City Council approves grant for night vision equipment
May 12, 2021BERLIN — At last Monday's Berlin City Council meeting, a total cash disbursement of $1,338,799.69 was approved.
In other discussions, a Resolution authorizing the Berlin Police Commission to apply for and accept grant funds from the New Hampshire Department of Safety under the 2020 Homeland Security Grant Program was approved.
The Resolution stated that Coos County encompasses 1,794 square miles, is comprised of many small towns and communities, has a population of approximately 32,000 people, and is home to several critical infrastructures, e.g., schools, prison(s), and hospital. Night vision technology enhances screening, search, detection, threat assessment, and discontinuation of threat capabilities, which is essential in preventing threatened or actual acts of terrorism. Night vision would provide the department with the ability to actively and passively surveil and search a scene or incident in all conditions, which without this technology is not possible.