An abandoned caravan is removed from the Portobello site
Caravan concern
Campers living in a car park on the Portobello beachfront are furious after finding a letter in a plant pot giving them seven days to vacate the site
Claire A A Eadie
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Surely it is in the council’s interest to help these people find space where their caravans can be accommodated instead of just telling them to vacate. Save on the legal process?
Lindarose McArthur
I don't think they have the right to place their caravans there. They may have been there five years, but they did not seek permission to leave their caravans there. It's not like a caravan park, where there is proper facilities for them. People round about them will be paying council tax for their facilities, why should they not? Further up the road the residents are paying very high council taxes and some of their services have been cut. We are not paying higher council taxes to subsidise others. I think they should be moved on and should have been a long time ago. I walk the prom regularly and at one point counted 20 caravans.