Express News Service
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: With the health department focusing all its attention on Covid-19 during the last year, many hygiene and health related campaigns took a hit. Mosquito-control activities in the state capital was one of them, and the oversight has jeopardised the health of city dwellers now. Last year, the civic body pulled many contingent workers and other health staff engaged in mosquito eradication activities, derailing core activities crucial for keeping communicable diseases under control. The District Medical Office (DMO) has also pulled up the corporation for ineffective waste management.
According to a senior official of the District Medical Office, lack of scientific waste management and piling plastic waste has been major issues since the pandemic outbreak. “Drains are not being cleaned regularly, and this is a primary reason for the growth of mosquitoes. We have given a letter to the corporation urging them to take immediate measures to curb outbreak of diseases like dengue, chikungunya in the coming weeks,” said the official.