Winnipeg Free Press
By: Ben Sigurdson
| Posted: 7:00 PM CDT Wednesday, May. 12, 2021
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For Winnipeg Cree and Trinidadian author Tasha Spillett-Sumner, successfully navigating the COVID-19 pandemic with her husband, Anishinaabe singer-songwriter-rapper Leonard Sumner, and their young daughter, Isabella, has meant taking a day-by-day approach to life.
For Winnipeg Cree and Trinidadian author Tasha Spillett-Sumner, successfully navigating the COVID-19 pandemic with her husband, Anishinaabe singer-songwriter-rapper Leonard Sumner, and their young daughter, Isabella, has meant taking a day-by-day approach to life.
The pair couldn’t have anticipated the state of the world into which their daughter would arrive in March 2020 — a week before the COVID-19 pandemic took full force on a global scale.