On Sunday, September 7, Hugo Chávez announced that Russianand Venezuelan warships would hold joint maneuvers in late 2008. On Wednesday, September 10, he welcomed the arrival of two RussianTupolev-160 strategic bombers to a Venezuelan airfield, evokingmemories of earlier U.S.-Russian showdowns. On Thursday, asAmericans observed the seventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks,Chávez expelled the U.S. ambassador, Patrick Duddy, claimingthe U.S. was backing a coup attempt against him. Together, theseactions are a clear and ominous reflection of a rapidlydeteriorating U.S. relationship with Chávez and his ally inBolivia. Sadly, Russia-once a partner in the fight against radicalterrorism-appears ready to seek advantage in the U.S.-Venezuelarift.