Midtown Tavern in Cheyenne now has their new Pride shirts in stock available for sale to the public. All profits from the shirts will go directly toward Wyoming Equality, an organization striving to achieve equity for LBGTQ and Two-Spirit Wyomingites.
The new shirts will feature the tavern's bison logo as rainbow-colored while on one sleeve, the phrases 'Wyoming Pride' and 'Wyoming Proud' will also be seen.
According to Midtown Tavern's Facebook Page, the new shirts are selling for $30 and will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. Trophy Creative helped in getting the shirts printed.
The anticipation of the new shirts has received lots of support throughout the local Cheyenne community. There have even been requests in the comments on Midtown Tavern's Facebook page about the possibility of getting the shirts shipped for those who don't live in the immediate southeast Wyoming region. It seems that Midtown Tavern is still working on the shipping option.