According to Forbes & Walker comments released on December 22, Sri Lanka tea production for the month of November 2020 totalled 24.8 M/kgs, showing an increase of 0.8 M/kgs vis-à-vis 24.0 M/kgs of November 2019.
Meanwhile, High and Mid Growns have shown a decrease, whilst Low Growns show a fairly significant increase compared to the corresponding month of 2019 and largely reflects a recovery after a drought induced decline in 2019.
January-November 2020 cumulative production totalled 249.9 M/kgs recording a deficit of 28.3 M/kgs vis-à-vis 278.2 M/kgs of January-November 2019. On a cumulative basis, all elevations have shown a decrease, with Low Growns showing the highest deficit.