The members of filmmaker Bunty Walia’s All Stars Football Club were seen engaging in an intense practice match at a football ground in Juhu. Ranbir Kapoor and Mahendra Singh Dhoni were seen on the football field along with Ibrahim Ali Khan and Aparshakti Khurana. While talking with The Times of India, Bunty said, “Today, we had a big contingent on the field. Barring Abhishek Bachchan, Arjun Kapoor and Shoojit Sircar, who are among our key players, almost everyone made it to the match we had today. We lost the match but that’s because the boys are rusty. They haven’t played football on turf in almost a year now. So, they will need some time, dedicated and consistent effort to get back in form. The thing is that all of them have shoot backlogs. Like Abhishek will be back in Mumbai in the next two days but I don’t know if he will be on the turf next week. Arjun, I’m told, will be back on the field. It was great to see Dino Morea and Marc Robinson today. Apar was there, too.” The team is likely to play its first big match for an audience only sometime in May or June this year, post the Indian Premier League cricket matches. Dino Morea said, “It was fun to play with most of the team. We all love the sport, and this was a great game.” Aparshakti Khurana added, “It felt amazing to be on the football field and have most of the players back with the same amount of energy and stamina. I am looking forward to Arjun and Abhishek joining us soon.” MS Dhoni bonds with Ranbir Kapoor, Ibrahim Ali Khan & other stars over football match Photogallery at ETimes