Century Plyboards (India) Limited announces launch of Firewall Technology
Posted On:
2021-04-09 09:46:42
(Time Zone: Arizona, USA)
Century Plyboards (India) Limited (CenturyPly), India's leading manufacturer of plywood and decorative, today announced yet another innovative solution- launch of Firewall technology that ensures that its customers get critical time to act and be safe in case of fire.
Firewall Technology is the outcome of arduous and indigenous research work done by the organization. The organization has decided to offer this benefit currently to its customers at no additional cost. Firewall technology involves use of nano-engineered particles, which are embedded in the polymer matrix of a plywood, giving it best-in-class firefighting properties. Ordinary plywood once ignited rapidly gets destroyed, it acts as a medium to spread fire within minutes. It also generates a lot of smoke. The rapidly spreading fire ignites and destroys everything in its way, the smoke hinders rescue operations and may suffocate people to death. Before one can realise and act, the raging fire causes irreparable losses like loss of life, trauma, injuries, mental disorders, emotional and financial instability and loss of precious belongings. CenturyPly now enriched with Firewall technology is certified as the best in class by Indian Standards (IS 5509), American Society for Testing Material (ASTM E84) and British Standard. (BS476 Part 7) when measured against critical parameters like flammability, spread ability, penetration, smoke developed index. Century Ply with Firewall Technology is best prepared to fight against self-disintegration due to fire and to contain the spread of fire and smoke generation. This helps in rescue operations, allowing time for its consumers to save own and loved ones' lives or call for emergency help, fire engines, ambulances etc. Once the source of fire is removed it also acts to self-extinguish the fire.