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Sarah Eames | The Daily StarSchenectady resident Michael Badger, 20 months, smiles up at Santa from the laps of his grandparents, Schenevus residents Cheryl and David Parker, Friday, Dec. 18, at First Night Oneonta's Festival of Lights in Neahwa Park.
Sarah Eames | The Daily StarThe Hill City Rollers' light display features an inflatable unicorn and a roller skate sculpture made out of chicken wire and string lights displayed at Neahwa Park for First Night Oneonta's Festival of Lights, which debuted Friday, Dec. 18.
Sarah Eames | The Daily Star TOP: Schenectady resident Michael Badger, 20 months, smiles up at Santa from the laps of his grandparents, Schenevus residents Cheryl and David Parker, Friday, Dec. 18, at First Night Oneontaâs Festival of Lights in Neahwa Park. BOTTOM: Harley Gehricke, 2, of Westford, admires Santaâs illuminated gingerbread cottage