Party affiliation: Democrat
Do you support the proposed charter amendment requiring an annual $50 million allocation to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund? Why or why not?
BEGTRUP: Yes, with reservations.
We cannot let the perfect be the enemy of the good. We must address affordable housing and City Hall has failed to act. Once this amendment passes, the charter will need further amendment in November to provide a stable funding source, improve public oversight, and catalyze non-city government investment.
Affordable housing is critical to the future of our city, and funding the Affordable Housing Trust Fund is an important step in closing the gap between our city needs and availability. When families have access to affordable housing, kids grow up in more stable homes. When kids have stable homes, they do better in school, they do better in life, and they can break the cycle of poverty. I’ve seen this firsthand at the Spencer Center, where kids from all over the city are thriving.