Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Monday presented a budget of Rs 97,106 crore for 2021-22 in the Assembly.
He said the budget defines the concept of development through the acronym HEIGHT, where H stands for holistic development, E for education (equal opportunity for all), I for infrastructure, G for governance, H for health and T for transformation.
The CM said, in the budget, 38 per cent provision is for the social sector, 39 per cent for the economic sector and 23 per cent for the general service sector.
"The estimated gross expenditure for 2021-22 is Rs 1,05,213 crore. The net expenditure is estimated at Rs 97,106 crore after deducting the repayment of loans and recoveries from gross expenditure. Revenue expenditure is Rs 83,028 crore and capital expenditure is Rs 13,839 crore, which is 14 per cent of the total expenditure," the CM said in his speech.