City Council Approves $800,000 Of COVID Funds For Needy Agencies
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 - by Joseph Dycus
The Chattanooga City Council on Tuesday unanimously voted to approve the first reading of an ordinance that will appropriate $800,000 to several organizations.
Getting the funding will be the Tivoli Theatre $225,000, the Forgotten Child Fund $75,000, the Bessie Smith Cultural Center $40,000, Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga for eviction relief $60,000, COVID contingency fund $100,000 and the Small Business Relief Fund $300,000.
It had been proposed by the administration that $160,000 go to United Way, but that money went instead to the eviction relief and the COVID contingency.
Earlier that afternoon, the Council decided the money granted by this ordinance was needed as quickly as possible. However, city attorney Phil Noblett said an ordinance cannot be passed on two readings on the same day.