Chesterfield scales back July 4 parade
The Roberts family of Bofat Hill Farm in Chesterfield ride in the 71st annual Chesterfield Parade, Wednesday, July 4, 2018, in Chesterfield. STAFF FILE PHOTO/JERREY ROBERTS
Published: 6/13/2021 8:39:11 PM
CHESTERFIELD — A Chesterfield July Fourth Parade and celebration will take place next month, but, just as in 2020, will be a bit different from what residents and visitors are accustomed to.
“It’s an official parade, just not a traditional parade,” said Leslie Kellogg, a member of the parade committee.
With only five weeks or so to plan the parade and not knowing what state COVID-19 restrictions would still be in place, Kellogg said organizers had to replace the slow-moving parade, featuring streets lined with thousands of spectators observing a mix of vehicles, floats, performers and marchers, with a faster-rolling drive-by of fire trucks and vintage vehicles making their way through the town.