Butterfly Protocol Announces New Program to Allow Full Blockchain Top-Level Domain Sponsorship and Control
BriefingWire.com, 5/08/2021 -
Butterfly Protocol (www.butterflyprotocol.io), the blockchain-based web naming system built for the decentralized internet, today announced that it is opening up additional sponsorship options for top-level domains (TLDs), allowing anyone to create and totally control their own decentralized, token-powered ecosystem. This move compliments the original sponsorship option where TLDs can be sponsored and are controlled by the common governance contract.
The movement to a decentralized web has been accelerating recently due to highly visible censoring such as Facebook's ban on allowing Donald Trump access to posting, the takedown of the Parler social media app and the continuing restrictions on free speech by authoritarian governments. Blockchain domain systems such as Unstoppable Domains, Handshake and ENS have been paving the way for making the decentralized and distributed web accessible and Butterfly is taking that access to a new level.