On Monday, the Telugu film industry woke up to the shocking news of the death of eminent film journalist and actor Tummala Narasimha Rao (TNR), who passed away due to COVID-19. Several leading actors from the industry paid their tributes to the late journalist and offered condolences to his family. On Wednesday, Megastar Chiranjeevi decided to take things one step further and donated Rs 1 lakh to TNR's family. Apparently, Chiranjeevi found out about the condition of TNR's family members and reached out for help.
Speaking to reporters, TNR's wife Jyoti said, "It was always TNR's dream to interview Chiranjeevi garu and it's upsetting that he passed away without getting the chance to interview him. Chiranjeevi garu called and consoled me. He even donated Rs 1 lakh for immediate expenses and said he would be there if any further help is needed."