Christchurch mayor Lianne Dalziel responds to criticism of cycleway plan
27 Jan, 2021 12:36 AM
3 minutes to read
The cycleway will run through Papanui. Photo / Supplied
NZ Herald
destroy local businesses.
The owners of the Copenhagen Bakery are unhappy with the loss of car parks to make way for the Wheels to Wings cycleway.
The loss of parks is due to a proposal as part of the cycleway to narrow Harewood Rd from four lanes to two.
Mayor Lianne Dalziel told Chris Lynch on Newstalk ZB they are holding a genuine public consultation on the plans.
"I have heard people make comments that this is a slam dunk, it's a foregone conclusion, I just wanted to mention ... the Papanui Parallel cycleway from Northlands Mall to the central city, more than 80 changes were made to that."