Bureau of Land Management Seeks Public Input on Proposed Invasive Plant Management Environmental Assessment
Roseburg, Ore. – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Roseburg District has begun preparation of a programmatic environmental assessment (EA) for the management of non-native invasive and noxious weeds. The BLM is asking the public to share any concerns or specific information they may have about the proposed action.
The proposed action builds upon the current invasive plant management program and would allow herbicide use on all non-native invasive plant species, not limited to noxious weeds, as well as the use of additional herbicides. Currently, some non-native invasive plants have no effective control methods available for use on the Roseburg District. In addition, more selective herbicides are now available to the BLM to treat a wider variety of invasive plant species which can be used in lower quantities and which pose less environmental and human health-safety risk than the herbicides currently in use. Along with herbicides, treatment methods that would be analyzed under this EA include manual methods (pulling and grubbing), mechanical methods (weed whackers and mowers), prescribed fire, solarization, seeding, biological control, and prescribed grazing using livestock.