Xiaomi’s Smart Factory Phase 2 starts construction
Xiaomi’s Smart Factory officially started construction in Changping today. The factory will deploy Xiaomi’s second-generation mobile phone smart production line, and build a world-class smart factory that meets the "Lighthouse Factory" standard. The annual production capacity will not be less than 10 million smart phones, with an estimated output value of about RMB60 billion.
Guangzhou Autonomous Vehicle Mixed Traffic Pilot officially launched
Today, Guangzhou officially launched a pilot program for autonomous vehicles in mixed traffic, taking a key step in the large-scale application of autonomous driving. The Guangzhou Municipal Government issued the "Opinions on Gradually Sub-regional Pilot Tests of Intelligent Connected Vehicles (Automatic Driving) Application Demonstration Policies in Different Mixed Traffic Environments" and "Work Plan for Developing Intelligent Connected Vehicles (Automatic Driving) Applications in Different Mixed Traffic Environments" two policy documents to guide the pilot program of autonomous driving.

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China ,Guangzhou ,Guangdong ,Changping ,Sichuan ,Xiaomi ,Fujian , ,Semiconductor Equipment ,Ant Group ,Development Of China Blockchain Industry ,Consulting Digital Economy Industry Research Center ,Materials International ,Smart Factory Phase ,Smart Factory ,Autonomous Vehicle Mixed Traffic Pilot ,Guangzhou Municipal Government ,Gradually Sub Regional Pilot Tests ,Intelligent Connected Vehicles ,Automatic Driving ,Application Demonstration Policies ,Different Mixed Traffic ,Developing Intelligent Connected Vehicles ,Digital Economy Industry Research Center ,சீனா ,குவாங்சோ ,குவாங்டாங் ,ஸிச்வாந் ,கிஷியாொமி ,புஜியன் ,குறைக்கடத்தி உபகரணங்கள் ,எறும்பு குழு ,பொருட்கள் சர்வதேச ,புத்திசாலி தொழிற்சாலை ,குவாங்சோ நகராட்சி அரசு ,புத்திசாலி இணைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது வாகனங்கள் ,தானியங்கி ஓட்டுதல் ,

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