Carol D'Amico
Carol D'Amico is executive vice president for national engagement and philanthropy at USA Funds, a nonprofit corporation that works to enhance preparation for, access to and success in postsecondary education. Previously, she served in the U.S. Department of Education as assistant secretary for adult and vocational education; as a senior fellow and co-director of the Hudson Institute's Center for Workforce Development; as executive vice president and chancellor of Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana; and as president and chief executive officer of Conexus Indiana, a manufacturing and logistics initiative.
D'Amico has chaired and served on several national- and state-level boards, including a multi-term appointment by President George W. Bush to the Institute for Education Sciences and appointments to the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity and the National Assessment Governing Board. She serves on The U.S. Conference of Mayors Business Council and the board of the Indiana Secondary Market, and is a past member of the Indiana Commission for Higher Education.