, which will also include the organization meeting. Troy Finneman seconded. Motion passed. • Denise Dietz made motion to purchase flowers up to the amount of $50 for the city. Sue Feldman seconded. Motion passed. • Discussion of overdue water bills. Auditor Wages: $487.60 RTC Network: $80.29 Troy Finneman: $64.49 MDU: $866.75 City of Beach: $79.00 Olson Service: $150.00 SW Water Authority: $647.52 Forum Communications: $39.27 Marnie Dietz motioned to approve payment of bills. Troy Finneman seconded. Motion carried. Sue Feldman motioned to adjourn meeting. Denise Dietz seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:46 pm. Respectfully submitted, Faith Van Horn, Auditor (May 25, 2022) 66172