Change of Leadership on the Board for Montecucco Consortium
Posted on March 09, 2021
New York, March 9th, 2021 - Giovan Battista Basile, owner of Basile Winery, has been named the new president of the Consortium for the Protection of Montecucco wines. The change in leadership of the board was decided on February 25, after the Management Board meeting, which welcomes Giorgio Patrizi of Tenuta Piani Rossi, Giampiero Pazzaglia of Collemassari, Claudio Vigni of Società Agricola Maciarine and Marco Salustri of Azienda Salustri as new members. The following members were also reconfirmed: Patrizia Chiari of Tenuta L’Impostino, Marco Innocenti of Peteglia, Daniele Rosellini of Agricola Campinuovi and Leonardo Sodi of Azienda Agricola Parmoleto.