Choose Security You Can Count On
Gary Eppinger, Global Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and Corporate Privacy Officer, Carnival Corporationy
Responsiveness is a critical factor in vendor selection and account the essential requirements of a company’s security as well as budget criteria in an interview with CIOReview Gary Eppinger, Global Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and Corporate Privacy Officer, Carnival Corporationy, explained impotance of an efficient cyber security for an organization.
The advent of technologies such as AI, IoT,
robotics are creating innovations at breakneck speeds and are scaling the peak of human history. However, debates about these significant technological changes having profound effects on the way we work, socialize and interact are gaining momentum. Indubitably, business models have transformed because of these advancements, but at the same time, security has risen to the top of the boardroom agenda globally.