Built in Enzymes Could Solve the Plastic Pollution Problem
A polymer-eating enzyme integrated into plastic could help solve significant pollution problems by fully composting PLAs.
A polymer-eating enzyme integrated into plastic could help solve significant pollution problems by fully composting PLAs.
Image Credit: Peter is Shaw 1991/Shutterstock.com
Whilst biodegradable plastics are often hailed as a solution to Earth’s growing plastic pollution crisis, these materials come with significant disadvantages such as the fact that they do not break down completely and can often contaminate other plastics.
These qualities represent significant issues for recycling and mean that compostable plastics made from polylactic acid (PLA)— commonly found in plastic bags, plastic utensils, and container lids — usually end up sitting in landfills. This means these compostables hang around the environment just like non-biodegradable plastics and thus represent as much as a threat to the environment.