Cheshire opts for Memorial Day motorcade
Cheshire opts for Memorial Day motorcade
Flag bearers stand at attention in front of the veterans memorial next to the Cheshire Town Hall during the town's Memorial Day Parade on May 26, 2019. Organizers estimated around 4,000 people lined Route 10 for the procession, which went from Highland Elementary School to Cheshire High School. | Devin Leith-Yessian/Record-Journal
Children eagerly anticipate candy being tossed from a float in the Cheshire Memorial Day Parade on May 26, 2019. Organizers estimated around 4,000 people lined Route 10 for the procession, which went from Highland Elementary School to Cheshire High School. | Devin Leith-Yessian/Record-Journal
May 14, 2021 07:39PM