Thursday, 10 Dec 2020 03:49 PM MYT
Syed Shah Iqmal faces imprisonment for up to 20 years, and shall also be liable to whipping, if found guilty. — Bernama pic
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PETALING JAYA, Dec 10 ― Celebrity preacher Da’i Syed, whose real name is Syed Shah Iqmal Syed Mohammad Shaiful, pleaded not guilty in separate courts today to charges of committing unnatural sex and using criminal force to a private college student with intent to outrage her modesty two months ago.
Syed Shah Iqmal, 25, who was in light blue T-shirt, looked calm when he made the plea to both charges, which were read out before Sessions Court judge Faiz Dziyauddin and Magistrate Mohamad Ikhwan Mohd Nasir, respectively.