May 24, 2021 11:54 am
A draft Circular Economy Strategy, which outlines the need for targets to tackle food waste, has been submitted by deputy Richard Bruton to the Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action.
A circular economy thinking should become a “central spine of our climate planning” according to the Fine Gael TD.
Raising ambitions
Halve food waste within five years;
Halve the use of extracted raw material and residual waste by 2030;
No plastics to municipal incineration by 2030;
Double the size of the reuse sector within five years.
Deputy Bruton, who is the former Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, said: “Raising our ambitions to set higher climate action targets will require roadmaps in all sectors that rethink how we make and use products from raw materials to final product; from a product’s cradle to its grave.