Celebrate Sunday Mass - Easter Sunday - 4.4.21
Dear Catholic Online Community and Catholic Online School students...
I AM HAPPY TO OFFER EACH OF YOU AN INVITATION TO HOLY MASS ON EASTER SUNDAY in the Catholic Diocese of Tyler. The response to offering these liturgies online has been overwhelming. The readings, as always, offer so much for us to reflect on. It is helpful to pray through them and reflect upon them before we assist at Holy Mass.
There is no Mass of the Day on Holy Saturday. Rather, we spend the day in prayer, waiting at the Tomb for the Glorious Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Saturday Evening is the Easter Vigil Liturgy. Now, in keeping with the ancient Hebrew understanding, the Vigil, sundown, begins the new day. As we began the Easter Vigil Liturgy, the new flame, representing the Light of Jesus Christ, was lit outside.