The City remains in Step One of Phase Three of the Reopening Massachusetts Plan. Current restrictions on gathering sizes remains the same, limiting gathering sizes to 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors. The gatherings limit applies to private homes, event venues and public spaces.
These restrictions are intended to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus during the public health emergency. The Inspectional Services Department (ISD) continues to coordinate the City's enforcement of these restrictions in collaboration with the Boston Police Department, the Boston Fire Department, and the Boston Public Health Commission. These departments work together to investigate and address reported COVID-19 related issues and complaints. In 2020, city agencies responded to and resolved approximately 2,500 complaints. BPD has a party line (617-343-5500) set up to flag properties to investigate. Additionally, the Licensing Board has instituted a weekly standing emergency hearing on Mondays to address any violations of these requirements over the preceding weekend. These hearings allow the Licensing Board to swiftly address these violations as they are a public health and safety concern.