Kalium Health, a Cambridge University spinout developing an at-home blood potassium test, recently signed a major R&D partnership and has now gathered enough data to begin preparing for clinical evaluation. Kalium is developing an integrated device-software platform that provides a rapid and quantitative electrolyte readout from just a single drop of blood. The company's first target is accurate monitoring of potassium levels to improve the management of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Potassium balance in the body is critical and is normally regulated by the kidneys. However, people with CKD cannot effectively manage their potassium level so are at risk of imbalance, where potassium can build up in their body and reach dangerous levels without them knowing. Currently, doctors require patients to attend clinical settings for regular, invasive blood draws – but samples need laboratory analysis which makes real-time monitoring and timely treatment impossible. This is a major problem