ASHLAND At a brief dedication Monday during the Memorial Day service, the Williams family dedicated a full-scale Civil War cannon monument to honor Donald Williams and the original 1st Ohio Light Artillery “D" Battery that was formed in Ashland during the Civil War, according to a release from the family.
One cannon shot was fired at the end of the dedication presentation.
The cannon monument has been erected at the entrance to the Ashland Cemetery.
Before his passing in 2009, Williams, an Ashlander, veteran and Civil War historian and enthusiast, was a supporter in Ashland of Civil War history through the artillery unit he formed, the 1st Ohio Light Artillery, Battery D, as well as firing the Civil War cannons at the Memorial Day service for over 40 years, restoring the courthouse cannon and celebrating with cannon fire at Ashland Symphony Orchestra’s Pops At The Park”concert, the release said.