Galesburg Council on Tuesday learned that there was a surprisingly high utility bill for the former Churchill Junior Building for part of November and December. Ward 7's Larry Cox pointed out the designated site of a community center has a bill close to $11,000 for the month. Parks and Recreation Director Elizabeth Varner called it a "shocker". Varner says she's contacted District 205 to find out why that bill is so high compared to last year when it was under District 205's care. 205 said there are storm trap doors that are a part of the problem. 205 also said they would have staff turn the heat on and off frequently. Since this expenditure wasn't anticipated Council Member Bradley Hix asked where near $11,000 funds would come from or what would need to be cut. City Manager Gerald Smith said he would work with Finance Director Gloria Osborn to address the shortage. Mayor Peter Schwartzman agrees that the high utility bill was "surprising". Schwartzman says the city always anticipated paying the building's utilities while it transitioned to its next phase. He says this "anomalyous bill" is receiving the attention it deserves, with city staff investigating and doing what it can to reduce it in future months. Schwartzman points out that this $11,000 anomaly of a bill is why the city has reserves in their annual budget.